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Showing: 2183 filtered startups

Norrøna Q

In 2029 Norrøna will be 100 years old. By then, the outdoor industry will have changed completely. Hopefully, the outdoors have not.Norrøna Q is newly established spin-off from Norrøna with a team of skilled and ambitious technologists and designers. We are creating innovative and sustainable change through new customer journeys and business models for the Norrøna Group and the future outdoor industry.  We're a company of passionate, fun-loving, outdoorsy people with an international flavor covering five different nationalities so far. Our team's competencies cover business development, software architecture and development, analytics and big data and industrial design, and we're always open for a coffee to talk to more passionate and skilled people to join our team.

Multimedia Nordic AS

Multimedia Nordic is a fast growing IT company, focusing on mobile app, design and programming. We have opened two offices in Ukraine for design and development. Now we are expending with a Oslo office. The main focus for 2018 is app development and design. High quality, efficiency and reliability.


HawCom was established in March 2015, our main business are products related to Internet of Things (IoT) in hazardous area and harsh environment. We offer hardware, software and integrated solutions from partners worldwide.  HawCom specialize in consulting, designing, integrating and programming systems. Hawcom aims to be your partner to find optimal and safe solutions!


Mendo is a technology business that creates simple-to-use, web-based systems that facilitate facts-based decision-making. In August 2015, Mendo launched RetailPlanet in Norway as a digital toolbox for place management. The system collects and analyses retail turnover data for a given geographical area and provides its 3500+ users with event benefit analysis, standard reporting and a weekly sales index.


Kreativitet og kompetanse. Matematikk rom, kurs, utstyr og design. Vi gjennomfører kurs og kursrekker, forelesninger og kompetanseheving som går over tid for alle nivå fra barnehage til videregående skole. Alle våre kurs er en kombinasjon av forelesning, praktiske øvinger, fagdidaktiske diskusjoner og refleksjon. Amborneset Matematikkpark er et ressurssenter og skal være lokal attraksjon for stedets befolkning og andre besøkende. Hos oss får du prosjektledelse  hjelp til å planlegge og utvikle kreative og inspirerende matematikkrom både ute og inne  råd for å få mest mulig ut av det konkretiseringsutstyret du har  kurs og kompetanseheving i tilknytning til rom og utstyr  rådgivning og konsultasjon  Matematikkbølgen driver en nettbutikk med utstyr og pakker for skoler, barnehager, vgo og hjemme. Besøk oss på


Vepak was founded with the mission to automate and remove the bottle neck in the production of firewood in bags, and to ensure that the professional producers of logs could be located not only in low-salary countries with long transport distances, but as close to the end users as possible.

Tarpon Solar

Tarpon Solar utvikler en solduk. Dette er en kombinasjon av laminert duk, brukt i seilindustrien, og fleksible solceller. Solduken kan spennes opp som en presenning, eller benyttes på et rammeverk som et telt. I tillegg til å produsere fornybar strøm, kan den skape et komfortabelt uteområde i ly for sol, regn og vind. Solduken har mange mulige bruksområder, ofte på steder der tradisjonelle solceller ikke egner seg.

Bryggen Research

Bryggen Research AS (BR) is a small consultancy and research company which develops solutions focusing on the interaction between people and technology through tangible “smart objects”. BR designs and creates purpose-targeted, physical devices, as well as supporting software systems, which collect data using a range of sensors and/or disseminate, analyze and visualize information. BR has a free consulting branch, where employees are free to consider and accept projects of their own choosing. Additionally, BR dedicates part of its resources for pure research purposes, annually publishing design notes and papers to conferences (NordiCHI 2014, NOKOBIT 2015, NordiCHI 2016) and collaborating with the local university in defining and supervising master theses related to its in-house products and research.


Through meaningful and beautiful photography, PictureAid has created a new arena for companies and individuals to decorate their naked walls, whilst allowing them to create a social improvement in the world. With every picture sold, education is given back to a local child. We believe that photography can not only communicate and influence, but also make an actual difference in the lives of those portrayed. We are showing that the power of photography combined with the potential of naked walls, can actually change lives and create futures out of dreams for the ones that make out the picture.


Oiiku is a suite of web applications for organizing corporate events and interacting with attendees.


Vaskehjelp er en digital markedsplass som knytter kunder med renholdere i sitt nærområde. Vi er en fullfinansiert startup med solide eiere. Vi har på 6 måneder 1000 bestilte oppdrag og 300 registrerte renholdere. Selskapet har brukt mye tid på å tilpasse systemet til norske lover og regler, slik at alle renholdere har en komplett leveranse via appen med full oversikt over økonomi og moms. Vaskehjelp er nå et team på fem personer som gjør seg klare for å skalere.


A Norwegian proptech startup on a mission to simplify handling of real-estate.Design and user experience is at the core of everything we do. We utilize multiple data sets (structured and unstructured) and state-of-the-art deep learning technology (Machine Learning & AI).sssssssssssssssssssssssassassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

SAGA Robotics

The Thorvald platforms represent a low-cost alternative to a wide variety of agricultural operations. All the Thorvald robots are built using the same components, but we customize each robot for your specific needs based on the innovative modular design. We can therefore deliver robots using standard parts but customized design to serve your needs. All our robots are built to operate in an outdoor environment. They are therefore IP67 classified at all the lower parts that may be submersed in water (wheels, lower gears, etc), and IP56 for the rest of the robot.

Seastate 7

From the center in the Norwegian maritime cluster, Seastate 7 has the advantage of being close to our customers, collaborating partners and day-to-day users in our quest to innovate the ultimate system solution to relevant difficulties in the industry. The ocean made us who we are, and we make systems to handle it. We know the ocean, and we use our knowledge to protect it. Seastate 7 creates values for our customers in form of increased safety, sustainability and savings in operation. Smart Aqua We work with the industry, for the industry towards the future. Seastate 7 has made a new solution for the aqua industry to cope with many of the issues that they are facing at present time. We are harvesting the ideas and solutions that is already in use, making new products and improving and implementing them in a new way and a total package that is leaning towards the future. Let's call it Aqua 4.0. For the years to come!


For første gang så er det designet ett porselensskrin med ett lufttett indre skrin for oppbevaring av sølv. Det store skrinet har ett indre skrin med 3 seksjoner som er tilpasset alle søljer til en bunad.Det indre skrinet fungerer også som et eget reiseskrin,eller kan legges i en safe. Skrinet forhindrer at sølvet blir sort over tid og forsinker korrosjons prosessen.Vi har tilpasset det lille skrinet for deg som har fått din første sølje, barnebunad eller mannsbunad.Begge skrinene har vakre mønstre designet av oss, inspirert av Norske bunader og tradisjoner. Vår tanke er at du kan oppbevare dine bunadsmykker med stolthet, slik verdifulle smykker fortjener.Vi i TeleRosa AS spesialiserer oss på det Norske og norskamerikanske markedet. Til sammen så har vi 90 års erfaring fra porselensindustrien. Vår unike kompetanse sikrer høy kvalitet og vi kjenner alle prosesser, utfordringer og muligheter innen porselens produksjonen.Vår design har fått Norsk designråds pris "Merket for design"Alle våre produkter holder høyeste miljøkrav og inneholder ingen giftstoffer. Vår målsetting er å designe og produsere produkter som varer i generasjoner.