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In the Nordics we produce high quality alcohol beverages. Spirits we are utterly proud of.  Now it's due for someone to blend these products with cow's milk, add classic Nordic berries and fruits, and create a whole new series of Premium Cream Liqueurs for the International market.  In contrary to Irish cream which is based on whiskey, the Nordic Cream are going to be based on traditional Nordic spirits, like the aquavit. In a typical Fjording Nordic Cream recipe you'll find aquavit/vodka/fruit spirits, cream, honey/sugar or other sweetening, and then juice from berries and fruits from the Nordic fauna. Not just aromas and concentrates - the real deal. It shall be as local, genuine and organic as possible. Except from the sugar we'll be looking for the ingredients in our nearby surroundings.


Atheno skal bidra til å fremja ein unik kultur for nyskaping i Sunnhordland, og bidra til auka innovasjon og verdiskaping i nye og eksisterande bedrifter i regionen. Atheno arbeidar for å sikra langsiktig vekst og verdiskaping i regionen gjennom å styrkja innovasjonsevne og konkurransedyktighet. Som regionalt samarbeidsorgan er Atheno opptatt av at både bedrifter og kommunar blir knytt tettare saman i næringsutviklingsarbeidet. Fundamentet i verksemda vår er samfunnsengasjerte medlemsbedrifter. Atheno si oppgåve er å samla industrien på tvers av klynger, bransjar og kommunegrenser. Mellom desse skal det byggjast nettverk som skal bidra til å vidareutvikla eit allsidig industrimiljø gjennom felles utfordringar og moglegheiter.


Through meaningful and beautiful photography, PictureAid has created a new arena for companies and individuals to decorate their naked walls, whilst allowing them to create a social improvement in the world. With every picture sold, education is given back to a local child. We believe that photography can not only communicate and influence, but also make an actual difference in the lives of those portrayed. We are showing that the power of photography combined with the potential of naked walls, can actually change lives and create futures out of dreams for the ones that make out the picture.

Aventi Group

Historien vår startet med Aventi Technology som ble dannet i 1986. Aventi Group ble opprettet i 2014 sammen med Aventi Installation, for å kunne tilby en enda bredere portefølje innen teknologi og installasjon. Vi ser på oss selv som en innovativ kunnskapsbedrift med mange års erfaring på store, komplekse prosjekter. Eierne er ansatt i selskapet og Aventi Group er produkt- og leverandøruavhengig med kjernekompetanse innen fagfeltet industriell automasjon.


A Norwegian proptech startup on a mission to simplify handling of real-estate.Design and user experience is at the core of everything we do. We utilize multiple data sets (structured and unstructured) and state-of-the-art deep learning technology (Machine Learning & AI).sssssssssssssssssssssssassassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Den Lille Juicefabrikken

Produsent av plantebasert, Rå mat og drikke laget for hånd. Vi brenner for naturlige og økologiske ingredienser uten tilsatt sukker og gluten. Upasteurisert juice laget av rå og ekte varer både økologiske og naturlige ingredienser. Første og eneste Debio/øko godkjenning i Norge av denne typen juiceproduksjon. Gro Furset startet den lille juicefabrikken januar 2015. Hun er utdannet sykepleier og ernæringsterapeut. Kombinasjonen skulle vise seg å være vellykket da hun prøvde ut juicene på klienter da hun hadde ernærings klinikk og disse ble merkbart friskere.Derav slagordet: Bedre helse til folket!


For første gang så er det designet ett porselensskrin med ett lufttett indre skrin for oppbevaring av sølv. Det store skrinet har ett indre skrin med 3 seksjoner som er tilpasset alle søljer til en bunad.Det indre skrinet fungerer også som et eget reiseskrin,eller kan legges i en safe. Skrinet forhindrer at sølvet blir sort over tid og forsinker korrosjons prosessen.Vi har tilpasset det lille skrinet for deg som har fått din første sølje, barnebunad eller mannsbunad.Begge skrinene har vakre mønstre designet av oss, inspirert av Norske bunader og tradisjoner. Vår tanke er at du kan oppbevare dine bunadsmykker med stolthet, slik verdifulle smykker fortjener.Vi i TeleRosa AS spesialiserer oss på det Norske og norskamerikanske markedet. Til sammen så har vi 90 års erfaring fra porselensindustrien. Vår unike kompetanse sikrer høy kvalitet og vi kjenner alle prosesser, utfordringer og muligheter innen porselens produksjonen.Vår design har fått Norsk designråds pris "Merket for design"Alle våre produkter holder høyeste miljøkrav og inneholder ingen giftstoffer. Vår målsetting er å designe og produsere produkter som varer i generasjoner.


Turn labelling and traceability into a strategic asset with lower costs and greater independence CodeIT helps leading companies in many different fields turn labelling and traceability into a strategic asset with lower costs and greater independence. At CodeIT our goal is to make industrial automatic identification, labeling and traceability intelligent. we provide our customers with expert advice and analysis, software, hardware, installation and support. We have over 20 years’ experience with critical business applications in many types of industries and are known for having a high level of product, system, application, technology and engineering expertise and the capacity needed to help achieve a rapid and successful implementation. CodeIT Enterprise™ is an open and flexible software solution that can be easily adapted to meet many different kinds of enterprise needs. Integrates into your current Auto ID labelling and coding system and talks with all surrounding intelligence in realtime, with zero faults. CodeIT optimize the operation with high quality and unique flexibility. CodeIT Enterprise™ puts you in control with an easy to use, reliable platform designed for growth with clear technical, economic and operational benefits. See the CodeIT Enterprise™ introductory video: CodeIT eMRB™ is an industry solution for MRB compilation. The solution indexes all relevant production order information quickly in a secure and manageable way. It is the perfect tool for companies in the oil and gas sector, such as engineering and service companies, vendors, sub-contractors and the like. CodeIT eMRB™ makes Manufacturing Record Book compilation and delivery easier and faster, MRP processing has never been simpler! See the CodeIT eMRB™ introductory video: MRB™ introductory video:


Zivid is the world’s most accurate real-time 3D color camera. Zivid, with its unique specifications, can be the eyes of your robot, ensure more robust performance and enable automation of tasks that were previously difficult or impossible to automate.

Von Doren Watch Company AS

Von Doren er et norsk klokkemerke som produserer tidløse armbåndsur av høy kvalitet, inspirert av fascinerende historier og norsk natur. Selskapet har forhandlere i byer over hele landet, i tillegg til egen Brand Store på Frogner i Oslo. Von Doren har også distributører i utlandet. Selskapet har solgt og levert klokker til kunder i over 30 land. Von Doren er velkjent i markedet og omtalt i prestisjefylte fagblader og klokkesider som: Fratello Watches, A Blog to Watch, GMT Magazine og Oracle of Time for å nevne noen.

Simply Solar AS

Simply Solar offers businesses, organizations and public entities complete solar power solutions at zero up-front cost. The customer only pays a monthly leasing fee and Simply Solar takes care of the rest. At the end of the leasing period, typically seven years, the customer can extend the lease and get an upgrade of the hardware to the latest technology, or the customer may purchase the equipment at a markdown, and enjoy the benefits of free, reliable, clean electricity for decades to come.

Easy Comply

Easy Comply is a Client Lifecycle Management platform that enables regulated businesses to manage every individual and business client profile in a single dashboard - from manual review to setting up rules for ongoing monitoring. Our easy to use, clean and customisable platform slashes the time required to monitor customer behaviour. We are just moving toward commercialization stage where we are onboarding some of our first clients, some big names.


Founded in Norway in 2019, InformatiQ offers innovative solutions tailored to the oil and gas sector, enhancing operations particularly in drilling, well management, and supply chain. Our cloud-based Web Applications integrate data from various sources, offering real-time insights and transforming decision-making through immersive 3D visualizations. By simplifying complex data for actionable insights, our team of domain experts and skilled developers collaborates to empower operational performance in the Exploration & Production industry.


GreeNOR is the easiest adventure to platfrom to go in the future. We provide suppliers access to a platfrom that has locals and turists that love to find and book adventures via GreeNOR. GreeNOR is a startup that has started that journey 1,5 years ago. We have invested in developing a great platfrom and we go already as well Customers in the Balkans and Norway.


The company is a part of Antler's 3 months startup program at the moment (finishing November 2023). Short Description: MindBuddy is developing a preventive app to help young athletes aged 13-19 learn life skills, cope with pressure, and develop mental resilience, aiming to prevent mental health issues before they arise. The app combines sports psychology, tips from sports professionals, gamification, and community support to foster mental well-being. The What: We're addressing the crucial need for mental health prevention among young athletes. The combined pressure from sports, school, social media ++ can lead to stress and anxiety, potentially escalating into more severe mental health issues. This challenge affects a lot of young athletes worldwide today. Yet proactive, preventive resources are scarce. MindBuddy seeks to give these athletes tools and skills to maintain their mental health and resilience. The How: MindBuddy offers a proactive solution through several features: Education: Providing young athletes with knowledge and strategies on how to manage stress, handle pressure, and maintain a positive mindset. Gamified Learning: Interactive mini-games and activities that make learning about mental resilience fun and engaging, encouraging regular participation. Community Empowerment: A platform for athletes to connect, share tips, and support each other, building a community that reinforces preventive practices. Expert Collaboration: Working with professional athletes and sports psychologists to ensure the guidance and activities are grounded in proven preventive techniques. Accessibility: An easy-to-use mobile app that gives young athletes these preventive tools at their fingertips, facilitating regular engagement and practice. The Why: The idea for MindBuddy was born from my personal journey as a professional football player. I experienced first-hand how effective these mental techniques can be to cope with the different stressors, and seeing many young teammates struggle with the mental demands of sports and the lack of preventive resources gave me a desire to create change. MindBuddy is more than an app; it's a mission to equip young athletes with the skills and knowledge to cope with life in a healthy way. This passion to prevent mental health issues in young athletes and help them thrive both in sports and life is the driving force behind MindBuddy.