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Showing: 2183 filtered startups

Vennensin Hundelufting og Hundepass Oslo & Bærum

Vi er et konsortium med hundeluftere og er på utkikk etter andre hundeluftere i Oslo og Bærum. Vi ønsker å utvide og er på utkikk etter personer som er glad i hund og natur. I tillegg er det essensielt at du har egen bil.  Dette er en perfekt jobb til deg som ønsker en jobb ved siden av ditt start-up. Vi er gründere og driver andre start-up samtidig som vi får likviditet fra Vennensin Hundelufting og Hundepass.

Baam Norge

Baam was started up around 1.March 2018, and have since then had a few customers. We have been looking at a store in Sandvika city with street level, since we want to have a show room for customers, since allot of the customers ask me to look at the product before they want to buy it. I have contract with visa,mastercard (bambora) vipps and Lindorff (invoice/down payment) I made a genius business idea with importing from England. Speakers, subwoofer, disco lights etc..

Beining & Bogen

Beining & Bogen er et byrå som spesialiserer seg på design og utvikling av apper. Vi elsker å lage gode brukeropplevelser med høy teknisk kvalitet og har laget apper og nettsider for blant annet, Godt Brød, TVNorge og smarthusløsninger for Datek Wireless. I tillegg foreleser vi på Høyskolen Kristiania (tidligere Westerdals Oslo ACT) i apputvikling og grensesnittdesign. Vi er et team på 7 personer som utfordrer hverandre på tvers av fagdisiplinene. Det oppfordres til, og forventes, at du bidrar med dine innspill om alt fra design og brukeropplevelse, til prosjektstyring og kaffevanntemperatur, mens vi bygger selskapet sammen. Hvis du liker å sitte i lunsjen å kritisere brukeropplevelsen i appene du har installert på telefonen din, passer du rett inn hos oss.

Finance Innovation

Finance Innovation is an association and innovation cluster of banks, financing companies, insurance companies, tech companies and educational and research institutions working on the financial services and solutions of tomorrow.   The cluster has set ambitious goals on innovation, growth and value creation, and aim to increase export of Norwegian fintech to international and global markets.    Our project builds on regional business cluster dynamics, has a national scope and a global ambition.


Oaseit is a gamified green fundraising platform for people with climate change anxiety. Our goal is to empower people to grow their green impact by helping amazing environmental projects to life. We are committed to make solving climate challenges fun, easy and insightful! We believe the solution will include a mix of personal actions and supporting green technologies and initiatives 🌍


Adbotic is changing the way brands communicate with consumers. Through artificial intelligence & creativity we are cutting through the ad clutter and creating truly engaging brand experiences.Adbotic uses state of the art image & text recognition technology to optimise brand experiences with conversational solutions.


TIDAL is a global music and entertainment platform bringing artists and fans together through unique music and content experiences and is currently available in 52 countries.TIDAL has over 46 million songs in the catalog and over 190,000 high quality videos, offering music fans both a premium and high fidelity CD sound quality, high resolution video, and expertly curated content.TIDAL has the commitment of artist owners that believe in creating a more sustainable model for the music industry.


Aprila is a tech company with a banking license created by people from companies like Spotify, Opera, DNB and startups like marked.noWe focus on highly automated intuitive on-the-spot financing solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises through employing modern technology, data-driven credit risk management and an innovative distribution model


Jowatronics AS er et enmanns konsulentfirma som leverer tjensester innen elektronikkutvikling.  Tjensester: Elektronikk problemløsing EMC tester Prosjektledelse for utviklingsprosjekter Dokumentasjon av enheter og systemer Funksjonstesting og oppkobling av systemer Elektronikkreparasjon Elektronikkmontasje

Lean Business International

Lean Business Entrepreneurship Platform is an online toolbox that helps entrepreneurs, start-ups and development projects create ideas and bring them to realization, by structuring the process from idea to viable business The Lean Business Platform gives you access to an 8-step planning process, where you create a dynamic dashboard that gives you the opportunity to manage your business’ goals, action plans, risk, performance and liquidity.The method is supported by certified advisors in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, England and South Africa and used by entrepreneurs, start-ups, advisors, bankers, universities and consultants to structure and facilitate entrepreneurship in a digitised, efficient, and valuable way.The services we provide are digital entrepreneurship platforms, certification courses, workshops, webinars and educational entrepreneurship programs.

KVS Technologies

We believe in a world where humans and robots collaborate. We simplify inspections by offering data as a service with fully automatic industrial drones, through our global reaching robotic ecosystem. We help different industries to automate inspections and collect the necessary data in a smarter and safer way, with our software platform for operating fleets of automatic drones, from anywhere in the world. join our the journey of our award winning software platform today!


We are building a multi side business platform helping local communities, sports clubs and charity groups organize, and create a healthy economy connecting local businesses interact with all these groups. We live in a global currency transaction world, where values are created locally and paid globally. We belive that all people live locally and that the coming generation will be more aware of sustainable local communities, and we will be a part of this communities.  We are privileged to build amazing products with new interesting technologies and amazing people. To us, our job is more than a job. Our workplace is fun, and a great place to be. We strive for excellence and love to see our ideas become reality, creating value for our customer. We're always looking for extraordinary individuals to join our team. We don't just hire anyone, we hire the best people we can find.


Hy5 is a Norwegian Medtech company that develops cost effective myoelectric hand prosthetics. We believe all people, across all geographic, demographic and socioeconomic areas should have the right to the highest possible quality of life, including full mobility. At Hy5 we believe in treating amputees with cost effective, accessible & high quality myoelectric prosthetics.

Hvor smarte kan vi bli med kunstig hukommelse og algoritmer? AI er god på de tingene vi er dårlige på, og motsatt. Prosessere enorme mengder data, finne mønstre og forutsi nye – alt i lysets hastighet. Perfekt for en AI. Umulig for et menneske. Derfor bygger vi en hukommelses-database. Den skal brukes til å lage verktøy som gir mennesker digitale superkrefter. Et slags lim for deg og framtiden. Et slags lim mellom alle og enhver. Et lim som vet alt, og som kan skille signalet fra støyen, hvert eneste sekund.


Bredvid er et norsk konsulentselskap som leverer tjenester innenfor områdene utvikling, UX og skytjenester. Vi utvikler digitale løsninger i både privat og offentlig sektor, og skaper forretningsverdi ved å sette kunden og kundens suksess først. I tillegg har vi et nettverk av kompletterende samarbeidspartnere i både inn- og utland. Vi er ærlige, engasjerte, åpne, nysgjerrige, inkluderende, og dette ligger til grunn for alt vi gjør.Vi har kontor på MESH i Oslo sentrum.