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Showing: 2183 filtered startups

Tidewave R&D AS

Norwegian healthtech startup working on product development & commercialization of Tidewave; a fully automated patient mattress with a unique and total curvature control. The soloution prevents bed soares and other consequenses of immobility while maintaining the need for comfort and safety. Furthermore, this solution will save the health sector for large cost, and at the same time reducing the pain for the users. We have multiple prototyps which has been tested with great results on users, and are currently working on further developing the product and integrating better technology and smarter solutions.


Integrating rational business thinking with creativity, passion, and intuition - we're helping businesses matter. With a strong entrepreneurial mindset, we partner with businesses and new ventures to help them become relevant, efficient, and more profitable.  Through strategic planning, design thinking, and suited technology, we create immersive brand experiences and digital products with a clear purpose - to make every day better for its audience.  We believe in focused research, in-depth knowledge of our client's business challenges, and rapid prototyping rather than heavy documentation deliverables.

Barcontrol Systems AS

Barcontrol has been a supplier of checkout and logistics systems to the restaurant industry for over 20 years. We were one of the first on the market with iPad-based solutions when we started with Gastrofix in 2014. We are a one-stop shop and assist restaurants all the way with the choice of cash register solution, from advice and implementation to operation and support. We also develop integrations to connect the checkout solution with accounting, inventory management, ordering solutions and more. We tailor solutions that are suitable for everything from large restaurant chains to small coffee and wine bars. We will be restaurant owners' preferred partners for technology solutions.


I 2015 begynte Cutters sin reise med mål om å kunne tilby alle hårklipper av høy kvalitet til en fornuftig pris. I dag er Cutters Norges mest innovative og nytenkende frisørkonsept og har for dette blant annet mottat støtte fra Innovasjon Norge to ganger. Frisørsalongene våre er av de mest besøkte i hele landet og vi får mye oppmerksomhet fra media, kunder og konkurrenter. Hos Cutters gjør vi ikke ting slik det alltid er blitt gjort. Det farligste uttrykket vi vet om er «vi har alltid gjort det på denne måten». Vi ser etter mennesker som tør å tenke annerledes og som våger å bryte regler og normer. Les mer på: Nettside: Facebook: Instagram: @cuttersglobal LinkedIn:

Netthandelsgruppen AS

We believe the transition from offline to online is ongoing, and gaining momentum every day. Our platform is tuned for rapid growth, expansion, and easy add-ons for new concepts. One of four founders contributing to scaling from zero to ~100 MNOK revenue in three years. Current position CEO, managing daily activities and future expansion. We are focusing on growth and believe this is just the beginning. Come join the fun!


Resoptima is a young technology company, experiencing rapid growth. We develop innovative software solutions, helping upstream oil and gas companies improve efficiency, understand risk and make better investment decisions. We operate in an international environment and have customers in all major regions. We have successful software solutions, clearly differentiated from alternative solutions. We have a proven track record of innovation, and several promising ideas in the pipeline. We have great offices, centrally located in Oslo.

Aid in Action

Aid in Action is a voluntary organization that was started in 2008 by the then 19 year old Anne Louise Dæhlin (then Hübert), after visiting a poor village in Kenya. After initially helping to meet a dire need for food, Aid in Action has focused on sustainable development for the local community. We use social entrepreneurship to help poor people and children in need. We are – and want to be – a small and efficient organization that works closely with local, resourceful people in Africa. Our projects are mainly in Kenya. We are working within the areas of education, agriculture, stimulating local industry, water supply, roads, and assistance to orphans. The money we receive from our donors always goes directly to the projects, and none of it is spent on administrative costs on European side. This also means we pay no salaries to those who work with us here. We keep our donors updated with frequent posts on our web page and Facebook. One of our latest projects is building and running the primary school Edustep Kyua Academy, close to Kitui, Kenya:

United Influencers

We believe in the power of peopleWe have gathered Norway´s most influential people in social media under one roof. Our mission is to deliver authentic and meaningful relationships between consumers, influencers and marketers. Independent of representing specific influencers we adjust conceptual frames, activations and influencers based on your brand’s unique needs. Over the years we have created UI Market, a platform enabling us to create and analyze your campaigns in an efficient and cost effective manner. We have experience in working towards a great spectra of industries and assist with everything from comprehensive concepts and long term influencer strategies to single ad hoc activations.

Benchmark Inbound

Inbound made easy! By offering potential customers relevant and tailored content, you will increase engagement and achieve customer growth. Our goal is for customers to come to your company by their own free will, without you having to "chase" them. Our values Our values form the basis for everything we do. We are innovative and are not afraid to think in a new way. At the same time, we are exploratory and curious, which we believe is important if you like to succeed over time. We do also know that you as a customer will be satisfied. Through targeted work, we ensure that you as a customer will achieve your goals to the greatest extent possible. Our services We use a number of inbound tools and techniques, where the purpose is for your company to attract and convert customers.


Windyfi is developing a cloud-based application to help renewable developers easily plan, design and analyze their projects starting with onshore wind. Windyfi empowers energy producers (utilities, small developers) with a data-driven tool to easily develop their projects using geospatial data, a user-friendly interface and manufacturer's data. We want to make infrastructure development & design as seamless as in city-building games and empower millions of non-technical users to generate the output that matters instantly.

LitMusic AS


With our breakthrough apps we are changing how the e-commerce industry captures and publishes images. Autopix puts the photo studio in the pocket of users making the publishing process more efficient and user friendly. With our smartphone technology you no longer need to hire expensive photographers. Simply allow our photo guide to help you take professional photos at a fraction of the cost. We are an ambitious team, focused on building user friendly and efficient tools with expected revenue between 11-13 MNok in 2021. We currently work in close collaboration with some of the biggest names in Norway, which include - Varner Group, XXL, Holzweiler, Høyer, Tradesolution, and many other well-known companies. Our offices are at Startup Lab in Oslo’s Science Park, one of the leading tech hubs in Scandinavia.

Moorup Europe AS

1,5 mrd. smarttelefoner produseres årlig, noe som etterlater seg et betydelig karbonutslipp og e-avfallsutfordringer. Med en økende fokus på bærekraft og sirkulær økonomi, er Moorup super motiverte til gi et positivt bidrag til miljøet ved å gjøre det like enkelt og trygt å kjøpe brukt elektronikk, som det er å kjøpe ny. Vi gjør dette ved å utvikle plattformer, prosesser og tjenester, i tillegg til å tilby produkter som brukte smarttelefoner, nettbrett osv. Vi gjøre det mulig for våre partnerkanaler å tilby salg av brukt, bytte brukt mot brukt, samt forsikrings og finansieringstjenester for brukt, nettopp for å gjøre det enklere for forbrukere og bedrifter og ta et smartere valg for både miljøet og lommeboka. Sammen med vår partnere prøver vi å gjøre vårt bidrag til å gjøre planeten til et bedre sted, en smart telefon av gangen.

Sterk Saus

Norske håndlagde chilisauser Chili og kjærlighet er de to viktigste ingrediensene i våre sauser. Gründeren av Sterk Saus® heter Asle Schau-Hvatum og er en opprinnelig sørlending som har bosatt seg på det sentrale østlandet. I flere år før firmaet ble opprettet lagde Asle chilisaus hjemme for å gjøre fredagstacoen litt hottere og mer spenstig. Familie, venner og kjente smakte og ga tilbakemeldinger – slik at sausen hele tiden ble videreutviklet. Sterk Saus® har et brennhett forhold til chili – faktisk like heftig som varmeeksplosjonen du får av en modig, munnfull chilisaus. Vi elsker at smaksløkene våre blir utfordret og strukket. Og apropos løk, så er chili et voksende segment, akkurat som hvitløk var på 70/80-tallet. Kun råvarer av ypperste kvalitet blir med i våre sauskjeler. Chilimagien skjer i våre moderne produksjonslokaler i Halden, hvor vi tilbereder, koker og tapper hver eneste chiliflaske for hånd. Våre to viktigste ingredienser i sausen er chili og kjærlighet til faget. Dette kombinerer vi med moderne produksjonsmetoder, som sikrer kvalitet i alle ledd.


Arealize is working to ensure that the future wave of offices are designed with efficiency in mind. We are working with Norwegian real estate companies on developing a generative design tool for creating energy-efficient interior design solutions for offices. Today, this is done by technical personnel in a manual, slow and expensive process, due to the large amount of data sources and parameters that need to be considered. We want to modernize this process and provide innovative commercial real estate companies with an AI-driven generative design solution for quickly drawing up early-stage floor plans, cutting this process from weeks to just a few hours. Sustainability in the real estate industry is a challenge which both The EU and the Norwegian government are constantly fighting to improve. Energy efficiency standards and environmental certifications contribute to greener office spaces, but fail to solve the issue of inefficient interior planning. The core of the issue today is that all planning is done manually. By utilizing machine aided design, we want to allow offices to quickly generate several high-quality floor plans for any given building. This will ensure that office spaces can be healthy both for workers and the environment by cutting down on energy use. Additionally, this will give the tenants more than one floor plan to chose from and let them find their dream office in minutes as opposed to weeks.