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Sharefox AS

We help rental services get ready for the future The development is clear – We need to make better use of our resources. We need a more circular economy where products are reused by more people and have a longer lifetime. In this picture, renting and subscription of products and services plays an important role. Sharefox has developed a technology platform that enables new models for both startups and established businesses. We are a passionate and highly skilled team of about 12 persons in Oslo, and 10 developers working remotely. In March 2022 we secured 23 million NOK in funding, and will use this money to scale the company further, including going internationally. You can currently find us at Vollebekk Fabrikker in Oslo, but will move to an other place in Oslo in the autumn of 2022.


Diggecard is a global provider of gift card expertise and technology. We work with businesses of all kinds within retail, leisure and hospitality who want to fully or partially outsource their gift card programme, working either directly or with a technology partner. We also provide gift card services for businesses and agencies to deliver reward, incentive, promotion, benefit and discount programmes.


The WAYD application helps sport-teams gain funds and engage with their supporters through premium albums. By creating premium albums you are giving supporters the opportunity to subscribe to an album, support your team, and contribute to the album. Supporters can pick between several levels of memberships they will pay as a monthly or one-time subscription price for joining your album. You can set these tiers while creating the album.

Techforgood AS - WAVE NFT

A boundless Music Metaverse with NFT Trading - The artistic condensation of the digital music world can be fixed by NFT and Token, which not only enables traditional music creators to meet the needs of circulation, revenue and reputation from the society, but also opens up users the access to Web3 music Metaverse. We launched Wave to allow music creators to reach end consumers through the NFTization of music assets, and to connect music works with chaotic copyrights in the physical world to the fresh Web3 music metaverse.


Ferdia har som mål å digitalisere og fornye turbussbransjen gjennom en Uber-lignende tilnærming. Vi skal revolusjonere turbussmarkedet gjennom å digitalisere små og mellomstore turbusselskap og ved å gjøre det mye enklere å leie og bruke turbusser. Det være seg til firmaturer, festivaler eller fotballkamper. Turbussbransjen i Europa er preget av et stort antall busselskap og lite digitalisering. 85% av tiden står bussene parkert eller kjører på veien uten passasjerer i setene. Våre nye digitale tjenester kombinert med maskinlæring og rute-optimalisering vil gjøre det mulig å utnytte bussenes kapasitet mye mer effektivt enn i dag. Vi har fått støtte fra Innovasjon Norge, inngått samarbeid med Tide, et av Norges største busselskap, og har begynt arbeidet med internasjonalisering. Dette blir et spennende år!

LessAdmin is an HR system for small businesses and startups. It offers an easy way to administer and get an overview of employees, leave and vacation planning and approval, onboarding and offboarding, notifications, upcoming birthdays and international bank holidays, benefits and more. It's developed in Norway with GDPR and privacy in mind.


Tinydoc builds Bloo, small intelligent devices to improve every days life. Bloo devices are fun IoT devices connected to people's every day life. They enable personal data to improve every day experiences. Bloo core technologies are Bluetooth, IoT Edge, Machine Learning and an amazing new user experience!

IML Aeroseal AS

We use a new technology for sealing ventilation duct from the inside. The technology was developed in the US in 1994, but didn't reach the European market until 2015. In 2016 ImL Aeroseal started up in Finland, and as of September 1st 2020 we are breaking into the Norwegian market. Our product solves the issues with the traditional sealing of ventilation ducts; using tape and acryllic sealant to try and plug the leaks. Instead we build up a pressure inside the system and inject a small particle gas that finds all the small leakages and seals them. Not only is it faster, but also alot more effective than the previous method, which in turn makes it much more financially beneficent. With a ventilation system that has little to no leakage you extend the life of the engines and maximize the output of the fans. In addition you get cleaner air in the serviced areas. I became a part of this startup because with my 15 years of experience in the ventilation industry I can truly see the advantages of this method to improve the effectiveness of the ventilation systems and enhance the indoor air quality.


Scandinavias largest selection of Christmas sweaters! We design and sell Christmas sweaters, pyjamas, suits, socks and other Christmas items, and sell them in our webshops in 6 different countries. In addition to webshops we have pop up ships in Norway before Christmas. We are expanding every year with new product lines, and are always looking for fun clothing!

The Magnificent Frontend Consulting Company

Frontend-konsulenter og frilansere unite! Dette er oppstarten av nisje-konsulenthuset utelukkende for frontend-utviklere. Her skal frontend teknologi rendyrkes og styre fagmiljøet! Alle konsulenter er spesialister på ett eller flere JavaScript-rammeverk blandt React.js, Vue.js eller Angular, i tillegg til å ha sterk kompetanse på vanilla JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, SCSS/LESS, web design, responsivt design. Du får sjansen til å være med fra starten av; være medeier. Du får være med å forme selskapet, styrke fag-miljøet, velge nye kolleger, ta del i noe eget, sette kursen! Etter å ha lest dette så er det typisk to måter å reagere på; "Tja.., det høres interessant ut, men jeg vil nødig bytte kantine med den jeg har i dag...", eller "Ja! Dette høres spennede ut. Jeg vil vite mer!". Jeg vil bare snakke med den siste av dere. Helt uforpliktende selvfølgelig.


Anycareer is a data-powered career platform with courses, mentors, guides and automated recruitment to top employers. We close the gap between universities and employers by collecting data on candidates, helping them find their path towards reaching their full potential, then matching them with the right employers. Our combination of data science and behavioural science allows for more efficient, cheaper and less biased recruitment. Read more on

Skogluft AS

Skogluft is a method for bringing nature into your home and office to improve your health and happiness.When you arrive at the Google office, even on a dark December morning, it’s like getting out in the woods on a summer day - Jan Grønbech, Country Manager, Google NorwaySkogluft plant wall system is based on 20 years of experience and ground-breaking research from NASA and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences.

Tidetec AS

The Pitch Most tidal power plants today generate power only in one direction. Projected, next-generation tidal power plants with two-way production have sub-optimal production. Tidetec patented technology improves efficiency by 11-22% of the most cost effective tidal turbine technology by obtaining optimal efficiency both ways and pumping efficiency. This is achieved by integrating the turbine into a rotating turret. The turning mechanism is patented, and has received international recognition. The What Tidetec can kick-start a huge UK Market The How Tidetec has developed a fully functional scale model prototype of the turning mechanism. The turning mechanism prototype has been successfully tested in sea water for two months. Prototyping has shown feasibility of the concept and the model turbine simulations and testing confirm turbine efficiencies much higher than state of the art traditional turbines for 2-way hydropower. In summary, prototyping engineering, feasibility studies and cost estimations of the Tidetec concept have proven major efficiency increase compared to traditional concepts. The results show that the Tidetec concept is potentially disruptive technology for 2-way hydropower in Tidal lagoons and barrages, and can kick-start this market. TEAM Tidetec has built a competent team guided by its co-founder and CEO. Tidetec team has been balanced to meet the commercial phase and Tidetec heading for an establishment of The Tidetec Two-way Hydropower Consortium consisting of EPCI partner, State funding partner GIEK /Export Credit and sub-suppliers to be able to deliver for Tidal range projects. PARTNERS Tidetec core function is development of market and technology within two-way hydropower. For everything else we use our trusted network of partners. From 2018 Tidetec is collaborating with Engineering company Femkuber AS. The Tidetec Two-way Hydropower Consortium consisting of EPCI partner, State funding partner GIEK /Export Credit and sub-suppliers to be able to deliver for Tidal range projects is expected to be in operation during 2018. Tidetec have signed MoU collaboration agreement with several, renowned international developers, turbine producers and sub-suppliers. MARKET The Tidetec market is 2-way hydropower, which means the tidal range market, with a focus on the tidal lagoon/tidal barrier/flood defence industry. Studies indicate a potential global market for Tidal Range hydropower up to 30Bn€ (investments). Tidetec's concept is not limited by turbine type, MW or geographical area. The Why Tidetec has developed and patented technology that can kick-start the Tidal Barrier and Tidal Lagoon market.

Ereignis Institute

We’re a dynamic startup offering captivating online and on-site classes in philosophy, literature, and art, along with engaging conferences and events. At Ereignis Institute we’re dedicated to cultivating intellectual exploration and artistic appreciation. Our unique blend of philosophy, literature, and art classes, combined with enriching events, sets us apart.

Lipscore handles the entire process of collecting and publishing customer reviews for ecommerce websites. And we are in fact the most efficient ratings and reviews platform on the planet! More than 20% of shoppers give a rating or review after a purchase and this is a lot. More customer ratings and reviews => more confident shoppers => less returns => happier shoppers => more return business => MORE SALES!