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Showing: 2183 filtered startups

Drammen Sales Production AS

Even after more than ten years, Blockchain technology is still in an early stage. aims to bring Blockchain technology to Nordic businesses and be a natural partner in developing use cases for B2B. also will develop its own fully regulated crypto exchange with a wide selection of coins and tokens, to take the Nordic lead for utilizing cryptocurrencies. have international partners, and together we seek to expand Nordic knowledge in Blockchain Technology, AI, and IoT and bring to life exciting solutions that businesses and consumers will appreciate.


We are developing a new environmentally friendly technology to replace the existing high energy time-consuming procedure in the greenhouses, to help the farmers grow plants faster with better quality and less consumption of energy. Our treatment can be used to control plant size, quality, and speed of growth, and also to preserve plants for a long period.

Viken Landskap AS

Viken Landskap AS ble etablert i begynnelsen av 2017 av Clemens Zeh. Eier innehar tysk mesterbrev. Vi er en anleggsgartnerbedrift som holder til i Drammens og Kongsberg-distriktet. Vi er spesialisert på private hager og utfører alle typer jobber fra vedlikehold av utenomhusanlegg og til utforming og oppjustering av hager. I tillegg så er vi importør av hageprodukter som er ukjent på norske markedet. Vi legger stor vekt på et godt resultat iht. våre kunders ønsker og behov. Vårt mål er å skape nye, kreative omgivelser for våre kunder, et sted du kan trives og føle deg hjemme i. Hos oss møter du fagfolk med

Novelty food

Novelty Food was established to promote great-tasting gifts for the premium market. Our basic philosophy is to create products that are tempting enough for you to buy the first time, and tasty enough for you to want to buy again. Novelty Food er et utviklings-, salgs, og markedsselskap for premium produkter. Vi har en stabil og god salgsbase i Norge med salg til både Norgesgruppen, Sunkost og Tax Free butikkene. Vi har i tillegg flere internasjonale partnere – blant annet Disney World og EPCOT, hvor Grieg Suites er valgt som den norske sjokoladen for salg.

Shineup AS

We develop a digital platform that will help customers, both private and business, to get quick, professional, competitive, and fully transparent renovation services for apartments. Our tool has a project management system, the possibility for the financing of renovation, payment solution, insurance, resolution center, task delegation, and material handling, in addition to the quick order process with defined packages and styles you will need. We have 20 years of experience in the renovation of flats, renovated more than 150 apartments, and have contractors on the team. Our MVP is now finished, and we will start development soon on the complete solution, covering all functionalities. We are looking for investors.

QuizzWizz AS

We are currently developing a platform for creating, playing and selling quizzes.A web platform where everybody can create quizzes in many different shapes and sizes. A vault where quiz creators can get access to a huge amount to ready to use questions and answers.An APP for playing quizzes, in the classic way and in ways you did not know was possible.And maybe the most important, at marketplace where creators can publish quizzes and earn money. Like Google Play and Appstore, but just for Quizzes.

Rentarage AS

GARAGE RENTAL – BY THE HOUR! WE CONNECT GARAGE OWNERS WITH CAR OWNERS WHO WANT TO WORK ON THEIR CARS Got a garage and want to rent it out for cash – by the hour? connects people like yourself with car owners who are looking to do odd jobs on their cars, but lack a suitable space to do the work. It’s like airbnb – for garage owners!

MS Donna AS

More than 10 years of experience - from pot to plate The maiden voyage of "M/S Donna" started deep in the Varanger fjord in early 2010, in Nesseby / Unjárga, Finnmark. After short calls at Vardø and Mehamn, we ended up at North Cape where we decided to live and become true fishermen with a lot of help from the local and very experienced fishermen. We fished for cod, pollock, haddock, and king crab on "M/S Donna" and later also on "M/S Dunderdonna" in the Porsanger fjord. During this time we also worked at different fish factories. The fishery ended in 2014. Knowing half of the king crabs were considered waste, I knew there was great potential and a better way of doing things - More sustainable and more circular. In 2016 I decided to bring MS Donna back to life with all the good things, except fishing - this time out from Oslo. Since then we have delivered premium products to some of the world's best restaurants. We are working for responsible consumption and production, decent work and economic growth, innovation, climate action, and partnership.

A digital workspace for teachers, where they can find, plan, and share structured quality assured lesson plans and educational content.Undervisningsplan regularly updates the best lesson plans and educational techniques making them easily accessible to teachers and substitutes across the country. We want to reduce the gap between what our children learn in school and what they experience in the real world, and help our kids receive the same level of quality education every day.

Hypatia Learning AS

Hypatia Learning provides a learning service infrastructure that gives educational institutions governance of all data produced by their learners. This data is used to provide innovative services for teachers, parents, schools, school owners, and learners. When the educational institution governs all data, meeting the GDPR requirements would be easy. Hypatia Learning provides the infrastructure necessary to give the educational institution governance of all data. We provide tools for better education. For better education, we need to give educators better tools.

Initialpoint AS

Supported by Bodø communes næringsfond and Innovasjon Norge; in the Sprint 1 phase of creating a mobile application catering to a worldwide multilingual user base and a commercial customer. The goal is to establish a profitable and expandable product range that will enhance learning by the discovery in a way that triggers competition, exercise, and a quest for learning more from already available knowledge both in the local area and while traveling. The founder is an operational international airline professional with a sizable network, catering to a viral-based initial expansion model.


Kinera's Fast Fix technology addresses the need for more efficient no-dig repair and rehabilitation techniques for large-diameter pipe infrastructures. The solution is a versatile remotely operated robot that can rehabilitate much faster than traditional labor-intensive methods. The robot will prepare the pipe and spray a designed polyurea pipe inner liner. A proof of concept was carried out in the Qatalum Power plant in Qatar. The European wastewater repair market is worth app. 15 bEUR in 2021 and for Norway 280 bNOK is needed for rehabilitation next 20 years. Markets to serve; municipals, power plants, and O&G.


CodeAndGo skal ta deg gjennom et nøye planlagt program der du lærer teori og praksis på én og samme tid. Takket være våre lærere, vil det alltid være mulighet for å utfordre seg selv og lære noe nytt og ikke minst fremtidsrettet. Det spiller ingen rolle om du allerede har programmert før, det finnes alltid nye ting man kan utforske!


SNØ - Et innendørs snørikeI 2020 åpner SNØ - verdens råeste helårsarena for snøopplevelser på Lørenskog. Arenaen, som ligger et steinkast fra Lørenskog stasjon, blir mye mer enn en arena for de profesjonelle og treningsivrige. Sammen skal de mange tilbudene på SNØ utgjøre et opplevelsessenter for alle som elsker snø. Uansett alder, uansett hvordan man foretrekker å være aktiv på snø. SNØ vil være åpent året rundt og tilrettelagt for både barn og voksne – enten du konkurrerer i verdenstoppen, trener til Birken, eller bare ønsker å kose deg på snøen. Det handler om glede - hele året! Opplevelse og lekSNØ skal være et sted for snørike opplevelser du aldri har opplevd før. Nattkjøring i et fantastisk lysshow eller filmpremiere i bakken. Nordlys? Vi flytter det inn! Det er alt for lite nordlys her på Østlandet.Her kan du samle gode venner, feire barnebursdag eller rett og slett ta turen for en innholdsrik og annerledes helg. Hvordan du nyter snøen er opp til deg.Læring og mestringLær deg carvingsving eller dobbeldans av en instruktør. Test randokurs i snøstorm, eller se og lær av de beste utøverne i verden.Med stabilt vær og topp snøforhold, vil du bli overrasket over hvor lett det er å lære nye ting innendørs. Alt blir morsommere når man kan det – og kan man det, kan man alltid bli litt bedre. Ta med treningsgruppen din og legg den neste samlingen til SNØ.TreningTrening på SNØ skal være inspirerende. Det er morsommere å løfte vekter når du hver dag kan kjenne hvordan det gjør carvingsvingen bedre.Langrenn, verdens beste mosjonsform. Løypene våre er designet for å gi deg variasjon og maksimal treningseffekt. Trenger du et ekstra dytt, finner du en personlig trener i løypa, eller i bunn av bakken rett bak heishuset.Her møter du de faste, og de som bare vil ha litt variasjon i treningen. Alle som ikke klarer å vente til det første snøfallet, og de som fortsatt ikke har fått nok når den siste snøflekken smelter.Et sted å møtesSNØ – en naturlig møteplass for alle. En del av en spennende og helt ny bydel rett utenfor Oslo. Her kan du henge med venner, arrangere kick-off og holde møter. Formelle eller uformelle.Jobb fra et annerledes sted. Nyt en glühwein foran peisen. Kom innom en av våre spesialbutikker, eller spis en god lunsj mens du ser på livet i bakken.


Investant specializes in the development of software solutions related to algorithmic trading. ​We offer 2 services: IT Consultancy: We can develop bespoke trading solutions suited to your specific needs Software Infrastructure: Leverage our in-house developed infrastructure Trading is hard and requires top-notch technology and brains. As we put years into developing self-learning algorithms we leverage every piece of information we can get our hands on and improve day by day. Our technological head-start is and will be a crucial factor in this strongly growing market.