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Showing: 4669 filtered startups


Kommunikant er et mindre kommunikationsbureau, der arbejder med online kommunikation og marketing. Vores fokus er især på rådgivning og undervisning i LinkedIn. Dertil arbejder vi med den praktiske kommunikation for vores kunder, som kan være blogindlæg, opretholde profiler på sociale medier og PR.Kunderne er indenfor forskellige brancher:JobcenterKommuneUddannelsescenterProduktionMekanikerRevisorerDesign/InteriørOg flere andre...


Bredbå is a guide to Danish ISPs with focus on quality content for everyone. We help consumers through the process of buying an internet connection with the relevant guidance and information. We try to keep both the Danish and English guides up to date with the information you need, when looking for internet connections in Denmark. Our goal is to provide you with quality content in a way that makes it easy to understand – even if you don’t know all the technical terms.

Origo Systems

We build and run infrastructure clouds. Enterprises, start-ups and public organizations run their servers in our public cloud Origo Cloud or on premise with our hardware box the Origo Engine.


We have developed a unique travel concept within the Slow Travel concept. Our travels aims to bringing people together, by exploring the world and expanding your senses.We offer adventurous, group tours where sighted and partially sighted travelers can travel together and learn from each other. By travelling with a non-sighted travel partner you will learn to explore with a focus on your other senses, which gives your travel experience a completely new dimension.