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FLERA is a start-up that offers a solution to these challenges of high housing costs, increasing interest rates, and inflation can be particularly valuable because it can help make home ownership more accessible and affordable for a larger number of people. As traditional methods of home ownership become increasingly difficult to navigate, alternative solutions that offers an option for those who are struggling to get a foot on the property ladder is highly needed. By providing innovative solutions, FLERA can help people achieve their dream of home ownership while also addressing the larger social and economic challenges associated with the housing market. The Problem Inaccessible housing market The cost of buying an apartment in Stockholm has increased dramatically over the past 30 years, going from costing an average of 2.5 yearly salaries to nearly 14 yearly salaries. Finding affordable housing has become seemingly impossible for many, leaving them trapped in a cycle of financial insecurity. We must work together to find solutions that will make housing more accessible and affordable for all. Having a place to call your home is a prerequisite for an independent, safe, and good life. Housing affects people's ability to obtain education, jobs, to start a family, or to establish themselves in a new area. Rich Uncles’ co-ownership provides creditworthy buyers with the opportunity to purchase a home together with a co-buyer today, and take the first step on the property ladder Today it is almost impossible to invest in the Swedish property market but Rich Uncles’ co-ownership will open up for this opportunity. Unlock the power of co-ownership. Our innovative co-ownership approach makes homeownership affordable and accessible for everyone. The platform connects homebuyers with co-owners to make owning a home more affordable and accessible. Enabling good investment deals and helping a new generation build equity and achieve financial stability.

Finnkassa Oy

We are a startup from Espoo Finland with a unique and easy to use Point of Sales Software for Restaurants and Cafes. Our unique features offer our customers the lowest processing fees, table management, stock management, employee shift management and reporting for data analysis in a single bundled package.


For entrepreneurs, For learners, and For job-seekers. Whether you want to practice a foreign language with a native speaker, need help with homework from a senior student, or want to learn a new skill from an industry expert. On our platform, you will find the right person who will be happy to support you in your journey.


Digilege er Norges første digitale helsesenter og ble startet av en gruppe leger høsten 2016. Vi ønsket å bruke eksisterende teknologi for å løse konkrete og reelle helseproblemer. Vi gjør helsetjenester enklere, bedre og mer tilgjengelig ved å kombinere den nyeste teknologien med kunnskapsrike og motiverte leger. Vårt mål er å gi Norges befolkning et lykkeligere liv med bedre helse.

Anmi Solutions AB

At Anmi Solutions, we are passionate about supporting healthcare professionals who are helping their patients get better at taking their medications as prescribed. Medication adherence is a global problem…50% of people with chronic illness do not take their medications as prescribed. This leads to treatment failure, 25% of all hospitalizations, $500 billion in preventable healthcare costs, and 275,000+ preventable deaths annually. Our medication management solution addresses the barriers of health literacy (understanding why and how to take one’s meds), side effects, forgetfulness, costs, and stress through an innovative app designed to help educate, engage, and empower patients, serving as a vital extension of the doctor’s care and oversight.


Within WeTech, we develop digital services aimed at gaining deeper insights into the job market. WeQube's goal is to make a social impact on individuals and communities that occur as a result of an action or inaction, it can be an activity, a project, a program, or a policy. By actively sharing data, knowledge, and code, we gain better insights and thereby collectively create a better job market for everyone!

Scandinavian Web Project

The Scandinavian Web Project is dedicated to promoting the local economy in Scandinavia, starting with West Jutland. Our purpose is in line with the EU's Digital Decade Policy Program 2030, which has set goals to modernize and digitalize businesses, improve their presence and efficiency. We offer a range of essential services, including booking systems, webshops, and direct purchasing solutions. Having demonstrated a significant improvement in customer satisfaction and streamlining operations for both businesses and customers, we understand the importance of a modern website, and we complement this with a comprehensive re-branding kit and ongoing SEO improvements. Our goal is not only to increase your visibility but also to elevate the quality of your services. We are committed to assisting you through every step of this transformation.


At the heart of our business is a commitment to offering personalized security services that are tailored to meet the unique needs and concerns of parents in Oslo. We recognize that the safety of teenagers is a paramount concern, and our services are designed to address this by providing a high level of security and support. We establish ourselves as the go-to provider for personal security services. Our strategy involves extensive market research to understand the specific needs of our target demographic, coupled with targeted marketing campaigns to reach and engage parents effectively. Our services are built on the foundation of innovation, leveraging technologies in real-time tracking, emergency response, and communication. We plan to continuously invest in research and development to keep our offerings at the forefront of the personal security industry. We believe in building long-term relationships with our customers. This involves not just meeting but exceeding their expectations through exceptional service, regular feedback mechanisms, and personalized customer care. Recognizing the importance of community in ensuring the safety of teenage & individuals, we plan to actively engage with local schools, youth organizations, and law enforcement. Our team comprises of highly trained professionals who are experts in personal security. Continuous training and development programs will be a staple to ensure that our staff remains knowledgeable and skilled in the latest security practices and technologies. We are committed to sustainable business practices and have a clear roadmap for growth. Presense’s business is anchored in the philosophy of providing innovative, reliable, and personalized security services. We aim to create a safer environment for the youth and peace of mind for their families.


We are a company offering better opportunities primarily for people seeking a home in addition to people aiming at listing a property hoping to sell their apartment or house. Our Housing Pot concept eliminates obstacles of owning a home for home seekers, a WIN = WYN! It also allows homeowners to advertise properties with advantageous market value, another WIN = WYN! We strive for a WYN WYN situation for both; home seekers and homeowners.


WeVision is developing a video commerce platform that helps brands establish a new revenue channel through interactive video. Unlike similar platforms emphasizing conversion, we aim to increase customer loyalty with returning customers and decrease ad spend. Solution: 
Make e-commerce not boring. A video commerce platform that offers live streaming and a social feed into your store, increasing conversion and engagement. Video and live streams help the customers make the right decision.

Digital Commerce Finland

Missiomme on kiihdyttää digitaalisen kaupan kehitystä ja kasvua Suomessa. Digital Commerce Finland on uusi yhteisö, joka koostuu verkkokaupoista, kaupan alan pk-yrityksistä, digitaalisesta kaupasta kiinnostuneista sekä siihen vaikuttavista tahoista. Tarjoamme yhteisön jäsenillemme esim. valmennus-, koulutus- ja verkostoitumistapahtumia, kansainvälisiä koulutusmatkoja, toimialadatapalveluita ja tulevaisuudessa myös yhteisön coworking-tilan, jossa tulee operoimaan myös digitaalisen kaupan kiihdyttämö alan lupaavimmille yrityksille. Olemme uusi vuonna 2023 perustettu toimija. Kulttuurimme rakennuspalikoita ovat merkityksellinen sisältö, käytännönläheisyys, vastuullisuus, laatu sekä yrittäjämäisyys. Visiomme on rakentaa Suomeen maailman kilpailukykyisin digitaalisen kaupan yhteisö.


Kanna is a research and development company that applies technology to sustainability problems. At Kanna, we go beyond highlighting environmental challenges — we craft tangible solutions, empowering and educating individuals to make a direct impact on the environment that is directly impacting them. Our proprietary application harnesses machine learning and advanced mathematical modeling to empower users to upcycle their garments, fostering a sustainable future for fashion.

I created Next Frontier to have a separate and independent media from my other supply chain businesses (Responsibly and Ofload), with the purpose of creating a safe and independent learning environment for spreading the best practices and insights to power our transition to sustainable supply chains. ​ Why supply chains? Because they represent 93% of the avg. company's footprint, and are absolutely key to ensure a sustainable future. They're also hard, fragmented and intransparent, and will require work for the decades to come.​ ​ To accelerate this transition, we need to stand on the shoulders of giants. Learn from each others mistakes and replicate the successes. There's an unfortunate consequence of the greenwashing and reputational risks that spans sustainability, which results in people 'holding their cards close' or being abstract in their shares. It also an incredibly heavy topic making it frankly quite boring at times. With Next Frontier.🌍 we'll try to change that. Make it more digestible, while learning from the best.


GodtSind er et nyt psykologhus i hjertet af Køge; startet med ønsket om at skabe de bedste rammer for at være psykolog og klient. Hos GodtSind har administrationen styr på den daglige drift, sikrer varm kaffe på kanden og sørger for rolige og trygge rammer. Vores ønske er at bringe ventetiden på psykologhjælp ned på landsplan, og vores praksis i Køge er den første af (forhåbentlig) flere.


Hi, we are Calori - a fast-growing and ambitious startup on a meaningful mission to help people make a lifelong transition towards better lifestyles. We help people achieve healthier lifestyles, create the right habits, and get in shape with our personalized meal plans. We plan, cook, and deliver all the meals based on the nutritional needs of every customer. Over the past year, we’ve launched a successful pilot, completed the Kiuas accelerator program, and closed a funding round. In 2024, our goal is to execute a full-scale launch in the Helsinki area before scaling to other cities in Finland and other countries. In the long term, we see a huge potential for integrating Calori with other services related to health and well-being management. That is why we are building a stellar team of top talent who share our vision and ambitions.