Novi Formula

Noviformula is the next generation supplements that is 100% derived from the nature. We combine traditional usage of plants, herbs, mushrooms with a modern approach- to treat common problems that many people face today. Problems falling asleep, feeling of tiredness and having a low immune system to mention a few. Our products are based on plants, roots, herbs and mushrooms with adaptogenic and other powerful properties.
Location Sweden
Founded 2022
Employees 1-10
Industries Consumer Goods, Healthcare & Life Science, Food & Beverage
Business model B2C, B2B
Funding state Bootstrapping

Working at
Novi Formula

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Remote work allowed
Remote work allowed

Equity package
Equity package

Skill development
Skill development

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours




Founder, Founder and CEO

Samuel Öquist