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Showing: 2632 filtered startups


Our mission is to solve easy EV charging across the Nordics. One app to find the best route, charging stops based on your preferences, charge at any operator, and get smart suggestions based on your behaviour. We seek to be at the forefront of EV technology. At the charger, in the car, and at home. Join us in becoming the #1 EV app!

Stack by me

Stack is a social media platform where users can invest together, making investments more engaging and available to non-professionals - especially women. Today, there is a substantial capital gap in Norway and globally. In Norway, the gap is as large as a Norwegian state budget. (which is huge!) - only 20% of the value of Oslo Børs is owned by women today - Women invest 63% less than men, on average - while we only make 11% less - At the same time, 86% of all min. pension receivers are women, so women should be investing more - not less! Why is that? Women tell us - they don´t feel like they have enough knowledge - they don´t know who to ask for help Through the Stack-app, we give them the network to learn from and discuss investments - in an easy and fun way.


Vår grundidé; att låta begagnade kvalitetsmaskiner fylla nya behov Maskiner, nyttofordon och verktyg ses ofta som produktkategorier inom den linjära ekonomin; de tillverkas, används ett tag och hamnar sedan i förvaring för att till slut kasseras. Vi på Maskinera vill förändra det tankesättet. Kvalitetsmaskiner konstrueras för att hålla i många år och kan enkelt cirkuleras. När en ägare inte längre har behov av en maskin kan nästa ägare ta över. Och nästa. Och nästa. Och nästa. Och ibland även nästa. En marknadsplats som får snurr på den svenska maskinflottan Grunden till maskinera bygger på expertis och nyfikenhet kring maskiner och kvalitet. Genom vår marknadsplats möjliggör vi att produkterna hamnar i rätt händer när de inte längre används. Vi får snurr på de maskiner som redan är producerade och inkörda som ett alternativ till nyproducerat. Snällare mot kassan och klimatet helt enkelt. Varje Maskinera-annons gör skillnad En nollställd distansmätare, motorgaranti, skyddsplast på displayen och doften av nytt. Vi vet – det är härligt. Men i en tid när nya maskiner blir alltmer lättillgängliga så är vår roll att stå för ett mer hållbart handlande viktigare än någonsin. Vi väljer kompletta servicehandböcker och känslan av att kunna göra en bra deal framför att köpa nytt! När du använder, underhåller och servar dina maskiner så maximeras din investering, både sett till andrahandsvärdet och klimatavtrycket.


Findex makes the private banking experience accessible through a digital asset management platform. It all started 2022 in Gothenburg, Sweden. After researching and gathering insights, our founders mapped out a vision for a platform that would serve as an asset management platform for all asset classes. Essentially, a platform built for every type of investor, to track and manage their assets regardless of where they are in their financial journey. We want to democratize access to the private banking experience for everyone while also encouraging and spreading knowledge about a diversified investment portfolio. Asset management has traditionally been a reserved opportunity within banking for high net-worth individuals. ‍ By leveraging the foundational value we create for investors, we plan to build several modules on top to expand the use cases for findex and find new synergies towards the market, thus creating value on other ends as well. The vision is to create an investment ecosystem that serves as a portal for spreading financial knowledge and connecting investors with other parties to create new opportunities.


RemotiveLabs is changing how software is built in automotive by bridging modern best practice approaches with the traditional and locked-in setup the industry is used to. Our vision is to democratize software development in the automotive industry because we know that innovation and speed are fuelled by transparency, access & freedom of choice! We empower automotive engineers by providing a modern, lightweight, and flexible development platform.

2Witness AB

2Witness is an early-phase startup & impact company supported by KTH Innovation. In 2022 there were 1.44 million crimes reported. Traditional methods of reporting crimes and gathering information can be time-consuming and require a lot of work. Additionally, it can be difficult to keep information secure and protect witnesses and victims from further harm. 2witness technology can help solve these problems by offering a digital tool for reporting crimes and collecting information in a secure and efficient way.


Ingrid Delivery Platform connects merchants, carriers, and consumers to create a better shopping experience for everyone. How we do it We allow merchants to seamlessly integrate multi- carrier delivery options. We help retailers personalize the brand experience from checkout to delivery. Our products and business logic create smarter results that fit today's world. Why we do it We think deliveries should fit people's lives, not the other way around. Who we do it for For all merchants who want a sustainable growth and consumers who want shopping to fit their lives. See our open positions here:

Heime Proptech AS

Heime jobber med å skape gode nabolag i hele Norge. Vi leverer en plattform som reduserer terskelen for kommunikasjon i sameier og borettslag. I løsningen kan man reservere deletjenester, delta på sosiale aktiviteter, lese styredokumenter og bruke beboeravtaler. Heime brukes fra Kristiansand i sør til Tromsø i nord. Vi har per i dag flere tusen boliger på kundelisten vår. Og vokser eksponensielt.

NIRAS Green Tech Hub

NIRAS has built the most incredible space for green tech startups with 5000m2 of office space, storage and production facilities. NIRAS Green Tech Hub is for startups seeking an extraordinary office space with cool meeting rooms in a vibrant, green and colorful environment with great coffee in the café. Startups will also be able to rent large storage spaces, build MVPs and have actual production in the production hall. This is the place where startups, innovative ideas and green engineering specialists meet. By accessing not only the vibrating hub with peer entrepreneurs, but also the best engineers specialised in sustainability with in different industries such as food, beverage, building, energy, infrastructure etc. The co-development and collaboration between startups and NIRAS’ many experts will be the fast track to grow ideas and innovations. Currently 25 startups and scaleups saluting the green transition is reciting in the hub on a daily basis, but we are working with more than 100 startups on an annual basis through our different programs and activities.


Our startup, Syrcle, is an innovative AI-powered social event platform. Initially launching in Sweden, our mission is to revolutionize the way people connect, socialize, and engage. Problem Statement: In the ever-growing digital world, people increasingly struggle to find meaningful social connections and events that align with their interests. Traditional social media and event platforms often lack personalization and struggle to facilitate deeper, valuable connections. They are largely reactive platforms where users must actively search for events or rely on word-of-mouth recommendations, leading to missed opportunities for enrichment and social engagement. Solution: Syrcle solves this problem by creating an all-in-one platform that uses AI to facilitate and foster meaningful connections. Our platform integrates users' preferences and social behaviors to suggest events and like-minded individuals, making it easier for people to connect and engage with each other. Whether users are looking to deepen relationships with their current friends or meet new like-minded people, Syrcle can intuitively help them find the right events. From small gatherings to larger social events, our platform handles everything from discovery to RSVPs, making the process seamless for both hosts and attendees. Why Syrcle: Our approach uniquely combines the power of AI with the innate human desire for connection and social engagement. This fusion empowers us to offer a more personalized, intuitive experience compared to traditional social media or event platforms. By focusing on creating a community and nurturing relationships, we believe Syrcle will fundamentally transform the way people socialize and engage.

Arranz Group Ltd

The world is changing and that change is inevitable. Arranz Group Ltd embraces the change with open arms. We see it as an opportunity to break old entrenched habits and corporate monopolies. We also see it as an opportunity to conduct business based on ethical values. When the goal is more than just a destination.

Enabler bolån

Enabler är ett bolåneinstitut med tillstånd från Finansinspektionen med rötterna från KTH i Stockholm. Vi jobbar för FNs globala om socialt ansvarstagande och finansiellt inkluderande. Vi fokuserar på att hjälpa unga vuxna in på bostadsmarknaden. Enabler har utvecklat ett anpassat framåtblickande kreditregelverk som fokuserar på anställningsbarhet och potential istället för historisk lön (som traditionella banker) och kan därför låna ut lite mer och med lägre egen kontantinsats. Skillnaden blir att en ung vuxen kan köpa en etta i Stockholms innerstad med en lön om 27,500kr/mån och utan krav på kontantinsats till skillnad från en traditionell bank där kravet blir närmare 42,000kr/mån och en egen insats på över 400,000kr vilket nästan ingen ung vuxen har hunnit spara ihop själv. Med 30-års kö på ett förstahandskontrakt och en andrahandshyra på i genomsnitt 17,000kr/mån är vår lösning flera gånger billigare än andra alternativ. Vill du vara med och göra skillnad och kanske själv ta dig in på bostadsmarknaden? Vi väljer noggrant ut en handfull utav landets största change makers som vi ödmjukt och gärna önskar ha med på resan. Om du tror att det kan vara rätt match så hörs vi gärna på ett 30 min möte! 🏠 🏦 🚀


Metaverse as A Service We develop Metaverse services for the Travel Industry - Hotels, Airports and Airlines. Creating solutions for Hotels, from SelfService solutions as check-in within Virtual Hosts that allows exploring the premises on the enclosure as it can be from anywhere around the world. We develop tourist attractions with entertainment to experience travel tourism from anywhere with VR and AR. Access to local experiences from hotel rooms, airport lounges, airline offices, and more.


SpeakSum is a B2B SaaS meeting analytics platform. SpeakSum provides live, objective, analytics for Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom. The intention is to help make online meetings more inclusive, more equitable and more productive. The key analytics we provide are spoken time for each participant, interruptions and pauses but we also calculate aggregate scores for Engagement and Participant. After the meeting we generate reports both for the whole meeting and anonymized reports for each participant so they can review their performance.


B2B SAAS solution that help the largest and smallest fleets to deliver the last mile with fully operatational lease packages that saves your businesses money. Melker makes it incredibly easy to run and manage an delivery business. For a low monthly subscription cost we provide businesses with fully electric vehicles that saves money for their delivery business. Using our EV fleet saves businesses money and is good for the planet.