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LocalLife är ett kommunikationsnätverk för att underlätta för människor som bor när varandra att leva mer hållbart. Genom närhetsprincipen, utbildning, gamification och återrapportering vi vill förändra beteenden och stärka cirkulär ekonomin. Vi arbetar efter konceptet Re3. Reduce: öka delningsekonomin mellan människor och  minska energianvändning. Reuse: aktivera en lokal marknad där saker får nytt liv istället för att slängas. Recycle: ökad återvinning av avfall.


BUG AMOK’s opgave er at vise, hvordan insekter er et velsmagende, sundt og grønt fødevarealternativ gennem udvikling og produktion af innovative færdigretter med insektprotein, samt opskriftudvikling, afvikling af madkurser og foredrag med klimavenlige fødevarer på menuen. Virksomheden har base på iværksætterkontoret ‘The Kitchen’ på Nørrebrogade 44 i Aarhus C. BUG AMOK blev startet i 2017 på baggrund af en lyst til at vise, hvordan vi gennem ændringer af vores madvaner kan gøre en forskel i den grønne omstilling og dermed omsætte verdensmål til konkrete handlingsmål. Vi ønsker at inspirere unge familier til at vælge bæredygtigt insektprotein frem for konventionelt kød og gøre det nemt og tilgængeligt ved at producere attraktive færdigretter.


In everything we do, we trigger people’s imagination and creativity so that, together, we find solutions for a better future of our world. Everyone has imagination! Our portfolio of companies span across technology, consulting and media. The vision is to invent the future of organizations, where people can truly thrive.

Nordicomm Technologies

Nordicomm balances creative vision with rational design to deliver deceptively simple, original products.Our team designs and builds inspired solutions with heart. We specialize in developing applications with educational components designed to develop positive, everyday habits. We are your trusted partner in building global communities around your product For start please have a look at our working style in Nordicomm with a product. will update fun stuff later.


Enjoy growing fresh herbs or chili with almost no maintenance. It doesn’t matter if you are away for weeks, or if you don’t know how to grow stuff. Botanium takes care of the plant for you, thanks to automated, soil-free growing.

Duara Travels

Duara is a for-profit venture with a mission to make social impact. We believe travellers want to experience real life and meet local people. Our online platform connects communities in emerging economies with impact-minded travellers and brings value to both. We believe that by choosing the right alternatives travellers can empower communities and drive the development of micro-entrepreneurship. Duara is one of these choices.

Firmasundhed Danmark

Firmasundhed Danmark sammensætter skræddersyede sundhedsordninger, der hjælper virksomheder med at tage hånd om deres vigtigste ressource - medarbejderne.Vores mission er at hæve arbejdsglæden og sænke sygefraværet i virksomheder ved at forbedre trivslen og den generelle sundhedstilstand blandt medarbejderne. Vi mener ganske enkelt, at sygefravær og stress ikke bare kan forebygges, det skal forebygges.

Teamwork Family

Follow the procedure at Teamwork Family’ platform and you will increase your chances of an amicable divorce considerably.Teamwork Family is an objectively portal that helps divorced parents make and navigate through the many difficult and important choices - before, during and after a divorce.You will have a tool there takes care of all the agreements made and keep track on the financial balance between you and your ex-spouse. And you keep track on who has the kids at any given day/time. We acknowledge that feelings and emotional needs often dominate the process of making a parental agreement. We can't do anything about the statistics, but we can help you handle the necessary agreements so that your divorce becomes more manageable. We have gathered the parental agreement, the division of property, and the financial agreement in one place. We provide you with an overview of both the details and the bigger picture making agreements more transparent, objective and fair.


We believe in people as the greatest asset in change.​ ​Innovisor is the wing-man for bold leaders who are ready to unleash the power of their internal networks.​ Our hard-core people data, algorithms, and predictive intelligence help leaders prioritize and accelerate commitment to their change initiatives. ​We are not a success until our clients are!


CrowdEyes er danmarks nyeste frem- og efterlysningsfællesskab. Appen CrowdEyes er tjenesten, der hjælper dig med at genfinde de ting du mister. Via et hurtigt opslag kan du eftersøge ting, personer, kæledyr eller vidner til hændelser. - og med ét enkelt klik få din eftersøgning ud til alle brugere af CrowdEyes samt dele det med mine venner og bekendte på facebook.


NemPULS er en brugervenlig grænseflade til at håndtere data i Danmarks Miljøportal PULS-database. Databasen indeholder informationer om renseanlæg, dambrug og regnbetingede udløb og badevand i Danmark.NemPULS er udviklet i tæt samarbejde med en række renseanlæg med fokus på at reducere de administrative byrder, der er forbundet med PULS.


LinkAiders is a Danish startup striving to optimize disaster communication by delivering timely and verified data to relief coordinators. We are the owners and drivers behind the project Reachi - an information management system that will function even when regular signal and power is unavailable. Reachi utilizes the existing capacity of trained volunteers to establish mesh networks. We cooperate with the Danish Red Cross and our technical partner Neocortec.


Explained is a visual data storytelling studio that helps organizations, newsrooms and other businesses communicate their data to their audience visually and inclusively. What: Currently, media and businesses communicate and inform their audience primarily through video, audio, or text.  These methods however have limitations when communicating data and make data inaccessible. How: We use visual data storytelling to understand complex data and turn it into clear, engaging, actionable insights and visually appealing stories. We use inclusive techniques to make our stories accessible and include a wider audience. Why: We understand the world best when it's explained visually.  Understanding today's world starts with understanding data. Globally, one in four people has some form of vision impairment that makes it difficult to understand the current communication formats. We believe in visual storytelling and are experts in this niche field. We have created many projects on different topics and have communicated them successfully with our audience. We have also built a community around visual data storytelling.

Northeast Flow Oy

We provide a digitalized heating service for buildings, Heating 2.0. Customers get better control and information from heating, carbon savings, and save in heating costs. In producing the heat, we generate revenue from heating, computing and demand response for electricity networks. Our current target customers are medium and large industrial/office/warehouse/sports buildings. Our vision is to convert the largest energy consumer (i.e. heating) from a rigid electricity user into an intelligent and flexible consumer, and bring computing everywhere. NEF and NEF's techonology is going to be an imporant part of the transisition from fossil fuels to renewables. We have four active customer cases and four persons working full time. In addition, our non-working owners advise us and act in board roles. We are financed by our current owners, and our customer case revenue grows. Our current activity is in Finland, hq'd in Helsinki. Our service is designed for the global market, where heating of buildings is required.


XperiTech is a fast growing travel tech company addressing a digitally lagging multi-billion travel and experience market where demand for digital services is growing fast. XperiTech currently operates the largest platform for anadromous fishing in Europe (Elveguiden) and the largest camping booking platform in Norway (Campio). Both brands are expanding their services to new markets. Through a holistic E2E offering for suppliers and end users XperiTech delivers a high value through a strong value prop for our customer base. Strong performance in 2022, increasing gross merchandise value (GMV) by 67 % and annual recurring revenue (ARR) by 40 % from previous year. Competitive adv. through own unique software that delivers on fit for purpose solutions for both suppliers and end users, synergies between brands and leading expertise in the segments. Potential to further grow organically through accelerating core business and through expanding the core to new markets, customers, and products. M&A can further accelerate strategic and financial ambitions, including accelerating international expansion Experienced management dedicated to further scaling the company