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Showing: 2662 filtered startups is the virtual AI assistant for tax advisors - helping them with legal research or drafting communication with the tax authorities. By leveraging the power of AI, we will save our clients hours of tedious and repetitive work every week, thereby giving them the time to focus on the work that really matters to them, like the contact with their clients.


Vår grundidé; att låta begagnade kvalitetsmaskiner fylla nya behov Maskiner, nyttofordon och verktyg ses ofta som produktkategorier inom den linjära ekonomin; de tillverkas, används ett tag och hamnar sedan i förvaring för att till slut kasseras. Vi på Maskinera vill förändra det tankesättet. Kvalitetsmaskiner konstrueras för att hålla i många år och kan enkelt cirkuleras. När en ägare inte längre har behov av en maskin kan nästa ägare ta över. Och nästa. Och nästa. Och nästa. Och ibland även nästa. En marknadsplats som får snurr på den svenska maskinflottan Grunden till maskinera bygger på expertis och nyfikenhet kring maskiner och kvalitet. Genom vår marknadsplats möjliggör vi att produkterna hamnar i rätt händer när de inte längre används. Vi får snurr på de maskiner som redan är producerade och inkörda som ett alternativ till nyproducerat. Snällare mot kassan och klimatet helt enkelt. Varje Maskinera-annons gör skillnad En nollställd distansmätare, motorgaranti, skyddsplast på displayen och doften av nytt. Vi vet – det är härligt. Men i en tid när nya maskiner blir alltmer lättillgängliga så är vår roll att stå för ett mer hållbart handlande viktigare än någonsin. Vi väljer kompletta servicehandböcker och känslan av att kunna göra en bra deal framför att köpa nytt! När du använder, underhåller och servar dina maskiner så maximeras din investering, både sett till andrahandsvärdet och klimatavtrycket.

Arctic Innovation Ecosystem

The Arctic Innovation Ecosystem is the operational entity of the HNDG development portfolio, dedicated to driving growth in the Arctic region through real-estate development, services, and programs. With a focus on increasing talent density and fostering innovation, the Arctic Innovation Ecosystem has three main operations: 1. Developing the leading Arctic Innovation & Student campus, including universities, coworking, and innovation spaces 2. Creating innovation programs within the ArcTech industries (Built Environment, Energy, Food Tech, Health Tech, Maritime & Logistics, and Tourism & Hospitality) 3. Facilitating the leading Arctic Innovation network


RemotiveLabs is changing how software is built in automotive by bridging modern best practice approaches with the traditional and locked-in setup the industry is used to. Our vision is to democratize software development in the automotive industry because we know that innovation and speed are fuelled by transparency, access & freedom of choice! We empower automotive engineers by providing a modern, lightweight, and flexible development platform.

Up Norway

Up Norway is the antithesis of stock tourist travel. With unmatched local expertise we are able to curate bespoke, authentic experiences, adventures, vistas, and relationships for travellers from all over the world. Our enthusiastic team creates journeys off the beaten path, directly to all the delights our country has to offer. In building itineraries, we use the latest data and in-house technology to enhance personalised service. Our staff is always looking out for the welfare, care, and fulfilment of our travellers – ready to connect by chat or phone. Saved from frustrating internet searches and travel logistics, our guests are kept well-informed about connections, schedules, and the newest and most remarkable offerings in adventures, hospitality, and dining available. We love introducing people to our vibrant culture; from music, art, and architecture, to winter sports. Additionally, the local food should not be missed – from farm-to-table offerings and indigenous traditional delicacies to some of the most talked-about cuisine in the world. Be it Viking ancestry, Sami heritage or modern governance – we feel proud to share the stories of our small country, consistently placed at the top of the UN Sustainable Development Report as one of the happiest nations in the world.


The way we work has fundamentally changed. In a hybrid world, it’s no longer the office vs. home — it’s both. We believe in the freedom of working anywhere, and that humans thrive when we come together.We believe that work is not a place, it is something you do. Our platform allows companies to deliver a great employee experience by subscribing to office furniture and equipment that transform the office to an inspirational collaboration hub, as well as equipping remote teams with ergonomic home offices — with the click of a button. Our solution is simple, companies subscribe to furniture and equipment with full flexibility. And our asset management system allows for full visibility and control, as well as removing all logistical pains. Our business model is fully circular. This is a win-win, where suppliers keep on owning their assets making a better profit on each product, AND we save the environment by giving all furniture and equipment a longer life! We are a team with a big mission and we are growing! Join the journey. exists to realize the full value of your data through collaborative digital apps we are powered by we co-design digital solutions that drive new revenue we build collaborative apps and enrich them with real-time data we fund exceptional products, bringing them to new markets

Letterlife AB

Letterlife is the first tool allowing females with ADHD to visualize the interplay of hormones, ADHD-symptoms, and everyday functioning across the menstrual cycle and the female lifespan. By tracking hormonal fluctuations, ADHD-symptoms, personal challenges, and pharmacological treatment we empower women, encourage self-efficacy and improve self-care. Today females are diagnosed 5 years later than men and untreated ADHD results a 13 year shorter life expectancy. Letterlife constitutes a data driven, gender sensitive base for shared health care decision making. The key lies in linking individualized data to health care registers, providing women with the guidance needed to navigate the complex interplay between mental and reproductive health.


Ingrid Delivery Platform connects merchants, carriers, and consumers to create a better shopping experience for everyone. How we do it We allow merchants to seamlessly integrate multi- carrier delivery options. We help retailers personalize the brand experience from checkout to delivery. Our products and business logic create smarter results that fit today's world. Why we do it We think deliveries should fit people's lives, not the other way around. Who we do it for For all merchants who want a sustainable growth and consumers who want shopping to fit their lives. See our open positions here: is the world’s largest database of research papers and scientific articles with over 240 million titles, of which 40 million are Open Access. Headquartered in London and Stockholm, it provides lightning-fast search, advanced filters, and direct access to Open papers. Over a million users from 158 countries use to find and access the research they need. The future is Open Access, and is the tool for that future.


Dryft är nästa generations hantverksföretag inom renovering, underhåll och energirenoveringar av människors hem. Vi är ett snabbväxande bolag som utmanar det traditionella hantverksbranschen. Vi är en one-stop-shop för privatmarknaden och utvecklar nya sätt för konsumenter att handla hantverkstjänster och med alla hantverkare anställda på Dryft så kan vi aggregera all data direkt ur alla våra projekt, vilket gör att vi utvecklar helt automatiserade flörden för resursplanering, prissättning ovh materialåtgång vilket ger oss möjligheter att skapa kunduppleveser utöver vad du förväntar dig av ett hantverksbolag.


What is Porkkanapankki (Carrot Bank) and what challenge are we meeting? A carrot is always more effective than a stick! A browser-based inspirational, effective incentive scheme and people-centred management tool. It can be used to drive an individual or team to do things that matter to the business or are important to the business. business value through positive rewards. It can also be used as a human resource management tool. A new perspective can bring out the hidden gems in your business - the talent that otherwise invisible. The system also guides employees to monitor and improve their own performance.

Farmers First AB

Disruptive distribution of farm equipment and supplies. Unified commerce; digitized, local, personal. Creates conditions for fair and sustainable farming. Farmers First, a Swedish start-up, decided to solve the problem with the domination from the tractor manufacturers in the value chain for agricultural machines. This domination leads to difficulties for big and small implement manufacturers to reach the farmers. It is also leading to lack of competition and higher than necessary prices for the farmers. “Somebody had to do something about the broken value chain – We decided to be Somebody!” The current value chain is not able to re-invent and solve the problem. A disruptive solution is needed. The Farmers First solution is combining digitalisation of machine sales with online expert help and a local network of workshops. It is including a maintenance solution to extend machine lifetime and improve farmers financials. The platform is creating networking and use integrated marketing methods. It is a Tech-solution in the AgTech area with a platform providing a Marketplace and E-commerce. To create an open and competitive value chain for agricultural machines is important for the climate, securing access to new innovative machines for efficient farming and regenerative methods, and to improve self sufficiency in food production. We are driven by this purpose, are convinced that putting farmers first is the right way to go, and are determined to solve the problem. We are warmly welcomed by manufacturers, retailers and farmers. We have launched, we see sales starting to pick up, and we are now gearing up to be able to grow sales and scale in Europe.


Good food is not available to everyone. For some, time is a barrier. For others money is a barrier. Sopperiet aims to solve these problems by offering the city's fastest, most convenient, and most affordable ready-made hot meals. Our vision is to be the best fast food player by offering healthier, cheaper, faster and more convenient meals. Both ecological and social sustainability are cornerstones of the company. Sopperiet ("The Soupery") manufacture and operate vending machines for soup. We collaborate with local restaurants that take turns making the soup of the day using their own surplus ingredients. We have validated our concept through an MVP and are soon ready to launch an open beta with a prototype that we have built. We collaborate with local restaurants, who take turns in creating the soup of the day from surplus groceries.


PhysAct is a Swedish digital healthcare company using movement to fight stress! Created by physical therapists, patients receive a personal exercise program created to combat stress in all forms. Through their app, patients have direct communication with their physical therapists. Our healthcare professionals support and coach our users through their journey to reduce stress through exercise. We're a fast-growing company with a focus on Sweden, to begin with. We believe in the power of culture and finding the right candidates is super important to us regardless of position! If you're interested in learning more or don't see your ideal job send us a mail at