Make Influence søger en marketing praktikant!

Salary Unpaid

Om Virksomheden:

Make Influence er Danmarks førende influencer- markedsplads og platform. Make Influence forbinder influencers med relevante brands og sikrer at disse kan samarbejde på nem, performancebaseret og datadreven vis. Make Influence er en SaaS (software as a service) virksomhed og består af tre overordnede afdelinger – ”Tech & Product”, ”Customers Succes” og ”Salg & Marketing”. Hos Make Influence ligger det vores hjerte nær, at skabe en fed kultur for alle medarbejdere, hvorfor vi også afholder mange sociale arrangementer, ture, fester m.m., samtidig med at vi tilbyder en fleksibel og selvstændig arbejdsplads, hvor der er mulighed for en god work-life-balance med hjemmearbejde, når det passer ind i dit program.  


Som praktikant hos Make Influence får du mulighed for at være en del af spændende projekter og opgaver inden for digital marketing. Dine arbejdsopgaver kan bl.a. omfatte:

  • SEO-optimering

  • Udvikling- og eksekvering af influencer rekrutteringsstrategier.

  • Udvikling- og eksekvering af lead-genereringsstrategier.

  • Udvikling- og design af kunde- og influencer cases.

  • Udvikling- og design af nyhedsbrev.

  • Udvikling- og opsætning af Paid Ads.

  • Udvikling- og eksekvering af SoMe Marketing.

  • Opsætning af Marketing automatiseringer & Email marketing.

  • Udvikling- og eksekvering af visuelt design.


Hvad kan man forvente:

  • Bliv del af en virksomhed, hvor der fart på beslutningerne og hvor vi skubber på for at blive bedre, hver eneste dag.

  • Interager med nogle af de mest indflydelsesrige brands og influencers.

  • En ung og frisk kontorkultur midt i København.

  • En dedikeret leder til at sætte skubbe dig fremad og kickstarte din karriere.

  • Fleksibel arbejdstid.

  • God og sund frokostordning.

Hvad vi søger:

Vi leder efter en passioneret og engageret praktikant, der har interesse for digital marketing. Vi søger en kreativ og proaktiv person med gode analytiske evner. Vi værdsætter en positiv attitude og evnen til at arbejde både selvstændigt og i teams. Det er ikke et krav at du har tidligere erfaring med influencer marketing, men en god forståelse for sociale medier anses som en fordel.


Vi søger en praktikant, som er klar til at blive en del af vores team hurtigst muligt. Så hvis du er klar til at kickstarte din karriere inden for digital marketing hos Make Influence, bedes du sende din ansøgning og CV hurtigst muligt.

For more information or questions please contact us at or phone number +4525320430

Perks and benefits

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Free lunch
Free lunch

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Near public transit
Near public transit

Social gatherings
Social gatherings

Central office
Central office

Work life balance
Work life balance

See all 18 benefits

Working at
Make Influence

Make Influence is the first performance driven influencer marketplace in Denmark, helping b2c marketers and ecommerce brands managing influencer marketing campaigns at scale through the power of data and technology. Influencer marketing is a 10 billion dollar industry, with millions of collaborations between brands and creators being created each year. However, it is still often associated with lack of transparency when it comes to pricing and performance, making it hard for marketers to trust it can be used as a serious performance marketing channel. At the same time, influencers still lack the tools to manage their work efficiently and effectively on their own. We are here to change that! Our goal is to make influencer marketing transparent, fair and effective, creating an environment where influencers and marketers can come to trust each other and create amazing collaborations together. All of this, while having some fun! We are building just this: a marketplace for influencer, where marketers can see all important metrics before reaching out to them, and when they find the right fit, agree on performance based compensation. This way, influencers get paid for what they deliver in real business value, and brands have the piece of mind of not throwing money out of the window. The platform is based upon an affiliate tracking system that allows us to know exactly how many impressions, clicks and sales is any piece of sponsored content generating. This is shown in real time to both the influencer and the brand through dashboards. At the end of each month, we pay the influencer what they are due. Automatically. With this model, we have helped over 200 brands generating 100'000'000 DKK in revenue through influencers collaborations, and over 14'000'000 in commission paid to over 1000 influencers. But we are not stopping here: in the next year we plan to expand outside of Denmark, launch new campaign types and develop the product further to accomodate even more user types. To do this, we need talented and energetic people, who would like to help us build the future of influencer marketing . If you think you have what it takes , keep on reading ... because what we do it's not only about numbers! We are very young team, and as such we love to have fun, be it in our splendid office on Christianshavn waterfront, at one of the parties we organize or for a cozy beer tasting night. We work hard, but we love to play harder, and we hope so do you! :))) Welcome to the Make Influence world.

Read more about Make Influence

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