To my future teammate:
Three years ago I was working on building a startup called Lokalist, it was a platform that compared all the different ways to buy and sell used phones. I had a great team, investors behind me, and a lot of ambition. Then Covid came and basically overnight the business model, investment deals, and overall project fell apart. I was of course devastated a the loss of everything I had built up over three years - but In that hard time a new idea was born. On Amager Strand - in the middle of Covid - alone on the beach I decided that I wanted to work on something Worthmore. Not just a business that made money - but one that made a real impact in the lives of people today. Luckily the domain Worthmore was free :) and I began the whole journey all over again.
Today Worthmore aims to disrupt telecom for the good of people and the planet. We want to take one of the most polluting and outdated industries in the world and use our skillsets as a team to help reinvent it from the ground up - from how you buy a phone to how you use it, to the subscription that powers it and we are inviting you to become a part of that adventure.
Great things cannot be built alone and they take a lot of hard work and passion. We are still an early-stage startup and, to be honest, there is not a lot of money on the table - but there is an opportunity to spend some energy building something that matters around people who care, and to be part of a team that launched a telecom company that aims to be an example for the future of the industry.
What We Look For:
Currently, we are looking to bring a passionate frontend developer onto our team - specifically with experience in or a strong desire to learn TailwindsCSS, Next.js, and React. We are looking for someone who believes in our mission and vision and wants to be a part of making it a reality above all else. I look forward to reading your applications and inviting some of the best in for an interview soon :)
Tegan Spinner
CEO & Founder at Worthmore
Pursue or in possession of a degree from an IT/ Design University
Have some professional experience with FE development
Consider yourself a design thinker/problem solver
You are a master of responsive web design
Are a self-motivated worker who can dedicate a minimum of 15 hours a week
Pay attention to the details
Have good communication skills (English is a must, Danish a plus)
If you have any start-up experience it's a plus
One of the most critical questions we feel most startups forget to ask is what they can do for you. We are asking you to share the talents and skillsets that you have built up over many years to make our lives easier and our brand stronger.
For each person this answer is different, but it is our mission as a small startup to provide value to every team member in a way that is unique to them. We believe if you can give us what we need and we can offer you what you want then we are sure to be a good match professionally.
One cool part about our team is we are very diverse all coming from different backgrounds and pretty balanced male-to-female ratio.
In a startup even more critical than your skillsets is the team fit. That being said, our interview is an informal and relaxed introduction to our team and the project. We grab a coffee or a beer (your choice), then we talk a bit about the idea and listen to your thoughts about it. We will ask you if you have any previous work to show off, and then discuss a bit about what we can do for you. Finally, we will promise to give you a decision within a week.
If what we are doing sounds interesting to you apply via The Hub. If you have any questions, please give us a call or send an email, we look forward to meeting with you soon :)
Tegan Spinner
CEO @ Worthmore
This job comes with several perks and benefits