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RiskWave is a new maritime IT start-up ! RiskWave goal is to make a new IT software platform, to help and assist many levels of industries in making work related risk assessments and reduce work accidents and costs there by. RiskWave is to start making risk assessments to the maritime industry. Today making Risk Assessments are time consuming and the hard job is often left over to people a side and not work leader and worker. Making a Risk Assessments before work is started are not fully integrated onboard all ships, due to - Time consuming of making Risk Assessment - Lack of knowledge on how to identify work hazards - Multi-culture Crew can have deffilculty safety culture - Minimum safe manning/Crew onboard Other problems related to work accidents onboard are - Wrongly or incorrect use of Personal Protective Equipment - Handling and storage of chemicals used onboard, correct handling of Safety Data Sheets updating chemical database. - Superficial review of risk assessments. RiskWave’s goal is provide work leaders and workers with easy step-by-step risk assessments make it possible for work leader to quickly identify work hazards and create high usable Risk Assessment. er en online platform som samler et stort udvalg af gaveprodukter fra lokale, fysiske butikker i Danmark. Når man køber gaver via handler man hos de fysiske butikker, som også selv sørger for at gaverne leveres direkte hjem til modtagerne. samarbejder med lokale vinhandlere, gavebutikker, livsstilsbutikker, blomsterhandlere, delikatesseforretninger og mange flere.


Our mission of making companies scale to their full potential started at the beginning of 2021. Being a talent acquisition business partner for high growth companies, we aim to help them scale by offering our complete recruitment solutions around talent acquisition related matters. With the quick, flexible connect and scale methodology, we enable our customers to grow at a fast pace by connecting our dedicated talent partners as a part of their teams for the time needed. Our bread and butter: 🚀 RPO/ EMBEDDED → Our Talent Partners fully integrated as a part of your team for the time needed. 🚀 Hybrid RPO → Connect us on a flexible hybrid model to support specific parts of your recruitment functions. 🚀 Direct Search → For single, complex, and urgent recruitment needs. Domestic or International, we make sure you have the right employee to succeed in the position. 🚀 Employer Branding → Stand out in competition! We help you to attract top talents. Ps. Our headquarter is located up in the clouds. Yes, fully remote from the beginning 😎


MentaNudge er en løsning, der skal være med til at skabe større velvære hos danskerne i en tid, hvor ensomhed, manglende struktur på hverdagen hersker og hvor hjemmearbejde bliver den nye normal. Vores mål er at forbedre velværet hos danskere, som arbejder hjemme derved får en ensporet hverdag, hvor vi vil komme med kvalificerede bud på aktiviteter som kan udføres i løbet af dagen og derved modvirke dyk i humør og velvære/selvværdet. Vi ønsker effektivt at forebygge depressioner og nedture ved at nudge danskerne med det, de har brug for, når de har brug for det.

Xpand It Media

Vilka är Xpand It Media? - En nischad & resultat fokuserad annonserings byrå Vi är och vill alltid vara en 100 % resultat fokuserad annonseringsbyrå. Vi levererar strategier, content, annonsering nischat inom motorbranschen, fastighetsbranschen & mobility/elsektorn. Vi ska genom att vara nischade bli bäst i Sverige inom de segment vi fokuserar på. Vårt mål är att fortsätta växa teamet och omsättningen till 30 miljoner om 3 år.

Karma Mobil AB

Karma Mobil AB is a new mobile operator on the Swedish market. Our mission is to make digital life easier for those who needs it the most. Our target group is people who because of age or other reasons feel uncomfortable to use digital solutions or are unaware of the aids that exists. The purpose with Karma Mobil is to enlighten our target group of the possibilities and assist them in becoming more digital. By doing this we will help them, and their families, to make day-to-day activities simpler. Karma Mobil’s offer consists of a mobile subscription packaged with a number of add-on services. To make senior citizens feel more comfortable being digital, we include a service for ID protection. With the ID protection, the customer gets for example notified and assistance if their social security number, bank account, credit card or e-mail address is fraudulently used online. We offer this solution together with our partner MinUC which we have an exclusive agreement with. Apart from the ID protection service, Karma Mobil AB are in discussions with other possible partner companies who provide different solutions for people with special needs. The solutions varies but common for them is that they bring support for individuals and the families. One example is to keep contact and plan for day-to-day activities over a digital platform. In addition to the digital to digital services, we also offer our customers a blog where topics in relation to our target group is covered. By this, our customers can get insight and inspiration to become more active – both digitally and in “real life”. Karma Mobil has also signed up with a couple of partners with discounts and offers specifically for our target group. The purpose of this is to create a feeling of community and recognition for our target group. As a new player on the Swedish telco market, we focus on a target group that does not get much attention. Instead of marketing Karma as “cheap” and “easy” (even if we are) our message is that we care. We show this to our customer by having competitive rates and subscriptions that includes something else than just the ordinary mobile services. We also show that we care by having a staffed support organisation which can be reached by phone, chat or social media. We are on a journey from being brand new on the market, unknown to anyone to become the obvious Mobile operator for those who appreciate extra care.

The Virtual Subrmarine

We use Virtual Reality to improve the quality of soft-skills and onboarding trainings, allowing companies to scale fast their trainings with the best quality. Our focus is to enhance user engagement and training repetition, while being cost-efficient and offering seamless integration with the trainier methodology and the corporate objectives.

Pisara Learning

Our vision is to make a new generation of user interfaces. Our applications will be easy to use and at the same time we will produce truly unique features which have never been seen before . Our vision is to create the finest user interfaces for stylus pens in the world. Our problem is “How to enhance learning thoroughly?” Every educational scientist is solving this same problem. Based on the knowledge we have on human learning we are very keen to find out what possibilities technology has to offer? Can learning be quantified, analyzed and enhanced with machine learning? Also our daily observations show us that there are a lot of management tasks which take take time both from teachers and students and the focus moves from learning to management. Therefore we dare to present another problem we are chasing: “How digital technology can support learning in ways that it makes learning easier, more motivating, less-dependent of teacher´s presence and approval''. Our solution: The user interfaces created by Pisara Learning offer intuitive ways to learn through digital devices. Our concept for learning is called Puro. Puro is easy to approach and use. It has unique properties: - Personalized assignments - Automated exercise checking - Learning analytics and tools for evaluation - Digital drawing made as simple as taking notes or drawing on paper Our features: Data collection Pisara is strongly utilizing the use of modern data collection. The solutions in edtech software robotics market do their best to automate - evaluation - creating assignments - giving feedback AI solutions Pisara AI solutions concentrate particularly in automated assignment creation. We are building an assignment library from where AI can pick suitable tasks for each user individually. This will be a first of a kind product in the world of edtech. Machine learning OCR Pisara Learning is developing machine learning OCR (optical character recognition). Pisara OCR is used specially for recognizing personal handwriting and also numbers and mathematical symbols. Pisara OCR is first-of-a-kind since it is taught to recognize all kinds of drawing and thinking with pen.


MoldoVin is an import company based in Copenhagen. We import wine from Moldova, a small country in eastern Europe. The country is known for their delicious wines, but unfortunately not in Scandinavia. Our mission is to bring this underrated wine into Scandinavia, starting with Denmark, and help wine connoisseurs broaden their views on what is considered a great wine.

CodeLine OY

We created, a marketplace where tech-talents meet companies. It is a ML-driven search engine that parses the open data sources, grabs all job posts and delivers the search results as a jobs list with special tags that allow smart-filtering by Speciality/Technology/Skill level/Location/etc to receive the most full and relevant list of suitable jobs.


Dyreverdenen er en mindre dyrehandel som har en daglig butik i Herfølge. Samt to webshop. og Der forhandler vi alt til kæledyr som blandt andet foder og tilbehør til hunde, katte, kaniner, gnavere, fugle, akvariefisk og krybdyr. I vores store sortiment finder du mange af de helt populære og store mærker og mindre ukendte, alle i god kvalitet. Vores udvalg dækker alt indenfor tilbehør.


Invention hub and consultants within the fields of AI, Cloud engineering and product development. Growbotics is an innovation hub and trampolin for its employees and selected innovators. We create sustainable inventions from our employees opportunities for continuous self-development, budget, tools and time for creativity and innovation.

Monis I/S

En virksomhed der elsker dyr! Monisskildpadder er en virksomhed med rod i det gamle fjends kommune. Virksomheden er startet af paret Monica og Tommy Nielsen der følte der manglede noget på det danske marked. Her handles der med melorm,græshopper, fårekyllinger og meget mere. Et kæmpe udvalg til kamæleoner finder du også her. Råd og vejledning er en vigtig ting for paret der stadig ejer firmaet og hver eneste kunde har en speciel plads i hverdagen således at hver pakke pakkes med kærlighed. Historien bag Monis Vi hedder Tommy og Monica og vores rejse med har været lang og sej. Til tider har vi været tæt på at give op og vi har lært lektien ved at hoppe på ting som bare ikke var sagen. Vores mission er klar. Vi ønsker at folk skal opleve så god en service så muligt når de handler hos os. Før vi kom til var det en basar mange steder hvor vare der var garantier på ikke blev byttet. Sådan er det ikke mere, de etablerede har fået kamp til stregen og vi udbygger hver eneste dag forspringet.   En drøm om skandinavien. Vi drømmer om at rykke til resten af skandinavien og sælge vores lækre produkter. Desværre er fragt inden for denne branche til tider lidt en svær størrelse. Har du fået lyst til at se mere om os så klik ind på vores side her

Cribble Craft AB

Cribble Craft is a start-up company that designs and sells sustainable, challenging toys produced in wood. Our products are building kits for crafters that enable users to create an own unique mini house design In November 2018 Cribble launched a new webpage with own e-commerce and also started selling Cribble in selected stores.  In 2019 we are focusing on growing our business and in order to do this we need to expand our team.  Learn more about Cribble on

Favrs AS

Favrs - sharing made easy! We're developing a sharing platform that's making sharing fun and easy. In todays world there is to little sharing between people who dont know each other, why? Maybe the threshold is to big? That's where we come in. What if there is a platform that helps lower that threshold and actually makes it fun sharing? Stay tuned - Favrs is coming.