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Showing: 10171 filtered startups

Big Little Frank

We build, refursbish and upgrade Mac Pro systems, for all kind of creative professionals within video-creation, music-production, 3D & more. Each of these Mac workstations are built on the base of our clients specific needs, with the best modern components, with great attention to details and software optimization.Our Mac Pro are 100% Apple original machines, but we do also build PCs which can run MacOS.


SoSe Ltd, a Finnish pioneer in viral advertising, offers tools and services for digital marketing. With our marketing tool, SoSe Zeed, the customers can easily reach and engage the target audience and spread messages systematically through social media. Our tool helps customers execute marketing campaigns more effectively with higher return on investment.


Our Identity-based Communication stack provides a convenient and intuitive user experience, improves security and reduces time-to-market. Things, apps and users get digital identities, which are forming social relations for secure communication and a distributed trust framework.


Customer understanding is extremely valuable for every company. While organizations possess high volumes of customer data, its potential is not realized due to a lack of meaningful analysis, complex and expensive data management and shortage of resources. Puheet excels in turning customer dialogue into actionable insights. Our digital heart is better, accurate business decisions. Puheet is a platform that allows companies to drive stakeholder interaction, collect feedback and to boost customer stickiness in a unique way. We build customer branded communities and integrate them into your channels. You will get a voice to your stakeholders. Spark dialogues, publish surveys, collect feedback, engage your stakeholders, and analyze the data and learn with and from your stakeholders.


SuperApp on suomalainen mobiili- ja websovelluskehitystalo.  Tarjoamme ainoana Suomessa, ellemme koko Euroopassa, räätälöidyn mobiilisovelluksen palveluna – Application as a Service. Tilaaja maksaa sovelluksesta vain kiinteää kuukausimaksua, ja tietää tarkkaan, mistä hinta koostuu. Sovellusalustamme ja valmiiksi toimiviksi testatut komponenttimme takaavat, että sovellusten ostaminen, suunnittelu ja kehittäminen on helppoa, hauskaa ja tehokasta. Meidän tuotteemme, palvelumallimme ja yrityskulttuurimme ovat simppeleitä ja toimivia. Ihmiset ovat nuoria tai nuorenmielisiä, kollegat tykkäävät työstään ja toisistaan ja pomo arvostaa, kun hänelle kertoo mielipiteensä suoraan. Jengiä löytyy laidasta laitaan ja kaikki kansallisuudet ja sukupuolet ovat tervetulleita. Töihin pääsee joko Helsingin tai Lahden toimistolle ja etänäkin duuneja saa nakuttaa. 


Fashion world is dominated by big brands and corporations who are selling their products in thousands of stores around the world. In same time there are many talented young brands who are making amazing products but they don't have channel to be discovered. IVALO's mission is to give a voice for these brands. We want to raise the most talented emerging fashion brands to the global spotlight and change the way the fashion world works.


Pianorobot application teaches you how to play piano with its unique sound recognition technique. You can learn to play any song if you know the notes and Pianorobot will teach you the notes by using real piano and your mobile device. Pianorobot uses the same proven teaching techniques than piano schools around the world with the exception that you don’t have to leave the comfort of your home. It’s all done wireless from your mobile device.


We're a Finnish technology startup developing a Rowing Performance (RowP) system which helps you become a better rower. On water as well as on the Ergo. The RowP System consists of and app and a pod that together can measure, analyze and provide real time feedback on your rowing, so that you can improve and fine tune your technique, which is especially important when rowing in a crew. Our SW automatically sniffs for rowing strokes and produces real time feedback.

Happy Monkey

We provide training, coaching, project workforce and strategic consultancy in the area of modern quality management. While specializing in Agile and Lean workflow models, context-driven testing and automation solutions, we can provide a wide variety of services through our extensive partner and community networks.


Det var for noen år tilbake stor produksjon av solcellemoduler i Norge. Norske REC hadde produksjon av komplette solcellemoduler både i Glomfjord og Narvik. Begge i Nordland. I 2011 kom bl.a. østlige produsenter på banen og presset prisene betydelig på kort tid. Dette så mye at REC ble nødt til å flagge ut produksjonen fra Norge. Igjen stod det mye god kompetanse. Bare i Narvik jobbet oppunder 300 personer med solcelleproduksjon. Det var, og er fremdeles, et forskningsmiljø på solcelleteknologi i Narvik. Det var ifm denne utflaggingen fra REC at Solbes AS oppstod. Vi kan dermed skilte med å være den bedriften i Norge som har noe av den beste kompetansen som er å oppdrive, samt en av aktørene som har vært lengst i markedet. Dette er vi stolte av! ​Vi har ansatte både med mastergrad og doktorgrad innen solcellesystemer.  Som en bil ikke er en bil, og en ost ikke er en ost, så er heller ikke et solcellepanel et solcellepanel. I tillegg kommer alle de andre komponentene i solcellesystemet. Om du skal kjøpe en bil, er farge og hestekrefter det eneste som teller? Lada og Lamborghini det samme? Vi KAN forskjellene og hjelper deg så du ikke får en dyr Lada, når du tror du får en billig Lamborghini, og det du egentlig trengte var en Land Cruicer.


Product information to designers is a standard, but we help you to make it available easily and with a meaningful content. ProdLib offers a tailored solution that brings your products directly and easily to the designer's or architect's desptop. Solution is technically an AutoCAD or Revit add-on, that is fully tailored to your needs.


Next generation fan engagement technology company. Teams, venues, leagues and brands around the world are harnessing the power of Uplause solutions.


Wheel your business forward! If you see customers and branding the way we do, you won't settle for a business-as-usual approach. You want to see what lies behind the figures and reach for better results. WheelQ is the outcome of more than 20 years of gaining better understanding of customer behavior - the motives and emotions behind purchase decisions. Delivering a stream of analysed data in practical format, WheelQ activates your entire personnel to perform the right actions.


PRISAS er en sammenligningstjeneste inden for a-kasser, bredbånd og lån. Vi gør det enkelt at sammenligne udbydere, priser og finde den bedste løsning. Der er kommet et væld af udbydere på markedet, i forskellige brancher, så det kan være svært at holde overblikket som forbruger. Og endnu sværere at gennemskue priser og services over for hinanden. Det afhjælper vores sammenligningstjeneste, hvor man på én gang kan se priser, services og muligheder hos de enkelte udbydere. Se mere på

Smidyo Ltd.

Automatic Quotation.With both founders having a background in laser cutting manufacturing, we saw a problem - calculating pricing takes a long time! And often it's unfruitful, since you either low-balled the competition with no profit, or you lost the deal to a cheaper competitor.We are working on a new way for manufacturing and service companies to offer up prices automatically - and in turn receive orders automatically, too.