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Showing: 4444 filtered startups


Real estate and the urban environment have a profound impact on all of us We spend 90% of our lives inside buildings. And by 2050 almost 70% of us will live in cities. The built environment enables life, community and culture. But at the same time, it fosters loneliness and health issues. It counts for almost 40% of global CO2 emissions. It is the biggest living expense for most people. And nowhere is growing inequality more visible than in how we live. To overcome the challenges of population growth, climate change, growing inequality and social unrest, we need to move to a more conscious and responsible version of capitalism. A version that is market-based, but with equal priority for all stakeholders and with long-lasting impact. We are a European real estate company setting out to develop urban communities with inclusivity, liveability and sustainability at its core. We do not have all the answers yet, but we aspire to join forces with likeminded investors and partners – we are a team with the motivation, experience and ambition to be a pathfinder on this journey. We are Home.Earth

Applied Technologies A/S

Applied Technologies are working with technological mental health applications and are striving to increase mental health in the organisational sphere. Applied Technologies is a technological consultancy with development capabilities and have been working on various products since 2012. Our solutions are creating better mental health for both people and companies.


Vi er en dansk webshop, som fokuserer 100% på tøj til den modne kvinde. Det betyder, at alt vores tøj er nøje udvalgt til at løse de udfordringer med pasform, der naturligt kommer med alderen. På seks år har vi taget rejsen fra selv at indlevere pakker i den lokale boghandel til at sende tusindvis af pakker hver måned i tre lande. Planen er at vækste yderligere og udvide med endnu flere lande. Næste stop er Holland. Vi er en moderne virksomhed, som vil være de bedste til alt vi gør. Vi arbejder så vidt muligt ud fra et data- og teknologi-drevet mindset, og ambitionerne er skyhøje. Men vi er også en familievirksomhed, som går op i at hygge os og have det godt sammen.


Finematter is the new online destination for fine designer jewellery, connecting jewellery designers and consumers across the globe. With offices in London and Copenhagen, Finematter has its roots in Scandinavian design with a global outlook. We have Pernille Teisbæk on board as Creative Advisor (+1M IG followers, model, author, influencer, etc.), are investor-backed with $2 million, and have been dubbed the new Farfetch for fine jewellery by global publications like The New York Times, Financial Times, British Vogue and The Sunday Times. We’ve partnered with renowned jewellery designers from across the world such as Repossi, Charlotte Chesnais, Delfina Delettrez, Alighieri, Wwake and CVC Stones and have launched authenticated vintage jewellery from houses such as Chanel, Dior and Celine.

Q Nation A/S

Q Nation is a consulting company specialized in software test & quality management. We help companies and public sector organisations implement solutions that works. Our people are among the most experienced in their field of expertise. We help our client implement strong quality processes and assist them when developing new digital business solutions.


CS MEDICA is a Danish pioneering medico company. We are experts in developing, manufacturing, and commercializing over-the-counter (OTC) medical device products and innovative cosmetics containing cannabinoids (CBD & CBN) from the cannabis plant. All our products have proven efficacy through extensive quality control, tests, and preclinical studies incl. clinical trials for medical devices, and goes under the brand CANNASEN® CBD.

Have A Coffee

We buy our coffee direct from the farmers. We only buy Specialtycoffee grown without any peticides. We have a headquarter in Brazil from where we also make education for the farmers. Today we have a danish and a german webshop, cafees and shops in Denmark, Germany and Italy. We have our own roasterys and warehouse. We have a subscriberservice for a new coffee every month, and we sell to offices, cafees and restaurants who want to serve good sustainable coffee.

Blaris ApS

A new startup focusing on developing professional applications for handheld test and measurement instruments, to be used in the field or mobile work settings. The team has been in the space for some years, and has extensive knowledge of design, manufacturing, and integration of test equipment with software applications and cloud solutions. We want to increase the efficiency of the work that is being done with these tools, and to embed handheld tools with expert knowledge.

Blend in

Blend in formidler usponsorerede insidertips om de tre studiebyer Aarhus, Odense og Aalborg - tips fra unge til unge om alt fra hvor man finder den bedste arbejdscafé til hvor man skal drikke en kold fredagsbajer. Tipsne gives helt frivilligt af de unge selv og videreformidles af os på vores websites og instagramprofiler tilført Blend in's friske tone of voice og en håndfuld kvalitetsbilleder, vores fotografer selv har taget. Kort sagt er vi altså en platform fuld af kvalitetsindhold som læseren faktisk kan stole på - for ingen caféer eller lignende har betalt for den gode omtale, de har fortjent den! Fremfor at lave sponsorerede artikler eller tilbyde reklameplads, indgår vi på nuværende tidspunkt i stedet partnersamarbejder med virksomheder eller organisationer som er interesserede i at lave fælles co-branding, være tilstede dér hvor de unge er, og blive associeret med vores troværdighed og ungdommelige feel. Hele holdet bag Blend in er alle unge studerende og ledes i dag af stifter Anne Ejlerskov og partner Emil Thesbjerg.

Hjælp Til Pårørende ApS

Hjælp Til Pårørende blev stiftet i 2018 af Anika & Henrik, der begge to har oplevet, hvor hårdt det er at være pårørende. I dag har virksomheden eget kontor i Århus C på 140 kvm, en professionel bestyrelse med Stine Bosse som formand, og har lukket den første store investering. Vores team er ungt og frisk, så hverdagen er præget af høj energi, godt humør og mange sociale stunder, mens vi målrettet og ambitiøst arbejder hårdt for at forbedre livet for pårørende. Hvorfor pårørende? Pårørende er en kendt, og dokumenteret højrisikogruppe, der udgør 38% af den danske befolkning. Hver fjerde bliver selv syg som direkte konsekvens. Langt de fleste pårørende er hårdt pressede, og mange har hverken tid eller mulighed for at møde fysisk op, eller at modtage behandling indenfor de normale arbejdstider. I stedet søger de hjælp på nettet, som er det eneste tilgængelige på de skæve tidspunkter– og her møder de korte generiske skriv om, at de skal passe på sig selv. Tilbage står den pårørende, magtesløs med spørgsmålet ”Hvordan!?”. Med vores App kan den pårørende få faglig relevant hjælp og støtte på alle tider af døgnet uden ventetid – med handlingsorienterede løsninger og værktøjer, der guider dem til hvordan de håndtere den givne situation. De er uafhængige af deres fysiske placering, og oplever at få den hjælp de har brug for, når de har brug den. Vi har brugt flere år på at analysere og kortlægge, hvad pårørende mangler for at undgå sygemeldinger og tidlig afgang fra arbejdsmarkedet. Hver fjerde pårørende bliver selv syg med stress eller depression som direkte konsekvens af deres rolle som pårørende. Pårørende har brug for psykologisk førstehjælp med høj kvalitet og tilgængelighed - tidligt! Det handler i høj grad om, at vi griber individerne med den rigtige hjælp inden det bliver kritisk. Derfor har vi skabt ét samlet univers, hvor pårørende får al den hjælp de har brug.


LogiSnap develops next generation logistics software solutions. We drive the technology that enables small companies to large international corporations to process and send their goods all over the world. We have a strong team with more than 30 years of experience in our field. Most of our Danish clients are market leaders and expect the outmost quality and knowledge in the solutions we deliver.

Firmagave ApS

Dine medarbejdere kæmper for dig hver dag, de skaffer din virksomhed resultater og deres tilstedeværelse udgør ånden i din forretning. Beløn dine medarbejdere med fantastiske firmajulegaver fra Firmagave ApS. Vi har 6 forskellige prisgrupper du kan vælge mellem. I hver kategori finder du et bredt sortiment af lækre julegaver til dine medarbejdere. Vi tilbyder også i år, at sende et fysisk gavekort i en flot æske, som du kan udlevere til dine medarbejdere. Når du bestiller hos Firmagave Shop, får du en unik kode som dine medarbejdere indtaster på vores hjemmeside. Herefter leverer vi alle gaverne til jeres firma, på den aftalte dato. Det er nemt og problemfrit.


RISMA is a GRC (Governance, risk, and compliance) software company and our purpose is to support our customers with a platform that helps them easily track, monitor, and manage all GRC activities. We have a flexible design that helps our customers adapt to their ever-changing compliance needs, ensuring that they are continuously up to date with internal and regulatory standards. Our platform creates synergy between governance, risk, and compliance, delivering business intelligence, that will support effective decision-making. The intuitive interface helps bring simplicity into everyday work with compliance and helps facilitate collaboration across the organization - creating the best foundation to BUILD A COMPLIANCE CULTURE. We are 25 employees located in Denmark, Norway, and Ukraine.


ProSave: Simplifying Procurement for Electricians and Plumbers ProSave is a Denmark-based SaaS procurement platform, dedicated to serving electricians and plumbers. Our platform is focused on helping these professionals save time and money when purchasing building materials. At the same time, we offer wholesalers an effective channel to expand their sales. Integration with top project management systems in the industry is a key feature of our service, ensuring a seamless experience for our users. ProSave has a strong presence throughout Denmark, with a growing number of active users. Our platform is easily accessible via the App Store, Google Play, and as a web application, making it convenient for professionals on the go or at the office.

CarCare Freaks

Originally started in 2014 and officially in 2017, we started out on a mission to help consumers and professionals , get the most out of their vehicles with the best and most varied products for car care. Everybody loves a shiny car and maintaining it in a mint condition, improves the resale price. We do courses in car care for enthusiasts and professionals.