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Showing: 4442 filtered startups

Arctic Outdoor

Arctic Outdoor is a new danish outdoor brand focusing on creating outdoor products and equipment, built to last and apply all technical features to ensure you are well prepared for your next adventure. We have a vision that we want to create an outdoor community with a solid engagement with our community members and product owners. We have connected each of our products to a coordinate around the world to try and inspire people to get outdoors and experience new things and move boundaries.

StackIT ApS

StackIT ApS is a modern service company specialized in service and troubleshooting CNC Machining Centers. StackIT ApS was founded in 2019 by Jens Fynbo, Palle Hannemann and Carl Matzen. Our team have been in the CNC engineering industry for over 20 years. StackIT ApS is an independent sales, service and support company for users of CNC Machinery, predominantly CNC machining centers controlled by Mitsubishi PLC’s and Controllers. Areas of particular expertise are Mitsubishi troubleshooting, robot assisted machine tending solutions and sales of retrofit door openers and file transfer units. We have developed our own portfolio of products for CNC machines see more under products. We are one of DK’s few specialists in Mitsubishi electric and we can offer a fast delivery time due to our Mitsubishi Europe contacts. We have a large list of suppliers world wide, for spare parts for CNC-machines and therefore we have a low response time from “break down” to “up running”.

Blackbox Media

Blackbox is the gateway to a young and global audience. We act as a catalyst for brands to harness the commercial power of the volatile world of youth culture. Founded by a strong group of experienced veterans from the media, advertisement, gaming and startup industry, we are looking to combine the best from all worlds into a new take on how commercial success is achieved in a constantly changing digital landscape. Our focus lays on empowering brands by driving growth through innovating strategy, creative and performance for our international clients. We use smart, data driven full-service marketing combined with outstanding creative to find and accelerate growth.


We want to fight climate change and social inequality. Certification today is broken. Lack of transparency and trust in supply chains, and connection to what's happening on the ground, have resulted in the massive climate crisis we see today. At Earthtrust we are building the product and infrastructure to support a new agenda in certification focused on radical transparency into supply chains and work on the ground. We have build different MVPs and done pilots with partners and customers to understand how to best build and position the product. Pilots have been focused on financial transparency and regenerative farming data in close collaboration with a food brand building a new supply chain in Ghana. We are currently funded by grants and are looking to build the first version of the product.

Dansk Udlandsrekruttering

We help Danish job seekers finding jobs abroad. As a jobseeker, you get help with both finding a job, making a good CV and moving abroad. You can get a job in the Customer Service industry, as well as other industries outside of Denmark. We are looking to make the process of finding a job easier, as well as making a seamless process for young people who want to move abroad.


Cobira ensure customer success by solving the difficult challenges of building, operating and maintaining highly scalable and globally available IoT solutions - A challenge that many companies struggle with today! Through smart-SIM technologies and the Cobira IoT Services platform, Cobira delivers global secure IoT connectivity & turnkey IoT services for any industry. Furthermore, our smart IMSI and eSIM management solutions, ensure strong competitive pricing and future proof solutions.


ABOUT — Founded in 2010, Søuld’s mission is to produce functional, sustainable and beautiful alternatives to traditional building materials that can improve sustainable development in the construction industry, whilst also improving human health and well-being. For over a decade Søuld has collaborated with ecologists, manufacturers and designers to develop acoustics from eelgrass—an abundant, renewable local sea plant with deep roots in Danish culture—to offer the industry a high performing alternative to synthetic options. Søuld’s work has led to the revitalization of the 400-year-old eelgrass tradition, to the protection of the eelgrass ecosystem and to the material’s optimization for sustainable 21st Century building. Engineered for residential and commercial spaces, Søuld’s eelgrass products create calm and comfortable indoor atmospheres that connect with nature through organic, tactile surfaces and the subtle scent of the sea. Søuld’s products offer excellent acoustic, thermal and moisture regulating properties, are highly resistant to fire, contain no toxic chemicals, release extremely low emissions and reduce carbon footprint by serving as CO₂ storage. Søuld is founded by architects and sustainable design engineers with a passion for quality, beauty and sustainability. The Søuld team constantly strives to push the limits of eelgrass processing, to enhance product quality and devise healthy and sustainable solutions that meet the needs of the industry and end-users.

HabiWe ApS

HabiWe er en møbeldesignvirksomhed, der udvikler æstetisk spændende og innovative møbler, udviklet med en forskningsbaseret og undersøgende tilgang. Vores udvikling tager afsæt i bæredygtighed, funktionalitet og akustik hvor målet med møblerne er, at de skal medvirke til at øge trivslen hos brugeren og sikre et bæredygtigt indeklima. HabiWes møbler tapper ind i noget væsentligt i et samfund, hvor støjniveauet øges, både i det offentlige rum, kontorlandskaber, klasselokaler, rehabilitering, og i de private åbne boliger. Et støjniveau der sænker trivslen og øger stressniveauet hos borgeren. Stifteren bag HabiWe, Anne Mygind. Annes fokus og ambition er at drive en solid og bæredygtig virksomhed, som sikrer menneskelig trivsel, ikke kun via de møbler der udvikles, men også blandt de folk, som virksomheden samarbejder med. Målet med virksomheden er ikke kun at være bæredygtig på det økonomiske og menneskelige plan, men at sikre at alle produkter, der udvikles og sælges i HabiWe, så vidt muligt, er bæredygtige gennem hele produktets livscyklus. HabiWe er et design-/handelshus der udvikler designløsninger der produceres i partnerskab med nationale underleverandører der producerer og lagerfører produkterne. Møblerne afsættes i dag via branchespecifikke forhandlere på det nationale og internationale marked. HabiWe blev stiftet i august 2020, hvor det første lancerede produkt i et produktportefølje af 4 møbler, HabiCave, kom på markedet i februar 2021. Et møbel, der var prisvindende ved årets Formland Award samt Hoppekids Sustainable Entrepreneurship Award og desuden blev shortlistet ved Danish Design Award. De øvrige møbler i Habi-serien er alle møbler der ligeledes er bæredygtige, arbejder med akustik og med den sansemotoriske udvikling hos brugeren.

Dytbaat Games

Dytbaat Games is a casual mobile game studio based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Our small team of five colleagues collaborates across Europe (UK, Austria, Ukraine) and works both on-site and remotely. Our ambition is to develop high quality puzzle games in a great working environment, and we are dedicated to achieving that goal. Our first title, a casual tripeaks solitaire game called Solitaire Grove, was released in 2022 and we are currently focused on the continued development of this game.

MyLoca Foods

MyLoca Foods er en dansk fødevarer startup, som er specialiseret i at producere og udvikle høj kvalitets glutenfrie mix-produkter til diætister med forskellige behov. Virksomheden blev stiftet i 2020 og har siden dag ét ville gøre det nemmere for diætister at være på diæt. Vores produkter indeholder alle de rigtige råvarer og er nemme at bruge, som gør det nemt at få enhver på diæt. Vores produkter sælges både gennem store dagligvarer butikker og online, primært i Københavnsområdet. I takt med at vi udvider vores produktkatalog og skalerer vores produktion, har vi ambitioner om at udvide til hele Danmark, hvilket vi allerede er godt i gang med - senest med lanceringen af vores produkter i MENY Riskov.

Omnidocs A/S

Omnidocs is a consulting and software company – but more than anything we are a document company. We create value for our customers by helping them improve their use of Microsoft Office, creating and implementing on-brand solutions that fuel productivity, embed compliance, and increase job happiness. We have a wide range of competencies when it comes to documents in a work context, but our purpose is very straightforward: We make every workday work better.

Trailhub ApS

Trailhub er Danmarks førende Call Tracking-platform, der er skræddersyet til online marketing bureauer og specialister. Ved at sammenkæde virksomhedernes markedsføringskampagner med deres indgående opkald hjælper vi nogle af Danmarks dygtigste markedsføringsspecialister med at skabe bedre resultater og ultimativt få mere ud af deres markedsføringsbudget.

Den Glade Mund

Why Den Glade Mund (The Happy Mouth)? We have a great desire to make a difference so that many more people can avoid dental diseases. • Many people can easily brush their teeth much better if they know how. • Many people do not know much about why they actually get cavities, gingivitis and periodontal disease. • And even fewer know how to avoid dental diseases. • And when you have to buy toothbrushes etc. it can be very confusing and difficult to find out what you have to choose and whether they work well enough. The consequence is that far too many people get dental diseases, completely unnecessarily. So we would like to change that, also despite the fact that the dentists then have less to do. We do this by giving people the necessary knowledge. Because when you know how and why, it always is much easier. That is why our dentist started She is passionate about prevention, and for many years she has had a great desire to be able to make one even bigger difference. What can Den Glade Mund (The Happy Mouth) do for me? The concept of Den Glade Mund is "help for self-help". Because it is what you do between dental visits that can really make a difference. Dental visitors do actually a minor difference. Den Glade Mund (The Happy Mouth) offers training for care staff and holds lectures. In addition, we have our webshop with handpicked dental care products that make a difference. Our dentist is always ready to give good advice if you are in doubt about what to choose. Or if you have questions about oral care in general. So Den Glade Mund (The Happy Mouth) can help you get better dental health.

Caspian Systems ApS

Caspian Systems designs and manufactures customized motor drive and control systems. We develop integrated electronics (control board and power electronics), firmware, control and monitoring software, and simulation tools. Our modular, flexible and quality driven design approach can offer a very competitive time-to-market period with the required quality. We provide solutions for different types of motors including three phase AC induction motors (ACIM) , permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) and BLDC motors.

Akademikernes A-kasse Startup Growth

Startup Growth er et intensivt iværksætterprogram, der løber over 3 måneder og er en kombination af fysisk og digitalt forløb. Igennem vores iværksætterprogram har Akademikernes A-kasses medlemmer fået hjælp til at skabe over 1100 virksomheder, hvilket gør det til et af de største iværksætterprogrammer i Danmark. Startup Growth er for dig, der allerede har taget beslutningen om, at du vil være iværksætter og har gjort dig tanker om markedet, kunder og konkurrenter. Programmet inkluderer workshops og oplæg, kontorplads, samt sparring med advokater, forretningsudviklere og andre iværksættere. Forløbet varer 3 måneder og kører 3 gange årligt. - Vi optager 60 startups i København - 25 i Aalborg - 15 i Aarhus. Vi har skabt et miljø, hvor iværksættere kan få den sparring og rådgivning, de har brug for. Vi tilbyder et kompakt forløb, der inkluderer hands-on forretningsrådgivning og praktiske indspark gennem workshops og oplæg. I de 3 måneder forløbet varer, får du: - en kontorplads sammen med andre iværksættere - en tilknyttet mentor - workshops inden for konceptafprøvning, salg og præsentationsteknik - oplæg fra eksterne eksperter og iværksættere om mere specifikke emner som varemærkebeskyttelse, sociale medier, jura for iværksættere og meget andet - juridisk sparring med nogle af landets førende advokatvirksomheder - finansiel rådgivning med dygtige økonomiske rådgivere - sociale arrangementer og support fra startup-programmets faste koordinatorer overblik over øvrige iværksætterinitiativer og kontorfællesskaber, så du er klædt på til næste skridt efter de 3 måneder Man kan også se mere her: