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FestmusikNu gør det nemt og enkelt at finde festmusik til sit næste event. Hos FestmusikNu skal du blot udfylde lidt info omkring jeres fest og dernæst vil du blive kontaktet af vores dygtige festmusikere, hvorefter du kan håndplukke det band eller den musiker, der passer jeres behov bedst. Vi vækster hurtigt og har på få måneder fået mere end 300 musikere tilknyttet. Målet er at blive den største portal, der hjælper festglade danskere med at finde den perfekte musik til festen. is a Business Analytics Platform that provide our customers access to operational and financial reports. Our solution is industry tailored to Professional Service Organizations and is built on best-practice. With our customers get insight into the core of their business, meaning full visibility of all Project, Finance and HR data in real-time that enables day-to-day optimizations and proactive decision-making.

Klickbait Agency

We are klickbait. A full service digital marketing agency experiencing rapid growth! The psychology behind Klickbait is to garner people's curiosity and emotions. People’s curiosity and behavior are extremely predictable and Klickbait is the technique used to gain people's attention by harnessing this particular susceptibility. We specialize in these three core service areas: - Branding and Visual Identity - Production and Execution - Omnichannel marketing and Paid Advertisement We love scandinavia and the nordic style. We enhance this stylism and elevate brand creativity to the next level, all the while providing data and analytics that give organisations the most ROI of their chosen online media platforms. Our strengths lie in our effectiveness in storytelling, having worked with brands like, Real Madrid, Emirates, Lidl, SEAT, IATA, Burger King and more. We are looking to disrupt online digital media with innovative creative approaches and turn the Klickbait name into a positive staple in digital marketing.

With, we are building a one-stop-shop for all fans to buy merchandise from their favorite artists. With more than 460 brands across all genres, everyone should be able to find what they are searching for or get inspiration for new merch. But merchandise is more than just t-shirts with logos. Merchandise is about identity, belonging, showcasing your support for your favorite artists or just simply a fashion statement. Either way, it is More than Merch.

Hot Yoga Copenhagen

Best in Copenhagen since 2014. What we focus on is premium services only. Regular Hot Yoga classes throughout the week and weekends, experienced teachers, 3 prime locations, best facilities, and only high ratings make us the best Yoga studio in Copenhagen since 2014. We are aiming for expansion throughout Scandinivia and Nordics by 2023.


WAIR is on a mission to give discarded textiles a new life through the power of upcycling. In our first product, we transform ''unperfect'' jeans and workwear into modern and sustainable sneakers. Textile upcycling is overlooked in the circular fashion agenda, but it is a powerful recirculation strategy, that minimizes the need for new virgin material, and retains the value in the discarded fabrics. Apart from shoes, we also include the consumers in the production of upcycled fashion through upcycling workshops. Here we empower people to take up the fight against fast fashion while getting to create unique fashion pieces and letting their creativity loose.


Electric scooters are here to stay. For Youride our mission is simple. Make the best electric scooters accessible for all, not rent - but buying. We partnered up with Segway and offer the best and street legal electric scooters in the world, for a small amount per month. No interests. No fees. We even provide free shipping door to door, or let you pick it up yourself - fully charged for your first ride of course.

Hybrid Greentech Energy Intelligence

Hybrid Greentech inspires organisations to be green pioneers and invest in energy storage so we together can reach 100% renewable energy. We want to make it simple to leverage the full revenue potential for energy storage. We and our customers are in an emerging renewable market that will face 30 fold growth over the coming years. Hybrid Greentech is a 4-year old company entering the scale-up phase, developing an AI-driven software ecosystem for sizing and real-time optimisation of energy storage, and Power to X solutions in energy markets. We are a team of 10 people with strong domain knowledge in renewable energy, energy storage, machine learning, and AI who want to revolutionise energy storage, grid-scale battery systems, and Power to X flexibility in energy and power markets to balance the generation and the consumption of the electric power systems with large shares of renewable energy.


Who is moneyCapp? MoneyCapp is developing an app for the people and micro companies simplifying and customising their economy. We are taking away the unnecessary fees and interest and make budgeting, household and dreams in life easy to do. MoneyCapp is an innovative, fintech company founded in Odense, Denmark. We are ambitiously building an international mobile application with large growth potential. Our approach combines the latest technologies, customer needs and the best performance. We are now seeking an enthusiastic and dedicated individual for the role of Communications & Marketing Intern at our office located in the heart of Odense.

Inspired Beyond Babies

Inspired Beyond Babies er et barselsnetværk til mænd og kvinder, der gerne vil supplere babysvømning og rytmik med et fagligt indspark og få noget inspiration. Til månedlige foredrag i Storkøbenhavn og Jylland kan man høre kendte profiler fra erhvervslivet, inspirerende talere og specialister inden for forskellige fagområder. Temaerne kan være alt fra det moderne arbejdsliv til ledelsesudvikling og de seneste markedstrends. Barselsnetværket tilbydes som et personalegode til virksomheder for at skabe en mere inkluderende barselskultur, hvor mange godt kan føle sig ekskluderet fra deres arbejdsplads. Og at skabe et fællesskab i en periode, hvor mange føler sig isoleret og ensomme. Undersøgelser viser at op mod 29% skifter job i forbindelse med barsel, og at hele 56% går med overvejelserne. Inspired Beyond Babies giver mulighed for virksomhederne at investere i deres talenters fortsatte udvikling og at fastholde dem i den periode, hvor de er i størst risiko for at miste dem. På den måde bliver barsel ikke bare personligt udviklende, men også en professionel opkvalificering og løftestang for den enkelte. Vi tror på, at barslen er en kæmpe mulighed for både personlig og faglig udvikling, og at man kommer styrket tilbage til jobbet på grund af det.


VitaSim provides an evidence-based software package for skill practice in virtual reality (VR). We provide 3 different solutions: 1. Produce VR based content with VitaSim Author. 2. Experience it with VitaSim Study. 3. Explore world-class content from VR creators who are distributing their content using VitaSim Enterprise.


WORLD DOMINATION Just kidding, we're very friendly here at Ooolio. However, what we do have in common with world domination is that our ambitions are just as audaciously high as we're looking to take on the largest and most influential players in the market. Why is that you might think? At Ooolio, our belief is built around improving the entire shopping experience from finding, selecting and purchasing clothes with a focus on ease-of-use instead of a one-size-fits-all. We believe that the direction online shopping is moving in is wrong, and we are working to fix that problem. At Ooolio, we are developing the next generation of eCommerce platform. We're working with some of the most hyped and popular fashion brands within the fashion industry and are actively striving to disrupt the online fashion shopping experience. Our platform allows users to select their favourite brands and clothes amongst 1000s of brands and 100.000 of products. We're curating only the best selection for our users - easy and simple, without having the trouble of having warehouses or expensive supply chains. Interested? Throw us a few words / your resume / a vacation picture / something else at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Ginbutikken er en online webshop, der drives af Kenneth M. Nielsen & Mikkel B. Dam. Vi er begge ginentusiaster fra før det blev moderne. Vi har en vision om at være Danmarks mest passionerede gin-site, hvor kunderne ved, at de kan finde ekspertise ved bare få klik. Der er sket meget på ginmarkedet siden de dage i slut 90’erne, hvor der kun fandtes gins som Tanqueray, Bombay Sapphire og Gordons tilsat Schweppes tonic. Der er kommet tusindvis af ny gin på markedet. Nogle er bedre end andre, og nogle er bare helt fantastiske. Det er disse mange forskellige kvalitets gins, du vil kunne finde hos Ginbutikken. Vi ved, at kunderne efterspørger kvalitet og høj service til en fornuftig pris.

Cheers ApS

Cheers er Danmarks største festspil og samler over 15 forskellige festlege ned i ét produkt. Virksomheden blev stiftet i 2019, og har sidenhen taget Danmark med storm, hvor produktet solgte over 10.000 eksemplarer i 2020. I november udkom udvidelsespakken ”Over Grænsen” som ligeledes fik en fantastisk modtagelse!


Building and facilitating the Business Intelligence system of tomorrow - as a service. Virkplan owns the cloudbased BI system www. We are working with all sizes of companies - with the goal of creating data insight and transparency within a few days. The business has two tracks. The business intelligence and IT project management and the software development. For further information please check out.