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Showing: 4438 filtered startups

Finuprise ApS

Finuprise is developing an app that helps people make smart investments into stocks and funds with social and environmental causes 84% of stocks belong to the wealthiest 10%, and women invest 40% less than men on average. How can we make the world better if decisions lie in the financial gatekeepers’ hands? The time to act is now, and finuprise is the tool to make change happen. Money talks, so let's be loud

The Wilde Shop

HISTORY: The idea came a year ago, after a few years of owning & running a successful women's designer vintage clothing store in Copenhagen. Observed how COVID19 affected consumer spending and surge in e-commerce. Inquiries about alternative payment solutions. Consistent increased sales, consumer excitement and interest focused on luxury branded bags. THE BUSINESS IDEA IN A NUTSHELL: Building a community-driven marketplace, facilitating buying and trading exclusive luxury designer bags, thus empowering members within a circular retail model, run by female entrepreneurs. PROBLEM, SOLUTIONS AND VALUE CREATION: People are looking for designer luxury bags, especially in Denmark. The consumer market for luxury bags is a 2.4 USD billion industry worldwide. However, current options for luxury bags can be expensive or “cheap”, low quality unverified or unqualified resellers. Alternatively, they are fakes or non-sustainable high street options. Sustainability awareness is forecast to increase in luxury fashion. Furthermore, there is an increased preference to trusted brands. Through our platform, we give access to luxury! Our goal is to amplify an existing & growing community. Key to success will be inclusivity and access, giving all income group consumers across Denmark a platform to buy, rent, sell and trade their luxury items. Through paid membership tiers, we provide early access to events, sales, discounts and financial incentives. We provide consumers from different income brackets access to luxury items via new financial incentives eg. rental, monthly instalments and exchange initiatives COVID has increased e-commerce spend. It has also decreased small brand sales and increased luxury brand focus. This change in mindset is accelerating the sustainable fashion trends. The market share for vintage and second hand industry has increased exponentially the last few years and expected to overtake consumer spending on new fashion in the next decade. We want to offer an affordable solution - new ways of shopping, giving access to luxury products and building a digital community.


Xkonomi fokuserer på forsikring til private. Alt fra a-kasser, almindelig forsikring og på det længere sigt pension. Det er de mere komplicerede emner indenfor privatøkonomien, men også nogle af de vigtigste og dem vi ofte ikke fokuserer nok på. Det er dem hvor vi med meget lidt arbejde kan optimere på. Vi viser dig hvordan du får du bedste løsninger indenfor a-kasser, forsikring og pension.

Redeem Tech

Redeem Tech is a new software development startup capable of developing any type of technology for all types of businesses, but we also offer IT support, technology maintenance, testing, quality assurance, graphics design, search engine optimization, marketing, and consultancy services; We offer it all for any kind of company needing a digital technology partner to help achieve their digital vision. We fully optimize the potential of our employees via the company values which results in happier, encouraged, and passionate employees and moreover higher quality and more efficient products developed within the same amount of time for our clients. Our highly customizable services ensures the final result looks precisely how our clients envision it. And lastly, our fluid payment plans gives everyone, even startups, access to proper IT solutions. The mission is to provide the most affordable but best quality service in order to create the most success and happiness for our customers ultimately increasing their efficiency and profitability. Our vision is to create a software development company with the greatest possible flexibility and freedom for our clients and employees. And our goal is to become the best software development company to work for by allowing and supporting our employees to optimize their potential because of the values of the company.


evolvT facilitates responsibility for local micro and small e-commerce operators by providing environmentally friendly last-mile delivery solutions. The service includes all delivery aspects from route planning and customer service to a fleet of low tailpipe emissions vehicles. The impact of the industry on the environment is one of the most important drivers of change. In this field, 1 standard diesel van can release around 1.2 metric tons of CO2 every month. The end customers are more sensitive to this impact and more inclined to choose e-commerce operators that are working on decreasing the CO2 emissions of their operations. Meanwhile, efficiency and profitability are still prioritized by the e-commerce operators and overlooking these factors is not an option. er en online platform der tilbyder besøgende at finde og booke en mobil kaffebar med barista til deres næste arrangement. Det kan være en charmerende kaffecykel til et bryllup, eller en kaffedisk med barista der skal ind og stå til en firmareception. Platformen samler udbydere i Danmark, og giver et let og sammenligneligt overblik, så man kan finde den rigtige løsning til sit arrangement.

Weikop Project

Weikop Project is a vision of revolutionizing and re-defining the way start-ups work The vision is to find the right teams for business concepts. It’s a setup that creates companies. The teams don’t create the concepts. The concepts create the teams. We want to do that by taking some of the best ideas and connecting the ideal individuals to develop them. Weikop Project consists of a group of skilled and experienced entrepreneurs and investors. Their joint experience stretches over countless business areas and segments. The Weikop Project group will therefore act board for the various start-ups within the organization, as well as, develop the initial business cases and making sure that they’re valid, before compiling the perfect team for the given concept. All concepts within Weikop Project will be based on at least one of the UN's 17 sustainable development goals. Each start-up individual will be carefully selected and will get to choose the area and direction, in which they wish to work in. From there, teams will be made, based on personalities, skills and visions. These teams will then proceed to build the start-up from the ground. All team members will receive equal equity in the project – after a proof of concept round.

Talk Town

Talk Town er en folkelig debatfestival; en samtaleby om køn, ligestilling og feminisme; et forum for dialog på tværs af faglig og personlig erfaring; et sted for nysgerrighed, netværksdannelse og dialog. Festivalen er aktørbaseret i stil med folkemødet på Bornholm. Det vil sige, at den fungerer som en tværfaglig, social og kulturel ramme for organisationer, erhvervsliv, foreninger, græsrødder, aktivister, uddannelsesinstitutioner, engagerede borgere og internationale meningsdannere m.fl., hvori de kan bidrage med netop deres mærkesager. Talk Towns formål er at skabe en platform for netværk og dialog, hvor der er plads til uenighed og forskellige perspektiver, der kan mødes på kryds og tværs, men som alle peger ind i samme hovedvision; ligestilling. BAGGRUND Festivalen udspringer af Danmarks værtsskab for konferencen Women Deliver i 2016. Kulturproduktionskollektivet Indgreb ønskede at give den almene københavner adgang til de mange Women Deliver-delegerede, som repræsenterede ligestillingssagen globalt, og forankre de globale ligestillingsproblematikker, der blev behandlet på konferencen, i en dansk kontekst. Derfor kontaktede Indgreb Kvinderådet og gennem et stærkt samarbejde løb den første Talk Town af stablen i Kødbyen i 2016. Festivalen var egentlig kun tænkt til at finde sted en enkelt gang, men fremmødet og opbakningen var så stor, at festivalen vendte tilbage på Hovedbiblioteket i 2017, og igen i 2018 i Huset-KBH. I 2019 blev festivalen afholdt i Den Brune Kødby, hvor Talk Town samarbejdede med 75+ internationale og danske aktører, som præsenterede 100+ arrangementer for 3000 gæster. De sidste fire år har vist, at Talk Town er kommet for at blive. Således blev 2019 også året hvor Talk Town fik vokseværk, og foreningen Talk Town stolt kunne præsentere både 3-dagsfestival i København i maj og 1-dagsfestival i Århus i september. Derudover kuraterede Talk Town i 2019 talkprogrammet til projektet Kvinder I Centrum, som arrangeredes af spillestedet Forbrændingen i Albertslund. Som afslutning på dette projekt og samarbejde, præsenterede Talk Town en 1-dagsfestival på Forbrændingen d. 30. november


Skipit is on a mission to redefine travel and allow everyone to travel like a local. We help everyone 'skip' the hassle of moving around a city and leave a positive footprint on a destination. The Skipit app empowers our community with the tools they need to move around a new city. We provide you with a cross boarder digital "Skipit card", giving you easy access to public transport networks throughout European capitals. Whilst also connecting you with local neighbourhoods across some of Europe's biggest cities with a personal inspiration feed, so you can experience the a taste of the 'local life', whilst also supporting local communities and businesses.

Anyware Solutions

With a vision to bring Smarter Living to every homeowner in the world, Anyware offers seamless personalized Smart Living-as-a-Service™ based on its patented and award-winning all-in-one IoT devices, which in 2020 includes a new innovative digital healthcare service in terms of non-intrusive remote care monitoring for elderly that lives alone and their relatives. Anyware goes to market through Insurance, Energy, Telecom providers and in the new IoT healthcare vertical also ‘Care Providers’. Our unique end-to-end Data Analytics and Digital Services platform enables companies to engage their customers, create stickiness and new revenue streams, whilst at the same time offering added value through digital home and care@home services for homeowners, room by room, service by service. The problem solved with Anyware is for Insurance/Energy/Telecom and Healthcare companies is that of digitally engaging and monetizing their unique relationship with existing customers/homeowners. For these customers, the Anyware solution essentially solves the problem of complex mono-application IoT products (one-product-one-function) by offering Smarter Living-as-a-Service through its personalized digital services platform available in the Anyware App. It means that the same Smart Adaptor can provide different Smart Living experiences dependent on the room in which it is installed and the user’s preferences – all seamlessly managed in the app – thereby adapting to changing needs throught life.


Claimlane is an exciting fast-growing Danish tech start-up moving into the scale-up phase, and we’d love for you to join our quest in creating the best return management platform in the retail industry. We help our customers … - Turn a bad buy into loyalty customers ❤️ - Automate tedious processes 🤖 - Understand how to produce more sustainable and more profitable products 🌲💸. We are ambitious people and we want colleagues who wants to work with ambitious people on meaningful projects and an amazing journey. We want colleagues who are fun and interesting to hang out with such that everyone is excited to come to the office every day. This also means that we are an in-office company. You will of course have flexibility to design the work experience that is best for you. We have three primary values, if you think they match how you think about work, let’s discuss what it means to you (and to us). 1. We culture - We help each other out whenever we can 2. Excel and improve - Always improve and strive to be the best 3. Extreme ownership - Taking ownership of projects and seeing them through is required


Ultraformer er en succesfuld start-up, der arbejder med banebrydende metoder inden for kosmetiske ansigts- og kropsbehandlinger. Behandlingerne er uden kirurgi, men benytter den højteknologiske ultralydsmaskine Ultraformer III. Ultraformer var den første Ultraformer behandler i Danmark, og de slog dørene op på deres første klinik på Christianshavn i 2019 og har været i rivende udvikling lige siden. I 2021 åbnede Ultraformer derfor endnu en klinik i Vedbæk og har nu lavet over 3000 behandlinger.

OliOli Meditation app

OliOli Meditation is bringing guided meditation to everyone, everyday. In just one beautifully intuitively designed app, users will have acces to hundreds of audio files with guided meditations, recorded by some of the best meditation teachers, from around the world. The app even includes OliOli Junior, where all meditations are made especially for kids. The app was first launched in Danish, and since July 2019, it has been available in English as well. OliOli's vision is to grow bigger, and to present meditations in even more languages, and to help people all over the world experience the benefits of meditation, and help them find a peaceful mental clarity and to be happier.

Ampersand Associates

Ampersand Associates is an Edtech and professional services start-up, that exists to help our clients master innovation and transformation. We offer education, digital learning products and consulting to our clients, which are typically top performers within their fields, or open course providers to the public. To provide the necessary mastery of transformation, we have have specialised in three interconnected areas: Innovation Management, Design & Development, and Change & Facilitation. At the centre of this effort, is our constantly evolving digital learning products, including interactive 3D/2D interactive films, XR experiences, games, podcasts and many other products - always with a sharp eye on digital pedagogy and engaging storytelling.


An environmental focus in Scandinavia is, for many companies, an ever-increasing parameter on which new suppliers are being assessed. At NovoDana, we have decided to meet this green trend head on, and give purchasers the possibility to intensify their sustainable engagement by selecting suppliers that favor a positive environmental impact.