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Nabonett er det lukkede sosiale nettverket for nabolaget ditt. Nabonett kobler naboer ut fra bostedsadresse og nabolaget de bor i. Du har bare kontakt med menneskene som bor i nærheten av deg. Nabonett er den enkleste måten å finne ut av hva som skjer i nabolaget ditt - uansett om det er å få informasjon om nabolagets sommerfest, å bli advart om sykkeltyverier eller å låne et verktøy. Det finnes mange områder naboer kan hjelpe hverandre på, man trenger bare en enklere måte å komme i kontakt på. Nabonett er resultatet av et samarbeid mellom Omega Media AS og et entusiastisk team av unge og høyt utdannede entreprenører og webutviklere. Vi er opptatt av å bruke teknologi for å forbedre folks liv. Vi har over 10 års erfaring i vellykket utvikling og innføring av nettbaserte løsninger i Norge og andre internasjonale markeder.


Sit better with gigseat!An ergonomic and innovative seat perfect for outdoor use. It makes you stay clean and comfortable whether the surface is flat, uneven or steep. It is well suited for natural surfaces like sand, snow, stone, grass or gravel.Gigseat may also provide nice seating indoors, especially if you want to play with your kids on the floor and want something to support your back. Gigseat takes up little space and weighs 1 kilogram.


Scandinavian Reach Technologies (SRT) is located on Sotra, on the west coast of Norway.  Our mission is to increase personnel safety and ultimately save lifes.  We use state-of-the-art technology to achieve great value to our customers in the maritime and offshore sector.  The SRT team consists of highly qualified personnel with extensive and diverse experience, with key competence within the following areas:  Software development Maritime engineering and management Offshore emergency response team management HSE, Risk and Quality management Leadership and management experience on different levels Our team members are high performers within their area of competence.


Bitcamp helps children and teenagers build their own Apps and Games.Students learn best when they are building real things. In all of our courses we are working towards building a project. From establishing a brand, through idea for the app or game, design, coding and testing, to publishing and getting users. None of our courses presume any prior coding experience and most of our students have never programmed before. Bitcamp helps children and teenagers build their own Apps and Games.Students learn best when they are building real things. In all of our courses we are working towards building a project. From establishing a brand, through idea for the app or game, design, coding and testing, to publishing and getting users. None of our courses presume any prior coding experience and most of our students have never programmed before. However, every single student has their own App or Game by the end of the course.We provide week long and weekend classes, ongoing after school activity and private consultations. Bitcamp started in June 2017 and have already had over 150 students.Bitcamp provides a strong alternative to regular education. Our students learn much faster and are more engaged than in their regular classes. We hope to inspire the next generation of software and game entrepreneurs.App examples are Instagram, Reddit and Twitter. Game examples are Flappy Bird, Cookie Clicker and Chameleon Run. None of our courses presume any prior coding experience and most of our students have never programmed before. However, every single student has their own App or Game by the end of the course.


JobAssigner er et hurtigvoksende svensk-norsk oppstartsselskap med kontorer i Stockholm, Malmø og Oslo. JobAssigner er en "Marketing on-demand Partner". Vi hjelper norske selskaper med produksjon av alt innenfor markedsføring: Prosjektledelse, Grafisk design, Web-design, video, tekst & oversettelser etc - det meste som produseres i en markedsavdeling.

Label Secondhand AS

A fresh, fragrant and good-looking secondhand store. Can you imagine?   Label Secondhand will be the first secondhand trade store in Norway. We buy and sell clothing for both genders. Customers can sell their clothing in store. We put a sales price on items that meet our criteria, and give the customer 30% of that particular price in return.    By linking sustainability with the market demand for fashion, Label will help shrink the environmental footprint that the fast fashion industry leaves behind.


We use research and technology to integrate sustainability into "business as usual"  for canteens, hotels and restaurants, leading to meals that are healthier, have lower environmental impacts, and are more profitable. Our technology solution allows clients to understand the environmental impacts of every recipe, design new sustainable food concepts that are greener and more cost-effective, and benchmark progress via our reporting tool and dashboard.


In 1994, two programmers started working on a web browser. The idea was to make a really fast browser, capable of running on limited hardware, keeping in mind that users are individuals with their own requirements and wishes. Opera was born. Our little piece of software gained traction, our group grew, and we formed a community. We stayed close to our users and our roots. We kept improving our software based on our user feedback, as well as our own ideas on how to make a great browser. We innovated and strove for excellence. Fast forward to 2015. The browser we once loved has changed its direction. Sadly, it is no longer serving its community of users and contributors — who helped build the browser in the first place. So we came to a natural conclusion: we must make a new browser. A browser for ourselves and for our friends. A browser that is fast, but also a browser that is rich in functionality, highly flexible and puts the user first. A browser that is made for you. And so, Vivaldi is born.

Bedriftsdans AS

Bedriftsdans leverer ulike bevegelsformer til bedrifter. Her er det alt fra kampsport, solo og pardans til mindfulness og yoga. Bedriftsdans har som mål å skape et bedre og sunnere miljø på norske arbeidsplasser og bidra til friskere eldre ved å lære bort bevegelser fra erfarne og dyktige instruktører i dans, yoga, kampsport og mindfulness. I tillegg til reduksjon i sykefravær håper bedriftsdans på mer motiverte og engasjerte medarbeidere.

Did Digital Development AS

Did first product; MotionCatcher® is an intelligent advertising system  based on anonymous video analytics and machine learning able to give "on-line advertising" features, to "off-line advertising" platforms (the ADs you see at the bust stop, metro, or in the stores windows) . MotionCatcher® enable advertisers to:Reach the right costumers at the right time with the right message.Control and optimize the promotions in real-time.Render outdoor and in-store advertising accountable and effective

Tjenesten som formidler ledige lærlingplasser for godkjente lærebedrifter. Legg ut ledig lærlingplass og bli sett av dagens aktive og engasjerte søkere til lærlingplass. Tjenesten har som mål å fremme de gode lærebedriftene i Norge som er på utkikk etter lærling. Hos oss finner du en kort bedriftspresentasjon og ledige plasser. Vi skal også sørge for at du finner oversiktlig og behjelpelig informasjon om søknadsprosessen på vei til din lærlingplass. Tjenesten er laget for lærebedrifter, lærlinger, foreldre, rådgivere og opplæringskontor.

Showtag AS

Showtag was designed to enhance the audience viewing experience, designed to allow audiences to pause video content and discover an actor’s profile, the brand of clothing or product feature as well as identify a specific song. We simply place a layer inside the video player of the broadcaster. Tagging is done using artificial intelligence (AI) and the human eye, after viewers can pause the programme for ‘showtag enabled’ which is completely integrated and measurable for broadcasters.  No one has the patience for commercials anymore, and so product placement in entertainment has become more prevalent than ever before. And when done correctly, visuals or mentions of brand names within a TV show or movie can improve -- or at least, not ruin -- the viewer's experience. Showtag has developed a new way to enhance the product placement with Showtag Enabled. Showtag Enabled is a non-intrusive way for product placement that gives the control to the viewer. By utilizing the power of the pause button! And we are even able to multiply the numerous (missed) opportunities for product placement. Showtag was designed to enhance the audience viewing experience, designed to allow audiences to pause video content and discover an actor’s profile, the brand of clothing or product feature as well as identify a specific song. We simply place a layer inside the video player of the broadcaster. Tagging is done using artificial intelligence (AI) and the human eye, after viewers can pause the programme for ‘showtag enabled’ which is completely integrated and measurable for broadcasters. Showtag Enabled is a proven technology, we integrated successfully with the Modern Times Group (MTG) platform Viafree for the television series Paradise hotel 2018. We reached over 2 million visuals and 800K+ product detail requests with a 6.2% longer program engagement


Wuni is based on the idea that technology can help make the world a better place. We believe that by utilizing our resources in a better way we can achieve prosperity in a sustainable way.Wuni gives those who renting freedom through easy access to what they need, when they need it, and gives those renting out things simple extra income they can use what they want.

99 Career Options

Cognified career guidance. We bridge the gap between the education system and the job market. Using gamification and machine learning we connect your strengths, skills, and interests with the needs of the society. We have a new concept in social business networking based on the latest changes in the way we socialize and behave online.


Leiehjelpen er en bedrift med et nytt konsept for utleiemarkedet i Oslo.Vi bistår utleier med alt fra visninger til innflyttingsrapporter, vi gjør utleieprosessen profesjonell, sikker og behagelig. Vi tar oss av det som ellers kan være tidskrevende, komplisert og problematisk for en eier.Tvister mot erstatning er den vanligste årsaken til konflikter etter avslutet leieforhold, men med våre inn- og utflyttingsrapporter vil vi fjerne denne risikoen og jobbe for et hyggeligere leieforhold.