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Showing: 2186 filtered startups

Jab Jab Academy

Jab Jab Academy hjelper selskaper å lykkes med digital markedsføring. Vi gjør dette via kurs, nettkurs, webinarer og konferanser. Bak selskapet står Thomas Moen. Vi har over 4000 kunder i Norge, og over 350 i utlandet. Vi leter fore øyeblikket etter dyktige kreative mennesker for video produksjon, samt design, foto og tekst.

Baam Norge

Baam was started up around 1.March 2018, and have since then had a few customers. We have been looking at a store in Sandvika city with street level, since we want to have a show room for customers, since allot of the customers ask me to look at the product before they want to buy it. I have contract with visa,mastercard (bambora) vipps and Lindorff (invoice/down payment) I made a genius business idea with importing from England. Speakers, subwoofer, disco lights etc..

Lipscore handles the entire process of collecting and publishing customer reviews for ecommerce websites. And we are in fact the most efficient ratings and reviews platform on the planet! More than 20% of shoppers give a rating or review after a purchase and this is a lot. More customer ratings and reviews => more confident shoppers => less returns => happier shoppers => more return business => MORE SALES!


We have developed two VR software solutions for early phase engineering and sales for industry customers. We want to provide the best planning tools for VR, and we use the latest technology to do so. We currently have the energy and utility market as our core focus. We are always looking to learn from customers, partners and users to stay at the forefront of innovation.

Aay's Village

Aay’s Village er en norsk veldedig organisasjon startet i 2016, støttet av Kavlifondet. Vår hovedaktivitet finner sted i Laos, som er et veldig fattig land i sør-øst Asia. Jungellandsbyen vi opererer i tilbyr få og dårlige muligheter for barna der, spesielt innen utdanning.Aay's Village er drevet av et team på 4 fra Norge og Sverige, mens Aay er vår lokale initiativtaker som er daglig leder og lærer i vår lille skole.

Løvetannakademiet AS

We deliver programs focusing on equipping youth from foster homes and residential housing between ages 16 to 23, with life skills needed to succeed in adulthood. Youth who have completed our program may apply to become leaders for the next group, giving them a chance to get work experience and earn money. This is a part of our peer-to-peer thinking, where young adults can be resources for youth with  similar backgrounds as them. This creates jobs, where your life experience is an asset.

EnklereData - easy as Ludo

The goal of EnklereData (EasierData) is to make systems and data easier for you. Your SMB strugle in usage of software and apps mainly because they all behave and look differently. We have made it easier by developing MS Excel apps with its known user interface and behavior. This is our Excel apps/templates: 1. EnklereData BI (Graphical analyses)2. EnklereData CRM3. EnklereData Accounting/Invoicing4. EnklereData Sallary5. EnklereData Year to endTake a look at our demos on The basic idea that started the project EnklereData was when I was challenged by a client why all the software we made was so complex to use and understand. He said : why don't you use Excel, "everybody" knows Excel ! But, hi said, don't use programming/macros only formulas to secure it keeps the simple look and behaviour.After some sleepless nights I decided to show him, and here it is !


Praesidio Totalis AS er et aksjeselskap som ble stiftet i 2013. Det ble etablert på grunnlag av et konkret behov som eksisterende produkt ikke kunne dekke; enkel og intelligent brannsikring av komfyrer og andre elektriske apparat, uten at brukeren trenger å forholde seg til et nytt system, nye knapper og nye lyder, og uten at det kan settes ut av spill av for eksempel demente personer eller uansvarlige leieboere på felleskjøkken. Vi selger våre produkt under merkenavnet homeGuard til blant annet asylboliger, aldersboliger og studentboliger, i tillegg til private hjem. Våre produkt får innpass fordi de ivaretar brannforebygging ved hjelp av tilstedeværelse og røykdeteksjon, og, det beste av alt, fordi det kan monteres av hvem som helst; plug-and-play. Det betyr ingen dyr installasjon, enkel og sikker bruk.


Proteams delivers custom-made and already-built digital products and builds digital teams with Europe's top freelance professionals. Proteams operates as a marketplace connecting European enterprises with selected on-demand professionals in Europe for any kind of digital projects. The members are either independent professionals or teams that are selected based on certain criteria, such as high-quality, service, experience, specific technical/creative skills as well as a competitive pricing model.

Snowcastle Games

We develop our own IPs from concept to finish using Unity3D as our platform.The first title released by Snow Castle was Hogworld: Gnarts Adventure. It won universal acclaim and made the Apple App Store Best of 2011 List. Currently we are focused on our next big release, Festival of Magic. We're also home to the gameBase© database of video games, a huge repository of information on games.

The Northern Company

We are an award winning Norwegian company who harvest and sells seaweed from the Atlantic Ocean. We offer handpicked naturally grown sea vegetables. Our sea vegetables are carefully selected and harvested from the cleanest waters off the coasts of Norway and Iceland.We have developed an attractive brand for Nordic sea vegetables and have supplied gourmet sea vegetables to the high-end restaurant market since 2010Curious? Take a better look at us @norterncompany.


We are building a multi side business platform helping local communities, sports clubs and charity groups organize, and create a healthy economy connecting local businesses interact with all these groups. We live in a global currency transaction world, where values are created locally and paid globally. We belive that all people live locally and that the coming generation will be more aware of sustainable local communities, and we will be a part of this communities.  We are privileged to build amazing products with new interesting technologies and amazing people. To us, our job is more than a job. Our workplace is fun, and a great place to be. We strive for excellence and love to see our ideas become reality, creating value for our customer. We're always looking for extraordinary individuals to join our team. We don't just hire anyone, we hire the best people we can find.


Mojob is the new generation recruitment platform for attracting and hiring talent. Our purpose is to improve the way companies recruit by automating and simplifying the recruitment process. We’re privileged to build amazing products with new interesting technologies and amazing people. We care deeply about what we do and are driven by our core values - customer obsession, learning, radical honesty and transparency.


VR Oslo is an IVRPA Nordic event, a collaboration between ADAPA Systems AS, the IVRPA-International Virtual Reality Photographers Association and Oslo Tech AS.

Kampus BuyBack

Kampus Buy Back - The only localized, mobile marketplace in Norway created by and for students! Our Driving Principles:- To offer all students the opportunity to a better education by giving them access to more affordable learning materials- To offer instantaneous and secure transactions without the need of cash to be on hand- To offer a simplified, yet sophisticated method of trading with others in your local community