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Showing: 2183 filtered startups

SkillHeart AS

SkillHeart gjør seleksjon mer effektivt og menneskelig med enveis videointervju.Inviter kandidater til å svare spontant på spørsmål over webcamera. Når som helst, hvor som helst. SkillHeart lar bedrifter møte personen bak CV og søknad gjennom digitale videointervju. Finn kandidatene som passer akkurat deres bedrift best ved å kunne vurdere personlighet, holdninger og motivasjon tidlig.


code11 is a boutique design, development and consultancy company based in Oslo, Bucharest and Berlin. We work closely together with our customers and partners to create great customer experiences by applying new methodologies and utilizing cutting edge technology. code11 has been built brick by brick with Agile core values and cutting edge development technologies. We power start-ups and work in innovation programs as their tech partner, because we believe that there is always a better way to do it, whether it’s methodology, technology or digital transformation.


Manolin is a software company focusing on digital health management to accelerate resource sharing between salmon farms. We are a software and data analytics company helping global aquaculture scale sustainably. 🌊 Our ocean faces many challenges, but it holds even more potential for positive impact. Our goal is to help build a more sustainable future food system together with aquaculture farmers.

Nutcracker Solutions AS

Nutcracker Solutions owns the product StadiaPitch by Bosch Rexroth and have licensed it to Bosch Rexroth until 2038.  The product is sold worldwide by the Bosch Corporation, and Nutcracker is a part of Bosch`s International StadiaPItch sales team. The goal is to reach 4 sales a year. Bosch pays Nutcracker a license fee between €1M - €1.5M per sale. 90% of the fee is due 5 months after Bosch has signed the contract with the stadium. Nutcracker has a flat predictable annual operating cost of €0.4M, regardless of how many StadiaPitch Sales Bosch Rexroth has in that year.  StadiaPitch entered the commercial phase in 2018 and has received an overwhelming market response. StadiaPitch is today included in the architectural drawings on three stadium projects, and Bosch has solid interest from several of the largest clubs in the world. StadiaPitch has received interest from architects, stadiums, and other stakeholders from 25 countries in the last 12 months.  Nutcracker is a dividend stock and the company is priced at 40 MNOK – pre-money. Nutcracker runs a Private Placement of 1OMNOK through a share issue that will equal to 20% of the new total number of shares. This funding will be spent on IPR, activities that enhance Bosch`s global sales work, and operating costs until we get income from the first Bosch contract. We pay a preference dividend equivalent to 50% of the investment for new investors. We have a commitment of 9 MNOK and we close the placement when we reach after the NXT 2019 events.

CoreAll AS

CoreAll is developing game-changing core drilling technology for the E&P industry. The Intelligent Coring System includes real-time coring process control with true formation evaluation data and the ability to core and drill with the same bottom hole assembly. The system has been patented in multiple countries. The development of the main system has successfully been completed with support from Lundin Norway, Spirit Energy, DEA, The Research Council of Norway and Innovation Norway. The system has completed four successful field tests in test wells and is ready for commercial introduction. CoreAll is seeking investors to finance the commercial operations capability. CoreAll was one of only two SME winners of the prestigious Spotlight on Technology award at the OTC in Houston in May 2018.

Grayn AS

Grayn is a female-founded, Norwegian green tech startup that develops a real-time sustainability accounting system for businesses. This software enables our users to track, manage, and reduce their environmental and social footprint at scale across their organisations. Our mission is to make sustainability easy by tracking progress and achievements in an efficient, intuitive, transparent, and traceable way. By incorporating elements of machine learning, automation, big data, and blockchain we can accelerate the speed at that companies reach their sustainability goals. We have seen exponential interest in our product, even at an early stage, and we now work closely with a diverse group of clients in the Nordics and DACH region to develop an MVP. Therefore we are looking for a full-stack developer who is eager to build an efficient, secure, and scalable back- and front-end software system in close cooperation with an external team of developers.

Monio AS

Monio AS (org. nr. 913 978 617) er et heleid datterselskap av SpareBank 1 SR-Bank ASA (org. nr. 937 895 321). Monio AS formidler lån til små og mellomstore bedrifter og er regulert av Finanstilsynet med tillatelse til å drive virksomhet som betalingsforetak og er registrert som låneformidler. Som lånformidler er Monio ikke en part i låneavtalen mellom långiver og låntaker.

Yetz Group AS

Yetz is a new distribution platform for product lines such as insurance, electricity, telecom, and finance. At launch, we will offer both insurance and power. We utilize strong incentives towards our customers and partners to share the concept, by giving them an affiliate commission. Monthly payment is based on the turnover of customers they have referred. Two fully owned sister companies Yetz Strøm og Yetz Forsikring.

Dynamisk Helse AS

The founder of Dynamisk Helse, Ann-Kristin Johansen, worked for several years as a nurse in hospitals and elderly care organizations. She experienced first-hand the lack of proper training which sometimes led to negative incidences for the patients as well as the staff. Sometimes the result had devastating outcomes, with a person's life at risk. Ann-Kristin felt sad and angry and felt the need to personally take action. This resulted in the foundation of Dynamisk Helse AS in 2011. We believe in small drops of theoretical and practical case-specific training, tailored naturally into our daily work. As there was no software platform available we felt was appropriate, we made it ourselves. Starting with making the “Drops first aid” app, which received fantastic feedback around the globe. (still available in Appstore) After this first test of response, we continued developing our own philosophy into a software platform that exceeds normal standards today. With limitless scalability and access on all digital surfaces. The number of elderly and inhabitants with chronic diseases, is going to double within ten years, resulting in dramatic demand for qualified healthcare workers. The leaders in healthcare struggle with high turnover and a shortage of both time and recourses to train the temps. Drops smartphone solution gives access to short and precise information about what to do when they need it, by scanning a QR code. Our Drops Skill aid system enables healthcare leaders to support staff in day-to-day tasks. We save costs for our customers, and provide a better service for patients, while we support care workers in building their skills and confidence.

Nordic Electrofuel

Nordic Electrofuel offers a solution for the rapid transition from fossil to renewable electrical energy for all transport sectors. It is based on the conversion of renewable electric energy into liquid electro-fuels that can be as easily transported, stored, and used as conventional fossil hydrocarbons. It also provides a good solution to distribute and store stranded electrical energy. PTL (Power To Liquid) has been considered too expensive, but with the low electricity price in Norway and new efficient processing and upgrading solutions, it has become commercially feasible. Electrification of transportation is required to avoid catastrophic climate change. Battery- or cable-electric solutions are not feasible for transport like aviation and long-distance marine transport. Liquid energy carriers such as biofuels are desperately needed but limited. The fuel is free of sulfur and can therefore be used maritime industry as a fuel after 2022. The fuel emits much fewer particles and aromatics than conventional fossil fuel, so it also solves the local pollution problem. Competitive advantages: • Norway’s low electricity price from hydro and lately also wind power. • 20 - 30 % lower electricity consumption than with existing technology • Lower production price than advanced biofuels • Agreements in place for a site at Herøya, which has all utilities (cooling water, cheap renewable electricity, etc.) and processing expertise available. • About the same source to shaft efficiency as hydrogen, but with much lower total CAPEX due to no investment in distribution systems and engines.


Vi tør å tenke nytt i en bransje som er preget av umoderne arbeidsformer, og kombinerer tung juridisk kompetanse med markedsledende teknologi. LIGL ble startet for å utfordre den konservative advokatbransjen, og bygger på tre grunnleggende prinsipper, kompetanse, kultur og teknologi – vårt DNA. Gjennom innovativ bruk av teknologi, en moderne forretningsmodell og et unikt arbeidsmiljø, vil vi skape et reelt, effektivt og eksklusivt alternativ til de største advokatfirmaene i Norge. Vi vet at dette vil og må ta tid, men vi vet også at det er denne veien bransjen vil utvikle seg – og vi ønsker å være i forkant. LIGL består av topp kvalifiserte forretningsadvokater med lang fartstid, solid faglig ekspertise og entusiasme for den jobben de gjør. Flere av firmaets advokater kommer fra ledende partnerstillinger i landets største advokatfirmaer. Kundene våre er norske og internasjonale virksomheter. Vi bistår alt fra gründervirksomheter i oppstart, til store selskaper med en lang historie å se tilbake på. Vi tar også oppdrag for privatpersoner innenfor utvalgte rettsområder. Firmaet leverer advokattjenester innen følgende fagområder: - Corporate, strategisk selskapsrettslig rådgivning - Rekonstruksjon & insolvens - Immaterialrett & teknologi - Fast eiendom - Skatt - Tvisteløsning Firmaets advokater er dyktige tverrfaglige forretningsadvokater, og firmaet tar derfor også oppdrag innenfor andre fagområder som naturlig leveres av et kompetent forretningsadvokatfirma, som arbeidsrett, kontraktsrett, entreprise etc.

Oiiku AS

Oiiku was founded in 2012 as a joint venture for Onkel Estrup AS and Kodemaker Systemutvikling AS. Bjørnar Stray Berentsen is a well-known figure in the corporate event business in Norway. He has many years of experience containing handling all parts of events, including managing them, the use of software to get things together, and doing the dirty work on the floor. As of 2012, Bjørnar had made a quite remarkable list of high-profile customers on his own and his self-made software. Based on his experience he saw the great possibilities in creating a new tailor-made suite of integrated software applications for events. Kodemaker is a well-known consultancy company in Oslo with 25 skilled employees. They are self-owned and have a set of system developers with a quality that is probably unmatched in the Oslo area. Onkel Estrup and Kodemaker started talks in 2012 about doing a joint venture to make a company with superior software for the event business. It has been a long process making sure that the combination of Bjørnars know-how about the most known and unknown issues at events was taken care of, and at the same time making sure that Kodemaker could contribute with their skills to make it a very flexible, scalable solution ready to be 'the event system' for the future. The company today is owned 50/50 by Onkel Estrup AS and Net Professionals AS. Net Professionals are mainly owned by stockholders and employees at Kodemaker. Oiiku AS is today in a situation with 2 employees working with events and Bjørnar working as CTO and some hands-on at events as well. We have a running business and are ready to scale up. We are looking for investors and a new CEO to bring the business to a totally new level. The worldwide market is HUGE and so far we have not seen better software solutions in the market. Our current plan is to grow a steady business in Oslo with employees to handle our large corporate customers, but the real big opportunities lie within making self-served Saas software for the worldwide market.

Nordic Unmanned AS

Nordic Unmanned is one of the world’s leading suppliers of drones and data capture solutions. With our wide customer base and extensive experience, we’re able to provide our clients with high-end products and services that meet their specific needs. Our goal is to help our clients achieve their desired outcomes through the use of unmanned systems and services, making them more efficient, effective, and profitable. We are continuously looking for talent, and we recommend any individual that might be interested in working at Nordic Unmanned, to either apply for one of our vacant positions or create a profile at


Evoltec (Evolution Technologies) is a Norwegian-based technological integrated service Company, established in January 2015. We are an evolving technological services and products provider with a focus on the marine and energy industry, In particular within the oil and gas sector. We realize and value our customer`s business needs and build cost-effective yet time-bound solutions to meet specific requirements. Our network of qualified personnel and product suppliers is capable of delivering services and products all over the world.

Eziteq AS

Member Relation Management // To have an efficient way of running your business, make sure to have the best tool. Work from anywhere, on any platform. A cloud-based system that for sure will make your day easier and more efficient. We specialize in solutions for organizations, athletic clubs, and fitness centers. We deliver tailored systems and solutions for all our customers that includes workflow, branding, access control, payment, and +++. Any task possible should be automatized, and any task to take care of should be easy. With this in mind, your workforce can focus on other pressing concerns like marketing and customer service. Use your company's resources and people on tasks that generate more revenue.