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Diwala is a Norwegian-based company that is focused on building opportunities for youth, addressing the global issue of identity theft and certification fraud. Today, displaced individuals and people in emerging markets are challenged by high costs and slow manual processes to verify the authenticity of their skills, identity and credentials. As a result, these individuals have to deal with tedious and out-dated credentialing processes, and are in some cases forced to repeat years of education. This leads to both loss of productivity and inflated unemployment. Imagine that you had to flee your own home because of war. Like Aıscha Najjar, a Syrian doctor turned refugee immigrated to the United States to pursue her dream of work & a safe home. Yet, due to loss of information, she was forced to repeat medical school in the United States. If she had a verifiable skill identity, she might have had the privilege of practicing medicine without any questions. Aıscha`s story amongst others epitomizes the challenge Diwala is addressing. To tackle this challenge, Diwala has created a platform that enables schools and NGOs to issue skill-based identities, backed by blockchain technology. A skill-ID is a digitally verified record of a person’s educational and work history. Diwala is building an ecosystem of trust, by enabling educational institutions and organizations to safely and digitally issue and verify credentials. This will, in turn, save all parties time, money and build a bridge for global work opportunities for untapped talent. Complementing the platform, Diwala has built an app that allows students to easily receive, store and share credentials of both soft and hard skills. By utilizing a decentralized identity management tool, Diwala’s application will also give people ownership of their data information. Diwala is currently executing pilots regularly, to optimize the features and security of the platform in both Kenya and Uganda. Working with their implementation partner Clarke University in Kampala, Diwala recently issued the first set of skill-identities to both students and administrators. These are the first ever digitally verified certificates backed by decentralized identity and blockchain in Africa

Restarters Norway

Restarters Norway jobber for å skape en kultur for reparasjon av elektronikk i Norge, basert på frivillighet, delingskultur og bærekraft. Vi engasjerer og inspirerer folk og beslutningstakere gjennom å spre konseptet Fiksefest for elektronikk, og ved å sette bærekraftig forbruk av elektronikk på den offentlige agendaen. Vi er en del av et internasjonalt Restarters-nettverk som har vokst ut av Londonbaserte The Restart Project. Nordmenn ligger på Europatoppen når det gjelder bruk og kast av elektronikk, og dette har store klima- og miljømessige konsekvenser. Ved å jobbe praktisk og lokalt, spre glede og mestring knyttet til reparasjon ønsker vi å endre folks forhold til elektronikk, hvordan vi setter pris på og tar vare på den. På en Fiksefest utforsker og reparerer vi elektronikken sammen, lærer av hverandre og har det gøy med å la den leve lenger. Gjennom arrangementene sprer vi derfor nysgjerrighet og ingeniørferdigheter, i tillegg til glede knyttet til å ta vare på elektronikken vår.

Independent Business Accelerator- IBA Norway

IBA Norway is a non-profit organization working on accelerating and capacity building of small and medium sized businesses. In 2019 IBA Norway, together with IBA Ethiopia Center for Innovation; Ministry of Innovation & Technology, Ethiopia; African Union and Foreign Ministry of Norway via Royal Norwegian Embassy in Addis Ababa organised a very successful first pan-African Innovation Week, a platform to bridge the gap between innovation & investment so as to build the future leaders of Africa. AIW is determined to move Africa forward towards an inclusive & prosperous continent led by technology. 2nd edition of AIW is scheduled from 26.10 to 31.10 at the African Union HQ in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The Sales Factory AS

The Sales Factory, founded in summer of 2019 has a clear goal of becoming a significant player in Norway & internationally. Beside close collaboration with established brands, we are closely linked to Startup Ecosystems, Chambers of Commerce’s, Embassies and Investor groups in Norway and abroad. We work with several exciting clients with a high "disruptive factor". The company has clear ambitions for growth, and will be a unique and exciting workplace to work at and develop for the right talents. We see ourselves as close allies to disruptive Startup/Scale ups who have a clear go to market strategy. By providing the sales force they need we'll help these selected companies to establish a market in Norway and beyond. With a collective experience of more than 50 years of sales among the Founders in combination with their in depth experience in the startup/segment, in regards to structuring, consulting, investments, etc. The Sales Factory aims to become the natural choice for Startup/Scale ups who have a clear agenda to reach unicorn status.

Kapoow AS

We are a company that is in the development of a new way of telling stories. We're creating a platform where it's possible to expand the narrative of a story from the main screen (e.g your TV) to a second screen, by using keyframe triggers and secondary screen content delivery. We're currently in a prototype aiming for MVP as the next step.


Evetro develops a digital application to help teams enhance collaboration and find smarter ways to work. We specialize in Retrospectives which is a well known method for continuous improvement. The purpose is to identify opportunities to improve and to reduce wasted time. We want employees to have a safe and natural arena where they can share ideas, adapt to changes and explore improvement opportunities.


Anycareer is a data-powered career platform with courses, mentors, guides and automated recruitment to top employers. We close the gap between universities and employers by collecting data on candidates, helping them find their path towards reaching their full potential, then matching them with the right employers. Our combination of data science and behavioural science allows for more efficient, cheaper and less biased recruitment. Read more on

Whip Tech AS

Whip er et nytt sosialt medium som muliggjør lavterskel kommunikasjon med nye mennesker i nærheten. Til bruk når for å bli kjent med folk på skolen, når du er ute på byen o.l. Ta et bilde, legg til en tekst og send til en tilfeldig innenfor en satt radius. Du kan også sette preferanser som alder og kjønn på mottaker. Bilde kan åpnes og blir borte etter noen sekunder. På denne måten er samtalen uforpliktende, og å bryte isen er lett. Teamet vårt består nå av to gira karer som gjør ting som er nytt for oss begge, ironisk nok kan ingen av oss tech, og kan dermed ikke endre vårt eget produkt. Vi ser stort potensiale og vet at vi kan komme langt med en gang vi får en tech-person med oss!

Your Aesthetic Style

Brand Consulting and Interior Redesign.Your Aesthetic Style is a design company specialized in visually communicating what's unique about you, so that you have a beautiful home or brand that reflects you.I offer a do-it-with-you design service so that my clients are equipped to use visual communication and design principles on their own in the future.

Compax Solutions

Compax Solutions is a Norwegian tech company founded in 2017, with a vision to contributing towards a more efficient and sustainable society. By introducing innovative solutions that makes everyday life easier, more sustainable, and impactful, we believe that we can make the world a better place through new technology. Currently there are no open positions, but we're always looking for talent to join our journey. If you're interested we would love to hear from you! Send your cover letter and resume to


Vi er et lite sosialt medie byrå som ble startet høsten 2017. Vi planlegger, produserer og formidler våre kunders budskap på en kreativ og resultatbringende måte. I dag sitter vi i flotte kontorlokaler på Tøyen Startup Village med umiddelbar nærhet til t-bane og kollektivtrafikk. Vi brenner for det vi gjør, og prøver hele tiden å holde oss oppdatert på trender slik at vi kan tilby våre kunder engasjerende innhold som passer de ulike formatene og som målgruppen ønsker å dele videre.

Clean Sea Solutions AS

Clean Sea Solutions AS is a Norwegian Ocean Tech company that develop innovative solutions to prevent and reduce plastic waste in the sea. Our products are designed to collect plastic waste in and below the water surface in lakes, water channels, rivers and river mouths, harbors, marinas, and other close coastal areas. This year, and in collaboration with the City of Oslo, Clean Sea Solutions (CSS) is launching the CSS Aqua-Drone, an all-electric, autonomous floating waste-collecting aqua-drone in the Port of Oslo. Using a combination of computer vision and remote sensing based on ultrasound or 3D laser scanning (LIDAR) technologies. The robot gathers trash and stores it on board, disposes it at a dedicated docking station, and recharges for the next mission. Our solutions are advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals with technologies that reducing plastic pollution, contributing to the sustainability of the ocean, and improve the quality and sustainability of water resources by addressing the impact of plastic waste inflow.

Cognition Forge AS

Cognition Forge AS develops, creates and execute groundbreaking organizational optimization tools for businesses worldwide. We use analogue game design and metrics combined with cutting-edge psychological theory to maximize results for our clients and the efficiency of our process. We're currently hiring salespeople with good business networks.

JodaCare AS

Our Value Proposition JodaCare seeks to improve communication between family caregivers and health personnel, to improve life quality an dignity for people with dementia or cognitive impairments.    Our Product JodaCare delivers a secure, digital communication and information sharing platform for, connecting health personnel and family caregivers taking care of the same patient.    We are a diverse startup with dedicated people from ages in the twenties, thirties and forties, more women than men, some start early and some start late. We all the same goal, making the life for patients, relatives and workers easier.


Swimlab vil tilby svømmeteknisk analyse og undervisning samt helse- og rehabiliterings trening i vann for konkurransesvømmere, triatleter, Open water, Masters og mosjonister, samt svømmeopplæring. Dette vil skje i et unikt og dynamisk treningsmiljø, i et motstrømsbasseng. med muligheter for teknisk analyse vedhjelp av  videosystemer.Svømmer skal sitte igjen med en høyere bevissthet/kunnskap om sin egen svømmeteknisk ferdighet, samt nå de mål som blir satt sammen med trener eller av seg selv.     Swimlab er i en fase hvor vi jobber med å finne investorer og partnere. samtidig jobber man med å finne den perfekte lokasjonen,  som vil ha nærhet til kollektivtransport. Arbeidsmiljøet hos Swimlab vil består av en pool med flinke og erfarende instruktører og trenere som vet hva de snakker om når det kommer til svømming og trening.