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Energy producers and consumers lose a significant amount of undervalued heat. Our thermal battery technology can time-shift this high value heat, giving customers flexibility in dealing with and within the power grid. Our solution introduces you to new markets and additional revenue streams, pays itself off within 2-5 years, increases profits for decades and reduces your carbon footprint.

Beining & Bogen

Beining & Bogen er et byrå som spesialiserer seg på design og utvikling av apper. Vi elsker å lage gode brukeropplevelser med høy teknisk kvalitet og har laget apper og nettsider for blant annet, Godt Brød, TVNorge og smarthusløsninger for Datek Wireless. I tillegg foreleser vi på Høyskolen Kristiania (tidligere Westerdals Oslo ACT) i apputvikling og grensesnittdesign. Vi er et team på 7 personer som utfordrer hverandre på tvers av fagdisiplinene. Det oppfordres til, og forventes, at du bidrar med dine innspill om alt fra design og brukeropplevelse, til prosjektstyring og kaffevanntemperatur, mens vi bygger selskapet sammen. Hvis du liker å sitte i lunsjen å kritisere brukeropplevelsen i appene du har installert på telefonen din, passer du rett inn hos oss.


High end universal data acquisition software and hardware for oil and gas industry (Welltesting coiled tubing, drilling, pumping units) as well as other industrial applications.Our cutting edge universal data acquisition software has been built with performance and user friendliness in mind, the intuitive user interface allows for an easy learning curve yet highly customizable.Our hardware has both wired and wireless (up to 250 nodes), it works with leading brands like rosemount, E&H, ABB etc.


Oaseit is a gamified green fundraising platform for people with climate change anxiety. Our goal is to empower people to grow their green impact by helping amazing environmental projects to life. We are committed to make solving climate challenges fun, easy and insightful! We believe the solution will include a mix of personal actions and supporting green technologies and initiatives 🌍


FLUS is a platform where freelance labour meets local demand, allowing consumers to find immediate help with everyday tasks. We believe that life shouldn`t be about chores.  Our goal is to encourage regular people in different communities to use the skills they already have to earn extra money and at the same time provide instant help to someone in need. FLUS helps the society to reduce unemployment, improve work ethics and strengthen the local economy. Although FLUS is a young company, its founders have a substantial track record of entrepreneurial and commercial experience.   Our CEO Mahsa Shams has a long and proven record of accomplishments in leadership and project management and has substantial experience as a project manager in one of the biggest IT companies in Scandinavia Get/TDC. With over 10 years of experience in various corporate environments, she has built strong skills in strategic planning, strategy, marketing, IT, leadership, project and budget management. Her educational background is in law and project management.   We are an ambitious and creative team of 5 founders and 2 active board members that are super passionate about making a difference in communities by providing a solution that we believe have a positive effect on people. We are also a team that focuses on building each other stronger and always encourage one another to think outside the box!   The team consists of experienced entrepreneurs, Senior Key accounts, entertainers and experienced business developers. As a part of the team, we also have two programmers in Android and IOS, with strong former experience in programming several successful applications.


Aprila is a tech company with a banking license created by people from companies like Spotify, Opera, DNB and startups like marked.noWe focus on highly automated intuitive on-the-spot financing solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises through employing modern technology, data-driven credit risk management and an innovative distribution model

EcoFarm Technology

EcoFarm is a new way of indoor planting with unique Norwegian technologies providing us with fresh and healthy vegetables, barriers and herbs, all important nutritions that we lack buying from food chains. Being the owner of EcoFarm, we become a part of a human society protecting our planet from ever-growing food demands and helping to stop deforestation caused by increasing agricultural industry. EcoFarm is designed for all of us. It’s time to reconnect with our most valuable life source. We are the team of enthusiastic people with more than 10 years background experience in mechanical and electronic engineering. We are trying to convince people to grow their own food indoor rather than buying it. With current technologies we implement in our EcoFarm it is possible!

Lean Business International

Lean Business Entrepreneurship Platform is an online toolbox that helps entrepreneurs, start-ups and development projects create ideas and bring them to realization, by structuring the process from idea to viable business The Lean Business Platform gives you access to an 8-step planning process, where you create a dynamic dashboard that gives you the opportunity to manage your business’ goals, action plans, risk, performance and liquidity.The method is supported by certified advisors in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, England and South Africa and used by entrepreneurs, start-ups, advisors, bankers, universities and consultants to structure and facilitate entrepreneurship in a digitised, efficient, and valuable way.The services we provide are digital entrepreneurship platforms, certification courses, workshops, webinars and educational entrepreneurship programs.

KVS Technologies

We believe in a world where humans and robots collaborate. We simplify inspections by offering data as a service with fully automatic industrial drones, through our global reaching robotic ecosystem. We help different industries to automate inspections and collect the necessary data in a smarter and safer way, with our software platform for operating fleets of automatic drones, from anywhere in the world. join our the journey of our award winning software platform today!

Rain Games

Rain Games AS is a Norwegian independent video game developer forged from a cooperative community of local artists and programmers. Our team is diverse in both talents and interests, but we share a common goal: To create games that are fun and challenging. In 2013 we released Teslagrad, is a 2D puzzle platformer that has sold over 1.6 million copies worldwide. Our most recent title is World to the West, an action-adventure game that takes place in the same world as Teslagrad, with four all-new characters thrust into a mysterious quest.

Hvor smarte kan vi bli med kunstig hukommelse og algoritmer? AI er god på de tingene vi er dårlige på, og motsatt. Prosessere enorme mengder data, finne mønstre og forutsi nye – alt i lysets hastighet. Perfekt for en AI. Umulig for et menneske. Derfor bygger vi en hukommelses-database. Den skal brukes til å lage verktøy som gir mennesker digitale superkrefter. Et slags lim for deg og framtiden. Et slags lim mellom alle og enhver. Et lim som vet alt, og som kan skille signalet fra støyen, hvert eneste sekund.

Nabonett er det lukkede sosiale nettverket for nabolaget ditt. Nabonett kobler naboer ut fra bostedsadresse og nabolaget de bor i. Du har bare kontakt med menneskene som bor i nærheten av deg. Nabonett er den enkleste måten å finne ut av hva som skjer i nabolaget ditt - uansett om det er å få informasjon om nabolagets sommerfest, å bli advart om sykkeltyverier eller å låne et verktøy. Det finnes mange områder naboer kan hjelpe hverandre på, man trenger bare en enklere måte å komme i kontakt på. Nabonett er resultatet av et samarbeid mellom Omega Media AS og et entusiastisk team av unge og høyt utdannede entreprenører og webutviklere. Vi er opptatt av å bruke teknologi for å forbedre folks liv. Vi har over 10 års erfaring i vellykket utvikling og innføring av nettbaserte løsninger i Norge og andre internasjonale markeder.


Highcharts is a charting library written in pure JavaScript, offering an easy way of adding interactive charts to your web site or web application. Highcharts currently supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie and scatter chart types.


Bitcamp helps children and teenagers build their own Apps and Games.Students learn best when they are building real things. In all of our courses we are working towards building a project. From establishing a brand, through idea for the app or game, design, coding and testing, to publishing and getting users. None of our courses presume any prior coding experience and most of our students have never programmed before. Bitcamp helps children and teenagers build their own Apps and Games.Students learn best when they are building real things. In all of our courses we are working towards building a project. From establishing a brand, through idea for the app or game, design, coding and testing, to publishing and getting users. None of our courses presume any prior coding experience and most of our students have never programmed before. However, every single student has their own App or Game by the end of the course.We provide week long and weekend classes, ongoing after school activity and private consultations. Bitcamp started in June 2017 and have already had over 150 students.Bitcamp provides a strong alternative to regular education. Our students learn much faster and are more engaged than in their regular classes. We hope to inspire the next generation of software and game entrepreneurs.App examples are Instagram, Reddit and Twitter. Game examples are Flappy Bird, Cookie Clicker and Chameleon Run. None of our courses presume any prior coding experience and most of our students have never programmed before. However, every single student has their own App or Game by the end of the course.

The Core AS

The Core AS est. in 2015, innovates in the mid-market hospitality sector, opening restaurants Koie Ramen, Way Down South, Gressholmen Kro, and Night Pig. We are looking for talented individuals who know what it means to hustle! We are go-getters, doers, creatives, energetic, and passionate about food.