A global movement to make it fun & easy to break the ice between people to find true love, friendships, and social activities with an optimal mix of high-tech & high-touch organized as a Master Franchise. The top management team at Wilh.
Wilhelmsen ASA bought the idea in 2006 as a social benefit. Love & Friendship locally & globally - health & peace! Personal matchmaking, online dating, friendships, mingling! Improving relationship health! Looking for: mentor(s), companies to co-create (pilot project), team members, business partners, investors, etc. Storytelling frame (the truth): Svalbard: Here you can still risk meeting polar bears in the streets.
Every semester the university (UNIS) has an icebreaker party! Since 2004 I have tested out different ideas and found them possible to succeed. For more information read this paper: ALYTUS COLLEGE, ISSN 2029-9311, October 30, 2013: 50 % of the world population lives in big cities worldwide - how will this affect our social relationships -- and how to improve these? 50 % of the world population lives in big cities worldwide --and this will increase (globalis.no) - how will this affect our social relationships, and how to improve these?
Several statistics underline the challenges of the modern world: 50 % or more are single. 50 % are cheating. 50 % or more break up or divorce. 25 % on sick leave as a result of a relationship breakup. Low libido is now a public health problem. 48 % have only one friend, but not a reliable one in a crisis. 50 % of the population wants more friends. We become more sick from our private lives than our work lives (Modesta Olsen, 2007), and the modern family is the most common family structure (Almendingen, 2010). Which social structures can survive the strain of losing the qualities of faithfulness, honesty, and decency?
Cynicism becomes our defense. Depression and feelings of emptiness are the prices we pay. Giving hugs, care, and trust to others not only bring greater happiness - it can also lead to better business. Icebreakercard.com is a new world movement to solve these social challenges. It fights for its vision: Love and friendship locally and globally! Our big goal is to improve your life quality.
As social entrepreneurs, we are called the fourth sector which cooperates with the other three: private, public, and civic (Ellis, 2006) with an optimal mix of high tech & high touch! In this paper, I will present my research findings in the Western world (mainly Norway and USA) and my part of the solution as a social entrepreneur of Icebreakercard.com.
A social entrepreneur has been described as our time's hero and heroines. We create solutions where none of the sectors have succeeded well enough. Bad relationships lead to health problems in the population across age and gender. Mental health conditions are now the key concern in all of the OECD countries. The employer and the community take the economic bill when the employee is on sick leave. The disease is a private matter, but absence is not.
Links: http://alytauskolegija.lt/Dokumentai/2013/38_Soreide.pdf http://www.slideshare.net/AnneSreide/ib-fb-2012 https://independent.academia.edu/AnneS%C3%B8reide https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_G._S%C3%B8reide