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Showing: 2183 filtered startups

IC Technology AS

ICT is a Norwegian technology development company that holds patents designed to bring new opportunities to the cryogenic liquids storage and transportation sectors via unique containers. The design targets the market for both large- and small-scale cryogenic applications. ICT’s solution is modular and suited for onshore as well as maritime use. The development of hydrogen infrastructure is slow and holding back widespread adoption. Transportation of large volumes is one of the major challenges that IC Technologies is determined to solve. Another challenge is the storage of liquid hydrogen. Current storage solutions resemble enlarged thermos flasks, and the hydrogen inside gradually evaporates over time. Our vision is a decarbonized world with green hydrogen as a major energy carrier.


Terapivakten setter hele familien i fokus, og våre terapeuter tilbyr terapi til ungdom så vel som eldreterapi. Gjennom foreldreveiledning styrkes hele familien, selv i de tøffeste livskriser.Det er både raskt og enkelt å be om hjelp hos Terapivakten. Du kan lett kontakte oss via våre nettsider eller på telefon. Våre terapeuter kommer hjem til deg og din familie med psykisk førstehjelp. Terapeutiske hjemmetjenester er en løsning for deg som av ulike grunner ikke ønsker å ta kontakt med det offentlige eller andre relevante tjenestetilbud. Terapivakten er de første i Norge til å gi deg terapeutiske hjemmetjenester. Psykisk førstehjelp består av samtaleterapi, ulike terapeutiske teknikker og øvelser og oppgaver som vil hjelpe deg mot en bedre psykisk helse i din hverdag.

Noroff Education

Noroff has campuses in Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger, and Kristiansand. In addition to the Online study capabilities of nearly all study programs. We offer undergraduate degrees in Digital Forensics and Interactive Media with a specialization in either Animation or Games. All our degrees can be completed as a campus student or through online studies. -> We also offer recognition of prior learning, meaning you can be accredited exemption from course subjects based on prior documented education. We offer vocational diploma degrees in Visual Effects (VFX), FrontEnd Development, 3D Design & Animation, Game Design, 3D Films, Sound & Music, Graphic Design, Film Production, Technical Design, Network, and IT. Apply now at

Norwegian Energy

NORWEGIAN ENERGY DRINK I am challenging the unhealthy red bull drink with a healthy Norwegian energy drink, a special formula that gives you more energy and a better life, POWER TO THE PEOPLE, do you want to know more or order a case, or perhaps partner in? Call me at + 47 9216 3985 or or follow the Norwegian Energy drink


WRK4ME is a service designed to assist you in finding jobs and services near you. Giving you the possibility to find jobs where YOU are. With WRK4ME and its' aim to be THE platform for connecting available workforce to related wanted work, we're offering you a combination of the newest technology with todays' demand. Work wherever, whenever.In this day and age, we believe people are not only interested in, but also simply require, the freedom to choose when to work.Come WRK4ME - wherever, whenever.

Waterdrop - Next generation of filmmakers

FILM, ANIMATION, VFX, CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT AND POST-PRODUCTION We are directors, artists, technologists and change makers in pursuit of mind-blowing perfection.  Makers for all media, working at the frontiers of visual narrative.      At Waterdrop we are very passionate about the projects we take on and ensure that our devotion for storytelling   and high quality films is displayed in every venture we pursue.     FILM & ANIMATION Waterdrop prides itself on providing both high production quality and creativity in films. Creating projects that capture target audiences, adding value and increasing company sales. Our studio is 4/8K ready and Disney approved.   VISION  Using strategic planning and creativity, Waterdrop engages and connects audiences with memorable messages through good execution and solid infrastructure. The result is the production of commercially viable, powerful films that generate both  profits and audience entertainment.   MAKING WAVES  Although film advertising is typically visually stimulating, the concept behind these visuals must also function. Using a specific online program, we are able to evaluate the influence and significance on our client’s target audience,  allowing for focus group feedback in the final launch of the film.

Dhamma: Alternativ til institusjon

Dhamma tilbyr helhetlige oppfølgingstjenester for ungdommer som er i risiko for å kunne falle utenfor samfunnet. Dhamma består av et tverrfaglig team som har lang erfaring i forebyggende arbeid sett opp mot rus, kriminalitet og helsefremmende tiltak. Vi kan også tilby arbeidstrening og tilrettelegging/fremskaffelse av praksisplass. Videre legger vi vekt på relasjonsbygging og bruker situasjonstilpassede former for tilnærming. Her kan nevnes fritidsaktiviteter/jobbtrening med miljøarbeider/terapeut. Vårt team besitter unik kompetanse som er bygd opp både akademisk og av livserfaring.Et av målene vi har med vårt arbeid er å kunne være tilstede før det skjer, et annet mål er å kunne gå inn i vanskelige situasjoner og bidra til å skape et solid grunnlag for et fullverdig liv.   Se vår hjemmeside: for ytterligere informasjon og mulighet for kontakt. Vi presenterer gjerne vårt konsept ved forespørsel.


We are a start-up in Stavanger, Norway. Our goal is to find your - and everyone else's - bike. Bike theft is a growing problem. It is a problem that has to be solved. To solve this problem, a great product is needed. The product needs to be a tracking device that actually works. And we think we're on to something. It's smart, safe, efficient and simple: It's BikeFinder.To get BikeFinder to the market we need exceptional people to develop our current prototype. That's why we're always looking for talent who would like to join in on the adventure! For more details about what BikeFinder is, head over to our website at or contact us directly.

Icebreaker Global Søreide

A global movement to make it fun & easy to break the ice between people to find true love, friendships, and social activities with an optimal mix of high-tech & high-touch organized as a Master Franchise. The top management team at Wilh. Wilhelmsen ASA bought the idea in 2006 as a social benefit. Love & Friendship locally & globally - health & peace! Personal matchmaking, online dating, friendships, mingling! Improving relationship health! Looking for: mentor(s), companies to co-create (pilot project), team members, business partners, investors, etc. Storytelling frame (the truth): Svalbard: Here you can still risk meeting polar bears in the streets. Every semester the university (UNIS) has an icebreaker party! Since 2004 I have tested out different ideas and found them possible to succeed. For more information read this paper: ALYTUS COLLEGE, ISSN 2029-9311, October 30, 2013: 50 % of the world population lives in big cities worldwide - how will this affect our social relationships -- and how to improve these? 50 % of the world population lives in big cities worldwide --and this will increase ( - how will this affect our social relationships, and how to improve these? Several statistics underline the challenges of the modern world: 50 % or more are single. 50 % are cheating. 50 % or more break up or divorce. 25 % on sick leave as a result of a relationship breakup. Low libido is now a public health problem. 48 % have only one friend, but not a reliable one in a crisis. 50 % of the population wants more friends. We become more sick from our private lives than our work lives (Modesta Olsen, 2007), and the modern family is the most common family structure (Almendingen, 2010). Which social structures can survive the strain of losing the qualities of faithfulness, honesty, and decency? Cynicism becomes our defense. Depression and feelings of emptiness are the prices we pay. Giving hugs, care, and trust to others not only bring greater happiness - it can also lead to better business. is a new world movement to solve these social challenges. It fights for its vision: Love and friendship locally and globally! Our big goal is to improve your life quality. As social entrepreneurs, we are called the fourth sector which cooperates with the other three: private, public, and civic (Ellis, 2006) with an optimal mix of high tech & high touch! In this paper, I will present my research findings in the Western world (mainly Norway and USA) and my part of the solution as a social entrepreneur of A social entrepreneur has been described as our time's hero and heroines. We create solutions where none of the sectors have succeeded well enough. Bad relationships lead to health problems in the population across age and gender. Mental health conditions are now the key concern in all of the OECD countries. The employer and the community take the economic bill when the employee is on sick leave. The disease is a private matter, but absence is not. Links:


Akademiet skal være den beste og mest fremtidsrettede videregående skolen i Norge! Dette er vår visjon. Det betyr blant annet at vi skal tilby elevene et unikt studietilbud gjennom høyt kvalifiserte medarbeidere, moderne undervisningsformer og gode tekniske hjelpemidler. Akademiet videregående skoler er for elever med ungdomsrett, dvs. for de mellom 15 og 19 år. Privatistskolen retter seg primært mot elever som ønsker å forbedre vitnemålet sitt fra videregående skole eller mangler generell studiekompetanse. Privatistskolen tilbyr også elever som til daglig går på en videregående skole leksehjelp og ekstraundervisning i fag de ønsker særlig fordypning i.

Skolefri har laget en inkluderende plattform som gjør at barn og ungdom med ulike bakgrunner og interesser kan på en enkel og rask måte finne positive fritidsaktiviteter i sitt nabolag uten at det finansielle aspektet nødvendigvis skal være en hindring for deltakelse! Akkurat dette Norge trenger!Vennligst se konseptet vårt her Målet vårt er synlig og effektiv markedsføring av spennende aktiviteter i Norge og deretter hele Skandinavia med kun noe få tastetrykk.


At FLIR UAS our core mission is to develop, produce and sell the world’s smallest and most advanced Personal Reconnaissance System (PRS). We create innovative solutions to complex problems based on modern microelectronics, new sensor technology, creative mechanical design and efficient low-cost production techniques. We work closely with industry leading partners and a broad customer base to deliver optimal and functional products that meet operator’s needs.

OK minilager

OK minilager er et unikt lagerkonsept for bedrifter og private. Med våre containerbaserte lagerboder tilbyr vi maksimal tilgjengelighet til en konkurransedyktig pris. Vi tilbyr kun utleie av lager, og ingen fordyrende ekstratjenester. Vårt drive-in konsept er raskt og enkelt. Du kan kjøre direkte frem med bil og henger til din lagercontainer. Du slipper unødvendig lasting på traller, bæring i trapper og heiser osv. Du kan til og med kjøre tilhengeren din inn i containeren og parkere den der med eiendelene på. Våre avdelinger er døgnåpne og selvbetjente. Lagercontainerne er utstyrt med forsikringsgodkjente låsebokser. I tillegg er våre avdelinger videoovervåket, og vi har satt opp adgangskontroll. Man har således mulighet til å få eiendelene forsikret.


MELK er et skeivt kulturtidsskrift med det formål å belyse, synliggjøre og formidle skeiv kulturhistorie i Norge, med særskilt fokus på perspektiver som er marginalisert innenfor LHBTiQ-historie. Majoriteten av de som jobber med og for MELK i alle ledd er skeive: redaktører, designere, illustratører og tekstforfattere. Selv om heterofile også er velkomne som både bidragsytere og selvfølgelig som lesere.  MELKs redaksjon består av Anna Nafstad og Martine Johansen


INFINITE is integrating solar cells into the body of lightweight vehicles. When exposed to sun irradiation, these cells will generate electricity to recharge the vehicle battery. Up to 600 kWh by year can be produced in a city like Rome. A light vehicle consuming 60 W/km can achieve up to 10 000 km per year from solar energy, which is more than the yearly average distance travelled in an urban area.