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Showing: 2183 filtered startups

Fullstakk Marketing

Fullstakk Marketing er et ungt byrå som på kort tid har fått et godt fotfeste innenfor performance marketing i Norge. Vårt fokus ligger i å alltid lage gode rammeverk som tracker kundereisene fra A til Å. Med dette som grunnlag kan vi skape de rette segmentene, med de rette annonsene, og dermed få de rette konverteringene. Vi går analytisk til verks og bruker innsamlede data til å  optimalisere, personalisere, og automatisere prosesser. Vår arbeidsmetode har skapt fantastiske resultater for våre kunder, og vi trenger derfor flere spesialister med på laget.


Kybernesis is a game studio currently working on a game best described as XCOM meets H.P. Lovecraft. The startup also has worked on the concept and prototype of an innovative new way to connect games asymmetrically, where actions done in one game will affect any connected games, independent of platforms.

3D-Viewing AS

3D-Viewing provide innovative 3D showcases that allow your customers to visit your spaces from their computer, cell phone or tablet and VR Headset equipment. With a camera that deliver a 140 Mpixel quality 360 degrees pictures improve your real estate visibilty, advertise your hotel lobby or conference room and many other application coming...

Technology With a Heart AS

Technology with a Heart AS is a Norwegian company headquartered in Oslo, Norway. We are working on several tech developments for future launches. Our first launch is My1Min.My1Min® is a video presentation tool, developed for modern and efficient recruiting. It shows who is behind the CV. It gives a job seeker the opportunity to stand out from the crowd, while it is easier for an employer to discover hidden talents. Already we have thousands of user all over the world. AS AS is a Norwegian publisher and educator. Operating within the field of psychology, the company runs the web-based news magazine and the scientific journal Scandinavian Psychologist. With more than 2.9 million page views in 2015, the website is recommended by The Norwegian Electronic Health Library and sponsored by the Research Council of AS is a member of Norwegian Media Businesses' Association.

Norwegian Couture

"We will revolutionize the way we shop suits and blazers, and design edgy and fresh menswear for the millennials."  Norwegian Couture sell their designs tailor made to companies and direct to costumers.  Now we are seeking fundings and partners, for optimization of the digital salesforce, and join in on the new Norwegian fashion adventure.


Vilect is an AI powered recruitment assistant that helps non-hr managers run high quality processes and hire the best candidates in record time. The assistant identifies the most relevant candidates and lets the hiring manager screen short-listed applicants with recorded video interviews integrated directly in the  We are Vilect and we are really trying to keep one of the biggest time thieves in the retail sector at bay -- hiring and more specifically, hiring the wrong people. What we are doing is creating a recruitment software with the store manager in mind and improve the workflow. How do they reach out to the applicants? How do they evaluate applicants? How do they choose the right applicant? We thus want to make a system created around this workflow. Through this, we hope to help them sort through hundreds of applications and narrow those down to a more manageable number.We are saving time on writing the application by introducing video interviews instead. The applicant can complete the video interview as part of the process and the store manager can review those videos at his convenience. We started testing our prototypes which had a video element in it, with great feedback. We were wondering if they could actually get a good impression of a person with short video answers and thus far, the store managers' feedback has been really great.

Go Styling

with Go Styling you can find professional providers who offer beauty treatments in your own neighborhood, who have a chair in a beauty salon, home salons, or makeup artists who will come to your house. You can also book stylists to join you on a shopping spree, or a personal trainer to meet you in the gym or in the park. You will also find many professionals who are educated within beauty treatments but currently hold other occupations. They will offer treatments in their own homes. Save time and money and take advantage of the resources in your own neighborhood.


Smartwatt er et software selskap som benytter AI og skyteknologi til å optimalisere styringen og senke energiforbruket i næringsbygg. Vår teknologi identifiserer hvor og hvordan næringsbygg kan optimalisere eksisterende installasjoner for å spare maksimalt med strøm. Smartwatts software benytter maskinlæringsalgoritmer, inneklimadata, værmelding og morgendagens strømpriser til å regne ut optimale driftsparametre for næringsbygg som utveksles automatisk med byggets eksisterende styringssystem. Løsningen installeres raskt i bygget og kundene våre opplever resultater på svært kort tid. Av de 70 bygg som allerede har tatt teknologien i bruk er effekten betydelig og har ført til en besparelse på opptil 30%. Vi er fortsatt i startfasen av vår reise, men har allerede etablert oss som en seriøs aktør og utfordrer i bransjen. Asko, Elkjøp, Elektroimportøren, BI og Møller Bil, er blant kundene som har tatt i bruk Smartwatt sine løsninger, og vi har store ambisjoner. Med sterke investorer i ryggen gjennom en nylig gjennomført finansieringsrunde, ledet av Hafslund Invest og DNV, er vi klare til å fortsette veksten og la flere bedrifter dra nytte av våres løsninger. Smartwatt sitt mål er å bli markedsledende i Norge samtidig som vi vil fortsette å skalere opp i Norden


We are building Newcycle, because we want to end the throw-away society.   Every year our global society throw away 100 billion tonnes of materials. This obviously can't continue. At the the core of this issue lies a general perception that new things are more valuable than things we already own. Or that things new from the store is better than buying it used from someone else. We believe that if it was easier for people to treat the things they own better, keeping them maintained and in mint condition, this perception would change. We started Newcycle on an ambition to kickstart a circular revolution in retail and consumerism. The way we exploit our planet’s resources needs to change. The way we buy things needs to change. And the way we own things needs to change. With the Newcycle app, consumers can create an inventory of everything they own, to get an overview of their products. It's free to use the app, and we offer additional paid services, like reselling their used items. By giving consumers access to digital twins of everything they own, we make it easier for our users to maintain, repair, refine, buy and sell their products, regardless of whether they are the 1st, 2nd or 8th owner of a product. In the app The Newcycle app connects the owner of a product with the retailer who sold it and the producer who made it, for the entire life span of the product, benefiting both the consumers and the producers of the products. The positive result is longer use of the products and in the end recycling. We won’t change the world all by ourselves, but looking back ten, twenty or forty years from now, we’ll see that our role was a central one. And you can join our team, and help lay the foundation for a circular future. Where are we on our journey? - We have launched the first version of Newcycle, which has been well received among our users and partners 🚀 - We have partnered with IKEA, Anton Sport, Fjällräven and Eplehuset 🤝 ... and we are in close conversations with major retailers and brands 🌍 - We are a team of 8 full time employees (+ 2 interns) 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 - We have secured 14MNOK in funding through two pre-seed rounds💰 (and it's a great investor team 👏), and we're closing our seed round the summer of 2023 📆

Regenics AS

reGenics is a marine biotech company that leverage the science of unfertilized salmon roe to combat a global health problem: wound healing, diabetic ulcers and psoriasis. The company was one of the very few that was given the seal of excellence from EU, which makes it highly valued by associated and potential partners. One of them being a global well-known wound healing company , which also makes the case for possible exit opportunities in this intriguing investment case.

Wizkids AS

Vi eksperter på å utvikle plattformer, systemintegrasjon, språk- og taleteknologi. Derfor prøver vi kontinuerlig å utvikle den mest avanserte og brukervennlige programvaren som vi gjør tilgjengelig på alle plattformer, og derfor bruker mer enn 1 mill. elever og lærere nå våre løsninger. Teamet vårt består av 50 dedikerte entusiaster som jobber hardt for å skape den beste læringsplattformen for elever, lærere og administrativt ansatte. Vi har kontorer i Danmark, Sverige, Norge og England.


CATCH er et kreativt byrå etablert i 2005 av gründerne Thomas Foss og Heidi Fauske. Spiren til samarbeidet kom fra et genuint ønske om å skape noe helt eget, om å få jobbe med design på egne premisser. Ved å kombinere idéer og innsikt med kreativitet og teknologi, styrker vi våre kunders merkevarer. Vi er ni engasjerte mennesker med lidenskap for faget vårt, og vi leter nå etter nye hoder som kan utfylle teamet vårt med dedikert spisskompetanse.

K2 FilmProductions

K2 Filmproductions AS er et filmproduksjonsselskap med base på Smøla i Møre og Romsdal. Selskapet ble etablert høsten 2013 og består av regissør Kristoffer Strand, og kinematograf Kevin Tøllefsen. Vi har gjennom flere år skaffet oss bred erfaring innenfor filmfaget. K2 Filmproductions produserer oppdragsfilm, kortfilm, musikkvideo, dronevideo/foto og mye mer fra en variert kundekrets.


Nævanyttig AS er et lite firma som spesialiserer seg på å være det tekniske bindeleddet mellom en ide og det første konkretiserte og håndfaste produkt i form av en prototyp. Mange gode ideer forblir nettopp kun gode ideer. Ved å tilby lavterskel teknisk tjeneste er målet å få flere gode ideer gjennom prosjekteringsfasen, prototyping og markedstesting.Vår kompetanse innen teknisk konstruksjon, materialvalg og modellbygging tilbyes inn i prosjekter av alle størrelser. Vi har tilgang på et spennende industrinettverk som kan ta produktet videre til industrialisering.Nævanyttig AS arbeider på plattformen SolidWorks for teknisk konstruksjon, modellering og dokumentasjon. Vi har arbeidet med konstruksjonstegning fra en enkel historisk trillebår til moderne helikopterplattformer for offshore industrien.