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véwater is a social business within water services, combining sensor technology with water cleansing technology and close collaboration with locally anchored partners. véwater provides water to emerging, underserved markets without local access to sustainable and affordable alternatives. Integrating both analogue and mobile payment as well as existing infrastructure, we are able to provide water at competitive prices through existing channels. Meanwhile our sensor technology allow us to monitor solutions real-time to ensure preventive maintenance and repairs even in areas with unstable internet access, while all systems are designed to be repaired using only simple tools and readily available, affordable spare parts. véwater is built upon a vision of providing long-term sustainable development, while simultaneously nurturing and developing unrealised market potential. This is a journey which starts with water, but which has the potential to reach much further.

Createch Garage

Createch Garage is here to serve the modern-day marketing system with its arrays of digital assets across messages, formats and devices. Rooted in an understanding of media and creative, we understand consumer journeys and how to create content that moves the consumer efficiently along. We do not focus on strategy or creative concepts but on defining tactics that will bring these to life at scale in digital spaces. With the explosion of programmatic advertising and the possibility of targeting the consumer at the most opportune time, campaign assets now need to be specifically targeted an array of touchpoints across the customer journey.


We are going to disrupt the CNC manufacturing market, by decreasing the price by up to 5 times, providing day to day service and making it extremely easy to order parts from our web platform. We are doing this to give developers around the world, a chance to streamline their work and give the possibility for every one to realise their idears, in real functional prototype, regardless of their economical state. To do this we are analyzing and rethinking every aspect of CNC machining.


We help farmers become more efficient and create transparency across the farm commodity value chain.    Grainit - a SaaS platform that track farm commodities in order to give farmers realtime overview of inventory and make smarter choices. By tracking commodities throughout the farm value chain then we also know what livestock eats - creating valuable transparency to the industry and consumers.   Join us and help the Ag industry become smarter and create a more transparent Food System!  We might not be the coolest bunch of people on the block, but we are passionate about helping farmers and create Food System transparency! We are a small team with big ambitions! We are attacking an industry and problem that has been underserved and needs talented people - you can make a difference! We love to give people a chance to prove themselves and grow! One size does not fit all - we make room for diversity!


Foxylex is the most modern online legal and law report in Denmark. We consolidates daily all laws of Denmark with the new changes, and displays them in a clear way.We have over 125,000 cross-references that makes it easier to read and understand legal texts, and more than 50,000 comments from the laws processors, providing insight into the background of the laws and their amendments (comments from processors appear on individual articles).With more than 17,000 decisions, and a detailed and functional research tool, we are the best tool for legal contemplation. Anyone can use Foxylex, but our specialized tools are made for professionals and requires subscription.

Ret&Råd Århus C - En del af Grønbæk og Huuse

Hvis du står med behov for rådgivning eller advokatbistand inden for familie- og arveret, så står advokaterne fra Ret&Råd Århus C klar til at være din trofaste partnere. Samtlige advokater på advokatkontoret i Århus C har mange års erfaring i alle afgrene af arve- og familieret. Samtidig er de alle uddannede mediatorer samt medlemmer af Dansk Mediatoradvokater, Danske Familieadvokater, Danske Arveretsadvokater. Ret&Råd er dybt specialiseret i rådgive og håndtere sager inden for børnesager, testamenter, skilsmisser, ægtepagter, dødboer og fuldmagter. Klik ind på advokatkontorets hjemmeside for at læse mere om, hvordan advokaterne fra Ret&Råd Århus kan være behjælpelige i din specifikke situation. Uanset om du ønsker at få udarbejdet juridiske dokumenter, ønsker specialisrert rådgivning eller blot en vurdering af din situation, så er Ret&Råd's advokater til rådighed for dig.

Kontorhotellet Halfway 2 Mars

Kontorhotellet Halfway 2 Mars is an office hotel for startup companies. We house 8 very different companies, that do all from software development, big data, e-commerce, app development and much more. Here you will find the facilities to develop your company in a professionel setup with like-minded people. We are located at Startup Village at Islands Brygge.

Go Go Garden

Go Go Garden is a online marketplace connecting homeowners with local garden enthusiasts across Denmark. Whether you need help with lawn mowing, weeding, hedge trimming or other gardening tasks, Go Go Garden makes it easy to find a local gardener. With a large network of individuals who enjoy garden work, customers can simply place an order, and within two business days, an experienced gardener will reach out to confirm the details. All gardeners on our platform are hand-selected and we make sure to always find the best match for our customers.

BOX IT Design

Box IT Design is a Danish company specializing in the creation and manufacturing of premium-quality tablet enclosures, primarily for enterprise environments. Known for our Scandinavian minimalistic design, we offer robust, secure, and theft-proof enclosures compatible with all major tablets. Our products are crafted from recyclable high-grade aluminum and feature modular designs with customizable options, including brand logos and colours​. We have already sold products to various renowned companies around the world, but are looking to expand our business even more with focus on the industrial segments.


Kommunikant er et mindre kommunikationsbureau, der arbejder med online kommunikation og marketing. Vores fokus er især på rådgivning og undervisning i LinkedIn. Dertil arbejder vi med den praktiske kommunikation for vores kunder, som kan være blogindlæg, opretholde profiler på sociale medier og PR.Kunderne er indenfor forskellige brancher:JobcenterKommuneUddannelsescenterProduktionMekanikerRevisorerDesign/InteriørOg flere andre...


Ud over dine medarbejdere, er gode data er en af de vigtigste ressourcer i din virksomhed. Vi hjælper dig med at forstå og maksimere mulighederne i din virksomheds data, og giver dine medarbejdere bedre værktøjer og forståelse for hvad jeres data kan bruges til. Hvad enten det er til at forbedre jeres kundeservice, til at generere leads, eller til at forbedre interne processer - så er data nøglen.


Vi er et dansk tøj brand i stor vækst, som søger nye, spændende mennesker til at blive en del af vores rejse. Med over +10.000 glade kunder og en tilstedeværelse i flere markeder internationalt er vi klar til at skulle udvikle os yderligere og dette kræver at udvide teamet, men individer som kan se samme potentiale som os i projektet.