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Vores Vision - Tree Boutique Hos er vores vision at dele vores passion for træ med vores kunder ved at tilbyde kvalitetsprodukter i tidssvarende og tidløse designs, skabt af dedikerede håndværkere og brands. Vi stræber efter at bringe varme og stemning ind i de danske hjem ved at fremme brugen af træ, som for os står som et symbol på ultimativ luksus, funktionalitet og bæredygtighed.

Transylvania Cellars

**Transylvania Cellars: Elevating Transylvanian Wine Heritage** At Transylvania Cellars, we embark on a journey that transcends the ordinary, bringing the heart and soul of Transylvanian winemaking to enthusiasts worldwide. Rooted in the rich viticultural traditions of this mystical region, Transylvania Cellars is not just an online wine shop; it is an immersive experience crafted to celebrate the unique character and quality of Transylvanian wines. Our Heritage: Nestled in the Carpathian Mountains, Transylvania has a storied history of winemaking that dates back centuries. Our mission is to unearth the hidden gems of this terroir, preserving the authenticity and craftsmanship that define Transylvanian wines. Every bottle from Transylvania Cellars is a testament to the dedication of local vintners and the distinct terroir that shapes these exceptional wines. Curated Selection: We take pride in curating a diverse selection of wines that showcase the diversity and complexity of Transylvanian grape varietals. From the iconic Syrah to the aromatic Chardonnay Oak, our portfolio reflects the unique terroir, climate, and winemaking techniques that define Transylvania's viticultural landscape. Online Convenience: Transylvania Cellars bridges the gap between Old-World charm and modern convenience. Our online platform allows wine enthusiasts from around the globe to explore and purchase Transylvanian wines with ease. Each bottle tells a story, and we bring these stories to your doorstep, ensuring a seamless and delightful experience from selection to delivery. **Cultural Celebration:** Beyond being a purveyor of fine wines, Transylvania Cellars is a cultural celebration. We believe in sharing the rich tapestry of Transylvanian traditions, folklore, and artistry that influence our wines. Our commitment extends beyond the bottle, as we strive to foster a community of enthusiasts who appreciate the heritage and craftsmanship behind each label. Sustainability and Responsibility: Transylvania Cellars is dedicated to sustainability and responsible winemaking practices. We collaborate with vintners who prioritize environmental stewardship, ensuring that our wines not only captivate the senses but also reflect a commitment to preserving the pristine landscapes that produce them. Join Us in the Transylvanian Wine Experience: Whether you are a seasoned oenophile or a curious explorer of unique flavors, Transylvania Cellars invites you to embark on a journey of discovery. Experience the essence of Transylvanian winemaking, where tradition meets innovation, and every sip is a voyage through centuries of viticultural mastery. Cheers to the magic of Transylvania in every bottle!

Shortcut Danmark

With a touch, our phone can open a door, turn on the lights, and check our health. Our phones and apps are no longer part of the so-called digital world - there is only one world and one life, and it’s quite magical. We work with medium and large-sized Danish companies from all sectors. We put together equal parts of magic and logic to build digital tools millions of people use daily. Shortcut is where the logic and magic is made. We make apps for life.


Hubbl is developing an innovative platform to revolutionze workplace interactions. Our core product empowers employees at larger companies or coworking spaces to foster meaningful connections, tackling the growing issue of social isolation and disconnection in modern workplaces. We believe in the power of genuine relationships to enhance workplace satisfaction and productivity, and our secret sauce lies in creating engaging, user-friendly tools that bridge the social gap. We're addressing the pervasive challenge of social disconnection at work. It affects employees across industries, leading to feelings of isolation and hindering collaborative teamwork. With remote work becoming more prevalent, this problem is more widespread than ever, impacting both coworking spaces, large corporations and scale-ups struggling to keep their tightly knit culture with their growth. Our solution targets everyone from HR professionals and community managers striving to build inclusive cultures to individual employees seeking genuine workplace relationships. Hubbl offers a dynamic app enabling employees to create and join social hubbles (activities) seamlessly. Whether it's a coffee chat, boardgames after work or a game of tabletennis, our platform facilitates genuine connections. Through intuitive features, we're making it effortless for colleagues to interact authentically. We're tirelessly refining our user interface, incorporating user feedback, and in the future want to integrate advanced algorithms to make these interactions as meaningful and natural as possible. The passion to bridge this social gap, foster genuine connections, and make a positive change in workplaces worldwide inspired us to quit our day jobs and dive headfirst into Hubbl. We are driven by the vision of transforming workplaces into socially vibrant spaces where employees thrive both professionally and personally.


Healtgenie fokuserer på emner inden for sundhed og ernæring. Formålet med bloggen er at give læserne en forståelig indføring i vigtige aspekter af deres helbred og kost. Ved at udforske en bred vifte af emner ønsker vi at ruste vores læsere med den nødvendige viden til at træffe velinformerede beslutninger om deres livsstil og kostvaner. Vores mål er at præsentere komplekse begreber på en letforståelig måde. Vi bryder ned de videnskabelige aspekter af sundhed og ernæring og leverer dem til vores læsere i en klar og sammenhængende form. Dette hjælper vores læsere med at føle sig mere selvsikre, når de navigerer i verden af sundhed og kost. I vores indlæg fokuserer vi på at bruge enkle og klare vendinger, undgå kompliceret jargon og skabe en forbindelse mellem videnskabelige koncepter og hverdagens situationer. Ved at gøre dette håber vi at give vores læsere redskaberne til at forstå, hvordan de kan optimere deres helbred gennem gode kostvaner og sund livsstil. Vi stræber efter at være en pålidelig kilde til information og vejledning inden for sundhed og ernæring. Vores blog er designet til at være en ressource, hvor læsere kan udforske artikler om forskellige emner, lære af videnskabelige studier og få praktiske tips til at forbedre deres velvære. Vi ønsker at inspirere vores læsere til at tage kontrol over deres helbred ved at give dem de nødvendige oplysninger til at træffe informerede beslutninger.

DinPerformance er en hjemmeside, der fokuserer på at hjælpe folk med at forbedre deres personlige præstationer og nå deres fulde potentiale. Hjemmesiden tilbyder et bredt udvalg af ressourcer og værktøjer inden for personlig udvikling og præstationsforbedring. - Herunder BMI og Kalorieberegner Hos DinPerformance søger vi en service, som gør det muligt for brugerne at være deres egen online coach med minimal viden inden for kost og træning.


Cortekst er et dansk tekstforfatterbureau, der skaber overbevisende og engagerende skriftligt indhold. Vi er en dynamisk og kreativ virksomhed, der er specialiseret i at levere skræddersyet og effektivt indhold til en bred vifte af formål. Vores team af dygtige tekstforfattere har en stærk forståelse for tekstforfatningens kunst og er dedikerede til at levere tekster af høj kvalitet, der rammer målgruppen præcist. De har en bred viden inden for forskellige brancher og har erfaring med at skrive til alt fra reklamer og hjemmesider til pressemeddelelser og sociale medier.

Garden is a development automation platform for Kubernetes and cloud native applications. The widespread adoption of cloud native technologies such as containers and Kubernetes has made it easier than ever to operate and scale applications. But important developer workflows have been overlooked or neglected along the way. Many developers find that they’re now less productive than they were before the cloud native era. Developers working on distributed microservices applications have been left without an efficient way to build, run tests, and iterate in a production-like environment. Garden makes it easy to spin up production-like environments for development, testing, and CI, and to use the same workflows for every stage of the process. With Garden, developers get fast feedback exactly when they need it, and DevOps teams are no longer bogged down with provisioning and managing ad hoc environments.

SH Utopia

SH Utopia’s cause is to establish a foundation of knowledge, capital, and ideas to realize a dream of a utopian district. The dream is a district where Queers can go through the private, public, and professional hours of their everyday lives and always feel safe, normal, and part of a community. Knowledge: SH Utopia pushes the urban boundaries for Queers by developing, sharing, and making awareness of knowledge of Queer opportunities in urban spaces as well as Queer right issue. Capital: Utopias are expensive to build. SH Utopia initiates business projects that stimulate Queer culture to grow capital that can make future projects possible. The goal is an economic ecosystem that allows stability for Queer spaces. Ideas: SH Utopia wish to grow a community that brings sustainable ideas for spaces of inclusivity to grow so that we can stimulate a diversity of Queer lives.

Code24 er et webbureau hvor kreativitet og perfektionisme vægter højst. Vi stræber efter at efterkomme dine ønsker og hermed skabe mere synlighed for dig. Vi dækker hele spektret og ved, hvordan man danner de bedste mulige rammer for udvikling, vækst og større omsætning hos virksomheder. Vi tager digital marketing til et helt nyt niveau.

Spiritium Cocktails

Spiritium Cocktails er et cocktailkoncept, som gør det nemt og sjovt for dig at lave eksklusive cocktails derhjemme. Cocktailpakker fra Spiritium Cocktails leveres direkte til døren og indeholder alle ingredienser, til at lave minimum 6 cocktails af højeste kvalitet, med simple trin-for-trin instruktioner til at kreere og servere cocktailene. Hver måned sammensætter vi en ny cocktailpakke, som du får adgang til gennem cocktailklubben, med lokale og eksklusive ingredienser, så du nemt kan gå på opdagelse i en verden af spændende cocktails - måned efter måned.


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CPH BILVASK ApS er en miljøvenlig, eksklusiv bilvask og klargøringsvirksomhed kørende i København. Vi er et højterfarent team der til sammen har mere end 10 års erfaring indenfor bilvask og bilpleje. Vores mål er at tilbyde vores kunder den nemmeste og mest gennemførte bilvask oplevelse. Vi bruger kun de mest moderne up-to-date produkter og metoder for at opnå den mest skånsomme og effektive bilvask.

Wingroup ApS (

Only 2% of the bettors in the world play with profit. But there are betting experts who can actually find the edge over the bookmakers and make money on betting. Bettingfamily is a platform for these experts where users can subscribe to get their tips/analyzes and make a profit on sports betting. The experts are getting a percentage of the subscriber revenue they generate via our platform. We are NOT a bookmaker - see us more like a Airbnb/Etoro for Bettingexperts.


There are over 70 million amateur or professional athletes that are members of sports clubs in the EU, and 14.7 million of them is expected to get injured within 12 months.In Strongyou, We are helping sport clubs keep their injured players fit throughout the injury recovery. We do that through digital workout programs that are personalised to the player’s injury and workout preferences.