Preowned Project

We’re servicing companies within the Wind Turbine Industry, in the process of selling their Obsolete Stock/ Dead Stock products. Company Mission Our mission is to take responsibility for the environment by minimizing industrial production though easy re-use of produced products and components. Hereby we bring down the CO2 from global Production Facilities. Problem Obsolete Stock/ Dead Stock is an inevitable part of most industries. It ties up cash flow and represents a loss of revenue. The environmental focus of decreasing the high levels of CO2 coming from the production of new products, puts the industry in a situation, where they will have to report their CO2 emissions plus commit to a certain waste reduction within the following years. The situation calls for a high focus on protecting the world's resources and the necessity for re-using existing products and components. Especially Dead Stock components, which are still new and therefore hasen't yet been utilized.
Location Denmark
Founded 2022
Employees 1-10
Industries Energy & Greentech, Marketplace & eCommerce
Business model B2B, Marketplace
Funding state Bootstrapping

Working at
Preowned Project

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Free coffee / tea
Free coffee / tea

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Work life balance
Work life balance

Mental health support
Mental health support

Free friday beers
Free friday beers

“Our mission is to enable circular economy within the industry. Though easy re-use of industrial products and components, we decrease both waste plus the CO2 emission which comes from the global production of new products. Having the solution, we want to take our responsibility for the environment.”

Frederik Raaby, Founder


Founder, Founder

Frederik Raaby