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FysioScout is developing a platform, in the shape of an app and a Dashboard to physiotherapists and their patients to help them facilitate the course of treatment and keep track of the progress by a personalised exercise experience. Many physiotherapists spent enormous time finding and handing over the right exercises to their patients in big pre made libraries without the possibility to even personalise the conduction of the exercises. That means that both the physiotherapists are wasting important time that could have been used more efficient while the patients do not get the personalised program that they need to fully recover from the injury. This happens everyday in every physiotherapist clinic and is a huge problem since more and more evidence based studies show that personalised exercises given to the patients are way more efficient - both when it comes to actually conducting the exercises the right way but also when finding the motivation. That's what we want to change! We have made a solution where the physiotherapist can easily use their own camera on their smartphone to record the patient doing the exercise while giving instructions. The exercises are given in the moment of the treatment and does not have to be done at the end of the day many hours after the patient left. Also the patient gets an easy overview of the personalised video instructions and the possibility to actually track the progress of the injury to make sure that they are on the right path. They can give feedback on the conduction of the exercise and get a graph of the progression to keep the motivation high. At the end the physiotherapist can integrate the data done through the app to their journal and save a huge amount of time since they do not have to manually write the journal. We found a need in the market to make to make the hand over of the exercises more smooth. On of the founding partners is a physiotherapist himself and both founding partners have played football at a high level in Denmark. We were tired of getting printed paper with bad drawings of exercises that were not personalised our body when we got injuries. Also we find the physiotherapist business very old school and wanted to change this through a modern software setup. This was our motivation to get started and we have an inner fire to succeed. The feedback we get is that there is not any other services made for exercises that is as easy, intuitive, relevant and quick to use.


Vores Vision - Tree Boutique Hos er vores vision at dele vores passion for træ med vores kunder ved at tilbyde kvalitetsprodukter i tidssvarende og tidløse designs, skabt af dedikerede håndværkere og brands. Vi stræber efter at bringe varme og stemning ind i de danske hjem ved at fremme brugen af træ, som for os står som et symbol på ultimativ luksus, funktionalitet og bæredygtighed.

Kupla ApS

”We want to transform the way we seek out and receive information.” Kupla is an AI-based media platform. The AI software collects data across all news sites in Denmark 24/7, thereby creating a fully encompassing news platform that can solve a lot of problems for companies and brands. The platform features useful tools which include a news search engine, surveillance of keywords, a variety of search functions to provide a fast and purposeful news overview, and much, much more. not only provides our users with insight and access to all news sites in Denmark, all in one place. It is also a contribution to change the way companies look at news. “News articles are published in unfathomable numbers, on more platforms than ever.” Kupla is contributing to advancing a purposeful and insightful news overview, detached from algorithms, click bait and hidden agendas. Our mission is to provide media transparency, which has all but disappeared today. When searching on Google or clicking on a news site, one often wonders: Why are these articles shown? Is it because of algorithms? Click bait? Hidden agendas? – or actual relevance? Is it original journalism or reposted content from somewhere else? Our platform empowers our users by providing them with the ability to navigate in the news without questioning any of the above. “The news are a societal phenomenon that we can learn a lot from.“ The infrastructure we are building for our AI models is unique in the way it has the capacity to manage and store information about the whole world of media. The structuring of news data allows us to explore the societal phenomenon that news are. By enabling our AI models to learn more about the news, we are teaching AI’s about human society as a whole. This advances the quality of AI technology. “We want to be the best at utilizing AI-models and suit them to our purposes.“ We are building the technological infrastructure in which current and future AI-models of the highest caliber can perform at their best. Our infrastructure will be able to cater not just one or two, but hundreds of AI-models. We plan to use existing – and future – AI-systems, wipe them clean and adjust them to our purposes. This includes ensuring that new AI-models will inherit the knowledge and memories from the previous ones. In doing so, we believe we will become more agile than our competitors. Our product: Kupla consolidates news stories from all media sources into one single, accessible news site. Our platform empowers the users by giving them complete freedom of choice, enabling them to navigate the entire media landscape fast and easy and monitor keywords of interest to them. Our AI’s will also analyze the behavior of news publishers, enabling our users to gain more in depth insight into their media presence: timelines: how frequently a company/brand is mentioned the nature of the publicity (positive or negative) early warnings regarding potential media storms geographical data: in what areas are people talking about your company/brand Our message is simple. We have created a tool based on artificial intelligence that can solve a lot of problems for companies – and change the way we use the internet. We offer media transparency – an impartial news overview and insight into the way stories develop over time. By bringing together news articles from every media site into one platform, Kupla enables companies to access news more efficiently, allowing them to strengthen their strategies and make informed decisions.


Txtpay er en innovativ platform, der tilbyder en omfattende løsning til virksomheder inden for e-handel og restaurationsbranchen. Med fokus på at skabe en effektiv kommunikationskanal mellem virksomheder og deres kunder, giver Txtpay mulighed for tovejs-sms-kommunikation understøttet af AI. Denne tilgang muliggør ikke kun direkte salg via sms, men også en personlig og engagerende købsoplevelse, hvor kunderne kan stille spørgsmål, foretage køb, og endda modtage produktanbefalinger baseret på deres præferencer og tidligere interaktioner.


The vision of Duusty is to be the no. 1 choise among danish consumers when it comes to vacuums for cars. A unique danish design, combines with strong engine for a compact vacuum that can be stored in the glove box in any car. The price is affordable for any car owner and the vacuum charges directly in the car.


At NandaITSolutions We are your trusted partners in IT consulting and software development. With a relentless commitment to innovation and excellence, we bring your technological visions to life. Our Story Our journey began with a simple yet powerful vision, to see others succeed and grow to new heights. Whether you’re a jobseeker looking for your dream job or a company in need of the perfect candidate, we’ve got you covered. Here’s what we can do for you.


OCEAN IDEASHIP is a non profit organization, based on a broad foundation of collaboration. The quest is to share knowledge about the blue transition and empower blue impact startups. We are making a flagship for the blue transition, and sailing from place to place, we will share knowledge and showcase the possibilities in the blue in the green transition. With a sailing flagship we can create the attention the ocean deserves, and make sure that the blue transition gets the same awareness and acceptance as the green transition have today. By building capacity, knowledge and awareness into the startup ecosystem that supports entrepreneurs, we will secure many more blue impact projects in the future.


Tiffin is a Lunch subscription service for companies that make it possible for employees to make individual orders from local restaurants. Everybody gets tired of the office lunch, and the signature taste. Organisations spend a lot of time coordinating and changing lunch suppliers. Employees need to be satisfied and their individual needs and preferences can be hard to fulfil. Tiffin launches a new menu every week, offering a variety of dishes from different local restaurants each day. Your employees place their individual orders on our website for the following week. You only order for the days you are in the office and still have the option to cancel the order the day before delivery. All meals are the same price, big variety, nice flexibility, and no binding period. We want to serve a large variety of food styles from all kinds of cultures. All over the world, both plant-based and omnivore dishes. We are getting rid of single-use packaging and we are delivering everything on bikes. While we include local restaurants we make it possible for each employee to get the lunch they want and need. We want to make it easy for companies to offer a diverse work lunch.


SAGA er en parti-neutral ungdomsorganisation, der tror på, at alle befolkningsgrupper fortjener indflydelse på de samfundsbeslutninger, der vedrører dem. Ved seneste folketingsvalg var over halvdelen af vælgerbestanden over 50, mens unge under 30 år havde en under en femtedel af stemmerne. Politik handler om at definere rammerne for fremtiden, men i stigende grad ligger magten til at definere de rammer hos alle andre end dem, der skal leve i fremtiden. 76% af unge har en klar mening om, hvor vi skal hen som samfund, men kun 0,8% af os er medlem af et ungdomspolitisk parti. SAGA er dedikeret til at ændre denne dynamik. Vi repræsenterer medlemmernes holdninger i samfundsdebatten og uddanner unge til at kunne bruge deres egen stemme til at påvirke den verden, vi lever i.


Healtgenie fokuserer på emner inden for sundhed og ernæring. Formålet med bloggen er at give læserne en forståelig indføring i vigtige aspekter af deres helbred og kost. Ved at udforske en bred vifte af emner ønsker vi at ruste vores læsere med den nødvendige viden til at træffe velinformerede beslutninger om deres livsstil og kostvaner. Vores mål er at præsentere komplekse begreber på en letforståelig måde. Vi bryder ned de videnskabelige aspekter af sundhed og ernæring og leverer dem til vores læsere i en klar og sammenhængende form. Dette hjælper vores læsere med at føle sig mere selvsikre, når de navigerer i verden af sundhed og kost. I vores indlæg fokuserer vi på at bruge enkle og klare vendinger, undgå kompliceret jargon og skabe en forbindelse mellem videnskabelige koncepter og hverdagens situationer. Ved at gøre dette håber vi at give vores læsere redskaberne til at forstå, hvordan de kan optimere deres helbred gennem gode kostvaner og sund livsstil. Vi stræber efter at være en pålidelig kilde til information og vejledning inden for sundhed og ernæring. Vores blog er designet til at være en ressource, hvor læsere kan udforske artikler om forskellige emner, lære af videnskabelige studier og få praktiske tips til at forbedre deres velvære. Vi ønsker at inspirere vores læsere til at tage kontrol over deres helbred ved at give dem de nødvendige oplysninger til at træffe informerede beslutninger.

Fenster ApS

Fenster provides a best-in-class SaaS offering for window cleaners to manage their business. Our solution takes care of customers management, recurring task planning, job scheduling, customer notification, route optimisation, automatic invoicing via 3rd party integration, online booking for end customers, and much more. We make it easy to be a window cleaner, removing as much administration as possible and freeing up time to clean more windows. We are bootstrapped, based out of Copenhagen, Denmark.

DinPerformance er en hjemmeside, der fokuserer på at hjælpe folk med at forbedre deres personlige præstationer og nå deres fulde potentiale. Hjemmesiden tilbyder et bredt udvalg af ressourcer og værktøjer inden for personlig udvikling og præstationsforbedring. - Herunder BMI og Kalorieberegner Hos DinPerformance søger vi en service, som gør det muligt for brugerne at være deres egen online coach med minimal viden inden for kost og træning.

PLEX arkitekter

Vi arbejder tæt sammen med vores kunder for at forstå deres visioner, behov og ønsker. Vi omsætter disse input til kreative og innovative løsninger, sammen med vores dygtige samarbejdspartner, der er skræddersyet til hver enkelt kundes specifikke krav og forventninger. PLEX arkitekter er også stærkt engageret i bæredygtighed og miljømæssig bevidsthed. Vi tror på, at arkitektur kan spille en afgørende rolle i at skabe en mere bæredygtig fremtid. Derfor integrerer vi grønne og energieffektive løsninger og stræber efter at minimere den miljømæssige påvirkning af vores projekter. Vi tror på, at bæredygtighed og æstetik kan gå hånd i hånd og skabe bygninger, der er smukke, funktionelle og miljøvenlige på samme tid. Vores ekspertise spænder over en bred vifte af forskellige typer byggerier. Vi har erfaring med at projektere og realisere alt fra private boliger og boligkomplekser til kontorbygninger og butikker. Uanset størrelsen eller typen af projektet, er vores mål altid at levere enestående løsninger, der opfylder kundens behov og forventninger.

Aarhus Lydforening

A hub for creative ideas and a sustainable environment with shared equipment and shared working space for sound art, electronic and classical compositions, installations, experimental music, interactive art, and surround sound systems (3D). The community works locally and internationally, ALF participates and organizes several activities (workshops, meet-ups, concerts, and festivals). We will be a part of Lydbyen (Sound city in Aarhus) er en online shop, der tilbyder store rabatter på et bredt udvalg af produkter, herunder eksklusive mærkevarer og dagligdagsprodukter, såsom kosmetik, husholdningsprodukter og personlig pleje. Som medlem af kan man spare op til 80% i forhold til priserne i almindelige butikker. Kunderne kan prøve gratis i 1 måned, og efter prøveperioden koster det 89 kr. per måned at fortsætte sit medlemskab.