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Jutebar Denmark ApS

Jutebar Denmark Aps formed in 2020 December. Jutebar Denmark Aps working with 3 among 17 FN world goals. Poverty alleviation and eco-friendly living goals are the most two common goals in which jute bar Denmark is working right now. As we are directly sourced and produced the product from a rural area in Bangladesh, they are mostly poor people. They do not have the skills to sale their product in the international market. They do not have the ability to broaden their capacity as well. Jutebar Denmark continuously working on build up their capacities and capabilities by maintaining quality which is suitable for the Nordic market. Mckinsey and company report of 2019 said that 99% of danish people worried about plastic and plastic-based material. They said the danish government should do something about the alternative of plastic. So Jutebar Denmark is working on the solution already. As jute is totally 100% organic fibre. No chemicals and pesticide can be used to grow jute. The report of Mckinsey and company also mentioned that 85% of danish people worried about ocean waste which is mostly plastic. So Jute can be the solution to this problem as well. As jute can help the land to become more fertile. Wastage of jute or jute made products can be used for landfill. As a part of recycling, jute can be recycled and make home textile which can contribute to the danish economy as well. Jutebar Denmark already thinking to establish recycle production in either Denmark or Poland so that the supply chain process will be shorter. All in all Jutebar Denmark currently working on making a bridge between the rural farmer of Bangladesh and Nordic buyer especially in the B2B market. Jutebar is a scalable business not a small business. We have a great team of production, supply chain management, quality management and a dedicated marketing team. We are working basically with jute and jute made products and Bangladesh is the land of jute as more than 60% of jute in the world produce in Bangladesh. We are continuously working and investing in IT so that our customer can easily get our product from farmer to end user. In future, we can probably use blockchain technology in Liew of issuing a letter of credit to our local bank. Our marketing policy is quite different from the traditional marketing system. We are doing solution-based marketing. That’s why we are offering our customers a customized design and packaging system. Besides all of the above, we have great suppliers also. We are much more confident to scale our business in Europe and all over the world in near future. But our current focused market area is Nordic. Besides Jute and Jute made products Jutebar Denmark also going to source other biodegradable items as well. Such as palm leaf made biodegradable plates, bowl, spoon. As single-use of plastic and plastic made plates, glass, bowls are going to be banned in Denmark and the Nordic area.JuteBar Denmark’s mission is to replace the plastic item with a biodegradable item from Bangladesh. Jutebar Denmark following the Bangladesh model here because the Bangladesh government banned plastic since 2002. So Jutebar Denmark going to adapt the system over here in Denmark.

Africa Reframed

Online marketplace for African imagery - Powered by online learning. Africa is rising and a visual reframing of the continent is emerging. A reframing crafted by African content creators, telling Africa's story of change. At Africa Reframed we connect a community of African photographers to the world’s leading companies and organizations to create and promote captivating imagery and bespoke projects that propel new storytelling from the African continent. Imagery in the Africa Reframed imagebank has been used by the worlds leading organizations such as: Gates Foundation, UN, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Pfizer, Ernst & Young, Spotify, NBC, Yahoo, Sitecore, Exxon, Cambridge University Press, Hearst, Condé Nast, Lloyds bank, Europe- an Investment Bank, Shell, AOL, ABC, NEC, CNBC, KPMG, Discovery, VISA, Deloitte, Accenture, Ogilvy, UPS, Viacom, Pearson, Barclays, BBC, Axel Springer, British Council, M&C Saatchi, ASUS, Del Monte, Time inc., RTL, Virgin, McKinsey, Airtel, Guardian, Uber, Orange, 3M, HSBC, Samsung, The World Bank and many more. We are looking for investors sharing our vision of Africa Reframed as a value-driven, profitable business that strives to alter the global community’s perception of the African continent while also building sustainable job opportunities for photographers across Africa. Alongside its sister organization, Commerce & Culture, Africa Reframed has managed an array of long-term projects with leading contemporary visual artists globally and organized photo exhibitions with more than 100.000 paying visitors across 3 continents. Among these, the largest exhibition to date with African photography in northern Europe. SDGs: Quality education and decent work and economic growth, SDGs 4 and 8, are an integrated part of the Africa Reframed business model. When the United Nations In 2015 was launching the SDGs with Project Everyone, they did so with a campaign to share the global goals with 7 billion people in 7 days. This happened via global broadcasts, outdoor advertising campaigns, cinema ads, mobile partnerships, and more. Because of the above, Images from our program were among the officially chosen for the campaign and were singled out by the global campaign team as good education and economic growth in action. Misson: Most of the imagery we encounter from the African continent tends to either depict the beautiful scenery and wildlife or scenes of poverty, war, and desperation. While these indeed are bona fide aspects and challenges, Africa is also a continent characterized by immense growth, varied opportunities, and not least, change. The mission of Africa Reframed is to capture and contribute to the spurring of this change by a visual reframing of the continent. A reframing that reflects African enterprise, innovation, and everyday life. Africa Reframed exists to create and promote this new imagery in the belief that by changing the visuals, we can help change the conversation. Thus an inherent part of Africa Reframed’s DNA, which is also mirrored in the name of the company, is to be a catalyst for the way the world looks at the African continent. The wish to illustrate the real Africa and thus to spur optimism and hope around its future makes the company strongly value-driven, and it is believed that such a shared view will help bind contributors, clients, and other stakeholders close together. In 2020 Africa Reframed received an investment from Innovation fund Denmark and was selected as a finalist for the SDG Tech Award.

Vera Mexicana

Vera Mexicana is a brand focused on Mexican food products made with real high-quality ingredients. All of our products are crafted by locals based on traditional recipes that will maximize flavor in the homes of cooks everywhere, whether you’re new to Mexican cuisine or a life-long fan. By working with local farming communities and small-scale producers, Vera Mexicana aims to follow sustainable practices across the entire supply chain – from how suppliers are treated to the farming practices used in Mexico.

Find Helpie

Find Helpie is a secure platform and mobile app where Anybody can Register for Free to Post any Task or Work to get done at fair price or Anybody can create Free Profile with their skills and hobby to become a Helpie and create Extra Income. Find Helpie is enabling the community to Connect with three types of Services which consists of General Tasks, Professional Tasks and Quick Tasks.


hiveonline is a fintech startup headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, with subsidiaries in Stockholm, Sweden and Kigali, Rwanda, where our development team is located. We give communities of unbanked businesses, primarily women led, access to formal finance through a digital reputation. We are supporting village savings groups with blockchain technology with our MVP accounting app, and building on this to help cooperatives, agricultural associations and their members create more sustainable farming communities. We are expanding from Niger into Mozambique and other African countries.


Addressing financial exclusion… in Denmark. Small business owners and entrepreneurs report having difficulties to access corporate banking services and small business loans. Without access to banking, their business is at risk. We are developing the first inclusive financial solution for business owners in Denmark, starting with refugees.


GodtSind er et nyt psykologhus i hjertet af Køge; startet med ønsket om at skabe de bedste rammer for at være psykolog og klient. Hos GodtSind har administrationen styr på den daglige drift, sikrer varm kaffe på kanden og sørger for rolige og trygge rammer. Vores ønske er at bringe ventetiden på psykologhjælp ned på landsplan, og vores praksis i Køge er den første af (forhåbentlig) flere.

Red Container Coffee

Red Container Coffee is embarking on a journey to revolutionise the way green coffee is traded across the world. The platform will enable the digitalisation and transparency of coffee being sold by working as a marketplace where buyers and sellers can have a more direct way of trading,communicating, and monitoring the supply and demand of coffee available on spot, The objective is to unite importers inventory and facilitate coffee trade for small to medium size coffee roasters. To learn more about Red Container Coffee please check Red Container Coffee instagram. Coffee makes the world go round :)

Eazy Investor

Eazy Investor is on a mission to tackle a common problem: the complexity and exclusivity surrounding investing. Many individuals, despite having the desire to invest and grow their wealth, are often deterred by the perceived complexities of financial markets. This hesitation results in missed opportunities for financial growth. My goal is to achieve this by creating a platform that simplifies the investment process, removing barriers to entry, and offering accessible, personalized investment solutions. Through cutting-edge technology and a commitment to transparency, I aspire to empower individuals from all backgrounds to take control of their finances and build a secure future.


We want to fight climate change and social inequality. Certification today is broken. A lack of transparency and trust in supply chains, and connection to what's happening on the ground, have resulted in the massive climate, biodiversity and human crises we see today. At Earthtrust, we are building the product and infrastructure to support a new agenda focused on radical transparency so that social and environmental claims made by companies and other organisations can be properly verified. We will democratize verification and we will provide a mechanism to stamp out greenwashing.


Plazzo is a start-up located in Hasselager near Aarhus. We've started business in April 2021 and are still in a early phase of research and development. Our core product is solid plastic sheets that are moulded from granulated plastic waste in a heatpress. The sheets can be sold as they are, as a building material, meant to replace plywood and other sheet materials. The sheets can also be routed and finished into ready to use design products, such as tables, chairs, wall panels, etc. The short term goal is to make a profitable business in Denmark by creating a brand and demand of our recycled circular products. The long term goal is to sell the plastic recycling machinery in container based factory units to developing countries. We are currently two owners whom are working part time on the project with administration, as well as one full time technical employee in the production. We are receiving consultation through several funded programs such as: Cirkulær Grøn Omstilling and Green Tech Center Inkubator Program. We are exhibiting at Tech BBQ in Øksnehallen in Copenhagen on September 17th.

Simplified Retail Model

The Simplified Retail Model ™ is the key to a fulfilled life, offering a nature-centric approach to achieving lifestyle balance alongside professional success. Via our innovative Elite MasterClass, we are changing the way the world builds brands, introducing a shareable, scalable and lucrative model that gives back full circle. Designed on the principles of simplicity, innovation, connection & giving back - these are the building blocks of a new mindset. A way of living that is in tune with your nature, bringing balance and energy to every aspect of your life.


Polarlys er en mindre virksomhed som leverer serviceydelser i Danmark. Vi har været på det danske arbejdsmarked i 10 år. Mange af vores kunder har været med os i al den tid. Det næste projekt vi planlægger at starte på er, at åbne adgang til undervisning og undervise virksomheder/private i at yde service. Polarlys har mange års erfaring med erhvervs- og klinik rengøring, derfor udvider vi nye veje ind for det område.


Hvad laver vi Vi har udviklet et fagsystem til beskæftigelsesområdet og vikar- og rekrutteringsbranchen. Systemet er det bedste i markedet. For os handler om mennesker og processer og om, hvordan man udvikler fagsystemer, som sikrer meget effektive arbejdsgange, og samtidigt sikrer fokus på interaktionen mellem kandidater og kunder. Det kræver kendskab til markedet, konkurrencevilkårene, lovgivning, overenskomster, såvel som en indgående viden om de nyeste tekniske muligheder, brugervenlighed, digitalisering m.m. Det er her vi kommer ind i billedet. For os handler digitalisering om service, der betaler sig. Altså om at øge servicen på den ene side og mindske omkostningerne på den anden side - helt enkelt. Vi har udviklet IT-systemer i mere end 10 år, og vi har et dybt kendskab til de brancher vi leverer løsninger til. Vi har gennem alle årene leveret nogle af markedets bedste systemer, og vi har sat nye standarder for, hvad man kan og, hvad du, som bruger bør forvente af dit sagsbehandlingssystem. Emini blev stiftet i 2004 og er bosiddende i Lyngby nord for København. Vores team består af udviklere, support og projektledelse, som alle har mange års erfaring med udvikling af sags- og styresystemer. Viden og erfaring gør det dog ikke alene, idet de vigtigste input kommer fra vores kunder og markedet. Derfor gør vi meget ud af at være i tæt dialog med vores kunder og andre markedsaktører, så vores systemer hele tiden afspejler vores kunders behov. Vision Det latinske udtryk "Mobilis in mobili" er vores mantra, hvilket symboliserer et ønske om, at være fleksibel og tilpasningsparat i et konkurrencepræget og foranderligt marked. Det var mottoet for ubåden Nautilus i Jules Vernes berømte eventyr "En verdensomsejling under havet" fra 1869. Dog et eventyr, så repræsenterer Nautilus en blanding af hvad der kan lade sig gøre når man kombinerer teori og en stærk teknisk viden med ambitionen om at ville lykkes. Denne kombination symboliserer på fornemste vis hvad vi står for, og er en konstant inspiration i vores fortsatte stræben efter at udvikle og levere, markedets bedste system til vores kunder.

Building Communities

Building Communities is an organisation runned by volunteers in Argentina, Denmark and Guatemala. We support projects that focus on cooperation and sustainable agriculture. We are currently working in reforestation and agriculture in Guatemala. Our mission is to engage more people all over the world in questions of climate justice and social change.