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Showing: 4602 filtered startups

Compware ApS

Vi driver sammenlignings hjemmesiden, der sammenligner priser på hardware. Vi er lige nu i startup fasen, hvor vi har en hjemmeside der virker, men stadig skal bruge meget udviklingskærlighed, som den får hver uge. Vi får flere og flere besøgende hver uge. Vi har bootstrappet fra starten.


Rubberduck offers on-location and on-demand wheel-and tyre change. No need to wait in line at the mechanic, never any non-transparent pricing, and most important of all: you'll finally experience the high level of service when seeing your mechanic.Whereas many industries nowadays are focusing on convenience, the auto industry still lacks behind. It seems as the industry doesn't want to innovate itself and that's why we've started Rubberduck - we'll bring the freedom back to the car owners!

Vuuh samler alle de bedste tøjbutikker på det danske net. Dette gør vi, fordi vores mission er at gøre din hverdag lettere. Ved at samle så mange webshops, kan vi garantere et stort udvalg med alle de kendte tøjmærker.  Samtidigt byder vi på både kvinde-,børne-, og herretøj så alt shopping til familien er samlet på ét sted. Så omend du skal finde et sæt lækre børnesandaler, en ny smuk vinterjakke eller et flot par jeans så har vi det på Kig forbi og bliv inspireret.

Wolf Services ApS

Danish start-up, started Jan 2017 by 3 persons from MarTech and Media Our platform lets advertisers get financial transparency in media by paying directly    Background  Non-transparent behavior in media against advertisers has grown No incentive for change as all is paid by share of the media budgets  Advertisers trust in advice at risk as conflict of interests are hiddenF Frustrations has build up, and solutions are in demand The Business model is a subscription combined with a ‘pay as you grow’    I have experience from several media agency holding groups in business development, client service and trading.  and latest as media auditor and media agency pitch consultant.  I am married with 3 boys and my wife is a manager in Accenture I spend my time on building this company, my family and some exercise on my mountainbike on muddy tracks.. I have been working as consultant all my life, and my mission with building this platform is to help clients to improve and progress on their marketing activity .. as better transparency is not the end, but mean to improve on their business


Business innovators working on Fintech startup for consumers. Currently, turning the idea into a concept and outlining different scenarios for the roadmap ahead. Also, signing up founding additional partners in order to have the strongest team. Next step will be pitch for financial institutes in order to identify one or two development partners.


Logo Verge is an online logo creation tool that offers logo designing and designing for other items absolutely free of cost. The software is especially designed for small start-up businesses, new entrepreneurs and other non-profit organizations to help them create customized logos without much effort or heavy costs to bear. With our online logo creation tool, you don’t even need to know how to design logos online. It’s an easy to use, pick n’ click tool!

It's OK to Fail

It's OK to Fail helps people overcome their fear of failure and become proactive. We organize public speaking events, workshops,  online courses and webinars focused on real life experiences, risks and common mistakes. At It's OK to Fail people find stories they relate to and learn how to tackle difficulties. We help you dare, we help you do! It's OK to Fail is a one person company looking for a partner to grow with as the work load gets overwhelming. I am Ioana a 29 years old Romanian living in Denmark with strong organisational skills. I currently work from home. I cam to Denmark with 150 Dkk in my pocket and now I run a company that organizes events where over 150 people attend, I am studying Innovation and Entrepreneurship, soon to hold a degree. I am looking for someone passionate, with high work ethics that wants to deliver the best quality services to our clients. A community of volunteers and other independent stakeholders was created around the concept that help accomplish high quality events, workshops and seminars.

KickAss Capital

What problems would you love to solve? What are your goals in life? What, like really, do you enjoy working on? If you could change the world what would you do? How would you like your kids to remember you?...And how can we help you accomplish that?KICKASS capital invest in extraordinary entrepreneurs with unique technologies that will define the next era of innovation. Sounds good? Send us your pitch!

MatchWork A/S

Innovationen er en del af vores DNA; vi var de første til at gå online, vi er de første til aktivt at bruge de sociale medier i annonceringen for kunderne og nu går vi forrest med et nyt produkt, som skal hjælpe vores kunder til at tiltrække bedre kandidater. Vi har udviklet Ofir ansøgersite, som skaffer virksomheder op til 25% flere ansøgere end ved et traditionelt jobopslag. Et ansøgersite samler hele processen med at finde den rette kandidat til din ledige stilling i ét system – nemt og effektivt. Og så målretter vi annonceringen, så jobbet når ud til de rigtige profiler. Med knap 30 medarbejdere samlet på kontoret i Søborg er der altid liv og glade dage og måske også en planke-udfordring. Vi skal jo opveje lidt for al kagen – og den gode kantinemad. Vi er 'Great Place To Wor' certificeret i 2019 - og det er vi rigtig stolte af! Men, vi hjælper ikke bare virksomheder med at finde guld – vi samler også selv på det. Vores guld består af knap 30 dygtige, engagerede og unikke ’guldklumper’ fordelt på Sales, Customer Success, Software Development og Product Development. Størsteparten af os har arbejdsplads i Søborg, hvor North Media har hovedkontor, mens et mindre team arbejder i Jylland, hvor de servicerer vores jyske kunder.


SkoleIT is an IT department that helps 85 schools and more than 15,000 users. The founders of the company have their roots in the free schools, and the team of employees each presents their respective angles in a rich, varied, technical and pedagogical field of competence. The company's values ​​are developed in a reflective interaction with the school world, focusing on modern teaching with IT, trust in people and faith in the future.


Tired of forgetting your business card? Or run out of business cards for an important conference? With Piiple we made your business card digital and always available via an app on your smartphone. Easy to share your contact information with everyone and keep them up-to-date. Try it out for free at our website.

NordenSoft Design & Software Development Labs ApS

Hos Norden Soft | Design & Software Development Labs ApS, er vores hoved formål at arbejde med vores kunder I rette tid og med tillid. Det betyder ikke noget for os, om vores kunder kommer fra store eller små virksomheder. Norden Soft | Design & Software Development Labs ApS serviceret små, mellem og store virksomheder og offentlige administrationer om web sikkerhed, kvalificeret web design og programmering, software udvikling, mobile programmer grafisk design og hosting.


In Decideret we make wild fermented ciders, brutes and fruit pét-nats. We use surplus garden apples and organic certified fruit from the best orchards in Denmark. We make enjoyable vinous ciders with little intervention with an aim to push the boundaries for what cider can be. Our cuvées are vinous, dry but at the same time juicy like a pét-nat. They can be quite different from what is normally perceived as cider. We want to prove that apple ciders and fruit pét-nats can be as complex and vinous as wine, quenchy as kombucha, sour as lambic, and as fruity as freshly squeezed juice. We crush and press apples (and other fruits), ferment juice into cider, and bottle it. Some ciders are to be drunk young, others gain in complexity when aged in oak or through macerations with the apple pomace or fruits like cherries or grapes. Our ciders and fruit pét-nats are all wild fermented and made from organically farmed Danish fruit with little intervention. Our focus is on craftsmanship, experimentation and reducing food waste. GARDEN APPLES AND ORCHARD FRUIT Every year, in the gardens of Denmark, 5 million kilos of apples fall from trees and are abandoned. On the island of Fyn (Funen, eng) there is a long-standing tradition of handing in surplus fruit to the cidery in Ørbæk where apple donors sign a paper stating that no pesticides have been used. This is ecology and old school reduction of food waste without a label. We have filled some of our fermentation tanks with juice from these crispy garden apples and have now started our own apple collections in Copenhagen and Aarhus. We also cooperate with some of the best organic orchards in the Eastern part of Denmark to be able to work with the most interesting apple varieties for our ciders.

Naim Digital

Naim Digital er en lille virksomhed der beskæftiger sig med digital marketing, som Google Adwords, Facebook Business Manager, Instagram og LinkedIn.Vi tilbyder digital optimering og rådgivning indenfor online marketing, og vores fornemmeste mission er at opnå vores kunders målsætning - hvad enten det er eksponering af deres brand, salg, en god placering på Google eller det hele på en gang, så gør vi det.


Vi vil sikre DK en førende position i fremtiden. Vi anvender innovative undervisningsmetoder og udvikling af digitale produktioner og værktøjer. Vi underviser børn+unge på grund-, efter-,  ungdomsskoler og gymnasier m.m. i digital spiludvikling, programmering m.m. Alle bør opleve dette. Ikke kun de, der vælger at lave spil eller at programmere af interesse. De andre bør også prøve det sjove i at være digital skaber. Sådan hjælpes flere til at lære fremtidens kompetencer på en motiverende måde.