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Showing: 4602 filtered startups


EasyCorrect is a fast growing edtech company producing innovative feedback and assessment solutions for educators and learners at secondary and higher education worldwide. Our aim is to improve student learning from better feedback on written assignments. Currently, more than 350 schools and institutions and 5000 teachers use our solutions in the Nordics and we are currently expanding international.

Radimet ApS

At Radimet we make radon measurements easy. Radon is a radioactive type of gas, responsible for more than 20,000 cases of lung cancer in the EU every year. Radon is in the underground everywhere and only by measuring the levels is it possible to improve the levels by making installations such as improved ventilation and the like.

Copenhost A/S

Copenhost offer hosting of websites, server management, domain and mail management, hosted exchange and cloud filesharing based on a fully redundant environment divided into two data centers in Denmark with failover between the centers.  Our founders have over 15 years of experience and manage over 1000 customers who want the highest level of security and support for their website and e-mails hosting.


M-O-M er et digitalt bureau specialiseret i webudvikling, strategi, design & digitale oplevelser. Gennem de seneste 3 år har vi leveret digitale løsninger til små og mellemstore virksomheder i Danmark. Vores primære produkt er udvikling af hjemmesider, men vi arbejder også med design, egne projekter samt strategisk rådgivning og eksekvering.

På har vi skabt en platform, hvor bloggere og virksomheder kan møde hinanden. Den er fuldkommen gratis og det kommer den til at fortsætte med at være endnu.Her kan bloggere altså let finde jobs, så de kan tjene mere på deres blog. Siden bliver ofte opdateret med nye jobs.OG virksomheder behøver ikke spilde tid på at lede efter bloggere - de er samlet her. Jeg har erfaring med at blogge og ejer også sitet Linkshoppen hvor jeg hjælper hjemmesider med at rangere bedre i Google.

SoMeCentral ApS

We help companies to collect and administrate photos and videos for a customer workforce. Content is collected in a simple way, and stored in our system to be the visual foundation for future storytelling. Our customers are using our system to promote marketing or employee branding.We also facilitate the shipment of approved photos and videos back to the workforce using the SoMeCentral app. Any employee can use company-specific visuals without the need for asking for permission. SoMeCentral is a Born Global start-up APP and back-end system. We are based 1-hour drive outside Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. We have initial funding but need more to expand and improve our product. See more about us here:

We are a content agency with more than ten years of history. We own the Global Startup Awards brand and handle external clients such as Pandora, Copenhagen Business School, and Porsche. See presentation: See website here:


Ordrestyring er Danmarks førende indenfor timesagsstyring til håndværkere. Vi arbejder hver dag benhårdt på, at tilbyde vores kunder det bedste, mest intuitive og nemmeste redskab til at holde overblik over deres forretning.  Vores cloudbaserede løsning gør det nemt for håndværkeren at registrere timer, oprette ordrer, kvalitetsikre samt fakturere. De har altid direkte adgang via app eller pc.


The Matchmaker in Company PurchasingJustt helps companies save time and money on goods and services for the daily operation. Through us, our members can buy almost anything from office supplies to coffee and petrol - at pre-negotiated prices allowing them to save more, than purchasing directly at each supplier. Through our purchasing portal, our members get access to all suppliers and a unique overview of their purchasing history, saving them both money and precious time every day.  Every day, companies waste time and money on purchasing Small or medium sized companies often find themselves in one of these everyday situations: they don't have dedicated procurement people and purchasing is random they don’t have time to find and negotiate prices with suppliers and end up paying too muchthey spend too much time on searching and negotiating with suppliers without achieving the best prices anywayIn fact, companies lose billions every year because their employees spend too much time on purchasing trivial stuff and the cost of that exceeds the amount of savings on finding products with lower prices.We save money and time for our membersJustt is an online purchasing platform. We minimize the time spent on purchasing products and services for our members' daily operation. We pre-negotiate prices, terms and conditions with suppliers achieving prices and other benefits not achievable by individual companies alone. On our purchasing platform our members get access to a carefully selected range of quality suppliers offering the best prices because we offer an attractive member base. In this way our members save lots of money and precious time, which they can spend things, that really matter to their business.We accelerate sales for our suppliersWe give suppliers access to small and medium sized companies via In this way  suppliers increase their sales and save time, that otherwise would have been spent on acquiring and negotiating individual terms and conditions with small customers.Data is our fuel. Insight is our engine. We want to help as many companies as possible to save as much money and time as possible – and to achieve this we are building a State-of-the-Art purchasing platform based heavily on data analytics and AI and providing a vibrant and most relevant experience to our members.  At the heart of our digital platform is a highly scalable and comprehensive data analytics engine that combines transactional data and user behaviour data with external data sources. We want to become best in class when it comes to utilizing data to create world class user experience and to steer our business by customer insight.We are already in businessWe have been around for some years as a successfully driven business. During the last couple of years we have transformed our business digitally.  Now we want to accelerate by attracting, onboarding, activating and engaging our members both nationally and internationally. This is an extremely exciting journey and we always need more talented people to add power to our business.

FORESIGHT - Climate & Energy

FORESIGHT Climate & Energy is the essential read on the global transition to a decarbonised energy economy Climate change is at the top of the political agenda. Governments are promising to do much more to move from a fossil fuel economy to one based on renewable energies and greater efficiency. But there is a world of difference between knee-jerk reactions and well-thought-out change for long-term climate and societal gain. FORESIGHT Climate & Energy bridges that difference. Its in-depth articles and expert opinions identify actionable solutions that will work long term and map their development paths to a clean energy economy. FORESIGHT Climate & Energy is the essential read on the global energy transition. Led by our Editor-in-Chief in London, our international network of expert journalists and writers report on what really matters, without fear or favour. Our content is intelligent and knowledgeable, and designed to look good, digitally and in print. We focus on how to achieve thriving renewable energy markets and liveable cities through the right mix of policy, regulatory, financial and technology initiatives. We publish top quality in-depth articles and expert opinions on our website every week and a high quality magazine twice a year focused on a specific theme. Over 100,000 policymakers, energy experts in business, finance and academia, city leaders and leading NGOs have access to our website, while our magazine is read by over 60,000 influential stakeholders.

Sealand Capital A/S

Sealand Capital A/S is a small Copenhagen-based investment company working with start-ups and real estate assets. The company was founded in 2008 and is privately owned.    We believe in investing in great companies and teams, that we can help going from great to world-class. We do this by taking an active role in the investments we make eg via the board of directors, mentoring, sparring, coaching of portfolio companies management teams. Also we take an active role in the initial go-2-market phase.


Et økonomisystem med alt hvad man behøver Uniconta er et 100% cloudbaseret økonomisystem, der opfylder alle behov indenfor bogholderi, logistik og projekt. Uniconta er udviklet af Erik Damgaard, der har udviklet økonomisystemer siden 1984. Uniconta’s fundament er bygget på det bedste af de foregående 5 økonomisystemer, Erik har udviklet, kombineret med den nyeste teknologi fra Microsoft. Uniconta understøttes af en professionel og landsdækkende forhandlerkanal samt et stort netværk af revisorer.


Do you know how much water you use on a normal day? Or what you actually use the water for in your home?Most of us know little about our water consumption, and we believe this lack of knowledge results in a waste of water.Aqubiq develops an intelligent water meter that tells you how much water the individual appliances in your home use - washing machine, shower, dishwasher etc.Through increased awareness and more qualified information, our goal is to inspire you to save 15% water in your home.

Investigate North

Investigate North is an award winning Nordic content producer who specialises in integrated media; combining film and games to create deep worlds and engaging narratives. Currently we are in development with 3 projects; an international TV series and video game about AI and, an international thriller about privacy and a science fiction show about the Thule base in Greenland.

Backup Bird helping people backup their MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL and MariaDb database to their favorite cloud provider.  You can select the cloud provider you want to use: Amazon S3 FTP Dropbox Google Drive OneDrive You just sign up and let Backup Bird do the rest. From our dashboard you can take backup of all your databases.