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Vi er en dansk webshop, som fokuserer 100% på tøj til den modne kvinde. Det betyder, at alt vores tøj er nøje udvalgt til at løse de udfordringer med pasform, der naturligt kommer med alderen. På seks år har vi taget rejsen fra selv at indlevere pakker i den lokale boghandel til at sende tusindvis af pakker hver måned i tre lande. Planen er at vækste yderligere og udvide med endnu flere lande. Næste stop er Holland. Vi er en moderne virksomhed, som vil være de bedste til alt vi gør. Vi arbejder så vidt muligt ud fra et data- og teknologi-drevet mindset, og ambitionerne er skyhøje. Men vi er også en familievirksomhed, som går op i at hygge os og have det godt sammen.

Changing Stories

Changing Stories is a charity based in Aarhus, Denmark. Our vision is a world where every kid learns. Today, more kids and youth are in school than ever before. Yet 617 million – 1 in 3 - can’t read or do basic math. The World Bank calls the enormous lack of learning in school systems in low-income countries around the world the global learning crisis. We're on a mission to change that. We do so by working with dedicated local partners in low-income countries around the world that help kids learn through effective learning initiatives. Our geographical focus right now is Nepal, where we are supporting 3 local partners. Our operating costs are covered by a group of private individuals, which means we can send 100% of all other donations directly to the field. We call it the 100%-promise.

Pomp & Co. Danmark

Skabt af Master Barbers. Kvalitetsbevidste grooming produkter udviklet af master barbers, med mange års erfaring inden for den klassiske og stilet tilgang til frisørfaget. Originale autentiske hårprodukter. Hos Pomp & Co. stræber vi efter at forkæle vores kunder med, hvad vi mener er de bedste produkter på markedet og den bedste service.


Kiddo er en værdibaseret start-up og digital platform der formidler oplevelsesgaver til børn og unge. Visionen for Kiddo er, at vi skal give vores børn og unge flere oplevelser og færre ting. Oplevelser som glæder og udvikler børn, unge og deres relationer. Oplevelser som gavner miljøet og lokale oplevelsesvirksomheder relativt til fysiske gaveprodukter. Kiddo gik live for mindre end et år siden med webshop, social media og annoncering. Vi har mere end 35 oplevelser herunder samarbejder som Det Kgl Teater og Copenhill og flere i pipeline. Kiddo oplever til trods for covid19 restriktioner og nystartet virksomhed stor vækst. Vi tror på oplevelsesgaver i fremtiden især pga. en øget miljøbevidsthed blandt forbrugerne men også stor udvikling og vækst i oplevelsesøkonomien generelt.

Aspera Digital

Aspera Digital blev grundlagt i 2019 med afsæt i 12 års erfaring med digital markedsføring fra større danske digitale bureauer. Vi opdagede, at der var flere interne arbejdsprocesser, der kunne optimeres til vinding for kunderne. Heraf opstod idéen til Aspera Digital. Hos Aspera Digital har vi høje ambitioner, og vi tror på, at de kun kan opnås ved at have kundernes forretning i højsædet. Som det latinske ordsprog; Per aspera ad astra: Gennem vanskeligheder når man stjernerne. Vi skaber bedre bundlinje Hos Aspera Digital er vi født digitale og er ikke låst af gamle konservative tankemønstre omkring digital markedsføring. Vores mission er at fokusere fuldt ud på at skabe resultater for vores kunder, der alt sammen bunder i data og analyse. Der skal skabes vækst på de rigtige parametre for den enkelte virksomhed, og derfor er data en essentiel del i vores daglige arbejde. Når vi ved, hvor vi skal kanalisere vores fokus, vil det afføde værdi på nøjagtigt de forretningsområder, der i sidste ende kommer til at styrke bundlinjen. En holistisk tilgang til digital markedsføring Vi vil sætte standarden for, hvordan der skal arbejdes med digital markedsføring i år 2021 og frem. Og det er ikke ved at tænke marketing i siloer. Den moderne kunde har mange touchpoints på vej til sit køb – og det er over flere dage, flere marketingkanaler og måske endda flere enheder. Vi arbejder derfor holistisk med digital marketing og på tværs af de enkelte kanaler som SEO, PPC, Email marketing m.m. med afsæt i lige præcis vores kunders forretning og kunderejse.


We are an IT company with great passion to launch our first product. We have been working hard on the development of our idea and now we are going to bring it into reality. Our first product is a Marketplace salon App that will connect users to salons. Moreover, will open new opportunities for start-ups, small, medium and bigger salons. When we surveyed the market, we see the great need of such an app that allows people to book their appointments with salons based on their performance, price, availability, with just 1 click and give people wider choice to choose the best stylist. As a company, we took this challenge to enter into Nordic Market .because we believe in our idea and we believe that we as a company can grow from smaller size to medium size company in no far future. For the salons, it will be perfect platform that provides them everything related to their business in just an App. To see the performance of their salon as a whole and track loop holes, and make strategy based on the data and improve the performance. Put great offers through our great marketing tools and get more leads and more customers. Be connected and manage their business wherever they are in the world. Salons would be our paid customers by using our subscription model. Whereas for the general user the app will be for free to use. Our main target audience will be salons but at the same time, our target group will be all general users from all forms of life (female, males young, old). Mission: As an IT Company, our mission is to connect people and businesses when there is need for it. Provide small businesses an opportunity to grow bigger. Our mission is to provide such a platform where all salon and beauty related businesses could come together under one umbrella and grow. Our mission is to provide a platform for people that they can choose the best salon and stylist. Vision: We believe that we are here to make great products and that is not changing.

Webshop with clothes, shoes, toys and interior products for childrens bedroms. We have a large selection of delicious brands such as Molo, Angulus, Pippi, CeLaVi, Mikk-Line, The New, Filibabba, Bundgaard, Bibs, Bisgaard, Oball, PlanToys and many more. Find products for both baby and kids here between the age of 0-12 years of age.

Alle klassiske bilejere er startet det samme sted – nemlig ved drømmen om en dag at komme til at eje en klassisk eller specialbil. Om drømmen startede hjemme på børneværelset, hvor modelbilerne fik den absolutte opmærksomhed, på bilferien ned gennem Europa eller af den betagende bil, der fangede opmærksomheden inde i TV’et, så er kulminationen den samme – nemlig den dag, hvor drømmen blev til virkelighed. Men hvordan realiseres og udleves drømmen? Vejen dertil har for de fleste ikke været ligetil og for nogle har de måske allerede opgivet den. Årsagerne kan være mange, og derfor har SuitRace set dagens lys for at realisere bildrømmen og gøre det sjovt og enkelt at eje en klassisk eller special bil. Med dette være med til at aflive de unødige bekymringer og i stedet give bilentusiasten mulighederne, skrue op for køreglæden og ro til at dyrke passionen. SuitRace skal ikke kun hjælpe ejeren, men også den potentielle bilejer og den nysgerrige med alle aspekter inden for bilverden af klassiske og specialbiler. Det gælder alt lige fra det lavpraktiske med olieskift og køb af bil over juraen og lovningen og til det finansielle aspekt med lånefinansiering og leasing.


Studynow is an online learning platform for university students in the Nordics. You can think of us as the Netflix for online learning. We create and deliver a range of online courses such as Python, Excel, R, Latex, Powerpoint, Matlab and much more. Our focus is on finding the best instructors, creating the best possbile learning content for university students, as well as creating a quality user experience throughout our services.

Heroic Rhino

Heroic Startup Mentoring For Tenacious Founders. The smartest way to discover, team up, and do business with highly skilled and experienced business mentors from all over the world. Making startup dreams materialize and enabling an entrepreneurial environment that creates lasting and successful startups that shapes the future. The Secret Weapon For Startup Success. DISCOVER: Find and select the best business mentors for your startup with refined search filters and intelligent match suggestions. CREATE: Exclusively invite the business mentors you find most capable of bringing your startup in the right direction and let them join your circle of trust. UTILIZE: Communicate 1:1 with your mentors or with the entire mentor board, share business ideas, and schedule virtual meetings with a few clicks.

Greenlight Guru

At Greenlight Guru, our leading SaaS platform helps some of the world’s most innovative medical device companies bring higher quality, life-changing products to market faster. Our cloud-based technology serves 1000+ global customers with a platform that powers end-to-end product lifecycle excellence from idea to commercialization to postmarket surveillance. Headquartered in Indianapolis, IN, we are a remote-first company on a mission to improve the quality of life . Having raised over $120M from top-tier investors, we are rapidly scaling with a driven and relentless commitment to helping our customers succeed. Since 2021, we are part of JMI Equity, a growth equity firm focused on leading software companies. From the beginning, our goal has been to build a company with ‘soul’ and create a special place to work for people who want a sense of purpose in what they do. With 200+ employees across North America and Europe. We offer careers in engineering, product, sales, marketing, customer success, talent, finance, operations, and more. We look for people with ‘alligator blood ’ a.k.a team members who are resilient, push forward and never give up, and who want to win with purpose. Consistently recognized as a Best Place to Work, our culture is centered around our core values of innovation, fanatical support, true quality, and culture of closing, while fostering a high-performing, diverse and inclusive, fun environment. At Greenlight Guru, we believe that the fundamental importance of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) is critical to our strength as a company. We are committed to fostering a culture of collaboration, open communication, and empathy. We will work to provide a safe and inclusive environment where employees of all races or ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, ability statuses, religions, age, or any other identity they hold are valued, respected, and celebrated. Greenlight Guru’s mission is to improve the quality of life and we believe that that begins with the lives of our employees and their families. Through committing to DEIB, we affirm to our company and customers that our unique perspectives and experiences make us a stronger company and community - that we all belong here. Greenlight Guru is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Individuals seeking employment at Greenlight Guru are considered regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital status, ancestry, physical or mental disability, veteran status, gender identity, or sexual orientation.


Againstmodernfooball is a statement that covers the 'frustrations' a lot of football lovers feel when football is moving towards too much commercialization. I have built a webshop that sells statement tshirts, and I am now looking for a co-owner, who can take over the daily management and marketing of the webshop and our social media pages.


Gastrobox er en madklub for madentusiaster, der søger inspiration i deres gastronomiske univers. Gastrobox leverer hver måned en oplevelseskasse fuld af inspiration og ingredienser til køkkenet. En Gastrobox leveres hver måned til hoveddøren for 225,- og indeholder 5-7 produkter og et magasin fuld af opskrifter.


SimplyFind is a company where we bring clients together with accountans, bookkeepers, lawyers and bankaccountants. Our platform is maded in 2020 and our goal is to make it the preferred place to get offers from accountants by clients. For more information please check our website Kind regards, Team SimplyFind

XploR XR

Upgrading skils and competencies of people using different solutions with XR technologies. This is done in collaborations with schools, companies and other organisations in order for them to become better and more effective at what they do. Our goal is to teach people about XR technologies and then collaborate together with them, finding then most valuable solutions. We strive to execute the most profitable solutions at the lowest costs - thus, the most valuable gain for the least amount of pain.