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Showing: 4605 filtered startups

AmaMai Agency

Et kreativt bureau, der hjælper iværksættere med at udnytte deres digitale potentiale Vi synes ikke, at man skal gå på kompromis med sin hjemmeside, sit logo eller sin kommunikationsstrategi, bare fordi man har et lille marketingbudget. AmaMai Agency hjælper små virksomheder med at få en visuel og strategisk stærk online tilstedeværelse på sociale medier og egen hjemmeside. Vi tror på, at et brand skal være en helhedsoplevelse, hvor det fysiske produkt eller service, hjemmeside, identitet og sociale medier går op i en højere enhed. Vi strukturerer, analyserer, planlægger og løfter en byrde fra kundens skuldre. Det giver mening for os.

Flip The Table

Flip The Table is a digital marketing agency based in Copenhagen. Focusing on online paid advertising, planning, execution and measurement on Facebook and Instagram as well as SoMe management including social media strategy, content creation and community management. Since 2014, there has been a steady increase in bankruptcies and closures among active restaurants in the restaurant industry. In the Capital Region of Denmark compared with 2019, the number of restaurant bankruptcies has grown by 30 % from 2019 to 2020 Flip The Table wants to change that statistic by helping the Copenhagen restaurants to make themselves more visible on the market and connect them with their guests on social media and thereby lift the restaurant industry into the digital world.

Qompas ApS

Qompas ApS er en forretningsudviklingsvirksomhed. Vi har stort fokus på at hjælpe virksomheder med alt fra virksomhedsadministration, til vækst og strategi samt trivsel og sundhed på arbejdspladsen. Hos Qompas er gode og langvarige kunderelationer en af vores topprioriteter. Vi ønsker at se virksomheder lykkes.

True Greens

Vores krydderiblandinger er specielt udviklet til at få plantebaseret mad til at blive til eksplosioner af lækker smag. For selvom grønt er lækkert i sig selv, så bliver det bare en helt anden oplevelse, når det er krydret just right! Blandingerne er økologiske, naturlige, og gør det supernemt at gøre dine plantebaserede retter til overdådige smagsoplevelser. De indeholder desuden forskellige mere eksotiske krydderier, som du måske ikke har prøvet før - og som tilføjer helt nye smagsnuancer til dine yndlingsretter. Ideen er, at det skal være let og lækkert for alle at lave plantebaseret mad!


Enabling life experience to power mental health Liifeline is a mental health technology for people & organizations in growth, which, unlike meditation, journaling, and coaching [apps], ignites personal capability and boosts professional morale through data-driven self-enablement and collective-powered support We are our greatest and most untapped resource

CR Consulting

Vi samarbejder med bankerne for at tage risikostyring til næste niveau! Som reaktion på finanskrisen har bankerne gennem det seneste årti haft stigende fokus på at styrke deres risikostyring, herunder deres kreditstyring. Dette for at sikre et solidt og stabilt fundament til at vinde kundernes tillid på fremover, men også fordi tilsynsmyndighederne løbende stiller flere og mere omfattende krav til bankernes risikostyring og compliance. Vi har gennem erfaring fra branchen samt tidligere og nuværende projekter indsigt i udviklingen på kreditrisikostyringsområdet - på tværs af sektoren, og i forhold til gældende og kommende regulering. Det giver os en unik mulighed for at bistå i rejsen med at tage bankernes kreditrisikostyring til næste niveau!

Beacon M

Beacon is an industrial maintenance platform that can help companies with industrial maintenance processes realize their full potential for efficiency, by optimizing and digitalizing service and maintenance operations end to end. BEACON has been created based on the knowledge from world renowned engineers, repair technicians and industrial service executives. We enable service and maintenance companies to revolutionize operations through digitalization and automation. er en online markedsplads, der forbinder danskerne direkte til deres lokale landmænd og enestående madbrands. Målet er at sætte en stopper for opfattelsen om at lokale råvarer er ensbetydende med stort tidsforbrug. Vi sørger for at friske, lokale og bæredygtige råvarer er let tilgængelige for danskerne og så nemt som at trykke på en knap.


At Benify, we help companies around the world become better employers. Benify spent the last decade disrupting the global HR tech market with our benefit and engagement SaaS platform. Our core solution helps employees live better lives and help companies attract, reward and retain their global workforce by strengthening the relationship between employer and employee. Today, Benify is a truly independent, flexible, and agile global technology company offering the market’s leading global benefits and total rewards platform with more than 1,500 clients and 2 million users worldwide.

Linumø Copenhagen

Linumø Copenhagen – elegantly simple design, that focuses on capturing the charm and texture of Linen. Long Linen traditions and Scandinavian design unite in a cozy celebration of everyday life. Carefully selected beautiful and natural linen fabrics from Europe to admire special and ordinary moments. We are proud to create handmade products and to return to traditional craftsmanship and authentic values of our products.

Dyreportal er Danmarks største og ikke mindst smarteste markedsplads for køb og salg af kæledyr. Alle kæledyr som ønskes videreformidlet i hele Danmark, er samlet et og samme sted. Vi stræber os nemlig efter at gøre markedet gennemskueligt, så du kan finde lige præcis det kæledyr, der passer ind i Jeres familie. På Dyreportalen kan du altså lave en nem og sikker søgning på det kæledyr, du ønsker dig. Begge parter i handlen bliver simpelthen matchet. Det er et sikkert sted både for dig, som ønsker at videreformidle dit eller dine kæledyr, men det er også sikkert for dig, som påtænker at anskaffe et kæledyr. Når man handler eller videreformidler kæledyr, er det vigtigt at føle sig tryg, og derfor tager Dyreportalen et mindre beløb i kompensation for at videreformindre kontaktinformationen mellem køber og sælger, netop for at skille sig af med useriøse henvendelser.

reputation survey /

Insight is the prerequisite for being able to keep a relevant promise in all situations. Traditional questionnaire surveys are often sent out annually or infrequently and usually to support the sender’s agenda. The surveys do not link to the employees’ experiences – therefore, what is perceived as essential in the organization may not matter to the customers and vice versa. Furthermore, questionnaires are not designed in the same way from time to time – new employees, new currents, new agendas mean that the answers cannot be compared from time to time. Finally, traditional questionnaires are based on concepts such as “what do you think about” – concepts require translation; therefore, it is time-consuming and challenging to prioritize efforts.


INVITES is an app to bring people together in social gatherings, which are events created by the user after interest, such as parties, dinners, dating events and much more. INVITES is a customer-to-customer platform, where the platform is mainly the facilitator of bringing people together in an easy non-binding manner. Singles or people in a relationship, can easily find interesting offers – both social and for dating purposes. According to statistics, many are still struggling with finding a romantic partner or even a friend. We believe that all these people have interesting hobbies, and we are sure that this platform, can help bring people together and inspire them to have some fun experiences. According to statistics there where 350.000 danes, who described them selwes as being a 5 in loneliness in a scale from 1-5 - they consider them selwes as being max lonely. At all times there are 700.000 single men and 700.000 single woman in Denmark. This is out of a population of 5.8 mio. people. We want to offer a toolkit for people to find eachother.


Kitchenmatch er en ung start-up, der arbejder med at skabe gennemsigtighed og det helt rigtige match mellem vores burger og vores køkken partner. Vi hjælper bruger med at indhente og sammenligne tilbud på deres nye drømmekøkken nemt og overskueligt. Vi er drevet af at skabe en simpel og nemt digital proces til vores bruger når de skal indhente tilbud på deres drømme køkken og derigennem blive den foretrukne platform, når jagten går ind på det helt rigtige tilbud til drømmekøkkenet.


Kartoffeldansk offers Danish classes to expats. The format is small groups of max 6 students and one-on-one, offering intimate, on-point, full immersion classes. Classes are online, in-person and hybrid and we also come to offices and teach. We help businesses retain their highly valued expats in Denmark by teaching them the Danish language as well as about Danish culture and norms. We also offer lessons to private persons who pay themselves.