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Tag Forge

We developed Confidential, a tool to tag and manage confidential files and emails,  along with colleagues, on local disks, shared drives and in the cloud.Confidential is based on Tabbles (that we started developing in 2009) and feedback we had from a Fortune 500 customer. So we're more of a "re-startup" :)Drop us a line if you're curious or just to say hello!

Price Invena

Price Invena er et mindre selskab i hjertet af København, der specialiserer sig i udvikling og producering af udstyr til sygehuse og private fødeklinikker rundt omkring i verden. Vi bestræber at levere topkvalitets produkter til vores kunder og udvikle nyt innovativt udstyr der gøre deres arbejde nemmere.


Foodhub is an on demand delivery service, that deliver delicious takeaway from the best restaurants in CPH within minutes.  Foodhub helps local restaurants doing deliveries, getting new customers, and making more sales, by giving restaurants partners a break from dealing with deliveries and online sales.

Wolf Project

Wolf Project er en incubator med fokus på boligsektoren. Vi udvikler digitale produkter, investerer i ejendomme og beskæftiger os med en lang række aspekter indenfor dette segment.Vi er yderst tech-mindede og har mange års erfaring herfra.Vores team består af erfarne iværksættere indenfor ejendom, online og kapitalfond, og vi har et stærkt kommercielt netværk.Vi fokuserer på dygtige medarbejdere, der vil og kan gøre en forskel sammen med os.


Hedia is a smart diabetes assistant driven by a personal need. Living with insulin requiring diabetes demands constant control and a great effort to achieve well-regulated blood glucose at the expense of freedom and quality of life. As a person with diabetes you never get to live without the distress of dealing with diabetes.  We aim to solve this by offering a personalised smart diabetes application that helps with the everyday struggles of diabetes, like carb calculation, insulin dosage recommendations and tracking diabetes data.

Herbert Syrups

Herbert Syrups was brought to life out of pure love to the traditional syrup craft and respect to the nature combined with the all-natural ingredients and visible influence by the modern bar & culinary scene. Herbert syrups now represents the community of enthusiastic young people creating surreal and unexpected flavor combinations, which you are going to fall in love with.


Klart helps organisations to get the right things done - in the right time. On Klartboard we can visualise all to-do's, tasks, assignments and projects across individuals, teams and departments. Teams meet up in front of Klartboard, see and take action. It is all about creating transparency, dialogue and clear goals. Along with Klartboard we provide training and feedback. We are entrepreneurs and consultants with a vivid tech-spirit and a great and focused worklife is the ongoing driver for us. We enjoy a high degree of personal freedom in our everyday worklife. It's all about getting the right things done - and working smart. We are passionate about helping organisations to cope with complexity. We would love to contribute in pushing and dragging teams back on track to their raison d'etre - back to where they execute on their core tasks.

Logos Logit A/S

Logos Logit er leverandør af hardware og IT-systemer til alle former for teknisk overvågning. Vores system er udviklet i samarbejde med førende danske hospitaler til overvågning af f.eks. temperatur, lufttryk og gasser. Vi tilbyder netværksbaseret overvågning og via anvendelse af trådløs teknologi. Og vores dynamiske og brugervenlige platform kører naturligvis både via web-browser og App.”


vCompany – for your online benefit Do you know how much you earned in the past week? Google Analytics shows you your revenue, but what are your profits? How well does your marketing work? vCompany’s plugins for Google Analytics gives you the answer.  vCompany is not like the others. We offer analysis tools and add-ons for e.g. Google Analytics that gives a true picture of your profits and your competitors. Tools that you cannot find elsewhere.

Cortsen Dining

Cortsen Dining leverer enestående og personlig madoplevelser, hvor dit hjem danner rammerne om en unik gastronomisk aften, med din helt egen kok i køkkenet. Den gastronomiske filosofi er relativ enkel. Cortsen Dining tager udgangspunkt i nysgerrighed, passion og hårdt arbejde. Vi elsker at blive inspireret af lækre råvarer, varierende omgivelser og forskellige teknikker. Stifter af Cortsen Dining, Mads Cortsen har stået som elev på Kokkeriet, samt været volontør på Frederikshøj.


Dansk virksomhed med fokus på at øge danskernes forståelse for økonomi online. Både for nybegyndere og dem med den grundlæggende viden i orden. Vi fokuserer på alle emner fra budget til investering og alt herimellem. Vi hjælper med at skaffe kunderne de bedste finansielle aftaler, og sørger for at de er opdateret omkring hvad der sker på de finansielle markeder.


FAIRMONEY Er en dansk sammenligningstjeneste der har til formål at guide og vejlede danske private til fornuftige finansielle ydelser. Siden har siden start 2016 været i positiv fremgang og forventes at være blandt de førerne sammenligningstjenester i DK. Hjemmesiden koncentrerer sig om kviklån og andre forbrugsrelevante ydelser.

Rub & Stub Group ApS

Rub & Stub is a social enterprise that focuses on sustainability. We ran the restaurant 'Spisehuset Rub & Stub' for three years: the first restaurant in Europe to put surplus food on the menu. Now, we facilitate food waste-workshops, do surplus food-events and consultancy - all to share our knowledge on food waste and inspire to more sustainable action.

Accuranker is the World’s fastest rank tracker helping over 15.000 companies save time creating ranking reports. Thanks to proprietary infrastructure, Accuranker delivers 100% accurate daily local and global rankings in the shortest time. Plus, it lets you hit the rewind button to view historic data per keyword, use the “set and forget” auto reporting to save time, and access the data on your terms with a powerful, yet simple to use API.


As the sun sets on a new night. Duskland is designing, making and selling high quality DJ- and music production equipment. Currently reseller of Alpha Recording System, OTO Machines, Dope Real, Phonon, Dorrough, Stokyo among others. Working on our first own audio product together with renowned audio engineer Andy Rigby-Jones who created the Allen & Heath Xone series fo DJ mixers.