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Wolf Project

Wolf Project er en incubator med fokus på boligsektoren. Vi udvikler digitale produkter, investerer i ejendomme og beskæftiger os med en lang række aspekter indenfor dette segment.Vi er yderst tech-mindede og har mange års erfaring herfra.Vores team består af erfarne iværksættere indenfor ejendom, online og kapitalfond, og vi har et stærkt kommercielt netværk.Vi fokuserer på dygtige medarbejdere, der vil og kan gøre en forskel sammen med os.

We want to save the world. How about you?We are the Center for Acceleration of Change: a non-profit knowledge platform, event and project space and a co-creative community for people who want to work towards a brighter future. By applying a holistic approach to sustainability and promoting alternative solutions, we spread awareness and promote human connection. Our Center an intersection point for Changers of all kind and empowers people to act.It is time to take a step. Join us now. is the Center for Acceleration of Sustainable Change - a platform for all initiatives that aim to support the development of society towards a more sustainable lifestyle.The Center was opened in September 2016 and is since then run by Martin (Ideologue, developer, writer and (r)evolutionary in spe) and Anja (Environmental manager, epicurist, enthusiast and hopeless optimist). We have always been concerned about the fact that this planet is step by step ruined by how things work today. So finally we decided to try to change the world, full-time.Today, there exist numerous initiatives for a more sustainable lifestyle, but they stay hidden in niches because they lack a lobby - and people are stuck in their old habits. This is why we now host a platform for new ideas and offer events and workshops which further sustainability, sharing and collaboration. We encourage and facilitate discussions on new paradigms and explore new work/life patterns.We want to offer serious and sustainable solutions to the problems that affect everyone every day. And we want to make a difference. We are extremely happy to say that the same goes for all of our members. It's not about what we could do in the past, but what we can do today. We think that this is how tomorrow is made.At, we:Provide and promote alternative and sustainable concepts for everyone (shareconomy | reuse/reduce/recycle)Offer new perspectives and raise awareness with talks, movie screenings and workshops on sustainability topicsBuild an accumulating service environmentQuestion the established consumption habits on all scalesConnect and combine like-minded people and sustainable initiativesExperiment with new paradigms and challenge the normWe accelerate sustainable change. We aim to save the world. Join us now!

Copenhagen Mist ApS

We are experts in Azure PaaS and global Sitecore deployments on Azure, working exclusively in this domain since 2010. Our experience gives us deep insights to navigate through Azure services, and architect solutions based on best practices. Copenhagen Mist was founded to accomplish an industry first: To provide an infrastructure-as-a-framework that improves and evolves. Azure Blueprint, the industry’s first managed reference architecture, is the product of our efforts.


Effihub is a cloud-based efficient time management SaaS for business selling their time. Effihub keeps track of all your time and tasks and also makes it easy for your clients to stay updated. If you are a copywriter, designer, lawyer, consultant or the likes and you sell prepaid hours, workshops, sessions or ...(you name it) then Effihub is for you. Our users see an increase in efficiency and invoiced time and at the same time, they are building trust with their clients by running a transparent business.

Springfeed ApS

We are a mobile development software house with a passion for building awesome apps! The Springfeed team consists of experienced developers and we are working with different types of businesses; from passionate entrepreneurs to well-established enterprises. Apps are our business and we develop for all platforms.


Vokato is an app platform for anything nightlife. Currently our platform is used for selling party tickets to college parties in Denmark with up to 1.000 attendees. We want to take Vokato through hypergrowth and expand our services to all large nightclubs in Denmark and the rest of Scandinavia. Our future services include statistics for eventplanners, POS system for mobile bar payments, and table reservations.

Backup Bird helping people backup their MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL and MariaDb database to their favorite cloud provider.  You can select the cloud provider you want to use: Amazon S3 FTP Dropbox Google Drive OneDrive You just sign up and let Backup Bird do the rest. From our dashboard you can take backup of all your databases.


Mentofy er en platform der samler undervisere/trænere og elever/spillere fra alle sportsgrene, hobbyer og fag. Vi vil gerne hjælpe med at udfylde det læringsvacuum der findes hos os alle i Danmark, men især mellem det almindelige hobbyniveau og eliteniveauet. Den enkelte opretter en profil som spiller eller træner og noterer erfaring og tilbud. ApS is the largest worldwide skatepark directory for all skaters to find a skatepark.Skaters are using different sites to find places to skate, because there is no consistency in the quality of the sites they visit. strives to be a platform with high-quality reliable information for the next generation of skaters. The founders Mikkel & Jakob, both have founded multiple startups including a subscription e-commerce store they sold together and relevant for this project the biggest skatepark directory in Scandinavia.We like to work digitally and have a team of freelancers from around the globe that we work with through technological values both independence and co-operation, personal and professional growth, the relationships we have and that we can help each other move forward. Together is better, and is co-created with skaters from all around the globe. Reach out - We invite you to join our journey to change the world for skaters!


Who we are Each year in Denmark, over 2 million people upgrade their smartphones, but few have a clear idea of what to do with their previous device. Of course, they could sell it or trade it in, but today these options are primarily perceived as a hassle, a scam, or a waste of time. This results in Danes often having two or more smartphones wasting in a dusty drawer. Our mission to reduce this waste and to make the best use of their potential by providing a transparent, fair, and simple way to ensure that our old technology gets used to its fullest extent. The user can then support sustainable causes through our platform with the value of their used phones. Why do we exist? Used phones are extremely valuable. In fact, every year we estimate that at least one billion kroner worth of used phones enters the market in Denmark alone. On top of this, smartphone production has tremendous environmental and social impacts that are seldom talked about. Making the best use of minerals and labor that has already been put into our phones is the least we can do. Through research, we found that most people do not sell or trade-in their devices today for various reasons. However, over 90% of people responded that they would donate the value that their used phone could be sold for, entirely or in part, to philanthropic causes so long as it was easy and transparent. Therefore, not only are the causes we support genuinely good, but they provide the motivation to awaken a large and growing market. Today there is no platform where this can easily be done. Lokalist aims to fill this gap in the market and be the platform where people and businesses can easily donate all or part of the value of their used technology to support sustainable actions we all want to see more of. What happens to the used phones? The used phones we receive are safely wiped, complying with Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). They then have a 92% chance to be refurbished or harvested for working components. The semi-new phones are sold in markets across the world to be loved by future users. The phones that cannot be refurbished are responsibly recycled, making sure to reuse minerals that are otherwise impactful to mine. Our values As a company, we focus heavily on integrating the Nordic values of transparency, honesty, community, and simplicity into our mission. This is not typical of our competitors in this space. By being active in the carrying-out of the sustainable causes with our partners, and showing our users instantly how their device could support them, we believe we can help make the best use of our e-waste while spreading the love.


Kingbo lægger vægt på flere ting i Kingbos varesortiment. Det skader ikke, at de produkter, vi betegner som brugskunst, egentlig slet ikke har et kunstnerisk islæt, men så skal de til gengæld være sjove som vores havetrolde, dekorative som f.eks. vores dekorationsfrugter eller funktionelle som granitprodukter i haven. Hvis du er god til at skrive tekster, hvad enten det er salgs tekster eller historier, så er du velkommen til at sende os en mail. For vi søger indimellem tekstforfattere.     Kingbo er lig med funktionalisme betyder i vores optik, at vi f.eks. vil give fuglene en håndsrækning i haven. Det vi fører, er en med andre ord ikke en kunstnerisk ’altertavle’. Ting med en brugsværdi for kunden er havemøbler og dekorative og funktionelle ting til dit hjem. Men det betyder ikke at vi udelukker alt det kunstneriske. Som du kan se, har vi især i forbindelse med vore granitprodukter lagt vægt på, at der er tale om kunsthåndværk, hvor f.eks. en stenhugger med en kunstnerisk fingerspidsfornemmelse og en virtuost håndværksmæssig kunnen har skabt små vidundere.     Dekorations dyr - Kingbos fantasier til hus og have Vi har specialiseret os i kvalitetsgaver både i og uden for hjemmet. Vores målsætning er at tilbyde vore kunder noget helt nyt og unikt indenfor hus og have. Vi introducerer altid kvalitet til overkommelige priser og med dette nye koncept her dekorations dyr i form af <a href="">Dekoration rød mariehøne</a>, som har stået sin prøve i alle havecentre i Storbritannien, er der opstået noget, der er enormt populært. Børnene vil elske disse sjove fantasier, og for den voksne iagttager er der her noget chikt, der vil live op i enhver have eller i enhver stue. Her kan du være ganske sikker på at finde en perfekt gave til alle. Dekorations dyr fantasier i haven og hjemmet genskaber en atmosfære af eventyr, og eventyr fordrer naturligvis altid et stænk af det overnaturlige.   Dekorationsfrugter Har du længe stået og kigget mistrøstigt ud af vinduet på din have. Alt vokser vildt, græsset står knæhøjt, og den langsomme nedbrydning af forrige års havebrug ses endnu her og der som visnet eller rådnende plantedele. Træer og buske spærrer for ethvert udsyn. Haven er efterhånden kommet til at ligne den Amazonske jungle. Det er lige før, du ville ønske, at du har en machete, så du kan hugge dig igennem de sammenfiltrede grene og planter. Nytårsaften afgav du din familie et løfte om, at det kommende forår vil blive den tid, hvor din have genopstår som en eventyrhave, en Edens have, en af Babylons hængende haver, en klassisk engelsk have eller måske en orientalsk have. Der er frit valg her, se et bredt udvalg af smukke <a href="">Dekorationsfrugter</a>. Det er nu på tide at sætte sig ned til tegnebrættet og planlægge, endnu inden sommeren løber af med dit nytårsforsæt. Det nye i al havearkitektur er at skabe rum, hvor det naturlige og det kultiverede forenes med den ornamentale, skulpturelle og tilvirkede natur. Få en eller af de smukke dekorationsfrugter i din have.


Dansk virksomhed med fokus på at øge danskernes forståelse for økonomi online. Både for nybegyndere og dem med den grundlæggende viden i orden. Vi fokuserer på alle emner fra budget til investering og alt herimellem. Vi hjælper med at skaffe kunderne de bedste finansielle aftaler, og sørger for at de er opdateret omkring hvad der sker på de finansielle markeder.


FAIRMONEY Er en dansk sammenligningstjeneste der har til formål at guide og vejlede danske private til fornuftige finansielle ydelser. Siden har siden start 2016 været i positiv fremgang og forventes at være blandt de førerne sammenligningstjenester i DK. Hjemmesiden koncentrerer sig om kviklån og andre forbrugsrelevante ydelser.


At Penneo we are constantly breaking barriers and expanding our horizon. Founded back in 2014, we have quickly evolved from a digital signature platform to a set of solutions that automate workflows related to client onboarding (KYC), digital signing, and document management. We are now 100+ passionate people, from all over the world, with a clear mission: to make it easy and beneficial for companies to be compliant in a world where being accountable for the way you do business is a matter of course. We believe in the power of authenticity. At Penneo you can be yourself, with your culture, perspective, and way of thinking. It is when different points of view are shared together, that miracles happen. At Penneo, we believe that work should be fun. In our office, we have jokes and music. You can truly sense a humorous and informal atmosphere around. We aim to work hard, but have fun doing it.

Rub & Stub Group ApS

Rub & Stub is a social enterprise that focuses on sustainability. We ran the restaurant 'Spisehuset Rub & Stub' for three years: the first restaurant in Europe to put surplus food on the menu. Now, we facilitate food waste-workshops, do surplus food-events and consultancy - all to share our knowledge on food waste and inspire to more sustainable action.