
FiltraCare is developing an innovative cigarette filter collection and recycling system to help cities and local communities tackle the international growing problem of cigarette waste. The mision is to provide an efficient, eco-friendly way to collect, store, and recycle cigarette filters, transforming a harmful pollutant into a valuable resource while reducing environmental damage caused by microplastics. Cigarette filters are the most common form of litter globally, contributing heavily to environmental pollution. They break down into microplastics that harm marine life and biodiversity. FiltraCare aims to address this problem by creating a scalable system that allows cities and businesses to collect and recycle cigarette filters before they are littered in landfills or oceans. The problem is widespread, affecting urban areas, natural environments, and public spaces worldwide, with billions of filters discarded every year. At FiltraCare, I have developed custom cigarette filter collection devices designed for urban environments and public spaces. These ashtrays will in the future collect used filters, which will be stored in airtight containers to prevent contamination. Filters will be sent to our recycling partner, who recycles them. It is the goal for FiltraCare to be able to recycle cigarette filters internally. Currently I am in the process of realising the pilot project in collaboration with local businesses and city authorities that are helping me fine-tune the logistics and scaling potential. By integrating this solution into existing urban infrastructures, we offer a seamless process for reducing cigarette filter waste. The idea for FiltraCare came when I realized how ubiquitous and damaging cigarette filters are to our environment. Walking through city streets, parks, and beaches, I saw the big amount of cigarette waste and understood its long-term impact on ecosystems. This prompted me to dive into research, learning that cigarette filters are composed of non-biodegradable materials that release microplastics into nature. Fueled by a passion for environmental sustainability and innovation, I decided to focus all my energy on creating a solution to this pressing problem, believing that even small changes in waste management can lead to big environmental improvements.
Location Denmark
Founded 2023
Employees 1-10
Industries Science & Engineering
Business model B2B
Funding state Bootstrapping

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Remote work allowed
Remote work allowed

Skill development
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Social gatherings
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Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Free friday beers
Free friday beers

Pet friendly
Pet friendly

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“Be the solution, not the pollution.”

Abhijit Naskar, Neuroscientist and best selling author




Founder, Founder and Owner

Marius Gaard Lauridsen

Mechanical Engineer and Co-owner

Frederik Hauballe Niebling

Open positions (1)

Research and Development in Cigarette Filter Recycling
FiltraCare Næstved Cofounder