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Showing: 49 filtered startups


Orderly removes all the hassle of trading used quality items between individuals. We pick up the seller’s goods, take high quality product shots, store and present the items automatically on the main online markets (DBA, Google Shopping, Gul&Gratis etc..). Buyers can shop all they need in a single shipment rather than visiting multiple sellers. It gives both sellers and buyers an attractive shopping experience that is on par with new sales. We actually made it fun to tidy up your home! To succeed we have developed a custom service chain designed to keep costs super low for handling individual items while giving the user the best possible experience. Traditional product shots and descriptions often takes hours per product, a process only feasible for interchangeable goods. By integrating state-of-the-art tech services, Orderly has optimized the process by a factor x50 which mean that we can take professional shots and describe items in seconds rather than hours. We have also fully integrated the many individual steps of the sales process into a semi-automated flow to keep costs low. This has suddenly made hassle-free exchange of quality stuff a sound business opportunity while contributing at scale to a more circular economy.

Design Letters

DESIGN LETTERS is a Danish design company founded in 2009 and one of the most successful startups in the design and interior business in Denmark. We develop and sell unique design products and lifestyle accessories featuring Arne Jacobsen's Vintage ABC from 1937. Since 2019 we are moving from a wholesale to D2C brand at high speed.

VenomAid Diagnostics

We create impact by providing affordable rapid diagnostics for snakebite envenoming. Each year more than five million people are bitten by venomous snakes. Snakebite envenoming calls for rapid diagnosis and correct treatment to avoid death and disability. VenomAid presents a solution to this problem: An affordable, easy-to-use, point-of-care device that provides a reliable diagnostic result within minutes. We provide a fast and reliable diagnostic tool, ensuring that the required treatment can start at once. This will minimize both fatalities and permanent sequelae that victims suffer from, especially in the poor rural parts of the world.

Tana Copenhagen

Tana Copenhagen is a global consultancy company based in Copenhagen. Tana Copenhagen provides expert advise to clients improving people’s lives across the globe. We have carried out more than 400 assignments for governments, NGOs, international organisations and the corporate sector, in Africa, Middle East, Eastern Europe and Asia. Our goal is to optimise the effectiveness of development intervention and to improving people's lives across the globe. Tana Copenhagen specialises in the following fields: governance and state-building, human rights, gender equality, peace and security, sustainable green growth and many more. Our core services include programme design, evaluations, reviews, assessments and analysis, policy development, training and capacity development. Tana provides cutting-edge cutting-edge expert advice. We strive to find the best modalities for achieving results in all our services: by identifying drivers of change, managing for results and promoting ownership, aligning with national plans where feasible, harmonising to the extent possible with other partners, and encouraging mutual accountability. Tana Copenhagen is based in Denmark, with an office in Nairobi, Kenya. We work in fragile and conflict affected as well as stable development contexts.


HubLearn is a Danish social enterprise that operates globally. We approach learning in a different way. We aim to upgrade local individuals and SMEs with less resources around the world by creating opportunities and jobs via sustainable, innovative and affordable learning projects. HubLearn guides and supports the people and SMEs into the latest technology and prepares them for the demands of the future via reskilling, upskilling and on-the-job learning. Talent is universal, but opportunities are not. With access to online learning resources and instruction, anyone, anywhere, can gain skills and transform their lives in meaninful ways. We aim to build a sustainable, inspirational, innovative and affordable learning platform for individuals and businesses around the world with less resources. By guiding and creating access to free and low-cost learning & education, we seek to open doors of opportunity by knowledge-sharing, teaching, guidance, job creation and earning. We aim to offer various programs across all categories (Tech, Business, School, Lifestyle, Pets & more) that will help and improve lives. For starters, we will be focusing on local CSR projects featuring AR/VR/360, E-Commerce (‘Local to Global’ campaign), Small Tech-Teaching Projects and Startup Tips. Later, we will be expanding into other areas. By designing learning experiences that mirror the way in which learners use technology – collaborative, on-demand, in bite-size pieces, wherever they are and at their convenience – we significantly increase the impact of the learning process.

Africa Reframed

Online marketplace for African imagery - Powered by online learning. Africa is rising and a visual reframing of the continent is emerging. A reframing crafted by African content creators, telling Africa's story of change. At Africa Reframed we connect a community of African photographers to the world’s leading companies and organizations to create and promote captivating imagery and bespoke projects that propel new storytelling from the African continent. Imagery in the Africa Reframed imagebank has been used by the worlds leading organizations such as: Gates Foundation, UN, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Pfizer, Ernst & Young, Spotify, NBC, Yahoo, Sitecore, Exxon, Cambridge University Press, Hearst, Condé Nast, Lloyds bank, Europe- an Investment Bank, Shell, AOL, ABC, NEC, CNBC, KPMG, Discovery, VISA, Deloitte, Accenture, Ogilvy, UPS, Viacom, Pearson, Barclays, BBC, Axel Springer, British Council, M&C Saatchi, ASUS, Del Monte, Time inc., RTL, Virgin, McKinsey, Airtel, Guardian, Uber, Orange, 3M, HSBC, Samsung, The World Bank and many more. We are looking for investors sharing our vision of Africa Reframed as a value-driven, profitable business that strives to alter the global community’s perception of the African continent while also building sustainable job opportunities for photographers across Africa. Alongside its sister organization, Commerce & Culture, Africa Reframed has managed an array of long-term projects with leading contemporary visual artists globally and organized photo exhibitions with more than 100.000 paying visitors across 3 continents. Among these, the largest exhibition to date with African photography in northern Europe. SDGs: Quality education and decent work and economic growth, SDGs 4 and 8, are an integrated part of the Africa Reframed business model. When the United Nations In 2015 was launching the SDGs with Project Everyone, they did so with a campaign to share the global goals with 7 billion people in 7 days. This happened via global broadcasts, outdoor advertising campaigns, cinema ads, mobile partnerships, and more. Because of the above, Images from our program were among the officially chosen for the campaign and were singled out by the global campaign team as good education and economic growth in action. Misson: Most of the imagery we encounter from the African continent tends to either depict the beautiful scenery and wildlife or scenes of poverty, war, and desperation. While these indeed are bona fide aspects and challenges, Africa is also a continent characterized by immense growth, varied opportunities, and not least, change. The mission of Africa Reframed is to capture and contribute to the spurring of this change by a visual reframing of the continent. A reframing that reflects African enterprise, innovation, and everyday life. Africa Reframed exists to create and promote this new imagery in the belief that by changing the visuals, we can help change the conversation. Thus an inherent part of Africa Reframed’s DNA, which is also mirrored in the name of the company, is to be a catalyst for the way the world looks at the African continent. The wish to illustrate the real Africa and thus to spur optimism and hope around its future makes the company strongly value-driven, and it is believed that such a shared view will help bind contributors, clients, and other stakeholders close together. In 2020 Africa Reframed received an investment from Innovation fund Denmark and was selected as a finalist for the SDG Tech Award.

PIF - Pay It Forward

Are you passionate about making a positive impact? Do you want to be part of an exciting and fast-growing startup that is changing the way people connect and spread kindness? Look no further! At PIF, we're on a mission to foster kindness, connection, and community through our innovative Pay It Forward - PIF app. Our app enables users to send gifts and treats to others, spreading joy and encouraging real-world socialization. Globally. We're looking for talented and motivated individuals to join our team and help us drive our vision forward. As a member of our team, you'll have the opportunity to work in a dynamic and collaborative environment where your ideas and contributions will be valued.


Plazzo is a start-up located in Hasselager near Aarhus. We've started business in April 2021 and are still in a early phase of research and development. Our core product is solid plastic sheets that are moulded from granulated plastic waste in a heatpress. The sheets can be sold as they are, as a building material, meant to replace plywood and other sheet materials. The sheets can also be routed and finished into ready to use design products, such as tables, chairs, wall panels, etc. The short term goal is to make a profitable business in Denmark by creating a brand and demand of our recycled circular products. The long term goal is to sell the plastic recycling machinery in container based factory units to developing countries. We are currently two owners whom are working part time on the project with administration, as well as one full time technical employee in the production. We are receiving consultation through several funded programs such as: Cirkulær Grøn Omstilling and Green Tech Center Inkubator Program. We are exhibiting at Tech BBQ in Øksnehallen in Copenhagen on September 17th.


UpFood is a tech startup that develops sustainable solutions to up-cycle the food, that otherwise get wasted throughout the food value chain, into different value-added food ingredients.  Besides, we will also provide our low cost and efficient technologies to smallholder farmers, producing 80%  of food in the world but facing significant food loss challenges. Our patent pending solutions address UN SDGs 1, 2, 6, 7 and 12. We envision a successful business with huge impact in the world.

iRaiser Nordic ApS

iRaiser is a SaaS vendor for nonprofits. We work with NGOs, political parties, educational institutes, cultural organizations, religious organizations, and corporate foundations. We provide nonprofits with state-of-the-art software tools that enable them to raise more money, more visibility and more awareness for their causes with less effort. Since 2012, iRaiser has helped these client organizations raise more than €1.3 billion, becoming the European leader in online fundraising. We work with more than 500 organizations in +18 countries around the world, including UNRWA, UNHCR, WWF, Médecins sans Frontières, Unicef, Salvation Army and Le Louvre. iRaiser is present in France, Italy, Denmark, Belgium, the United Kingdom and Australia.

Nordic Roasting Co.

Nordic Roasting Co. is a hand-crafted roastery with a strong focus on social-environmental responsible coffee. As first-movers within the Nordics to deliver a zero-waste coffee product, our newly acquired roastery in Amager is equipped with the newest, most modern equipment within the coffee roastery industry.


Casju fights food loss by turning waste from African cashew farmers into delicious plant-based caramels. Did you know that the cashew nuts come from a fruit? And did you know that in most African countries these perfectly nutritious fruits are getting wasted? Casju found a way to process the cashew fruits from the farmers locally and turn them intoy into delicious food ingredients. By doing so, cashew farmer can increase income and create local jobs.

Eazy Investor

Eazy Investor is on a mission to tackle a common problem: the complexity and exclusivity surrounding investing. Many individuals, despite having the desire to invest and grow their wealth, are often deterred by the perceived complexities of financial markets. This hesitation results in missed opportunities for financial growth. My goal is to achieve this by creating a platform that simplifies the investment process, removing barriers to entry, and offering accessible, personalized investment solutions. Through cutting-edge technology and a commitment to transparency, I aspire to empower individuals from all backgrounds to take control of their finances and build a secure future.


Hvad laver vi Vi har udviklet et fagsystem til beskæftigelsesområdet og vikar- og rekrutteringsbranchen. Systemet er det bedste i markedet. For os handler om mennesker og processer og om, hvordan man udvikler fagsystemer, som sikrer meget effektive arbejdsgange, og samtidigt sikrer fokus på interaktionen mellem kandidater og kunder. Det kræver kendskab til markedet, konkurrencevilkårene, lovgivning, overenskomster, såvel som en indgående viden om de nyeste tekniske muligheder, brugervenlighed, digitalisering m.m. Det er her vi kommer ind i billedet. For os handler digitalisering om service, der betaler sig. Altså om at øge servicen på den ene side og mindske omkostningerne på den anden side - helt enkelt. Vi har udviklet IT-systemer i mere end 10 år, og vi har et dybt kendskab til de brancher vi leverer løsninger til. Vi har gennem alle årene leveret nogle af markedets bedste systemer, og vi har sat nye standarder for, hvad man kan og, hvad du, som bruger bør forvente af dit sagsbehandlingssystem. Emini blev stiftet i 2004 og er bosiddende i Lyngby nord for København. Vores team består af udviklere, support og projektledelse, som alle har mange års erfaring med udvikling af sags- og styresystemer. Viden og erfaring gør det dog ikke alene, idet de vigtigste input kommer fra vores kunder og markedet. Derfor gør vi meget ud af at være i tæt dialog med vores kunder og andre markedsaktører, så vores systemer hele tiden afspejler vores kunders behov. Vision Det latinske udtryk "Mobilis in mobili" er vores mantra, hvilket symboliserer et ønske om, at være fleksibel og tilpasningsparat i et konkurrencepræget og foranderligt marked. Det var mottoet for ubåden Nautilus i Jules Vernes berømte eventyr "En verdensomsejling under havet" fra 1869. Dog et eventyr, så repræsenterer Nautilus en blanding af hvad der kan lade sig gøre når man kombinerer teori og en stærk teknisk viden med ambitionen om at ville lykkes. Denne kombination symboliserer på fornemste vis hvad vi står for, og er en konstant inspiration i vores fortsatte stræben efter at udvikle og levere, markedets bedste system til vores kunder.

Vera Mexicana

Vera Mexicana is a brand focused on Mexican food products made with real high-quality ingredients. All of our products are crafted by locals based on traditional recipes that will maximize flavor in the homes of cooks everywhere, whether you’re new to Mexican cuisine or a life-long fan. By working with local farming communities and small-scale producers, Vera Mexicana aims to follow sustainable practices across the entire supply chain – from how suppliers are treated to the farming practices used in Mexico.