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1. The Pitch: Transform Trio develops tailored digital consultancy solutions to help businesses optimize operations and enhance customer engagement with data-driven strategies. 2. The What: We solve the challenge of keeping businesses competitive in an ever-changing digital landscape by offering comprehensive, tech-focused strategies. 3. The How: Our services span omni-channel engagement, digital platforms, data analytics, and custom solutions, providing businesses with the tools to thrive. 4. The Why: We started Transform Trio to empower businesses struggling with digital transformation, driven by our passion for innovative, practical solutions.

Compantspace is Europe's largest portal for commercial lettings and sales of commercial properties. At you can find virtually all available premises on the market, and create a search profile so that commercial landlords can contact you directly with offers for available premises. You will be notified immediately about new rooms that suit you.

Discover Business Opportunities ApS

Når en virksomhed skal bruge en leverandør, vælger mange blot at benytte de leverandører, de tidligere har benyttet. Og hvorfor nu det? - Fordi de kender dem og ved hvad de står for - Fordi de ikke lige ved, hvor de skal finde nye - Fordi det er svært og tidskrævende at undersøge, hvad eventuelle nye leverandører står for, og hvad de tidligere har leveret. - Fordi det ganske enkelt er nemmere Men så ved du jo heller ikke, om du får udført dine opgaver til den rette pris - eller om andre ville have kunne udføre jobbet i en bedre kvalitet? Eller på kortere tid? Det er her DBO kommer ind i billedet! På DBO kan du slå dine opgaver op, og du kan lynhurtigt danne dig et billede af de virksomheder, der byder ind på dine opgaver. Ligesom du nemt og hurtigt kan sammenligne de indkomne bud. Du har også muligheden for selv at byde ind på interessante opgaver, og dermed opnå meromsætning. Du opbygger din virksomheds profil, så du synliggør dig overfor nuværende og kommende samarbejdspartnere. På DBO er det nemlig DIG, der bestemmer hvordan DIN virksomhed skal præsenteres, og hvilke nyheder du gerne vil have ud - slut med en masse pressemeddelelser, der måske, og måske ikke bliver trykt. Slut med at pressen bestemmer hvilken drejning, din historie skal have. Med DBO er du herre i eget hus. DBO er for virksomheder, hvad LinkedIn og Facebook er for erhvervsfolk i virksomhederne. Sammen står vi stærkere - og med DBO står du rigtig stærkt!

Theresa Dinh

Hi, I'm Theresa!I started my personal brand centered around creativity, entrepreneurship, and productivity in 2021 and through the years it has grown into a community of 38k passionate digital creators. My work is about helping people make their lives and businesses flow using Notion and automation tools. I offer coaching, training, courses and build digital systems for companies and solopreneurs. We are now a fun team 3 of fun and creative people looking for a 4th team member to grow with!


Avazura er en dansk startup, der udspringer fra DTU i Lyngby. Vi skaber en helt ny revolutionerende shppingplatform med de bedste AI teknologier der giver en brugeroplevelse i særklasse. Vi har en masse planer og opgaver, som vi meget gerne vil have hjælp til. Så måske er du den næste på holdet? Se meget mere på vores hjemmeside


1: Short Description (The Pitch) WePaint is revolutionizing the art world by integrating advanced AI with traditional artistry. Our platform is designed to empower artists and art enthusiasts, solving the challenge of accessibility and engagement in art creation. Our secret sauce? A unique blend of AI-assisted design tools and a vibrant community of artists, enabling a new era of collaborative and innovative art-making. 2: The What: The Problem and Details The art world often feels exclusive and disconnected, with many artists struggling to gain exposure and art enthusiasts finding it hard to engage with the creation process. This issue affects a broad range of individuals - from emerging artists seeking a platform to showcase their talent, to art lovers craving more involvement in the art they collect. The problem extends globally, impacting how art is created, shared, and appreciated. 3: The How: Our Solution WePaint tackles this by offering a digital platform where artists can collaborate with AI to bring customer-inspired visions to life. Our solution includes: - An AI-assisted design tool that helps translate ideas into visual concepts. - A digital gallery where artists can showcase and sell their creations. - Workshops and resources focused on marketing, brand-building, and leveraging technology in art. - A community-driven approach, fostering collaboration between artists and art enthusiasts. This blend of technology and community creates a unique ecosystem where art is more accessible, engaging, and reflective of diverse tastes and ideas. 4: The Why: Our Motivation The spark for WePaint was ignited by a passion for art and a recognition of the untapped potential in the intersection of technology and creativity. Observing the challenges artists faced in gaining exposure and the public's growing interest in more interactive art experiences, we saw an opportunity to make a difference. The motivation to start WePaint stemmed from a desire to democratize art creation, making it more accessible and engaging for everyone. This venture is more than a business; it's a mission to reinvent the art world and nurture a community where creativity flourishes without boundaries.

Arctic Outdoor

Arctic Outdoor is a new danish outdoor brand focusing on creating outdoor products and equipment, built to last and apply all technical features to ensure you are well prepared for your next adventure. We have a vision that we want to create an outdoor community with a solid engagement with our community members and product owners. We have connected each of our products to a coordinate around the world to try and inspire people to get outdoors and experience new things and move boundaries.


Segmento build out personalized experiences through AI-based, product Intelligence and human-to-human communication customer journeys that your subscriber is looking forward to entering. Supercharge your e-commerce business through a personalized shopping experience, that is equal to the fantastic customer service in a real-life shop.


We're creating a world where it's easy for everyone, anywhere to buy better. SARTH is a one-stop-shop platform gathering the most responsible brands. We curate only the best products, help consumers navigate the sustainable fashion jungle and make ethical fashion accessible to all. Everyday, we buy products that impact people and the planet. But we rarely have the information we need to make positive choices about what to buy. When brands actually do make sustainability claims, it can be hard to tell what’s genuine and what’s greenwash. For those who actually want to purchase better and more consciously it is very difficult to know where to begin, where to look and what to look for. At SARTH, we help consumers drive change through their purchasing power via transparency and evidence from the supply chain and third party certifications and standards. We verify the third party certifications and evaluate the supply chain from tier 4 to tier 1, the brand itself and the design process with circularity in mind. We eliminate greenwashing. We make transparency, traceability and accountability information available for all products on SARTH, so everyone can make informed decisions on facets that impact the environment, social aspects and governance when shopping for clothes. We also inspire, influence and educate consumers in becoming more conscious and how to take better care of the clothes you buy and already own, so that it last longer. It is our opinion that we as retailer have as much responsibility as designers, brands and consumers to create a better tomorrow. Therefore it is our finest job to be the most responsible choice when shopping. Never has it been easier to make the right choices when shopping. At SARTH we don’t sacrifice style nor ethics.

Akademikernes A-kasse Startup Growth

Startup Growth er et intensivt iværksætterprogram, der løber over 3 måneder og er en kombination af fysisk og digitalt forløb. Igennem vores iværksætterprogram har Akademikernes A-kasses medlemmer fået hjælp til at skabe over 1100 virksomheder, hvilket gør det til et af de største iværksætterprogrammer i Danmark. Startup Growth er for dig, der allerede har taget beslutningen om, at du vil være iværksætter og har gjort dig tanker om markedet, kunder og konkurrenter. Programmet inkluderer workshops og oplæg, kontorplads, samt sparring med advokater, forretningsudviklere og andre iværksættere. Forløbet varer 3 måneder og kører 3 gange årligt. - Vi optager 60 startups i København - 25 i Aalborg - 15 i Aarhus. Vi har skabt et miljø, hvor iværksættere kan få den sparring og rådgivning, de har brug for. Vi tilbyder et kompakt forløb, der inkluderer hands-on forretningsrådgivning og praktiske indspark gennem workshops og oplæg. I de 3 måneder forløbet varer, får du: - en kontorplads sammen med andre iværksættere - en tilknyttet mentor - workshops inden for konceptafprøvning, salg og præsentationsteknik - oplæg fra eksterne eksperter og iværksættere om mere specifikke emner som varemærkebeskyttelse, sociale medier, jura for iværksættere og meget andet - juridisk sparring med nogle af landets førende advokatvirksomheder - finansiel rådgivning med dygtige økonomiske rådgivere - sociale arrangementer og support fra startup-programmets faste koordinatorer overblik over øvrige iværksætterinitiativer og kontorfællesskaber, så du er klædt på til næste skridt efter de 3 måneder Man kan også se mere her:


At Wonderfulday, we are on a journey to disrupt traditional event planning. We want to challenge the old dusty Excel sheets and instead bring innovation and modern technology into your party planning. Our platform is an all-in-one platform for seamless event planning. Our innovative digital planning tools make organizing and celebrating unforgettable moments effortlessly. Join us on our mission to push the boundaries for modern event planning and become the #1 event planning tool in the Nordics.

Danish IT and Apple repair company from Vesterbro in Copenhagen. We have done repairs for more than 20 years and we are specialised in repairing Apple computers. We always have Apple spareparts in stock which means fast repairs. You also get 2 years warranty on all Apple repairs and spareparts. Please fell free to contact us if you are looking for fast and professional Mac repairs in Copenhagen. Work should be fun and that is very important for us here at Super Mac Service

Wardrobe Collectr

THE EARTH NEEDS MORE RESALE Wardrobe Collectr is the solution for luxury fashion lovers who want an easy, safe and fast way to sell their designer pieces as well as spare the environment. We are a concierge consignment platform that connects sellers and buyers of high-end designer items. Our goal is to create a luxury fashion platform where both sides can benefit.

At Valdi, we strive to offer a wide selection of home interiors. Including insulated curtains, blackout curtains, towels, shower curtains and bath mats. We are very focused on being able to deliver high-quality European products at a cheap price. All our products are delivered within 1-2 working days. We are a small team of dedicated and helpful employees who always strive to give you the best experience.

Hidden Dimsum

We are currently working on a new concept that we call Dimsum Siblings. The concept is to deliver our Dimsum meal box to the entire Denmark. Hidden Dimsum is a family owned business where we currently have a restaurant, bar and a takeaway shop. We have high demand of our dimsum and a lot of our fans is from all over the world and across Denmark