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We're taking the language industry to the next level, by introducing automation and automated logics, to cut out manual handling costs. Our goal is to set a new standard for price and efficiency while delivering top-grade quality and service. The business platform makes our concept extremely scalable and we're planning international expansion at a rapid pace.

NordlyHome ApS

NordlyHome is a newly started interior webshop which deals with many top designer brands. We have many popular Danish brands like Nordal, Bloomingville, House doctor, Cane-Line, Hübsch, speedtsberg, Lene bjerre, Trademark living, Tine k Home, filibba, cozy living, Muubs, House nordic, and many other. We have customers in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Netherlands, Greenland.

Adtraction ApS

Adtraction er et internationalt affiliate- og partnermarketingnetværk med lokal tilstedeværelse i de nordiske lande, Storbritannien, Spanien, Holland, Tyskland, Polen, Østrig, Frankrig, Italien og Schweiz. Vi arbejder med store lokale og internationale brands og hjælper dem med at øge onlinesalget gennem vores forbundne partnere.


Spring/Summer conceives, crafts and produces digital experiences that help build brands, are good for business and make people’s lives easier. They pride themselves in having some of the best talents in the business. They form a multidisciplinary team of strategists, user experience designers, visual designers, producers & technologists. They have worked with Nike, Adidas, Victoria's Secret, American Express, Swatch, Reebok, Uniqlo, B&O Play, Rapha, Carlsberg, Tuborg, Somersby, Grimbergen, Georg Jensen, TDC, YouSee, F.C.Copenhagen, TV2, Podio etc.


Vi er ambitiøse på vores kunders vegne! Vores mission er at skabe knivskarpe digitale marketing løsninger, der skaber reel værdi for vores kunder. Med den fulde kunderejse for øje kan vi være kundernes sparringspartner, når de skal skabe nye marketingstrategier. Og med vores erfarne kræfter, kan vi også tage hånd om eksekveringen, så de kan bruge tid på det, de er bedst til. Vi er specialiseret i alt fra marketing på platforme som Google, Meta og LinkedIn til udviklingsarbejde inden for web-integrationer, AI-systemer, trackingsystemer mm. Vi har et stærkt hold af marketingspecialister og udviklere, og vi tror på, at de bedste resultater skabes gennem tillid og transparens.


1. The Pitch: Transform Trio develops tailored digital consultancy solutions to help businesses optimize operations and enhance customer engagement with data-driven strategies. 2. The What: We solve the challenge of keeping businesses competitive in an ever-changing digital landscape by offering comprehensive, tech-focused strategies. 3. The How: Our services span omni-channel engagement, digital platforms, data analytics, and custom solutions, providing businesses with the tools to thrive. 4. The Why: We started Transform Trio to empower businesses struggling with digital transformation, driven by our passion for innovative, practical solutions.


Vellafit sælger en avanceret kropsscanner, der hjælper personer med at forstå deres krop på et dybere niveau i deres eget hjem. Dette kan hjælpe dem med at optimere deres kost og træning. Kropsscanneren giver 56 kropsmålinger i en brugervenlig app, som kan hjælpe personer med at tage bedre beslutninger og nå deres sundhedsmål hurtigere. Vores plan er at tilføje endnu flere produkter til vores webshop inden for sundhed, wellness og fitness. Vores mål er at blive et stort anerkendt firma i Danmark og Norden, der leverer kvalitetsprodukter, som hjælper folk i deres hverdag med at være mere sunde og raske.

Housingtarget is Europe's largest portal for residential lettings. At you can find virtually all available housing on the market, and create a search profile so that landlords can contact you directly with offers for available housing. You will be notified immediately about new housing that suit you.


FindGaven helps users find personal gifts for their loved ones using artificial intelligence. Most people know the struggle of finding a gift at the last minute. The gift should create excitement for the recipient, be personal, and be within your budget. This often requires searching through multiple online or offline stores and hoping that you spot something that you think will match. FindGaven uses AI to match the recipient's description to the best matching gifts from over 16 Danish webshops. This allows users to find a gift across many categories instead of going through multiple webshops individually. We have partnered with some of the best and most trusted shops to ensure a big selection and trusted places with quick shipping. Danes spend more than 15 billion annually on gifts for Christmas, birthdays, weddings, and other special occasions. One out of five gifts gets returned, which can be frustrating for both the giver and receiver and takes an unnecessary toll on the environment. The goal is to be the global place to start your search and expand to other important purchases to become everyone's personal AI shopping assistant. We are a product-led company that believes the best solutions come from the interconnection between deep technology knowledge and a deep understanding of our user's needs.

Seven Seven

We’re a Copenhagen based startup working to revolutionise parenthood by impacting the life of Children and are building a support and matchmaking platform for co-parents. As a novel, innovative and future driven startup dedicated to creating impactful solutions for prospective co-parents, we are seeking a visionary Full Stack Developer with opportunity to become a Co-founder, to lead our technological development. Someone who can code, build an MVP, Co-Found and drive with us the future of Platonic Co-Parenting. This role is about being at the forefront of creating a platform that supports and enhances the experience of future families, leading product development while validating a vanguardist parenting model.


1: Short Description (The Pitch) WePaint is revolutionizing the art world by integrating advanced AI with traditional artistry. Our platform is designed to empower artists and art enthusiasts, solving the challenge of accessibility and engagement in art creation. Our secret sauce? A unique blend of AI-assisted design tools and a vibrant community of artists, enabling a new era of collaborative and innovative art-making. 2: The What: The Problem and Details The art world often feels exclusive and disconnected, with many artists struggling to gain exposure and art enthusiasts finding it hard to engage with the creation process. This issue affects a broad range of individuals - from emerging artists seeking a platform to showcase their talent, to art lovers craving more involvement in the art they collect. The problem extends globally, impacting how art is created, shared, and appreciated. 3: The How: Our Solution WePaint tackles this by offering a digital platform where artists can collaborate with AI to bring customer-inspired visions to life. Our solution includes: - An AI-assisted design tool that helps translate ideas into visual concepts. - A digital gallery where artists can showcase and sell their creations. - Workshops and resources focused on marketing, brand-building, and leveraging technology in art. - A community-driven approach, fostering collaboration between artists and art enthusiasts. This blend of technology and community creates a unique ecosystem where art is more accessible, engaging, and reflective of diverse tastes and ideas. 4: The Why: Our Motivation The spark for WePaint was ignited by a passion for art and a recognition of the untapped potential in the intersection of technology and creativity. Observing the challenges artists faced in gaining exposure and the public's growing interest in more interactive art experiences, we saw an opportunity to make a difference. The motivation to start WePaint stemmed from a desire to democratize art creation, making it more accessible and engaging for everyone. This venture is more than a business; it's a mission to reinvent the art world and nurture a community where creativity flourishes without boundaries.


We assist our clients in achieving online success through a strategic and technically-driven data-centric approach. We dare to execute! We provide mission-critical consultancy, enabling our clients to grow their digital business. This is achieved through the development of tailored websites and online stores, digital strategies, and digital marketing.

Nordic Charge

At Nordic Charge, we specialize in providing comprehensive E-Mobility solutions tailored to the needs of professionals in their own field. Our mission is to facilitate the transition to a net-neutral infrastructure for enterprises, energy companies, and other organizations seeking to enter the rapidly evolving E-Mobility market with digital solutions. We, as a digital company, are dedicated to automating the sales and service journey of E-Mobility providers, reducing manual efforts, and levitating the service experience for our customers through a self-service partner portal.

Copenhagen Skin Concept

At Copenhagen Skin Concept, we are dedicated to revolutionizing skincare with our collagen-based products. Our convenient collagen sticks offer a simple and effective way to nourish your skin daily. We value inclusivity, diversity, and innovation, and we're always looking for passionate individuals to join our team.


Polax er et livsstilsbrand, som er startet med en mission om at fremme sundhed og velvære ved at tilbyde innovative produkter inden for koldtvandsterapi, herunder transportable isbade. Vi stræber efter at skabe en positiv indvirkning på folks livsstil gennem effektive løsninger. Efter lanceringen af vores første produkt i februar har vi oplevet en positiv vækst, hvor vi også har udvidet vores produktsortiment med nye varianter af isbade og kropsplejeprodukter. Produkterne sælges gennem vores egen webshop samt udvalgte forhandlere.