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You will find the ingredien in Søften, Hinnerup - just outside Aarhus, Denmark. We take great pride in professional knowledge, developing and manufacturing quality hair care and beauty products. ingredien was founded in 2009 and is part of the Hair Team Company. Since day one, we have manufactured and produced our products in-house with a strong focus on the entire value chain and creating sustainable products through our production methods. At ingredien, we live and breathe to be able to reduce harmful, unhealthy, and allergy causing substances in hair care and styling products. We develop products based on a desire to give consumers, as well as hairdressers, the opportunity to opt out of allergenic substances in their daily routines. All our products are presented at a highly professional level with focus and act with care for the content, people, and nature - without harmful chemistry. When we at ingredien develop our products, we always aim to create security and transparency, save certifications that underline our products' quality, effect, and footprint in the world. We conduct trials and constantly research the market to find the best ingredients and challenge the status quo with sustainability, the environment and transparency. That is why all ingredien products are developed and produced in Denmark by professionals and specialists. ingredien consists of a team of dedicated employees who develop, produce, marketer, and sell sustainable luxury hair care and styling products. All our products are sold through our webshop and at carefully selected hairdressing salons in Denmark and Sweden. We are strongly on our way into the European market, and we dream of establishing our brand on the international market. At ingredien there is speed over the field, it is not far from thought to action, and we have many good ideas. We are always looking for new talent who wants to pave the way for our future growth and development. Of course, all employees must have the opportunity to try our delicious products, which is exactly why free products are one of the many advantages of working at Hair Team Company. We support diversity and we hope that regardless of your personal identity, ethnicity, age, religion, gender perception, sexuality, skin color and political beliefs, you want to apply for a job and join an ambitious team. Feel free to send your unsolicited application to Follow us on LinkedIn for job opportunities and other updates.


Bobu is a subscription based children's book club delivering personalized boxes with curated books. Our goal is to make children's books and good reading experiences more accessible, and will remove the hassle of choosing between the many thousands of titles across unmanageable age groups and businesses. Furthermore we want to help promote the joy of reading, and have a vision to create happy and imaginative children who, through books, get a language and an opportunity to put their feelings into words.

Copenhagen Grooming ApS

Our mission is to design products that help men with the actual challenges of modern life; an honest story about being a man. We provoke confidence and help men feel good about themselves through products we love. We are inspired by the man who dares to be perfectly imperfect. The man who is in charge of his own life. And not dictated by the expectations of others - but simply want to feel satisfied with his own looks, for the sake of him and nobody else. Copenhagen grooming is here to create healthy and confident minds. Copenhagen Grooming is founded on the belief that powerful products never should equal harsh chemicals. Tweaking nature and provoking confidence since 2017.

Akademikernes A-kasse Startup Growth

Startup Growth er et intensivt iværksætterprogram, der løber over 3 måneder og er en kombination af fysisk og digitalt forløb. Igennem vores iværksætterprogram har Akademikernes A-kasses medlemmer fået hjælp til at skabe over 1100 virksomheder, hvilket gør det til et af de største iværksætterprogrammer i Danmark. Startup Growth er for dig, der allerede har taget beslutningen om, at du vil være iværksætter og har gjort dig tanker om markedet, kunder og konkurrenter. Programmet inkluderer workshops og oplæg, kontorplads, samt sparring med advokater, forretningsudviklere og andre iværksættere. Forløbet varer 3 måneder og kører 3 gange årligt. - Vi optager 60 startups i København - 25 i Aalborg - 15 i Aarhus. Vi har skabt et miljø, hvor iværksættere kan få den sparring og rådgivning, de har brug for. Vi tilbyder et kompakt forløb, der inkluderer hands-on forretningsrådgivning og praktiske indspark gennem workshops og oplæg. I de 3 måneder forløbet varer, får du: - en kontorplads sammen med andre iværksættere - en tilknyttet mentor - workshops inden for konceptafprøvning, salg og præsentationsteknik - oplæg fra eksterne eksperter og iværksættere om mere specifikke emner som varemærkebeskyttelse, sociale medier, jura for iværksættere og meget andet - juridisk sparring med nogle af landets førende advokatvirksomheder - finansiel rådgivning med dygtige økonomiske rådgivere - sociale arrangementer og support fra startup-programmets faste koordinatorer overblik over øvrige iværksætterinitiativer og kontorfællesskaber, så du er klædt på til næste skridt efter de 3 måneder Man kan også se mere her:


Danish further down... My frustration is that I have a lack of an overview of used maritime boat equipment. Therefore, I spent some time wondering how it should be approached. I have created a web portal where I have worked on connecting users together. Users who all want to sell their used boat equipment, and users who want to buy used boat equipment. The idea is that the user (the sailor) can put the equipment up for sale that is just filling up the shelves and collecting dust. Other users can then search the website for exactly the equipment he/she is looking for. The buyer then contacts the seller themselves, and they then agree on the sale/transfer etc. When you have said buying and selling and marketplace, I also draw attention to Co2, recycling, pollution, recycling and much more. These are words we love to hear in today's world, and not least to do something about and improve. By recycling used maritime equipment, we reduce Co2 and contribute to a common future where equipment can be used more than once. Sellers can make money selling their used equipment and buyers can save a lot of money by buying used equipment.Min frustration er, at jeg, som sejler mangler et overblik over brugt maritimt bådudstyr. Derfor gik jeg en tid og spekulerede over hvordan det skulle gribes an. Jeg har lavet en webportal, hvor jeg har arbejdet med at koble brugere sammen. Brugere der alle ønsker at sælge deres brugte bådudstyr, og brugere der ønsker at købe brugt bådudstyr. Ideen er, at brugeren (sejleren) kan lægge det udstyr til salg, som blot ligger og fylder op på hylderne og samler støv. Andre brugere kan herefter søge på hjemmesiden efter lige præcis det udstyr han/ hun leder efter. Herefter kontakter køber selv sælger, og de aftaler herefter selv salg/ overdragelse mv. Når man har sagt køb og salg og markedsplads, så henviser jeg også opmærksomheden på Co2, genanvendelse, forurening, genbrug og meget mere. Dette er ord vi i den nuværende verden er vilde med at høre, og ikke mindst gøre noget ved og udbedre. Ved genbrug af brugt maritimt udstyr, mindsker vi Co2, og bidrager til en fælles fremtid hvor udstyr kan bruges mere end én gang. Sælgere kan tjene på at sælge deres brugte udstyr, og købere kan spare mange penge ved at købe brugt udstyr.


Today's beauty market is a jungle to navigate, exactly 70% of beauty consumers are overwhelmed by too many product choices and information. They waste time and money trying to find the right products for them. Compar offers revolutionary AI models for the Beauty industry utilized in the Compar App to scan your unique face and hair features, providing you with personalized and scientifically backed beauty advice. Discover the perfect products on the first try, save money, reduce plastic waste, and boost your confidence. With our AI Beauty Advisor right at your fingertips, you'll access a wealth of knowledge beyond what a traditional beautician can offer.  Our founder & CEO is Thea Emilie Larsen, a software engineer passionated about AI, algorithms, and Beauty.


We make it as easy as possible for you! Our own developed online health test analyzes your answers and gives you a personalized mix of vitamins and minerals. Zentabox is a subscription service and our customers receive their nutritional supplements every single month. At Zentabox, we are proud to be a 100% Danish-owned company, based in Køge and production in Stege on Møn. We were founded based on the idea and ambition to make it easy and simple to personalize your nutritional supplement. In addition, we would like to state that Zentabox works based on evidence-based science and the National Board of Health's recommendations. We do not want any waste of resources in our production, therefore our team always works hard to be able to offer as climate-conscious and sustainable a product as possible.


Pain: When you make an online purchase that needs to be sendt to you, all the infomation regarding the delivery is sendt to you via SMS and e-mail. Those two platforms are allready filled with other relevant information, making it very confusing to keep track of your delivery. It requires you to proactively search for your delivery data amongst all the other informations on thoses two platforms allready drowning in informationoverload. We want to remove all the confusion and make it easy and convenient to receive a delivery, and provide you with an automated updated overwiev of your deliveries. At the same time we want to give webshops acces to the last part of the customer journey, from after purchase to delivery. Today 89% of webshops hand over the communication with the customer to the delivery company, after the orderconfirmation have been sendt. By doing so they miss out on a big business oportunity and leave the last part of the customer journey in the hands of a third party. Webshops have a big interest in ovning the complete customer journey, because in ensuring the right customer experience and continuing the contact with the customer right after purchase, is good for business. This is something Retailer have known and done many years, to ensure customerloyalty. Now it is time for the webshops to do the same.


Most of us spend a large chunk of our lives on the Internet. Naturally, we think it should be a nice place. But constant ads, paywalls, consent popups, and tracking sometimes makes it feel more like a commercial battleground than a sanctuary of knowledge and productivity. We believe the Internet needs a viable alternative business model that puts the consumer first and offers a seamless experience while still providing content creators with reliable revenue.

Freemi (refounded)

What do you do when selling your stuff is not an option? Freemi is bridging the gap between unsellable and the landfill with an online marketplace for freecycling. We all need to consume smarter, share and care more about the things we buy and say goodbye to. With Freemi, this is now a convenient option. Green luck!

Lumant ApS

Lumant is a company which creates software for online course instructors as well as a marketplace for online courses. We make it easier for online course instructors to sell and market their courses by offering them a free platform to upload and publish their content. We take a small cut of 10% for each course sold. Through our marketing efforts we make it easy for our users to find and purchase the right online course.

We, at Luxreaders, are a young, international, small (but prosperous!) Danish company with our roots in Copenhagen, Denmark. Since 2018, we help people read! With reading glasses as the initial core product, Luxreaders was eventually founded with the ambition of creating a platform, that would transform the way people buy their reading glasses! ... Wait, what? Reading glasses? Yep, you read that correct ;-) And later on, the assortment has expanded to blue light glasses and sunglasses. So how and why do we sell glasses online? Our experience within the optical industry has revealed to us that the market is highly driven by purchasing reading glasses through gas stations, supermarkets and such. These businesses, to a large extent, focus on low prices, high margins and aren't interested in customization when it comes to consumers personal fit, style and quality. We want to change that! Our passion for minimalist, Scandinavian design is the key element expressed through our tailored eyewear. All our glasses are designed in Denmark, where we devote our work to unite new trends with traditional and classic designs. Luxreaders strives to create an experience that is effortless and hassle-free. No more queues, no more settling for cheap over-the-counter glasses that never last or fit well. Although our company is online, we still cherish the aspect of consumers having a personal shopping experience with us.


Roadsurfing er en dansk virksomhed, der sælger og udvikler Danmarks eneste elektriske skateboards. Lasse Fredholm skabte Roadsurfing i København i 2018 og vi er på fire år blevet det bedst sælgende el-skateboard brand baseret i Norden. Roadsurfing er en startup som køres af et lille dedikeret team og vores to nye investorer. Vi har førhen samarbejdet med store danske youtubere og er bl.a. kendt for vores kvalitet og super kundeservice.

Comunchi ApS

Comunchi er en online frokost markedsplads, der gør det muligt for virksomheder at få frokost fra lokale spisesteder de kender og elsker. Vores vision er at skabe en billigere, bedre og mere bæredygtig frokostordning, som alle kan være med på og samtidigt støtte lokale spisesteder. Den typiske frokostordning bliver udskiftet med 3 måneders mellemrum, grundet manglende variation og fleksibilitet. Samtidigt går der både penge og mad til spilde, på de dage medarbejdere er fraværende. Hos Comunchi har vi bygget en platform hvor virksomheder kan købe digitale frokostkuponer, som de kan videregive til deres medarbejdere. Medarbejdere har mulighed for at indløse disse kuponer gennem vores app ved lokale spisesteder og på den måde få lige præcist den frokost de ønsker sig. Virksomhederne undgår at betale for frokost de dage medarbejderene er fraværende og undgår samtidigt madspild.

Lidt Lakrids

Selvom navnet indbyder til det, så hverken laver eller sælger vi nogen form for lakrids. Vi udvikler websites og -shops, innovative softwareløsninger og alt derimellem. Med andre ord: vores lakrids-kode hjælper med at få dine drømme til at gå i opfyldelse. Ikke destomindre: welcome to the nerd zone 👋🏼 🔥 Nogle vil måske kalde os specialister i WordPress og kode-troldmænd (.. og -kvinder!). Det lader vi dem om at bestemme - vi vil bare gerne være kendt for kvalitetskode, innovative løsninger og gode mennesker. Vi er altid på jagt efter dygtige lakridser, som kan tænke ud af boksen.