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Showing: 467 filtered startups


Every year, advertisers around the globe pour billions of dollars worth of budget into ads that don't quite hit the mark. ‍ But it doesn't have to be this way. Neurons combines neuroscience and AI to take the guesswork
out of advertising, enabling marketers to make better creative decisions by accurately predicting customer behavior. Innovation at the Core: At Neurons, innovation is our driving force. From our CEO to every team member, we foster forward-thinking and leverage data and AI to revolutionize our industry. Join us in a dynamic environment where pushing boundaries is celebrated. Team Spirit and Cultural Foundation: Our 11-year legacy speaks volumes about our commitment to nurturing a workplace where camaraderie and shared values fuel success. Surround yourself with a team that elevates collaboration and individual growth. High-Performance Focus: We're results-driven, but what sets us apart is our holistic approach. Join a culture that balances ambition with empathy, where success is measured in relationships and impact. We're not just building products; we're fostering a revolution. Our diverse team of 70 talents from 30 nations celebrates individuality. Here, inclusivity isn't just a checkbox — it's our heartbeat. We celebrate individuality, welcoming everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, or any other identifier. If you're driven by growth, fueled by responsibility and guided by integrity, join us in redefining consumer neuroscience, where every voice and idea matter. In our vibrant and inclusive culture, innovation thrives. We believe that true progress stems from the freedom to be yourself, to express your ideas without fear, and to collaborate with colleagues who challenge and inspire you. At Neurons, the journey is as extraordinary as the destination. Come aboard and discover a career experience where innovation, camaraderie, and meaningful results intersect in ways you've never imagined.

Graduateland - a part of JobTeaser

Graduateland merged with JobTeaser in 2022 and we are now the largest and preferred career network across Europe when it comes to recruitment of university talent. With more than 750 university partners we are present across most of Europe and across our offices in Paris, Cologne, Brussels, and Copenhagen we are +350 highly ambitious colleagues. We are always looking for great folks - check out our opportunities here!


Vision: To raise the bar for humanity and have a positive impact on people’s daily life and the world. We dream about contributing with a big impact, to connect people, the world, and make it a better place. We believe in consuming responsible by giving back to the world to create a better future for humanity. We wish to make it easy for Corporates to have a positive impact on human’s daily lives both within their organization and globally world-wide. Goal before 2030: 1B deliveries and 1B donated meals to children and families. Tribe is a dual service delivery-platform and marketplace, with convenient subscriptions, matching quality suppliers with Corporates’ recurring delivery needs, while donating a meal to a child in need for every delivery made. With a dual marketplace and a flexible subscription, we make it easy for Corporates to discover and get their needs delivered recurringly by bridging the gap between Corporates and suppliers.

Nova Founders Capital

London-based venture capital firm and business incubator specialising in financial technology and other internet technologies related to financial services. Portfolio include leading aggregators of financial products in Europe, world's largest private equity community, leading business conference in the Nordics, best psychometric analysis company, leading leadership development company in the Nordics, and many more


Traede is a ERP solution to help you run your fashion & lifestyle brand We have everything you need to run and grow the business side of your brand in a single platform: B2B sales, B2C sales, inventory, purchasing, fulfilment CRM, reporting, and much more. This will make your day-to-day business activities simpler and less time consuming.


ShareWine is an open trading platform established to enable wine enthusiasts to trade with each other, giving people access to extraordinary wines that are normally not for sale. And to create a community where we can share experiences and knowledge within the wine universe. We see ourselves as wine enthusiasts and our vision is to create the best possible way for buyers and sellers to connect. Our backgrounds range from the software industry to wine connoisseurs and we strive to combine the two to create a unique and focused platform. We are doing this through a simple site and app, where it is both easy and cost-efficient to trade wine. In our work, we are rapidly expanding our platform with new functionality to support us in reaching our high goals. Applying the best solutions in everything from tech and design to payment methods, integrations to social media, and more. We want to combine the best part of classic auction houses with modern technologies. Beyond being a platform for sharing wine, we also want to build a community. Where people can come together for great experiences around wine, ranging from tastings, lectures, valuations, and exquisite dining where wine and food are perfectly matched.

Brand by Hand ApS

Brand by Hand udspringer fra Aarhus og bygger på et solidt fundament inden for IT-ekspertise. Vores dedikerede team, med uddannelser inden for Tech, software og webudvikling, har skabt en virksomhed fyldt med specialister med omfattende viden og mange års professionel erfaring. Fra begyndelsen har vores mål været at levere løsninger, der giver virksomheder muligheden for at være digitalt unikke. Vi er stolte af at have modtaget flere gazellepriser, en anerkendelse af vores vedvarende vækst og dedikation til kvalitet og udvikling. Priserne er for os, en klar indikator for vores drivkraft og passion for at levere fremragende løsninger og skabe varige kundeoplevelser der gør en forskel. Vi forfølger altid forbedring og vækst, og tager aldrig tilfredshed for givet. Vi har en dyb forståelse for vores fag, og vores kunder modtager altid en oplevelse, der er skræddersyet til deres behov. Vi holder os altid opdaterede med den nyeste viden, og arbejder hårdt for at være på forkant med de seneste udviklinger. For os er det, hvad digitalisering handler om. Det er, hvad vi brænder for. Og det er, hvad vi fortsat vil forfølge med passion og vedholdenhed.


Twentyfour is a Copenhagen-based digital agency that prides itself on delivering advanced web development solutions. Our team of experts has created exceptional projects for renowned companies such as L'oreal, The Danish Parliament (Folketinget), Glyptoteket, UN, Unity, and various other companies and institutions. At Twentyfour, we believe that our greatest asset is our team. We hire people from diverse backgrounds and with unique skill sets, creating a dynamic and collaborative work environment. Our agency is comprised of around 30 skilled employees, all of whom are dedicated to delivering exceptional results for our clients. We approach every project with creativity, innovation, and attention to detail. Our mission is to help businesses and institutions realize their digital potential, and we achieve this by developing customized solutions that are tailored to meet the unique needs of each of our clients. If you're looking for a position at a digital agency that's committed to delivering exceptional results and has a proven track record of success, look no further than Twentyfour.


We are a global affiliate platform that connects content creators and companies. Our goal is to help content creators all over the world to live by their passion for content creation and help large companies profitably acquire new customers. We work in both the USA and all of the EU, and our vision is to build the world's best platform for content creators to find jobs and handle all their finances.


Elou er et dansk brand og onlineshop med en mission om at ændre og gentænke nutidens måde at lave hår- og hudpleje på. Vi ønsker at skabe rene og effektive plejeprodukter med det lavest mulige aftryk. Det gør vi ved at udelade vand og skippe plastemballagen uden at gå på kompromis med kvaliteten. Hos Elou holder vi af en god stemning på arbejdspladsen, en uformel omgangstone, god musik, et højt tempo samt fleksibilitet og frihed.

Digital Partners

Digital Partners er et digitalt hus med kompetencer inden for strategi, udvikling, indhold og eksekvering. Som trusted partner gør vi os hver dag umage for at vise, hvordan effektive digitale løsninger, et solidt kendskab til digital markedsføring og stærke kreative kræfter giver virksomheder et forspring, når de skal nå deres kunder.


Klint is a GROWTH agency. We're aimed at bringing the technical, tools, creative, reporting and next-level marketing techniques to any business. We differ from other agencies because our background is all about scaling. We've worked with bootstrapped startups and large companies alike to bring value. We prioritize what you need and vertically integrate user flows, customer journey, and tools that allow us to measure traffic, conversions, and new deals from the start.


THE UPCYCL connects your industrial waste streams with your neighbors supply chain. We make it possible to reduce our amounts of industrial waste, by turning waste material streams into business opportunities. Our material database displays leftover materials from production, giving developers easy access to reusable materials, also called "New Waste". Hereby, achieving a significantly lower CO₂ footprint than with virgin materials. When circulating New Waste materials with the THE UPCYCL, we also offer to monitor CO₂ savings. We work to accelerate the use of circular materials, worldwide. Because Waste is Everyone's Business!

Watery ApS

Mit navn er Daniel og jeg startede som 17-årig i Oktober 2016 med målet om at lave Danmarks største online svømmeshop efter selv at have svømmet på eliteplan gennem mange år. Her 4 år senere er det mål opnået for længst og med et #teamWatery på +25 motiverede og unge medarbejdere arbejder vi nu efter at gøre Watery til et internationalt svømmebrand, der vender op og ned for industruen. Med en omsætning på +25 mio. i 2020 og knap 80.000 ordrer forventer vi at runde 100 mio. indenfor 2 år. Undervejs har vi vundet priser som "Årets ener" til e-handelsprisen samt "årets iværksætter" i Horsens samt været nomineret til adskillige andre.


Webbler er et 100% digitalt og datadrevet midtjysk marketing bureau, der stræber efter at være et modstykke til pseudoarbejde og overdrevne priser. Vi gør en ære i at kunne byde vores kunder en 360-graders oplevelse af deres digitale marketingstrategi, og har i huset kompetencer indenfor digital marketing og webudvikling, som vi i fællesskab bruger til at løfte vores kunder til nye højder. Du finder os på Klamsagervej 35, 8230 Åbyhøj tæt på Århus i nybyggede lokaler, hvor vi værner om en god, produktiv og rar atmosfære. Vi er i dag +16 digitale ildsjæle på kontoret, som du kommer til at arbejde tæt sammen med, og får mulighed for faglig sparring.