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Showing: 467 filtered startups

Nordic Topothea

Nordic Topothea is operating from Copenhagen Denmark We are trying to impliment a new eCommerce portal with instant delivery system. The eCommerce platform and delivery system will be two independent platforms. eCommerce platform is done and operational, but not implimented. The Delivery System needs to be developed from the scratch. I need people who can help me get throught the system. The whole portal is meant to be working on Mobile Apps.

Mad Goat

It’s pretty simple. We supply specialty coffee, no nonsense. Globally sourced, Copenhagen curated 🇩🇰 Always straight from the roastery. And tasty. 👌 We pick our beans carefully. The roasteries we work with are passionate about their work and produce the stuff you won’t find in your corner shop. Real quality coffee made by real people, with character, emotion and story behind it. The strict traditionalists, the independent spirits and the high-tech innovators all fit on our shelves but in the end, it’s all about the taste. Getting your coffee should be a smooth and satisfying experience and that’s what Mad Goat is about. If you wanna talk coffee, reach out. We’re always up for a chat. 💬


STRØMWORKS is based on the notion that digital success is found in the synergy of design, strategy, and innovation. We’re a digital transformation agency, consulting and executing digital excellence strategies that enhance the consumer path for our clients – from e-commerce experiences to tradeshow apps and public health information. Since 2015, we’ve helped clients of all sizes realize the potential of digital transformation with an integrated approach to service design, product strategy and digital innovation. Apart from client work we create and build our own products, such as TrueTwins - a blockchain based platform for sustainability, authenticity, and transparency, Ree, a fashion resale platform or Bridge, a full circle solution for tradeshows.


KYNETIC så dagens lys i 2018 på baggrund af 15 års erfaring fra arbejdet med data-drevet performance marketing i ind- og -udland for mere end 200 af demest succesfulde brands og virksomheder her i Norden. KYNETIC er visionen om at slå en streg i sandet og skabe det absolut førende performance marketing bureau i Europa og accelerere brugen af AI i digital markeitng sammenhæng. 1) Fordi det performer bedre og 2) Fordi det skaber mindre støj og højere relevans En vision der krævede en ny begyndelse. Vi stilede os spørgsmålet; Hvilket bureau ville vi selv købe ind i fremtiden? Samtidig var AI-bølgen var på vej til at transformere marketing for altid, men intet bureau havde kompetencerne til at udnytte teknologierne til fulde. Vi satte os for at oparbejde branchens dybeste indsigt i AI, algoritmer, data og automatiseinrg kombineret med vores eksisterende markedsledende digital marketing håndværk. Det betyder at KYNETIC er bygget til at sætte standarden for digital markedsføring og skabe bedre resultater end traditionel online markedsføring. Læs mere om baggrunden for vores AI-tilgang i vores manifest her I dag, blot 2,5 år efter vores fødsel, er KYNETIC blandt de hurtigste voksende bureauer i Norden og er blevet nomineret til hele 7 effektpriser for de skabte resultater. KYNETIC i tal I slutningen af 2018 slog KYNETIC dørene op og på baggrund af vores vækst, vores resultater og vores faglighed, tør vi godt kaldes os Nordens førende performance-marketing bureau: - Kontorer i København og Aarhus - +300 projekter og kunder i +20 markeder - Landets højest ratede Facebook Ads Bureau - Vinder af Nordic Search Awards 2020 for bedste resultater med SEO/SEM i Danmark - Nomineret til 7 effektpriser heraf 5-ehandelspriser og Rambukken - Vi håndtererer +1 mia kroner i adspends, marketingbudgetter og kunde-indtjening - Et af Nordens hurtigst vækstende bureauer - Eneste bureau af vores slags og føreste bureau der specialiserede sig dybt i AI i marketing-sammenhæng - Vores værdier er: Kvalitet, Vækst, Transparens, Fortrolighed, Ydmyghed og Ærgerrighed.

Nordhavn Manufactory ApS | Nordhavn eddikebryggeri

Nordhavn Manufactory aims to become an innovative fermenting food hub entwined with the philosophy of the New Nordic movement, and with a central goal of putting true circularity into action. Nordhavn Manufactory products will be a true exercise in taste, organic produce, localism and resourcefulness.

Your Local Flower

Your Local Flower was founded in 2020 in the belief that the future of flower shopping is both local and digital. Our mission is to provide independent florists with an online 'venue' and the opportunity to display their unique and creative flower decorations. From the talented individual florist who wants to strengthen his or her business to the enterprising florist who wants to reach a wider audience. What is Your Local Flower? Your Local Flower is an online marketplace and e-commerce solution, that allows florists to sell flowers and bouquets online directly to consumers around the world through their own online stores and a shared marketplace. On Your Local Flower, consumers can find and send unique bouquets bound by local creative florists across the country. Whether customers are looking for a large bouquet of long-stemmed red roses, or a unique, creative design, Your Local Flower gives consumers the opportunity to find and send the perfect decoration. For store owners, we have transparent terms and fair prices. Our platform provides powerful sales, marketing, and analysis tools that help store owners simplifying their online channels and focus on what they love, designing beautiful decorations of high quality. We have already connected more than 50+ local florists with consumers from all over the world. Right from Scarlett in London, who bought a bouquet for her friend in Denmark, to Jens, who bought a bouquet for his mother in Bjerringbro. It is a great pleasure to help inspire local trade throughout Denmark and beyond the country's borders. Why Your Local Flower? The online trade of flowers is characterized by a monopoly-like market. With a few large players and many smaller ones. It's incredibly hard to breakthrough in the market for small individual florists, who cannot compete, with the massive marketing budgets of the large players. Therefore, many physical flower shops miss out on the opportunity to go online and reach out to a larger market, as it is often expensive, cumbersome, and resource-intensive when they already have a physical store to take care of. Your local flower enables independent flower shops to start their online sales in a fast, easy, and cost-effective way that allows them to expand their market significantly. At Your Local Flower, you can set up your own store in less than 5 minutes. Sell online directly to your customers through your own unique link, or through our marketplace. It's free to get started. We believe that good floral design and beautiful decorations are created by florists, who know their customers personally and who have passionate employees with a true understanding of what good customer service and good craftsmanship are. We're helping them give customers that experience online.

Sisi Copenhagen

Sisi Copenhagen is Danish online direct-to-consumer jewelry brand. While most other jewelry brands rely on a mix of physical stores, retailers and e-commerce, Sisi Copenhagen is a pure e-commerce brand, without any retailers or middlemen. While quality jewelry is often expensive for the consumer, due to the cost associated with middelmen in the supply chain and/or high overhead cost for physical stores, Sisi Copenhagen has created a streamlined and efficient operation, benefitting the customers with high quality jewelry at more affordable price than most of the competitors can offer.


Founded in 2016, NinjaThinking develops and nurtures game-changing ideas, taking them from idea to proof of concept before "releasing them into the wild". We have a specific project seeking funding for marketing & advertising purposes. We have the backbone and development team in place (and the funding for this), however, our need is funding and expertise in marketing specifically to help get the word out, whilst avoiding the traditional pitfalls and errors that plague start-ups.


Kiddo er en værdibaseret start-up og digital platform der formidler oplevelsesgaver til børn og unge. Visionen for Kiddo er, at vi skal give vores børn og unge flere oplevelser og færre ting. Oplevelser som glæder og udvikler børn, unge og deres relationer. Oplevelser som gavner miljøet og lokale oplevelsesvirksomheder relativt til fysiske gaveprodukter. Kiddo gik live for mindre end et år siden med webshop, social media og annoncering. Vi har mere end 35 oplevelser herunder samarbejder som Det Kgl Teater og Copenhill og flere i pipeline. Kiddo oplever til trods for covid19 restriktioner og nystartet virksomhed stor vækst. Vi tror på oplevelsesgaver i fremtiden især pga. en øget miljøbevidsthed blandt forbrugerne men også stor udvikling og vækst i oplevelsesøkonomien generelt.

Godafsked ApS

Godafsked ApS is developing software services to help customers solve their needs when a relative die. Godafsked ApS deliver a one-stop shopping within funeral services, and we are one of the biggest in the category here in Denmark. We, at Godafsked will be the biggest platform in the world, we work day and night to succeed. This field is a very serious matter, when a relative die. This business is huge in revenue and in gratitude from all the customers, so look into the possibilities in a category you never thought you should involve yourself in.


WineJump ( is a new direct-to-consumer marketplace launched in March 2020 across Europe. WineJump changes the way you buy quality wine and changes how much you pay for it, too. It's great wines from the cellar door to front door - without the middlemen and their high costs and margins. As the first of its kind marketplace for wine lovers and winemakers WineJump provides Access, Value, Convenience and Community. It's the future of great wine and it's wine buying as it should have always been. We build WineJump for the love of quality wine and to liberate a broken wine trade system. We are currently a team of 8 driven people, from 7 countries, speaking 8 languages, united in our vision to cause major industry disruption by developing and delivering the best place in the world to sell and buy quality wine.


PowerPersons is a new platform offering house and garden services provided by professional and top rated service providers. PowerPersons is a sister brand to ‘Dansk Hus & Have Service’ which is already a successful company in the house and garden service industry. ‘Dansk Hus & Have Service’ professional approach to deliver services to their customers all over Denmark have already made them a very popular provider of house and garden services in Denmark. However, handling smaller and more autonomous request can be very time consuming - especially in the cases where there's a lot of information, pricing and questions between the customer and one of the 700 independent service-providers. This is where PowerPersons comes to the rescue with our upcoming multiplatform application, particularly suitable for smaller house and garden services which will make sure all questions are handled automatically in the booking process to give the customers a smooth, convenient booking process with no unpleasant surprises and unexpected charges. The platform is going to make it even more convenient for customers to search, calculate prices and book home and garden services online with no hassle! We are planning to launch the PowerPersons platform in Denmark this year and we expect to be rapidly expanding to other Scandinavian countries and specific German cities next year.


Electric scooters are here to stay. For Youride our mission is simple. Make the best electric scooters accessible for all, not rent - but buying. We partnered up with Segway and offer the best and street legal electric scooters in the world, for a small amount per month. No interests. No fees. We even provide free shipping door to door, or let you pick it up yourself - fully charged for your first ride of course.


Weddii is a market aggregator platform simplifying wedding planning for couples and is a marketing channel for vendors. We are a strong team of passionate marketing specialists, entrepreneurs, web developers, and wedding experts. We have different motivations for joining the company, but we all agree that wedding planning should be fun, and that vendors should have a better chance of selling their wedding services.


We have built the 'next level' marketplace for new and used items. A platform with similar concepts from DBA, Gul & Gratis etc. but with unique features that the users of 2020 would love. Several earning sources like video ads, plus membership, one-time buy etc.   A list of some features: • Place a bid & accept bid. Attach message or set timer for your bid • First organised app in Denmark with ability to add video of what you are selling • Shame bid feature that blocks very low bids (we know the feeling) • Integrated bot that eases the steps to sell something • User friendly user interface that have been tested many times and we still improve it every day Generally speaking are we 'crazy' entrepreneurs with high sense of quality and efficiency. We are four young people with a vision to make a great impact on the growing markets for e-commerce. Our CEO, Precila, is a full blood entrepreneur with good experience from past startups and law student at SDU.🧐 Our CTO, Mahmoud, have a comprehensive technical and commercial background as a former CEO for a Danish app agency in 2 years. 🤓He also studies Product Development and Innovation at SDU where we also have great facilities at Cortex Lab, Startup Station. Asbjørn is the passionate marketing and research enthusiast and he has a catching enthusiasm, literally. 🤩Jacob is an experienced UX/UI designer. He is always updated on the latest design trends. He also has a part time job as Visual Editor at TV2 🙅‍♂️ We believe that we can change the way people think of the traditional marketplaces. We dare to dream and are willing and able to execute. If you wanna join don't hesitate to drop a line or two 🙌