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ToGoTryk is a start-up within the packaging market. We sell to go packaging with individual print for our customers, ranging from small cafes to large private companies. We develop a platform that makes it easy for everyone to buy to go packaging with individual print. To make the platform a succes we need to be the best of online marketing, why we also are trying to be the best within the field.We are based in Copenhagen, where we are apart of an accelerator programme for ambitious start-ups. We are three young entrepreneurs, with ambitious goals to change the slow industry of promotional packaging in Denmark. We do this by sourcing the best manufacturers in the industry, manufacturers who in collaboration with us offer smaller quantities, better prices and faster delivery time than the current companies in the sector. Our daily tasks, whether it is cold calling, social selling or improving our website, are strategically delegated to the respective person who will execute to the very best of his abilities. We believe in a supporting, positive attitude while pushing each other to become a little better every day. We all three partners students on the side, so our working hours vary from day to day. We have daily meetings to ensure congruency and consensus.At ToGoTryk we care for a healthy social setting, and do not shy away from a fun activity, such as grabbing a bear on a great friday afternoon, exercising together or go out to experience a cozy late night board game.

Take Offer

Take Offer is Denmark's large online travel club with over 400.000 thousands members and still growing! Every year we send thousand of people on vacations and get-aways. Our main target is to make it easy and simple for you to travel with good substantial discounts. Take Offer ensures that you on a regular basis get exciting deals directly to your mailbox. We hope these emails and our website will work as an inspiration, that will ensure a travel experience, that you will never forget. All offered destinations on our website must be places that we would travel to ourselves. The team behind Take Offer consists of employees who are all passionate about travelling and want to inspire others to go on small or large breakaways from everyday life.

IT Developers

We believe in providing exceptional value to clients through our focus on delivering innovative solutions and technical expertise. Our experienced team of developers bring a wealth of knowledge and skills, enabling us to tackle even the most complex projects with confidence. Our aim is to bridge the gap between technical expertise and innovative thinking, delivering software that exceeds our clients' expectations. Our expertise in cloud technologies and private servers, coupled with our cost-effective approach to handling heavy loads, plus our teams having expertise in different programming languages like Python, JavaScript, .NET, Java, Node, PHP, etc, make us a dependable choice for organizations seeking scalable IT solutions. We also make use of several frameworks, tailored for each job to be able to deliver high quality and maintenable solutions, we do believe in high quality deliverables using the right tools that saves both time and money to our clients. Our full-cycle IT development services include idea or project development and implementation, server deployment and hosting, and product design, ensuring that we provide comprehensive solutions our clients. Our flexible approach, including fixed contract work, pay-by-the-hour development, and remote teams establishment, allows us to tailor our services to meet the specific needs of each client. At IT Developers, our goal is to deliver maximum value to our clients through exceptional service. Based in Copenhagen and with years of experience serving the IT needs of companies and private customers in Denmark since 2016, we are a reliable and trusted partner for your next project. Choose IT Developers for your next software development or IT consulting project and experience the benefits of working with a technically sound and value-driven IT solution provider.

Happy Helper er en dynamisk og innovativ online platform, der siden 2015 har revolutioneret måden, hvorpå danskerne får rengøringshjælp i hjemmet. Vi forbinder personer, der søger rengøringshjælp, med selvstændige rengøringsassistenter, kendt som "helpers." Med næsten 400.000 rengøringer gennemført for næsten 40.000 kunder, er vi stolte af vores stærke tilstedeværelse på markedet. I april 2024 blev HappyHelper en del af Handyhand, hvilket har skabt et spændende samarbejde mellem to førende virksomheder inden for rengøringstjenester. Sammen arbejder vi nu på at levere endnu bedre service og innovative løsninger til vores kunder og helpers. Hvorfor HappyHelper? Hos HappyHelper tror vi på at skabe en arbejdsplads, der er både inspirerende og støttende. Vores kontor er designet til at være et åbent og kreativt miljø, hvor innovation og teamwork er i centrum. Her er nogle af de ting, der gør HappyHelper til en fantastisk arbejdsplads: Åben Kontorstruktur: Vores kontor er indrettet med åbne rum, der fremmer samarbejde og kommunikation. Vi tror på, at de bedste ideer opstår, når vi arbejder sammen. Fleksibilitet og Frihed: Vi tilbyder fleksible arbejdstider og muligheden for at arbejde hjemmefra, så du kan finde den rette balance mellem arbejde og fritid. Personlig og Professionel Udvikling: Vi investerer i vores medarbejderes vækst gennem kontinuerlig træning og udviklingsmuligheder. Vi ønsker, at du skal vokse sammen med os. Sociale Aktiviteter: Vi arrangerer regelmæssige sociale arrangementer, herunder fredagsbar, team building-aktiviteter og fælles frokoster, der styrker vores fællesskab og gør arbejdet sjovere. Mission-Drevet Arbejde: Hos HappyHelper arbejder vi med et klart formål: at gøre hverdagen lettere for vores kunder og skabe fleksible jobmuligheder for vores helpers. Din indsats vil have en direkte, positiv indvirkning på mange menneskers liv. Bliv en Del af Vores Team Vi søger altid talentfulde og passionerede mennesker, der vil være med til at forme fremtiden for rengøringstjenester i Danmark. Hvis du er interesseret i at arbejde i en virksomhed, hvor din stemme bliver hørt, og hvor du kan gøre en forskel, så er HappyHelper stedet for dig. Kom og vær med til at skabe en renere, mere organiseret og inspirerende fremtid sammen med os!


We are a small, DK Jylland-based, SaaS Marketplace startup on a mission! What's the mission? - Transform personal development to be as fundamental as developing one's physique and professional knowledge. 🧠♻️ The solution is a sophisticated platform that clarifies the overwhelming landscape of personal development and unprotected titles. A web-based market platform, where people who seek personal development can easily navigate and make an informed decision about which provider (e.g. coach, mentor, mental trainer) matches their needs. You might think, what is the benefit for your providers? - Besides being nicely presented to customers, our platform is tailored to strengthen their individual brand identity. We offer a one-stop sales platform that covers all their practical necessities, such as booking and billing. This allows providers to focus on what they do best. Culture MentMatch has a purpose-driven culture where we consciously follow our company’s mission to improve mental development and health. We are motivated as a team to scale our business while we equally prioritise work-life balance. Our workhours are both dedicated and flexible. We are still a very early start-up within the pre-seed phase. We adapt and scale our businesses week-by-week, and have a very agile approach towards succeeding in our problem space.

Rezet Sneaker Store

About Rezet Sneaker Store In the heart of downtown Copenhagen Rezet Sneaker Store sprouted from between the cobblestones, soon to become an influential player within the vibrant sneaker scene attracting sneakerheads from all over. Since 2011 Rezet has evolved into an established multi-brand destination for carefully curated footwear, apparel, accessories and lifestyle products spanning from niche labels to well-known actors in the game. We’d like to think of ourselves as a creative movement at the intersection of fashion and culture, producing visual experiences and engaging stories while cultivating a dedicated and ever-growing community.

Bottle Hero

Bottle Hero is an online marketplace for premium wine, craft beers and spirits. We have a strong desire to support local shops as much as possible. This means that every time a customer orders wine or beer from our platform, the order goes directly to one of our local partners. Our product range is put together by all our partners, who are some of Denmark's leading experts and enthusiasts in wine, craft beer and spirits. Bottle Hero was started to spread the word about quality wine, beer and spirits while harnessing and enjoying all the beverages that have already been produced, bottled and therefore already left their mark on our world at the production stage.

rc360 ApS

RC360 is the consulting company of tomorrow. We are not the consultants who create fancy PowerPoint presentations with pointless graphs and unactionable corporate language. We operate in a realm where we can actually make a difference. We assist companies in their growth through tangible actions and with experts in every realm of operations.


Rentspace is a Danish online platform that helps event organizers to find the perfect event space for their needs. We connect hosts – private and corporate - with event spaces across Denmark and make it easy to book the right space in just a few clicks. The platform offers a wide selection of venues to choose from, including party venues, conference rooms, conference centers and other event spaces. Rentspace is perfect for all kinds of events, from small gatherings to large-scale business events. Our mission is to make renting an event space easier than ever before. We strive to provide a secure and intuitive platform where customers can browse our extensive selection of spaces and find the one that suits their needs perfectly. Rentspace is a convenient and user-friendly platform for anyone looking to book an event space. Our team of experienced eventplaners are always on hand to provide advice and assistance, ensuring that every booking going as planned.

Sellintu ApS

Sellintu ApS is a Danish startup from Copenhagen in Denmark, established in 2023. The idea behind Sellintu, is to help physical product brands and companies to sell intelligently into marketplaces. By marketplaces, we mean programs require "approval" to get into, that a retail store run for third party suppliers, that allow to list their products on their store, to dropship to their customers. This is in contrast to "open to all" marketplaces like Amazon and Ebay, where there is little to no approval process to go through. We focus on three areas in this journey: 1: Matching brand to partner channel, by using inhouse data anytics to guide the process. 2: Onboarding with partner channel, by doing it on our clients behalf, or develop tools to increase the onboarding time. 3. Sell more and earn more with partners, by automating processes relating to daily operations, such as fulfilment of orders. Why do we do this? Because we went through the steps above, and encountered numeruous processes that we thought could be optimized with the right tools, to 10x the experience selling through these channels. With the main tools in hand, we want to offer them to other companies who already suffer, or are about to suffer what we went though.

Content Ad Libitum

Content Ad Libitum er en online platform, som hjælper danske virksomheder med at få produceret content til sine sociale medier. Content spiller en afgørende rolle, hvis brands ønsker at vækste igennem sociale medier som Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest og Snapchat. Content produktionen er for mange en stor mundfuld, da der kræves hyppig udskiftning af billede- og videomateriale, for at være interessant for målgruppen. Hos Content Ad Libitum har vi systematiseret content produktionen, og tilbyder derfor, at virksomheder kan få produceret ALT det content, som de har behov for - til en fast månedlig ydelse. Virksomheden blev etableret i dec. 2022, består af 7 fuldtidsansatte og har produceret content for +60 brands. Vi er på en mission om at disrupte en hel industri med en konkurrencedygtig pris, lynhurtig leveringstid og enorm indsigt i trends.

Bevco blev etableret i 2012 med en vision om at samle de traditionelle drikkevarehandlere i form af cash & carry, vinforretninger, øl- og vandleverandører, drikkevaregrossister og supermarkeder i én total løsning, online til både privat og erhverv. Med dette har vi skabt en totalleverandør af drikkevarer med et bredt sortiment til konkurrencedygtige priser, uafhængigt om du skal bruge 2 flasker vin eller et vognlæs. Vores forretningsmodel og online system giver altid kunden den bedste pris ud fra volumen og leveringsforhold.


Traditionelle medier vs TradeHubs mediekanal - The problem TradeHub solve. Successful B2C Marketing Strategy Connecting companies with customers in a personal and intelligent way Culture driven business We break barriers within the traditional sales models Customer's buying preferences have changed Standing out from competition Great potential and opportunities. Use of Facebooks uniqueness as communication platform Allows organizations to add real-time communications capabiliities such as voice, livestream, video, fairs and messaging to their marketing strategy Fast and much easier axcess to key customers Costeffective and value-creating B2C Use of predefined customer Facebookgroups Online communication through use of mobile, pc, tablet Customers accessible 24/7 365 days a year No middleman (Bureau) hence cheaper B2C ESG friendly B2C as everything is online - The solution TradeHub solve Successful B2C Marketing Strategy Predefinded customers towards companies Using @everyone in a message and all members are notified No prior concept like TradeHub New market for online business (B2C) A higly scalable mediachannel Very low operating cost Cost effective borderless B2C. Raising brand awareness Increasing customar engagement Getting more valuable leads Driving more sales Boosting customar retention, loyalty and lifetime value Game-Changing PR strategies for companies of all sizes Facebook-groups serve as a critical source of highly valuable information to companies in regards to feedback between members Digital Marketing Strategies that TradeHub can provide. Increase brand exposure and authority by engaging users Understanding your target audience Save both time and money Create fresh leads and potential customers Tracks performance Increase the potential of ROI Staying ahead of your rivals Attract the ideal clients, identify their wants and needs Satisfy their desires with targeted solutions Share the right content with the targeted audience - TradeHubs Team - TradeHubs Advisory Board Website: - The traction users, customers in TradeHub + 80 Facebook-network groups Total memberbase in network + 1.6 million +750.000 daily visits in network +20 million visits on monthly basis +240 million visits on a yearly basis


Navipair is a pioneer in the digitalization of boat ownership. We have launched a global peer-to-peer networking app that transforms the traditional approach to boat ownership. Our platform makes it easier and more manageable to own a boat by digitizing the entire ownership, including repair and maintenance. At the heart of our service is the robust peer-to-peer network that connects boat owners with a diverse range of help – from experienced amateurs to professional craftsmen. This approach creates unprecedented transparency in the boating industry, where boat owners can easily find reliable and qualified help for their needs. With Navipair, a boat owner can quickly and efficiently: 1. Find and compare the help of both professional and skilled amateurs. 2. Receive multiple quotes for maintenance and repair tasks. 3. Make money by offering your own skills to others in the network. 4. Share and coordinate tasks directly through the app, making communication and planning easier. 5. Document all maintenance work, increasing the boat's resale value By gathering data from a diversity of users and tasks, we can offer a tailored experience that creates value for boat owners. This data collection is the foundation of our business model, which includes a freemium model, direct product sales and revenue from partnerships.


Priceshape is a leading price monitoring software that collects data from millions of e-commerce stores, Amazon as well as price comparison websites like e.g. PriceRunner etc. With PriceShape, our customers save time on manual work by taking control over their prices and increase their revenue. We aim to help our customers grow their businesses by giving them competitive prices that automatically change based on their own defined pricing rules and strategies.