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Squire is a service marketplace that facilitates the connection between freelancers providing their services and customers in need of service help. If you want to work on Squire, you can experience true freedom and flexibility as you can choose when you work, what services you provide, and how much you charge. For customers looking for service help, Squire offers a variety of categories to choose from. Here they can find freelancers and businesses ready to offer their services. We have experienced that many people around us have lost their jobs. We want to build a solution to this, providing people who have lost their income a means to earn a living. Efficient access to services is something we believe the danish economy lacks, by facilitating new demand and supply for service jobs, we hope to stimulate the economy by creating a platform that encourages spending and income generation opportunities during a time of suppressed economic growth.

We help window cleaners find local clients in their neighborhood and surrounded areas. Within a relative short timeframe we have established a website with high traffic and demand for window cleaners. We work with a no cure no pay modal, and do not require upfront payments like most other similar services.


Symblepay is one of the most exiting fintechs in the Danish market. We have developed a brand new escrow payment technology (with integrated shipment) that makes it super safe to trade between peers/consumers. In other words, we are setting free secondhand deals and the circular economy by facilitating trust between people. Working closely with Tryg and MobilePay, our payment solution is available both as a stand-alone app and as a solution that can be integrated on online marketplaces. Oh – and because we are agile and creative, we are actually also launching a marketplace in January called Sneakerbø 😊

Plutonic Media

Plutonic Media er et online marketingbureau med digital performance i centrum. På vores adresse i København sidder 25 specialiserede nørder og feinschmeckere indenfor hvert sit felt. Talenterne spænder bredt på hele marketingspaletten indenfor bl.a. SEO, Google annoncering, Social Ads (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Pinterest), Marketing Automation samt foto- og videoproduktion. Vi tror på at gå i dybden frem for bredden, og derfor fokuserer hver af vores eksperter på netop dét, de er stærke i. Vi arbejder i krydsfeltet mellem erfaring, data og kreativitet og hjælper små og mellemstore virksomheder til flere læsere, klik – og i sidste ende også kunder. Vi leverer online marketing, der kan mærkes på bundlinjen. Vi bestræber os på at skabe de bedste rammer for vores medarbejdere, da arbejde fylder meget i hverdagen. Derfor har vi i høj grad fokus på personlig og faglig udvikling, behagelige omgivelser og ikke mindst et stærkt fællesskab. Vores stærke sociale værdier afspejles i de mange festlige, sjove og spændende arrangementer vi afholder i virksomheden.

Take Offer

Take Offer is Denmark's large online travel club with over 400.000 thousands members and still growing! Every year we send thousand of people on vacations and get-aways. Our main target is to make it easy and simple for you to travel with good substantial discounts. Take Offer ensures that you on a regular basis get exciting deals directly to your mailbox. We hope these emails and our website will work as an inspiration, that will ensure a travel experience, that you will never forget. All offered destinations on our website must be places that we would travel to ourselves. The team behind Take Offer consists of employees who are all passionate about travelling and want to inspire others to go on small or large breakaways from everyday life.

Happy Helper er en dynamisk og innovativ online platform, der siden 2015 har revolutioneret måden, hvorpå danskerne får rengøringshjælp i hjemmet. Vi forbinder personer, der søger rengøringshjælp, med selvstændige rengøringsassistenter, kendt som "helpers." Med næsten 400.000 rengøringer gennemført for næsten 40.000 kunder, er vi stolte af vores stærke tilstedeværelse på markedet. I april 2024 blev HappyHelper en del af Handyhand, hvilket har skabt et spændende samarbejde mellem to førende virksomheder inden for rengøringstjenester. Sammen arbejder vi nu på at levere endnu bedre service og innovative løsninger til vores kunder og helpers. Hvorfor HappyHelper? Hos HappyHelper tror vi på at skabe en arbejdsplads, der er både inspirerende og støttende. Vores kontor er designet til at være et åbent og kreativt miljø, hvor innovation og teamwork er i centrum. Her er nogle af de ting, der gør HappyHelper til en fantastisk arbejdsplads: Åben Kontorstruktur: Vores kontor er indrettet med åbne rum, der fremmer samarbejde og kommunikation. Vi tror på, at de bedste ideer opstår, når vi arbejder sammen. Fleksibilitet og Frihed: Vi tilbyder fleksible arbejdstider og muligheden for at arbejde hjemmefra, så du kan finde den rette balance mellem arbejde og fritid. Personlig og Professionel Udvikling: Vi investerer i vores medarbejderes vækst gennem kontinuerlig træning og udviklingsmuligheder. Vi ønsker, at du skal vokse sammen med os. Sociale Aktiviteter: Vi arrangerer regelmæssige sociale arrangementer, herunder fredagsbar, team building-aktiviteter og fælles frokoster, der styrker vores fællesskab og gør arbejdet sjovere. Mission-Drevet Arbejde: Hos HappyHelper arbejder vi med et klart formål: at gøre hverdagen lettere for vores kunder og skabe fleksible jobmuligheder for vores helpers. Din indsats vil have en direkte, positiv indvirkning på mange menneskers liv. Bliv en Del af Vores Team Vi søger altid talentfulde og passionerede mennesker, der vil være med til at forme fremtiden for rengøringstjenester i Danmark. Hvis du er interesseret i at arbejde i en virksomhed, hvor din stemme bliver hørt, og hvor du kan gøre en forskel, så er HappyHelper stedet for dig. Kom og vær med til at skabe en renere, mere organiseret og inspirerende fremtid sammen med os!

Nordic Charge

At Nordic Charge, we specialize in providing comprehensive E-Mobility solutions tailored to the needs of professionals in their own field. Our mission is to facilitate the transition to a net-neutral infrastructure for enterprises, energy companies, and other organizations seeking to enter the rapidly evolving E-Mobility market with digital solutions. We, as a digital company, are dedicated to automating the sales and service journey of E-Mobility providers, reducing manual efforts, and levitating the service experience for our customers through a self-service partner portal.


"Igmu" is a specialized global platform exclusively designed for certified purebred cat breeders and cat buyers. It comprises two distinct mobile applications, each catering to the specific needs of these user groups. IGMU helps breeders record their cats’ data and find the best potential buyers for their kittens and also helps cat buyers find their dream cat by accessing the biggest directory of certified cat breeders globally. Igmu provides a safe and secure place for breeders and buyers to do sales transactions while reducing the risk of getting scammed.

Sellintu ApS

Sellintu ApS is a Danish startup from Copenhagen in Denmark, established in 2023. The idea behind Sellintu, is to help physical product brands and companies to sell intelligently into marketplaces. By marketplaces, we mean programs require "approval" to get into, that a retail store run for third party suppliers, that allow to list their products on their store, to dropship to their customers. This is in contrast to "open to all" marketplaces like Amazon and Ebay, where there is little to no approval process to go through. We focus on three areas in this journey: 1: Matching brand to partner channel, by using inhouse data anytics to guide the process. 2: Onboarding with partner channel, by doing it on our clients behalf, or develop tools to increase the onboarding time. 3. Sell more and earn more with partners, by automating processes relating to daily operations, such as fulfilment of orders. Why do we do this? Because we went through the steps above, and encountered numeruous processes that we thought could be optimized with the right tools, to 10x the experience selling through these channels. With the main tools in hand, we want to offer them to other companies who already suffer, or are about to suffer what we went though.

Arctic Outdoor

Arctic Outdoor is a new danish outdoor brand focusing on creating outdoor products and equipment, built to last and apply all technical features to ensure you are well prepared for your next adventure. We have a vision that we want to create an outdoor community with a solid engagement with our community members and product owners. We have connected each of our products to a coordinate around the world to try and inspire people to get outdoors and experience new things and move boundaries.


Segmento build out personalized experiences through AI-based, product Intelligence and human-to-human communication customer journeys that your subscriber is looking forward to entering. Supercharge your e-commerce business through a personalized shopping experience, that is equal to the fantastic customer service in a real-life shop.


We strive for creative ways to make people healthier, think outside the box – and are always curious to learn new things and get things done. So join us in our mission for health and become part of one of Europe's fastest-growing health apps - Stepler! Physical activity has value for the individual, society, and the world. Our mission is to increase movement incentives by gamifying health and rewarding our users' efforts. The outcome? - A healthier lifestyle and a happier wallet :) Do you have what it takes to change our sedentary world once and for all by gamifying health? Then you might fit into our team of talented heroes.


Vi hjælper danskere til bedre søvn ved hjælp af gode soverutiner og kvalitets kosttilskud. I Danmark oplever næsten 50% af alle danskere problemer med deres søvn, hvilket i værste tilfælde kan føre til stres eller sygdom som går udover deres helbred. Vi har derfor valgt at starte en mission om at nedbringe dette tal og hjælpe danskerne til bedre søvn.


Today's beauty market is a jungle to navigate, exactly 70% of beauty consumers are overwhelmed by too many product choices and information. They waste time and money trying to find the right products for them. Compar offers revolutionary AI models for the Beauty industry utilized in the Compar App to scan your unique face and hair features, providing you with personalized and scientifically backed beauty advice. Discover the perfect products on the first try, save money, reduce plastic waste, and boost your confidence. With our AI Beauty Advisor right at your fingertips, you'll access a wealth of knowledge beyond what a traditional beautician can offer.  Our founder & CEO is Thea Emilie Larsen, a software engineer passionated about AI, algorithms, and Beauty.

Good Habit Co.

Good Habit Co. is a lifestyle brand who provides a personally tailored vitamin solution. We sell our products directly to our users, through online sales channels and strategic partnership. And we deliver the products every month through a subscription service. We want to help our customers navigate the many truths, hearsay and pseudo-science, that is flooding the nutritional supplements industry. And we want to deliver premium product that our customers see on a daily basis as a subtle reminder of the promises they make themselves. Because we can’t all be changing the world. So why not start by changing your own. Maybe you start by making your bed in the morning, skipping the coffee to have a glass of water, or maybe by adding a pill of personally adjusted nutrition to your daily breakfast routine. It’s totally up to you. Your habits are your habits, and we are not here to force feed you with good advice on how to become super human. We are here to let you know that you are magnificent, just the way you are - hangovers and all. We just thought you should know, that it has been scientifically proven that 43% of our daily behaviour is based on habit. From the way you dry yourself after a shower, to the way you tie your shoelaces, your brain is wired for repetition. So maybe, just maybe, there is a habit in there worth changing for the better. Maybe not.