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Showing: 467 filtered startups


Most of us spend a large chunk of our lives on the Internet. Naturally, we think it should be a nice place. But constant ads, paywalls, consent popups, and tracking sometimes makes it feel more like a commercial battleground than a sanctuary of knowledge and productivity. We believe the Internet needs a viable alternative business model that puts the consumer first and offers a seamless experience while still providing content creators with reliable revenue.

Comunchi ApS

Comunchi er en online frokost markedsplads, der gør det muligt for virksomheder at få frokost fra lokale spisesteder de kender og elsker. Vores vision er at skabe en billigere, bedre og mere bæredygtig frokostordning, som alle kan være med på og samtidigt støtte lokale spisesteder. Den typiske frokostordning bliver udskiftet med 3 måneders mellemrum, grundet manglende variation og fleksibilitet. Samtidigt går der både penge og mad til spilde, på de dage medarbejdere er fraværende. Hos Comunchi har vi bygget en platform hvor virksomheder kan købe digitale frokostkuponer, som de kan videregive til deres medarbejdere. Medarbejdere har mulighed for at indløse disse kuponer gennem vores app ved lokale spisesteder og på den måde få lige præcist den frokost de ønsker sig. Virksomhederne undgår at betale for frokost de dage medarbejderene er fraværende og undgår samtidigt madspild.


OrderBuddy is a digital menu platform that helps dining places to an efficient and quick order flow without getting annoyed customers. We have all been out in a dining situation where the waiters are too busy to get to you, and it takes the fun away from being there with friends and family. What if you could just order and pay, have fun with the people you are there with, and then wait to get served. After you're done, you can order more, or leave the place without getting the waiter one more time. OrderBuddy is an ordering system, where guests can place and pay their orders directly from the table on their own phones. No need to install anything, just scan the QR code on the table, or go to the webpage and find the dining place, add items to the cart and pay. The order goes directly to the kitchen or bar. The idea for OrderBuddy of course started when I was out dining with some friends. The place was busy, and we actually wanted to order a new round of beer to the table, however the waiters were too busy elsewhere, and when we finally got a hold of the waiter we decided to just pay. The restaurant lost revenue and ended up with customers who had a bad experience.


WORLD DOMINATION Just kidding, we're very friendly here at Ooolio. However, what we do have in common with world domination is that our ambitions are just as audaciously high as we're looking to take on the largest and most influential players in the market. Why is that you might think? At Ooolio, our belief is built around improving the entire shopping experience from finding, selecting and purchasing clothes with a focus on ease-of-use instead of a one-size-fits-all. We believe that the direction online shopping is moving in is wrong, and we are working to fix that problem. At Ooolio, we are developing the next generation of eCommerce platform. We're working with some of the most hyped and popular fashion brands within the fashion industry and are actively striving to disrupt the online fashion shopping experience. Our platform allows users to select their favourite brands and clothes amongst 1000s of brands and 100.000 of products. We're curating only the best selection for our users - easy and simple, without having the trouble of having warehouses or expensive supply chains. Interested? Throw us a few words / your resume / a vacation picture / something else at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


SeatGeek is an event ticket marketplace and aggregator of sports, concert, and theater tickets. We're making it easier to experience the thrill of live events. Our headquarters located in Manhattan, NYC and we just started to build our Copenhagen development office. We're an assortment of bright, talented, and interesting people united by the mission to change the way people buy tickets. By day, we're a group of talented developers,  working together to build something new and different.  We're making it easier to experience the thrill of live events. When we're not passionately crafting world-class interfaces for our clients and users, we love to experience the magic of live events firsthand. Our ranks include diehard sports fans, passionate concert-goers, sophisticated theater enthusiasts, and comedy junkies. From our lives outside the office and within, we all have interesting stories to tell. What's yours? We're a tech startup to the core - We love to build things and leverage technology to work faster and better. - We're focused on the little things - Thousands of small details make the difference between good and amazing. - We're humble - We aren't afraid to tackle anything but don't let success get to our heads. - We're religiously analytical - We built and open-sourced our own A/B testing software.


Reshopper har siden 2012 været børnefamiliernes foretrukne markedsplads over mobilen, hvor brugere har købt og solgt millioner af brugte ting af hinanden via den prisvindende app. I 2022 åbnede vi den første fysiske Reshopper butik, hvor vi sælger overskudsvarer fra restpartier, konkursboer, tidligere kollektioner samt secondhand. I dag har vi 2 butikker, som er placeret i Valby og Taastrup. Hver dag sætter vi en ære i at gøre den cirkulære shopping til en friktionsløs og god oplevelse for vores brugere både i vores butikker og via den digitale markedsplads app. På den måde engagerer vi familier til en mere bæredygtig adfærd, så vi alle bidrager med at løse FNs verdensmålene ‘bæredygtige byer og lokalsamfund’ og ‘ansvarligt forbrug og produktion’. Vi har store ambitioner og er i fuld gang med at bygge fremtidens omnichannel koncept med salg af secondhand og overskudsvarer i børnekategorien. Derfor leder vi altid efter passionerede og dedikerede mennesker til vores team, som vil være med til at gøre en forskel. Du vil blive en del af et mindre team i en fremadstormende virksomhed med en flad organisation. Hos os har vi også stor interesse i at du udvikler dig og du trives både fagligt og personligt plan. Vil du være med?


Mutonic is an IT procurement platform for the B2B market, with an ambition of making the process of buying IT- hardware and -software more convenient for companies of all sizes both in the private and public sector. We do this by gathering the entire network of vendors, distributors, and resellers on a one-stop platform, giving the companies full access to a large stock and competitive prices. The idea behind Mutonic came from discovering that many companies did not have the resources available in order to always make sure they got the best prices and delivery terms when purchasing products within the IT category. Through the Mutonic platform we offer them access to a large network of suppliers as well as many user-friendly features, that ultimately can save them both time and money, all while offering a fair market chance for the suppliers connected to the platform. We work every day to ensure our users of the platform can make a qualified decision that match their needs, when purchasing IT Hardware and Software.

Copenhagen Fintech

Copenhagen Fintech is an association built on the vision to be one of the leading Fintech Hubs in the global financial services industry by supporting and catalyzing the next era of technology-led corporate and startup innovators. We combine the visionary ideas of fintech entrepreneurs, the experience of the established financial sector, the desire for societal benefits of the public sector and the research from the universities with the overarching purpose of building a thriving fintech ecosystem for the benefit of all stakeholders.



Freemi (refounded)

What do you do when selling your stuff is not an option? Freemi is bridging the gap between unsellable and the landfill with an online marketplace for freecycling. We all need to consume smarter, share and care more about the things we buy and say goodbye to. With Freemi, this is now a convenient option. Green luck!


TOY2 is a toy brand focused on products that allow children (and families) to connect their toys and get much more usage value out of the toys they already have. A.k.a. upcycle the children's toys and extend the lifetime and relevance of the toys. And not least - provide new possibilities with and capabilities of the toys. Our product line are TOY2 Track Connectors that connect bricks from DUPLO, Hubelino or similar with wooden tracks from BRIO, IKEA, VIGA and similar. See for more details. And, Slopes & Arches that are used for creative play together with Track Connectors. We want to reduce waste, induce children (and parents) to play more and keep the toys challenging and interesting across age differences. We want to create more innovative products and concepts that create new usage and possibilities from existing toys. We produce in Denmark and want to minimize the logistical/environmental impact of our products and distribution and be environmentally responsible. We are present in several large webshops (coolshop, proshop, jollyroom) as well as online marketplaces like Amazon and (see our sales channels here: )


You want to live greener? Surrounded by plants both in- and outside? That's why we founded Greenify - a concept to make it easier for you to decorate with plants, whether it is your home or workplace. At Greenify, we believe that plants make people happier. That is why we make an effort to choose plants and create green solutions - and make them accessible to everyone. Greenify is today Denmark's leading urban, green plants concept. We operate in both the B2B and B2C space, offering everything from door delivery of your favorite plants to plant design of office spaces, and we also have two physical stores in Copenhagen (Islands Brygge and Nordhavn).

Boost AI is a leading conversational AI company specializing in delivering premium virtual agents that help customer service and internal support channels, enhance human efficiency and drive revenue through engaging conversations. Our accomplishments to date include recognition by Gartner as the youngest vendor in the conversational AI space, established partnerships with leading professional services firms across the globe and deploying hundreds of virtual agents that successfully automate millions of conversations with customers, users and employees in Europe and North America.

Colorful Standard

Colorful Standard is a four-year-old sustainable essentials brand with flagship stores in London, Paris, Berlin, Zurich, Antwerp, and Copenhagen. The brand was created due to a need within the fashion industry to improve the level of standards and ethics and help undo the damage done to the environment. That's why the brand colors the world responsibly with fair, organic, and climate-positive products in over 50 environmentally friendly colors and 20 plus styles.


At Meum we sell sustainable vegan bamboo razors on subscription for all women. All they need is a bit of hair... We try to swap small day to day activities out with more sustainable alternatives. We make razors for all women, young and elder, big and small, with short curly hair or long soft beautiful hair. We launched in the spring of 2021, and are therefore still further developing our products to make them as sustainable as possible. We believe that shaving should be optional, but great shaving shouldn’t.