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Showing: 359 filtered startups

Sønderup Consult

Indepth risk and strategy analysis within the energy market domain. Small and medium sized projects related to gas and power trading. Customers primarily located in Denmark. Typically cases involve delivering value enabling clients, executing their business cases. We deliver quality, speed and affordable price.

Nordpil Arkitekter

Nordpil Arkitekter is a Danish architect firm, with roots in Denmarks second largest town Aarhus. Aarhus is the business center of the entire kingdom of Denmark. Our knowledge and knowhow is what makes our clients choose us again and again for both private and corporate housing projects. We carry out new builds, re-builds, extensions, renovations and new major projects for companies that want to build a company domicile, or have another major construction project planned.

Preowned Project

We’re servicing companies within the Wind Turbine Industry, in the process of selling their Obsolete Stock/ Dead Stock products. Company Mission Our mission is to take responsibility for the environment by minimizing industrial production though easy re-use of produced products and components. Hereby we bring down the CO2 from global Production Facilities. Problem Obsolete Stock/ Dead Stock is an inevitable part of most industries. It ties up cash flow and represents a loss of revenue. The environmental focus of decreasing the high levels of CO2 coming from the production of new products, puts the industry in a situation, where they will have to report their CO2 emissions plus commit to a certain waste reduction within the following years. The situation calls for a high focus on protecting the world's resources and the necessity for re-using existing products and components. Especially Dead Stock components, which are still new and therefore hasen't yet been utilized.


SilkOcean is a spin-out of Ph.D. projects by students of AAU, DTU, and Chalmers specialized in Power Electronics design and Condition Based Monitoring solutions. At SilkOcean, we are focused on the introduction of chemical-free, zero-emission sustainable solutions. Our ideas and designs have been recognized and rewarded by business leaders and innovation sponsors, and foundations. Our team consists of highly educated and, at the same time, very industrial experienced members who at the same time value the friendly and fun working environment. We believe that doing our jobs in a distinctly innovative way is the key to our success.


Vecourse helps people become Vegan. Veganism is becoming increasingly popular, as people realise that animal products have consequences for the environment, animal welfare, and their own health. However, the majority of people who try to change their diet and lifestyle still fail to stick to the habit. Vecourse is a unique attempt to solve this problem, built by a team with best-in-class experience of building gamified learning, motivational content, and community products.


More than 40% of the electrical energy in office environments is used outside working hours. CO2 in buildings has too high a level, which gives sick employees and students who lose 12% of their learning ability. Ventilation is often oversized by 10-20% due to uncertainty about CO2 levels, which have not been adequately investigated and measured. Often, consulting firms offer a measurement over 30 days. The measurements are only a snapshot of the real picture, which does not take into account the season and number of people in the room. VOCs in buildings are more harmful than first thought. VOC combined with too high CO2 can cause allergic reactions and over time develop asthma. The solution for reducing electricity consumption is to use intelligent automation and with behavior control. A sensor can be set up in areas that are used that automatically turn on the light when there is a person present. Several companies offer this solution, but if it is to be used for something, the devices must send data to the central server, after which you can analyze when and how much. The data set provides better management and control. For the CO2 problem, sensors are set up in the premises. The problem with existing sensors on the market is they have to be mounted with cable that is led maybe 100m away to a central box. It is both expensive and often not without surprises, especially for older buildings where drawings are often not updated. Sawux solves several of the mentioned problems. Sawux is a combination of 5 sensors in the same unit that measure and operate wirelessly. The sensors have access to a Cloud server, where data is collected every minute. Then data can be analyzed and given a real picture over time, which forms the basis for the right decision and correct ventilation systems. Sawux fits into existing 230V electrical environment and does not require cabling, boxes, battery or external power supplies. Sawux connects to the Internet via standard WiFi, which is found in all modern buildings. Sawux's solution is very cost effective and user friendly which is able to provide valid data. The Sawux system comes with an app. and web based energy management system, where you can at any time perform analysis of the building completely at the contact level.

Plussmarte Danmark ApS

We are helping buildings and organizations to increase their air quality while saving energy . We develop plug and play actuators, air quality sensor technologies and software solutions. We provide 360° Energy Management Solution with using own hardware solutions and sensor technologies, measure real time data and combining with thermodynamic analysis by our software platform.


Climate change is one of the biggest challenges humanity is facing. Solar power is expected to play a big role in reducing the use of fossil fuels. We make solar power plants more efficient and cost competitive, by increasing the energy production. At Startak we design and manufacture control systems for solar trackers used in large solar photovoltaic plants, to increase the energy production by 10-20% (depending on latitude). We provide our customers with a simple to use, modern and reliable hardware and software solution that is designed to give you peace of mind and control for the lifetime of your solar plant.

Hybrid Greentech Energy Intelligence

Hybrid Greentech inspires organisations to be green pioneers and invest in energy storage so we together can reach 100% renewable energy. We want to make it simple to leverage the full revenue potential for energy storage. We and our customers are in an emerging renewable market that will face 30 fold growth over the coming years. Hybrid Greentech is a 4-year old company entering the scale-up phase, developing an AI-driven software ecosystem for sizing and real-time optimisation of energy storage, and Power to X solutions in energy markets. We are a team of 10 people with strong domain knowledge in renewable energy, energy storage, machine learning, and AI who want to revolutionise energy storage, grid-scale battery systems, and Power to X flexibility in energy and power markets to balance the generation and the consumption of the electric power systems with large shares of renewable energy.


We're a hardware deeptech startup consisting of 5 individuals, with a burning desire to improve the environment. We have designed a filtration system, with the purpose of collecting particles such as microplastics and aquatic biomass from seawater, used in production and maritime industries. With our partners, we aim to find solutions for the use of the collected particles.

Frichs ReTech - CO2 negativ energi

CO2 negativ energi med termisk forgasning Teknologien har 4 værdi-fordele :Forgasning af tørstof fra gylle, træflis, halm, hønsemøg, spildevandsslam o.l.Restprodukt = ren biochar til NPK gødning Ren gas til energiCO2 negativ, biochar er kulstof - kulstof er CO2Gammel teknik i nyt design løser årtiers problemstilling til lukrativt marked.Innovation med høj kompleksitet har ofte lang diffusionstid, derfor – venligst – kun henvendelser fra investorer, der vil bruge mere tid end en kort pitch.

Ntek ApS

Er du i tvivl om din virksomhed kan implementere energioptimerende tiltag og derved opnå energitilskud? Hos NTEK arbejder vi med helhedsorienterede energiløsninger hvor vi hjælper din virksomhed med alle trin i optimeringsprocesserne. Vi optimerer blandt andet omkostningerne for din virksomhed, hjælper med projektledelsen og optimering af din virksomheds ventilationssystemer.  Er du i tvivl om du kan opnå energitilskud på energitiltag, er du velkommen til at kontakte os på: 93 93 11 38.


Aperitas is a CSR 2.0 platform for managing complete CSR intelligence concerning the company and the multi-tier supply chain. Taking reporting from data bureaucracy to applied intelligence, Aperitas acts as a central hub for internal CSR data, offers data-driven compliance, risk, and performance management, and makes effortless and concise disclosure possible.


Do you know how much water you use on a normal day? Or what you actually use the water for in your home?Most of us know little about our water consumption, and we believe this lack of knowledge results in a waste of water.Aqubiq develops an intelligent water meter that tells you how much water the individual appliances in your home use - washing machine, shower, dishwasher etc.Through increased awareness and more qualified information, our goal is to inspire you to save 15% water in your home.


UBCO was founded on the idea of a Utility Electric Vehicle (UEV) that would transform the way people ride, work and play. Headquartered in New Zealand, UBCO is now global brand expanding across EMEA, US, and Australia. With sustainability at the heart of what we do, we are passionate about zero emission transport not only in cities, but also our parks, forests, and farms. We believe in creating products that enable people to do inspiring things, whether that’s exploring our planet, creating a better world, or working smarter.