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Impact startup SDGs
Showing: 372 filtered startups


We are creating a never seen before home light ecosystem which offers superior intelligent light functionality. We are working with internationally renowned light and lamp designers to create our first line of products. Shade aims to change the way the world uses light and create a better light for a better living. Working at SHADE means working with some really cool people. We take pride in getting things done and having fun while doing it. Our two core values are that we work with the best and then we give them room to succeed.

Impact Business Modeling System™

We provide Impact Business Modeling System™. It is a startup methodology and coaching process for incubators, accelerators and investors to support their portfolio impact startups in making their sustainable impact measurable, operational, and profitable. We work with incubators, accelerators and VC funds globally, primarily in Europe, eg. Startup Wise Guys, Rockstart, Climentum Capital, Ideon Science Park, Climate Resilient Africa Fund and NEEW Ventures.

Systems Engineering A/S

Systems Engineering A/S has specialized in the implementation and application of systems engineering, which is a well known discipline to manage large scale complex engineering and design projects. We strongly believe that a common language across technical disciplines is necessary; a language that creates an unambiguous understanding among all stakeholders. This is why we created the Systems Engineering Concept to be a practical daily way of working with SE and the SEC-HUB Software Suite supports and accelerates leaning.

Hack Shack

We incubate novel ideas into fast growing businesses by following a systematic approach to entrepreneurship and a set of proven principles for getting rid of risk early on. We help form self organizing teams that can grow the culture, shape the strategies, add resources, help scale the business and finally - one day - we exit the company.


We believe in building high-quality technological products that aim to disrupt and add value to society. We foster a culture where vision, freedom of expression, and execution meet disruption and innovation. We support and invest in early-stage founders, helping them grow their businesses. We are XIIA.


The world is changing and we have to move towards more sustainability. ClimEdU works for this change. We help businesses to optimize their: - Production - Value chain - Internal recruitment - Leadership - Green profile How do we do it? We research and calculate their carbon footprint for the above and suggest ways to improve this. That way companies can become more sustainable as well as more preferred by investors and clients who choose green profiles more and more. The EU has voted for a directive that is called CSRD, which in danish is equivalent to ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) But we don't just do that. We also help architects and others in the construction industry with LCA's (Life Cycle Analysis) And we offer a marketing strategy and a plan to fulfill the goals in the ESG plan. Finally, we're making a platform, that is going to revolutionize the industry. We want to automate as much of the processes as possible. So we are always looking for the best candidates to help us on our journey. Almost all companies will need this service sooner or later (Check out the plan from the CSRD directive) so we need to make ourselves as visible as possible and if you can help us with that, let's have a talk.

Impact The Future

As we look towards 2050, a staggering projection looms: more than 70% of the global population will be urban dwellers. The way we develop and manage our cities and their infrastructures in the next few decades will be critical. Governments globally are called to transform cities into inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable habitats by 2030. The clock is ticking, and the role of cities as primary energy consumers and greenhouse gas emitters only amplifies the need for rapid, transformative action. We recognize the power of cities to shape the future, and that's why we have dedicated ourselves to the cause. By building bridges between business, public sectors, academia, and citizens, Impact The Future catalyse the implementation of sustainable solutions, vital for our urban futures.


OCEAN IDEASHIP is a non profit organization, based on a broad foundation of collaboration. The quest is to share knowledge about the blue transition and empower blue impact startups. We are making a flagship for the blue transition, and sailing from place to place, we will share knowledge and showcase the possibilities in the blue in the green transition. With a sailing flagship we can create the attention the ocean deserves, and make sure that the blue transition gets the same awareness and acceptance as the green transition have today. By building capacity, knowledge and awareness into the startup ecosystem that supports entrepreneurs, we will secure many more blue impact projects in the future.

MP Industri ApS

MP Industri ApS er din pålidelige partner inden for smedeindustrien. Vores historie går langt tilbage, og vi brænder for at levere høj kvalitet. Vores grundlægger, Marinus Højen Pedersen, har smedeerfaring fra sin familie og er en dedikeret smed i anden generation. Vi har en bred vifte af maskinværksteder, der omfatter alt fra fjernvarmesvejsning til laserskæring og rørsvejsning. Vi er også eksperter i at forme cortenstål til imponerende udendørs projekter. Kvalitet og innovation er vores hjørnesten, og vi stræber altid efter at overgå vores kunders forventninger. Vores team består af 4 erfarne smede og 3 veludstyrede servicebiler, samt en administrativ medarbejder. Vi har også en imponerende maskinpark, der gør os i stand til at håndtere en bred vifte af pladebearbejdningsopgaver, herunder klipning, bøjning, stansning og skæring. Hos MP Industri ApS er samarbejde og gode relationer i centrum af vores arbejde. Vi stræber efter at opbygge langvarige forbindelser med vores kunder og omsætte deres ideer til succesfulde resultater, uanset projektets omfang. Kontakt os i dag for at lære mere om, hvordan vi kan hjælpe dig. Hos MP Industri ApS kombinerer vi tradition med moderne teknologi for at opfylde dine behov.

Aegir Insights

Supporting decision makers in the offshore wind industry with cutting-edge insights, experience and market intelligence. Aegir Insights is a technology-driven intelligence company serving the offshore wind sector. We leverage data science and deep industry experience to help global renewable players make smarter decisions. Our expertise lies in contextualizing complex information through use of proprietary models developed in close cooperation with industry and academia. Going beyond data, Aegir Insights brings independent strategic insights based on our industry experience.

Os Om Havet

Os Om Havet er en frivillig organisation, der ønsker at sætte fokus på forurening af verdenshavene. Det er et stigende problem for de marine økosystemer. Omkring 70 procent af al affald, der ender i havet, synker til bunds. Her kan det have store konsekvenser for havmiljøet og er samtidig utilgængeligt for traditionelle oprydningsmetoder. Os Om Havet holder derfor arrangementer, hvor dykkere og andre ildsjæle fra hele Danmark samles og i fællesskab rydder op både over, under og i havet. Vi tror, at en god oplevelse i naturen kan skabe motivation og engagement til at handle på nogle af de store udfordringer, miljøet står overfor. Os Om Havet er mere end svømmefødder og iltflasker. Med foredrag og skoleforløb ønsker vi at udbrede budskabet og gå sammen om at få skabt en bæredygtig fremtid, hvor mennesket og naturen i højere grad forenes. Kom og bliv en del af fællesskabet! Hvis man gerne vil sikre sig, at Os Om Havet fortsætter kampen mod forurening af vores havmiljø, kan man blive Os Om Havet støttemedlem for 200kr årligt. Der er massere af fordele ved at blive et Os Om Havet støttemedlem: udover at hjælpe os med fortsat at kunne afholde events mm. har vi sørget for en række rabataftaler med vores samarbejdspartnere, mulighed for at låne vores affaldsindsamlingsgear året rundt, og ikke mindst vil man modtage Os Om Havets nyhedsbrev, så man aldrig behøver gå glip af et fremtidigt arrangement. Hvis du har lyst til at støtte vores arbejde, skal du sende os en e-mail på med navn, e-mail og telefonnummer - så kontakter vi dig.

Klimascore er den nye danske standardparameter for klimavenlige hoteller. Igennem de sidste 4 år har vi arbejdet sammen med ledende hoteller i Danmark, samt afholdt en årlig kåring, Climate Award, for at finde Danmarks mest klimavenlige hotel. Klimascore er baseret på hotellernes egne data og direkte udledning. I nær dialog med hotelledelsen og nøgleansatte hjælper vi herefter hotellerne med at blive mere klimavenlige samtidigt med at de driver deres forretning fremad, både ift. at opnå besparelser, men også i forhold til branding, medarbejdertilfredshed m.m.

Søger du et job med fed energi? I er vi 32 kollegaer, der sammen knokler for at skabe Danmarks bedste kundeoplevelse. Og du kan komme med ombord. Hver dag arbejder vi på at gøre de grønne valg til de nemmest. Med over 14.000 kunder er vi langt fra de største, men heller ikke ubetydelige af størrelse. Vi er store nok til at tilbyde en af landet billigste elaftaler, give en strømlinet service og rejse nye skove i hele Danmark – men ikke så store, at vi ikke har tid til vores kunder. Er du på jagt efter nye udfordringer, så hold et skarpt øje med vores jobmuligheder – Det kan være, at det er lige netop dig, vi står og mangler. Vi vil sikre, at vores kunder CO2 impact fra elforbrug ikke blot kompenseres, men giver overskud.


Vecourse helps people become Vegan. Veganism is becoming increasingly popular, as people realise that animal products have consequences for the environment, animal welfare, and their own health. However, the majority of people who try to change their diet and lifestyle still fail to stick to the habit. Vecourse is a unique attempt to solve this problem, built by a team with best-in-class experience of building gamified learning, motivational content, and community products.

Green Island

Green Island is supplying underserved communities with fossil free utility solutions, providing people with not only power, water, heating, and circular waste management, but also local ownership of a future proof source of revenue to help the community transition and develop. Green Island accelerates onboarding and community organizing, project development, data-based risk mitigation, and access to financing. We enter into a long-term relationship with the community doing remote monitoring of the community's new utility solution and managing digital billing of consumers.