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Showing: 359 filtered startups

Too Good To Go

At Too Good To Go we are dedicated to the fight against food waste! Food waste is a huge global issue, with one-third of all food produced being wasted, a landfill is overflowing and our environment is really suffering the consequences. And it's not just about the food itself, it's all the resources that went into producing the food, the land, the water, the labour. It's a sad state of affairs and we're on a mission to inspire and empower everyone to take action! Our platform allows people to buy surplus, unsold food from restaurants, cafes, supermarkets, bakeries etc. that otherwise would have to be thrown out. Through our app, everybody can make a difference by 'saving'​ perfectly good, delicious food from going in the bin.

Circular Innovation Lab ApS

We are a circular economy firm based out of Copenhagen. We work with global innovators, governments and international organisations to accelerate the global transition towards a circular economy.  We are currently working with several governments on their national circular economy roadmaps. Circular Innovation Lab is a member of the European Plastics Pact, Ellen MacArthur Foundation community as well as the Nordic Circular Hotspot.

Weel & Sandvig

Weel & Sandvig delivers market leading solutions addressing some of the worlds most challenging problems in the green transition of the process industry. We are working within the industrial sector with a broad international experience in different disciplines. We are developing innovative solution based on deep industrial insight and strong core competences within software and process engineering. Our core products are WS.PEMS & WS.Turbo. WS.PEMS (Predictive Emission Monitoring System) is our in-house developed software solution which is used globally by large industrial corporations, to control their stack emissions. WS.Turbo is our newly developed industrial high-temperature heat pump that supports the industry’s electrification significantly reducing the use of fossil fuel. Our office is located at the campus of DTU (Technical University of Denmark) and we have local partners in the Middle East and South East Asia.


We’re a group of like-minded people who want to make the planet net zero, and along the way create the world's best workplace 💚 Carbon accounting is no longer a nice to have. It’s fast becoming a legal requirement and over the next few years, we’ll see an explosion of legislation for companies of all sizes to start measuring and managing their carbon emissions. However, carbon accounting, whether you’re starting out or up to your eyeballs in it, can be complicated. So we wanted to make it, you know, uncomplicated. We spent years developing a tool that makes carbon accounting for buildings easy, accurate and affordable so any building owner can take action and help make the planet greener. It’s easy to use, automatic, affordable and one-of-a-kind 💪 At the same time, we want to create the world's best workplace. 👉 What we believe in We want – and hire for – comundo to be a diverse workplace with a high level of trust, where we support each other, celebrate our wins and don’t judge one another. Our people are the most important asset that we have. Everything we do is based on them and their well-being. Yes, we’re a startup. Yes, we’re super ambitious. Yes, you’ll need to drive commercial success. But we’ve also got a very experienced team and we have a clear vision of the company and the culture we’re trying to build. We’re looking for colleagues who have comprehensive knowledge or drive and those who can act autonomously. You control your own time and know what’s needed to add value to the company, colleagues, and our customers. 👉 What we offer We could talk about lunches, parties and all that stuff. Sure, that’s important – but not as important as the things that truly matter, which is giving you the opportunity to live the life you want to and ensuring you feel like a part of the company. To help ensure that, we offer: - A four-day working week* with full-time pay - Flexible work hours - Danish employees receive a full pension plan with Grandhood Lithuanian employees receive a full healthcare plan - Opportunity to work from home or remotely - Warrant program - A relaxed workplace - Great lunches (OK so we added it) - Friday bars (which are actually Thursday bars) Please note that we are headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, and have an office in Vilnius, Lithuania, but our business language is English 🇬🇧 *Curious about how we work a four-day working week? You can read more about it here:


SMV’ernes foretrukne ESG Platform og bæredygtigheds univers Hos Valified tror vi på en bæredygtig omstilling for små og mellemstore virksomheder (SMV'er) som hjertet af forandringen. Vi er stolte af at være den eneste danske ESG-platform, der udelukkende dedikerer sig til at støtte SMV'ernes bæredygtige omstilling. Vi sætter stor pris på engagementet fra tusinder af SMV'er og deres nøgleinteressenter på vores ESG-platform og univers. Dette fællesskab er kernen i vores bæredygtighedsindsats.


Goodwings is a climate-focused ​​SaaS travel management platform that helps businesses reduce their emissions. Through the platform, businesses can book and manage all their travel while actively working towards reducing their carbon footprint, through advanced AI technology, behaviour-oriented reduction strategies, and the purchase of verified Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). Goodwings is proud to be a B Corp, and was founded in 2015 by Christian Møller-Holst. The company is headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark. If you don't find what you’re looking for in any of our open positions, we’d still love to hear from you - we’re always looking for great talent. Email to


We are on a journey to help the global industry to become greener by quantifying emissions and implementing a circular economy. This year we helped document environmental savings equivalent to the electricity consumption of 90.000 households for a year. We expect that this number double next year. We have, over the last three developed a PaaS solution that can help product manufacturers sell greener products at a lower price. Our solutions enable easy quantification of a product's carbon footprint and implement measures to lower it—an essential tool in a transition to a greener world.


EcoTree is a green-tech company specializing in sustainability. Our goal is to promote environmental awareness and engage individuals and businesses in eco-friendly behaviour by offering simple, concrete, and financially viable solutions to becoming a tree or even forest owner. Every single day 3.4 billion tons of CO2 is released into the atmosphere worldwide. In Europe, we are among the worst polluters in the world. While we can do a lot to reduce our emissions, it is impossible to stay completely CO2 neutral. You can, in turn, offset your carbon footprint by planting trees. As a matter of fact, the forest is one of our best means to fight global warming, as trees absorb CO2 through the process of photosynthesis. EcoTree has democratized and digitalized forestry. With EcoTree, it is easy and accessible both for individuals and businesses to contribute to the reforestation and preservation of our common green heritage. EcoTree enables everybody to become a tree owner. EcoTree has a team of forest experts that take care of planting and maintaining the forests in which your trees are located. You, being the owner of the trees, are entitled to receive 100% of the revenue generated from the wood sale when your trees have reached maturity, cut, and the forest is renewed. EcoTree implements a “close to nature” forestry management plan in which the preservation of the biodiversity in the forest is kept at the heart of our activities, and for every tree that is cut, EcoTree plants three new ones. The idea behind EcoTree came up when a group of French childhood friends went to Copenhagen on a trip in 2014. There were many things that the group of friends adored about the Scandinavian lifestyle, but one thing that especially struck them was the well-functioning bottle deposit system. On each can, glass, or plastic bottle you purchase in Denmark you pay a small premium as a deposit that you get back when returning the empty bottles and cans to the supermarket. Consequently, the cities are clean and society more sustainable. This simple idea of rewarding sustainability led to the foundation of EcoTree. Approximately 600,000 newly planted trees later, the idea that was born in Scandinavia returns to its place of origin, as EcoTree has opened its new international office in Copenhagen in September 2019.


MoveByBike is an urban logistics company. We deliver products by electric cargo bikes, focused on 'last mile logistics.' We specialise in the food and subscription sectors, however with our large bikes we can move many products within any industry. Our goal is to remove as many trucks and vans from the city as possible. We are growing fast, so committed individuals are always welcome to apply for driver and internship positions. Look out for our bikes around the city!


Reel is creating a new way of buying electricity to accelerate the renewable energy transition. We are on a mission to empower companies to make a positive climate difference through the electricity they buy and consume. Reel enables all companies to enter a new type of electricity contract (Power Purchase Agreement, PPA) that reduces CO₂ emissions by adding new green electricity to the grid. Our vision is a world running 100 % on renewables. We want to create significant climate impact and help companies reduce emissions while decarbonizing our electricity grid with renewable energy. We are backed by first-class venture and climate-focused investors, senior industry executives, and successful founders. We have received numerous awards, including Startup of the Year at the Technical University of Denmark, and have been financed by Innovation Fund Denmark and the EU. We are based in Copenhagen, Denmark.


Upteko is a thriving Danish robotics company located in Copenhagen, Odense, and Aarhus, with the ambitious vision to facilitate the future transition from manual to fully autonomous processes in the maritime sector. This will make offshore operations more reliable, secure and efficient for ship crews and shipowners. We have several upcoming projects in the pipeline, such as innovative inspection and drone systems, which leading shipowners have shown interest in.


Spirii is an international tech company seated in the heart of Copenhagen, Denmark, where it was founded in 2019. Now boasting offices in major cities around Europe, we have created an integrated charging platform and an intuitive charging app that are changing the way companies and drivers across the globe get fully charged.  We are a vast group of human beings with a wide range of experiences, skills, hobbies and personalities – all of us united in our commitment to a more sustainable future. Our global team of over 90 is growing every day and is populated by friendly faces from across the globe: a rainbow of cultures and perspectives. We know that our diversity makes us stronger, and we’re proud to say that we truly represent the world. 


2degrees is a mission-driven private investment company which invests the private capital of a successful Danish entrepreneur. We are a small multidisciplinary team of experienced professionals with corporate discipline, an entrepreneurial outlook, and a human-centric approach to our team culture. Our mission is to deploy early-stage capital to ensure planetary health. We invest across the globe in start-up companies that focus on climate, sustainability and positive societal impact. After investment, we work closely with founders and management teams to help them build their businesses to reach full potential.

Digital Hub Denmark

Digital Hub Denmark is a public-private partnership between the Ministry of Business Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education and Research, as well as The Confederation of Danish Industry, Danish Chamber of Commerce, and Finance Denmark. Our vision is to make Denmark a leading digital county in Europe. To do so, Digital Hub Denmark brands home-grown digital solutions to attract talent, investments and international customers to new scalable tech products and services that are shaping future industries worldwide.

Electricity Maps

Electricity Maps provides actionable electricity data for more than 200 regions. We help businesses more effectively reduce their emissions, and enable products and services to differentiate their offerings by empowering end-users to be more carbon-aware. As wind and solar production fluctuate throughout the day, this information needs to be dynamic and updated in real-time. As this real-time information about the physical origin of electricity will be scrutinized and challenged by many parties, the effort has to be collaborative, open, and transparent. This is what motivated the creation of Electricity Maps. It started as a simple real-time data visualization in June 2016 and turned into a comprehensive data platform with high scientific integrity. More than 40,000 people use our app on a daily basis and market leaders like Google and Microsoft, are using our API for extensive projects in order to reach their climate goals and help their users take action against climate change. Our goal: a truly decarbonized electricity system. To get there, we will organize the world's electricity information, and use it to drive the transition toward a truly decarbonized electricity system.