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TheNewSort ApS is founded with this purpose: To enable consumers to sort their household waste in the best way possible, enhance municipal recyclability rates and thereby contribute to a more sustainable society. For this, we are encouraging all stakeholders to join us and contribute with their perspective on the problem and its possible solutions. We believe that the necessary impact comes from an inspiring vision and a true sense of ownership. We strive for transparency and deep collaboration across organisational borders that benefit our overarching shared interest: living in a sustainable world.

Punch Factory AB

Punch Factory signs an agreement with training facilities that PTs affiliated with Punch Factory may come there and train their clients. Punch Factory pays a amount to the facility and PT signs a membership with Punch Factory completely without extra fees or percentages. Now a Personal trainer has a completely different opportunity to be able to make a living as a Personal trainer. Where the majority of the fee goes to the PT himself and not to the facility. The advantage is also that the facility does not need to have a lot of employed PTs and that the clients have several facilities to train with their PT. I started developing the idea a little more than 2 years ago, the biggest reason is that I have always heard the problems that a Personal Trainer encounters when you do not have a job at a large gym chain. A personal trainer needs a gym to do his job, you can solve it in different ways, you get employed at a gym and then you usually get a small amount per time you hold a training session. Other alternatives are that you rent in a gym where you have to pay a certain percentage at the time as rental cost or a fixed monthly rent which is usually very high. I know many who quit the profession because it is really difficult to get around as a personal trainer, high rents, poor working conditions, inconvenient working hours when, despite the rent, you have to adapt to the gym's own activities (group classes among other things) That's why I developed Punch Factory AB, we make it easier to be a personal trainer, with just one membership you get access to different gyms to train your clients at no extra cost.

Excalibur Startup Academy

Vårt formål er å demokratisere kunnskap om entreprenørskap. Vi tilbyr interaktive nettkurs, personlig veiledning og workshops for tidlig fase gründere. Vårt først kurs Gründerformelen skal gi de som sitter på en idé kunnskapen de trenger for å lykkes i sin oppstartsprosess! På denne måten skal vi bidra til at flere ideer ser dagens lys!


rehaps er bæredygtighed sat i system. En handelsportal, der skaffer nye brugere til brugte hjælpemidler er win/win/win for sælgere, nye ejere og i sidste ende os alle sammen. Sælgerne kommer ud til en købestærk kreds af motiverede kunder. Køberne får mere kvalitet for pengene og fuldt funktionsdygtige hjælpemidler kommer i arbejde i stedet for at samle støv eller blive smidt ud. Vi er en portal kun for hjælpemidler, der giver brugerne en tryg og nem adgang til at kunne købe og sælge brugt og overskydende udstyr. rehaps er for alle: private, virksomheder og det offentlige. Vi er specialister i hjælpemidler og kan tale med om alt fra valg og tilretning af udstyr til realistiske priser for det brugte. Vores ambitioner er store – både på dine, vores og miljøet vegne.


We’re living in a buyer-centric world, where companies need to connect with customers on their terms. But the scale and nature of online business means it's harder than ever to create personal connections with customers. That's why we created iZell -- to help businesses build better customer relationships through personalized one-to-one liveshopping experiences. We´ve developed a solution based on three insights… 1. Personal digital meetings. There is a need for e-retailers to bring personal shopping experience online. Today, there is no good support for personal digital meetings (one-to-one) where sellers can showcase products live and help the customer to buy, for example by adding products to the shopping cart. 2. Modern communication. There is a need to improve the customer experience with modern communication such as chat, video and live streaming. Today's consumers are used to modern communication such as WhatsApp, FaceTime, Youtube, TikTok. 3. Omnichannel communication. There is a lack of sales coordination between physical stores and e-commerce (omnichannel) which puts the buyer at the center and uses the selling company's resources efficiently.


Watt is building a community driven platform to make life easier for electric vehicle (EV) drivers by embracing their charging experience. To drive mass adoption of electric vehicles and remove the barriers, watt's platform enables drivers and hosts a hassle-free and seamless charging experience. Join us and make an impact!


Defects in the construction work in Denmark adds up to 8 billion dkk annually. The demand for quality assurance in the construction industry is rapidly growing, but for many building contractors Quality Assurance is a time-consuming and tedious task done manually with an ineffective workflow. With TJAEK even the smallest contractors can meet the highest quality assurance requirements - totally uncomplicated. By working closely together with contractors and entrepreneurs we have made a platform that's tailored to the needs of construction companies - making it hassle free for every contractor to execute sufficient quality assurance. This results in time saved and better control quality. And less construction defects means less ressources wasted - helping the construction industry lower it's environmental impact. TJAEK participated in Accelerace's Beyond Beta co-hort 2 and is now scaling.

TROOPR - Next generation social platform for sport and fitness💪

TROOPR is a venture-funded sports tech startup, building the next revolution for gyms. A social gym tracker that motivates you to stay consistent using gamification and community. Based in Stockholm, Sweden. Join our mission of activating the world, one workout at a time! Atm looking for tech-people!


Do you dream of becoming an entrepreneur - but you lack the idea? Do you want to make a difference in society? Then we dare to say that this is your lucky day! Did you know that 2 out of 5 employees are on sick leave due to ailments such as neck and back problems? Not only is this a huge cost to society, but it is also painful for the patient themselves. Positival AS has a vision to help and strengthen people through knowledge so that they can live their lives in the best possible way. Positival was founded in 2019 by Preeti Agarwal. Preeti is musculoskeletal physiotherapist (physiotherapist with a specialist master's degree). The title means that she is the primary contact and can provide referrals and sick leave. Preeti has both national and international experience from Finnmark in the north to South Africa and Australia in the south. She is focused on using innovation and creativity to find solutions to societal problems. The positive platform falls under medical equipment and is a platform to treat and prevent musculoskeletal disorders. The solution is user-centered and evidence-based. It contains, among other things, automated mapping, digital consultation and workshops, as well as digital tools adapted to the user. The company has received both market research and commercialisation grant from Innovation Norway and is, among other things, affiliated with EIRA - which is a growth program developed and delivered by Norwegian Smart Care Cluster and Validé. Positival is in a phase now where the company needs to bring in the right expertise that can take the company further.

Bee Rescue

Did you know that we are facing a rapid decline of the honeybee population? Honeybees play a key role in our eco-system as they are great pollinators. Sadly, their population is decreasing because of diseases, pesticides, and other man-made threats. Climate change is also playing a key role in this. Without honeybees, many crops would disappear. Thus, it is important that we take care of bees. To do so, we need beekeepers. Bee Rescue is a marketplace where users can decide to adopt a beehive. By adopting a beehive, you get the chance to help beekeepers doing what they love the most: taking care of bees and making sure bees stay healthy. In return, you will receive a jar of delicious honey and an adoption certificate. Our beehive adoption is available for everybody: costumers and enterprises. You can also decide to buy it as a gift for your friend, relative or significant other.

Live Klassisk

Live Klassisk is a new digital platform for classical music, providing easy access to all live classical concerts, festivals, ensembles and venues in Scandinavia. Our goal is to make classical music more approachable and engaging through a strong unified digital presence. The platform is the first of its kind for classical music and has a significant global potential in a big and widely respected industry that is - thankfully for us - lacking digital innovation. In spite of lockdown, our small team has already made a big impact on the classical music industry in Scandinavia in a very short time. Now is the time to think big and to expand - and for that we are looking for partners and potential co-founders. Live Klassisk is founded by a team of musicians and entrepreneurs from Denmark and Norway who are deeply passionate about classical music and who see the potential - and the cruciality - of combining arts and tech. Don't hesitate to hit us up if you think this is for you!


Leonora är en digital plattform för att sälja och handla secondhand och utvalda märkens arkiv-kollektioner. Vi tror på ett hållbart mode som minskar klimatförändringarna och trycket i tillverkningsindustrin genom att erbjuda glömda kläder en ny chans. Det ska gå att handla med gott samvete samtidigt som man har snygga kläder. Vårt koncept är att modernisera och digitalisera secondhand och visa att det går att handla hållbart utan att göra avkall på stil och kvalitet. Vi har en noga kvalitetssäkring och vi säljer inte sådant som är gammalt eller i nedsatt skick. Vi brinner för att hjälpa våra kunder samtidigt som vi tillsammans gör ett positivt bidrag till världen. Vår framtid kräver andra lösningar än endast slit-och-släng konsumtion. Med Leonora vill vi bidra till att erbjuda mode på ett digitalt, inspirerande och planetvänligt sätt.


MARDA is a modern men’s swimwear brand obsessed with creating a better world by using plastic from our oceans and landfills to make premium swim shorts that are made to last. Our philosophy finds the harmony between plastic and design to create highly sustainable swim trunks bought to life with the best in Japanese fabric technology. The driving force behind MARDA is simple. To design swimwear for men by unifying exclusive forward designs with a highly green focus. Buying a Marda product is about joining a lifestyle that cares about our future. Every production step, from sourcing 100% recycled materials, to the design aesthetic right through to fabric innovation, is enriched by our creative touch and profound love for the earth.


It all started when I started my own limited company for the first time, I had a great interest in accounting but no knowledge. I started with an accounting course and tested most accounting services on the market and felt that it should be possible to make it both easier and smoother for self-employed people which was the start of Visbok. It has been a very fun and educational journey for me, with 18 hours working days for over 2 years. I did everything myself from requirement, architecture, development, testing, deployment, SEO to marketing in the beginning and started a team of accountants, developers and entrepreneurs with the vision to make accounting easy and efficient for small business owners. Today, the system is managed by the team and I help with the architecture, project management as well as sales. The program is widely used today and has customers from small startups to senior accountants. We are receiving amazing feedback from all of them.


Enligt regeringen så behöver varje person klara sig i minst 1 vecka vid en eventuell kris, så som ett långvarigt elavbrott, utan myndigheternas hjälp. Tyvärr så är det allt för få som har hemberedskap idag, framför allt i större städer runt om i Sverige. Beredskapslådan fungerar som en försäkring. Precis som du har en hemförsäkring, reseförsäkring eller en brandsläckare så har du en förberedelse för ett ”tänk om”? En liten investering som kan göra stor skillnad om samhället vänds upp och ner. är en e-handel som vill göra hemberedskap till en självklarhet i svenska hushåll.