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Bridge 9

We care about the environment! We are a team of passionate specialists operating in the sector of second hand smart devices from both Apple and Samsung and other brands. Our B2B trade services deliver premium second-hand devices at a large scale. We convert customers assets into opportunities offering trade-in, buy-back and aftersales solutions, relocating used devices and allowing customers to access new released technology while allowing others to access used, checked and certified ones at a competitive price extending their lifecycle while keeping business integrity all the way.


Goscore - a fair human credit scoring company. We help banks to increase creditworthy customers by as much as 19% while reducing default rates by as much as 49%. Banks can not only see «can» consumers repay a loan, but «will» they do that. Unlike other credit reference agencies, who rely on outdated tax reports, we leverage up-to-date transactional data to build a real-time comprehensive financial profile. Like many Europeans, we have experienced that traditional credit scoring is unfair and does not consider you creditworthy, even if: - you are a successful entrepreneur, - a blogger with a million subscribers, - decide to get your first credit card, or - you moved from one country to another. So, goscore brings a new golden standard of fair human credit scoring for the EU.


BeneSit er en rygstimulerende stol i dansk design, som forebygger rygsmerter. Stolens design er baseret på biomekanik, som gør at man retter ryggen, strækker lænden og aktiverer/styrker muskler omkring ryggen.  Den er sjov at sidde på, da man balancerer på den afrundede bund. Stolen er nem at flytte rundt på, fordi den er superlet og har en praktisk læderhank. Stolen bruges ved hæve-/sænkeborde, ved højborde, som designmøbel i hjemmet eller som ekstra stol i kontorers opholds- og møderum.  BeneSit er udviklet og produceret i Danmark af Peter og Caroline Kragh, som begge er uddannet inden for design og innovation.  Historien bag BeneSit er, at Peter havde rygsmerter og besluttede i samarbejde med Caroline at udvikle et designmøbel, som gør, at man retter ryggen og holder sig i bevægelse. BeneSit stolen fås i flere højder og farver, og organisationer kan få specialdesignede BeneSit stole.

MyBlueLabel Compliance Services

MyBlueLabel offers the LifeScience industry a very transparent and well-crafted state-of-the-art software(eQMS) to make complicated rules easier to understand, fast-tracking their way to market at a fraction of the normal cost – subsequently being able to help millions of users, patients, and relatives.


Boodla works to enable sustainable city life. And our main target groups are housing companies, real estate developers, architects and municipalities. We know that life in the city can only be sustainable if people living there have the possibility to connect to each other and if ecosystems can thrive. Today, 60 % of city dwellers in Sweden feel lonely and as we develop or re-develop the city ecosystems get pushed away. We need to change this! Our tool is urban farming services. We teach amateurs and professionals how food is grown, how healthy soils and soil stewardship can mitigate climatechange and we show how urban farming can contribute to solving the food safety challenge in cities. We work for a healthy city soil and systems that support it because the soil is the medium and the prerequisite for a viable future. We started Boodla because we experienced the lack of knowledge and motivation regarding sustainability among our colleagues AND people living in the city. We felt we needed to adress this. We felt we could no longer continue as before and we work tirelessly to create a strong voice and inspirational resource for creating sustainable city life.


reolREOL laver unikke reoler, der passer perfekt til alle vægge. reolREOL er simpelt, smukt og altid unikt. Vores koncept er baseret på automatisering og digital produktion. Vi har minimalt spild, miljøvenlige materialer og lokalt produktion. Vi tror på at der i Danmark, også i fremtiden skal være møbelproduktion, at vi skaber de smukeste og bedste møbler, hvis der er en sammenhæng imellem produktion og design. Kombineret med et stærkt digitalt fundament tror vi at reolREOL er fremtidens møbelkoncept. Vi ligger i kbh sv. Både design og produktion.


Workipelago is a hybrid workplace and collaboration app that turns any physical office or venue into a digital collaboration space. Our flexible and modular architecture enables integration with MS Teams (also available on Microsoft App source as Teams app), Zoom, Google, LinkedIn, Slack or other communication tools. We have launched our app in May 2022 and landed first pilot customers in the UK and Sweden with more interested customers from Germany. Workipelago is bootstrapped, still in early stage, entering the market and seeking pre-seed investment. We have achieved a lot with less and now ready to take off to shape the #futureofwork. Workipelago is registered under OFISTIC8 AB in Sweden.


Klinikhappybody tilbyder zoneterapi til alle, hvor dine behov, ønsker og mål er i fokus. Hos mig tages det hele menneske i betragtning ved en behandling og der er også mulighed for hjælp og sparring til kostplan og motion. Med zoneterapi, får du fornyet energi, mere overskud, færre spændinger og smerter, samt fødder der er glade. Dette er ikke kun forbeholdt for dem som allerede har problemer med helbredet, men det er også til dig som har et ønske om at gøre noget godt for sig selv, og bevare et langt og sundt liv. Zoneterapi er behandling på fødder, som understøtter din krops egen evne til at hele sig selv (aktiver kroppens selvhelbredende evner). Dette gøres ved masserende tryk på punkter under dine fødder, hvilket giver positiv indvirkning på både fysiske og psykiske ubalancer. Faktisk viser det sig at zoneterapi er den form for behandling jordmødre, sundhedsplejerske og sygeplejerske oftest bruger på de danske sygehuse. Danskerne opfordrer faktisk sygehusene til at de skal begynde at tilbyde Zoneterapi, på samme måde som operationer og andet hjælp. Dårlig pleje af fødder kan give problemer, hvorfor ikke forebygge det inden det skulle opstå? Er du i tvivl om zoneterapi kan hjælpe på din problematik, skriv da endelig til mig.

180 Degrees Consulting Copenhagen

This is a Copenhagen branch of 180 Degrees Consulting, the world's largest student-led consultancy for non-profits and social enterprises. The management board consists of student volunteers who dedicate their free time to organise and lead for sustainable impact. 180 Degrees provides socially conscious organisations around the world with high quality and extremely affordable consulting services. We work with organisations to develop innovative, practical and sustainable solutions to whatever challenges they might be facing. Each semester, we have a carefully selected team of 30 highly motivated and engaged university students who possess a combination of expertise, creativity and problem-solving ability.


Bivaxfabriken är en e-handel som skapades sommaren 2019 för att vara en del av framtiden och minska det vardagliga bruket av plast. Vi säljer egentillverkade bivaxdukar som fungerar som ett hållbart alternativ till engångsplast i köket. Våra bivaxdukar är tillverkade av noga utvalda råvaror som ger ett resultat av en miljövänlig och högkvalitativ produkt.

Odla Mer

Odla Mer is a vertical social network and gardening app for all gardeners and plant lovers. We make gardening easy, and inspirational with an engaging community, smart gardening tools, and insights. There are nearly half a billion hobby gardeners who are missing a place to share their passion and provides smart tools for modern gardeners. Odla Mer will solve this problem by building an inspiring and engaged community that provides smart tools and insights from “crowd-sourced” data to help make gardening easy, sustainable, and pleasurable for modern gardeners. I found solace in gardening when I was dealing with severe anxiety and depression disorder. I missed an app that was dynamic to my growing conditions and helped covert online inspirations to plant care instructions easily. As a new gardener, it can get very overwhelming. I wanted to solve this problem to help many gardening enthusiasts to grow more with the least effort. I know we would rather spend the time gardening than fiddling with the app :D With every person we help garden more, we have a positive impact on their wellbeing, the environment, and society as a whole.

Pharmista Technologies

In order to gain information about and control over the most important happening, experience and choice in a persons life, women have been turning to the at home pregnancy tests for decades. The problem is that available tests are either expensive per use or poor in quality, aside from being single-use. This is ultimately leads to many needs being unmet and creates a blind spot in the market which we intend to meet by developing the world's first reusable pregnancy test. If our MVP works according to plan, we seek to employ the same patented methodology onto other diagnostic areas where reusability would be advantageous. Therefore, our innovation has a great potential to disrupt not only the pregnancy testing market, but the immunoassay market in whole.


Watches have, for a long time, been associated with status and tradition. At TRIWA, an acronym for Transforming the Industry of Watches, we want to use the symbolic value and placement of the watch for something more relevant and create modern statement symbols instead of traditional status symbols. By designing watches with stories that transcend style, trends and status we hope to highlight important issues of our time. We are aware that we are not saving the world by making watches, but we like to think of ourselves as norm challengers and innovators in an industry that needs transforming. It’s time for change. We work with innovative materials, organizations and ambassadors that care about making the world a little better. We call this Time for Change. Designed in our creative studio in Stockholm, our collection of watches is designed to last, start conversations and tell stories. Welcome to the world of TRIWA.


Vi hjælper klinikker og patienter med vores komplette og lettilgængelige sundhedsplatform. Star.Cares mission Vi skaber den bedste sundhedsplatform med komplette, tilgængelige og søgbare klinikprofiler. Star.Cares vision Vi accelererer udviklingen henimod et mere effektivt sundhedsvæsen, der skaber værdi for patienter, klinikker og samfundet.

CitizenLab Danmark

CitizenLab, et globalt social impact scale-up firma med hovedkvarter i Bruxelles og tilstedeværelse i Danmark, arbejder på at gøre offentlig beslutningstagning mere samskabende, inkluderende og lydhør. Vores digitale platform bruges allerede af mere end 350 lokale regeringer og organisationer i over 18 lande og letter dialogen mellem kommuner og deres borgere. Siden grundlæggelsen i 2015 har CitizenLab givet 750.000+ borgere en direkte stemme i lokalpolitik, har fået anerkendelse som "Best Social Impact Startup in Europe" og er blevet omtalt i medier som The New York Times og Forbes. CitizenLab søger målrettede talenter til at slutte sig til os på vores mission om at sætte millioner af mennesker i byer og kommuner over hele verden i stand til at forme fremtiden for deres lokalsamfund.