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Showing: 2626 filtered startups


ProtectPipe is a Finnish microbiotechnology company that has developed an innovative microbe solution, which removes organic waste from wastewater systems naturally and with proven efficiency. This is an ecological method of stopping the waste buildup process that causes blockages and corrosion in wastewater systems, and simultaneously preventing harmful waste from entering our delicate waters.


Exero is developing the next century's adaptive sports equipment for people with disabilities. We believe that everyone should have the same possibilities to stay active and live a happy lifestyle. Therefore, we are focusing on making outdoor exercise more accessible and fun. Exero is changing the game of adaptive sports by focusing on design and functionality.


Fingertip is an innovation in digital leadership and collaboration in Microsoft Teams. It makes meetings more efficient, improves decision making, action point follow up, and increases transparency and collaboration. It's the ideal tool for both leaders and teams in small and big organizations. Fingertip collects all the bottlenecks of leading and collaboration into one single experience reducing the need to switch applications and repetitive work. Uniquely it combines the dialog, context and business direction to get things done together. Vast amounts of people are spending most of their day communicating and engaging in Teams. Fingertip helps them to lead their work, teams and organizations in a collaborative, accountable and productive way easily, as part of the daily Teams experience. ​


Vi hjælper idrætsforeninger med at skaffe nye medlemmer. I samarbejde med DGI, har vi udviklet et digitalt værktøj, som gør det nemt at skaffe nye medlemmer til idrætsforeningerne. Vi har indtil videre skaffet over 3.000 nye medlemmer til danske idrætsforeninger. På, kan man søge hold på tværs af idrætsforeningerne, så man kun skal lede et sted. Du kan eksempelvis finde hold for 8-årige, man. og ons. eftermiddage, indenfor 5 km. radius af din bopæl. Når man har fundet et hold man er interesseret i, kan man nemt tilmelde sig en prøvetræning digitalt, uden at skulle ringe til en træner eller administrator. Vi giver også foreningerne mulighed for at besøgende på deres egen hjemmeside kan tilmelde sig digitalt. Hermed er det slut med at ringe og skrive til en administrator for at finde ud af hvornår man kan komme til prøvetræning. Læs mere om vores digitale værktøj på Ca. 80% af danske idrætsforeninger (10.000 foreninger) vil gerne have flere medlemmer, men har svært ved at rekruttere dem. Til disse foreninger tilbyder vi målrettet digital annoncering af deres træninger. Motivu vandt DGI impact (innovationskonkurrence) i 2018 og 2020. Vi har derigennem et stærkt samarbejde med DGI. Vi har en fælles ambition om at få mange flere danskere til at bevæge sig.


Epishine works with product development and marketing of the third generation of solar cells; organic solar cells. The unique qualities of those includes being semitransparent, light weighted and 100% organic resulting in a very low energy payback time.

Next Step Dynamics

Next Step Dynamics’s helps prevent falls among elderly by analyzing balance, strength and sleep using a smart wearable. In Sweden, there is an elderly fall accident every two minutes, causing pain, misery and 24 Billon SEK ($5 Billion) in costs to society every year. The product has been successfully tested on 30 elderlies with great results, saving approx. 8 Million SEK. Our international team of experts have come together on a mission to reduce elderly fall accidents by 70% by the end of 2020.


MindfulHU is an early-stage tech startup from KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, developing solutions for stress reduction through digital mindfulness. Our first product is a device that can imitate human breath and guided breath meditation for mindfulness beginners and people under high stress.


DayCape wants everyone to live in a world where they feel excited about the day ahead of them. For children with autism, the tasks of the upcoming day can seem very intimidating. That’s why we developed a fun and interactive digital image calendar that helps them plan their day and enables them to look forward to the activities scheduled. DayCape is a digital image calendar for children with autism. We hope that it will be a great support in daily life when growing up.

Green Company Effect

Green Company Effect, GCE, is a social media platform focused on sustainability. GCE enables companies to share and make their green and social sustainability actions visible to consumers and business partners. Consumers can easily find what companies are doing and make responsible choices. Companies can liaise with responsible business partners, find new technologies and ideas to make novel innovations and create a more circular economy.


Smartwatt er et software selskap som benytter AI og skyteknologi til å optimalisere styringen og senke energiforbruket i næringsbygg. Vår teknologi identifiserer hvor og hvordan næringsbygg kan optimalisere eksisterende installasjoner for å spare maksimalt med strøm. Smartwatts software benytter maskinlæringsalgoritmer, inneklimadata, værmelding og morgendagens strømpriser til å regne ut optimale driftsparametre for næringsbygg som utveksles automatisk med byggets eksisterende styringssystem. Løsningen installeres raskt i bygget og kundene våre opplever resultater på svært kort tid. Av de 70 bygg som allerede har tatt teknologien i bruk er effekten betydelig og har ført til en besparelse på opptil 30%. Vi er fortsatt i startfasen av vår reise, men har allerede etablert oss som en seriøs aktør og utfordrer i bransjen. Asko, Elkjøp, Elektroimportøren, BI og Møller Bil, er blant kundene som har tatt i bruk Smartwatt sine løsninger, og vi har store ambisjoner. Med sterke investorer i ryggen gjennom en nylig gjennomført finansieringsrunde, ledet av Hafslund Invest og DNV, er vi klare til å fortsette veksten og la flere bedrifter dra nytte av våres løsninger. Smartwatt sitt mål er å bli markedsledende i Norge samtidig som vi vil fortsette å skalere opp i Norden


Vi er en spennende oppstart innen e-helse, og vi jobber med å revolusjonere hvordan folk administrerer sine medisiner. Vårt mål er å øke etterlevelsen av legemidler og dermed forbedre helsen til millioner av mennesker. Vi har nylig mottatt oppstartsstøtte fra Innovasjon Norge og er tilknyttet Kjeller Innovasjons SIVA-støttede inkubator.


we are disrupting an old industry by providing a platform for fund transfers that reduces process time, cost and at the same time minimizes risk. our ambition is to provide an automated digital custodian experience with full range of services for banks and other financial clients, so they can focus on their core value contribution and spend less time with administrative boring tasks. our first step: creating a streamlined solution for the fund transfer process for all stakeholders involved. We achieve this by using blockchain technology with DLT and more tech-savvy stuff


Headquartered in Lund, Joots makes sustainable everyday bags. We supply retailers with made-to-order bags with white labeling. Joots is a family-run business with manufacturing in India. We have been a frontrunner in the Indian jute industry and are recognized as an international leader. Our vision: A jute bag in every hand. At Joots, we prioritize design, quality, and sustainability: Design: Our design language explores the intersection of traditions and modernity. At Joots, we ideate, create, customize, and give brands a voice of their own. Quality: Quality is at the heart of everything we do. Our products are functional, durable, and evoke a sense of mundane beauty. Sustainability: The essence of Joots is rooted in the mantra ‘waste not, want not.’ With sustainability at our core, we produce long-lasting pieces that leave no trace. We look forward to you joining us!

Intertalents in Sweden

We are Intertalents in Sweden, and our mission is to empower foreign-born professionals towards career success in Sweden. We are a team of three co-founders who have a passion for giving international talents a guiding light on integration into the Swedish workforce. Read our story here: We provide high-quality learning material via online courses and e-books that is simple, lean and effective to guide and empower foreign-born professionals towards career success in Sweden. By achieving this we aim to reduce inequalities on the labour market (a foreign-born person is 6 times more likely to be unemployed). Our courses have already shown amazing results. Students are seeing changes for the first time in their circumstances in sometimes years of struggle in Sweden. Over 60% of our testing group saw immediate, tangible, and measurable results within one week of testing our strategies. Out of 11 beta testers with our first course, 4 landed a new job within 1-2 months of completing the course.

Bryte Batteries

Bryte provides buildings owners with clean and profitable energy storage to turn power into profits. Solar installations create new opportunities for commercial and industrial building owners to save money and contribute to a cleaner environment. However, the size of a solar panel system can quickly be limited in size because of regulations where the cost of selling or managing surplus energy outweigh the benefits – unless the surplus is stored in batteries. Bryte uses proprietary flow battery technology to provide building owners with safe and affordable energy storage.