The Swedish Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional
Impairments [Lagen om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade] (LSS) is an
entitlement law that guarantees good living conditions for people with extensive and
permanent functional impairment, ensuring that they receive the help they need in daily
life and that they can influence the support and services they receive.
Boet's goal is to strengthen the individual's influence, participation and self-determination through easily accessible and clear educational support for the individual, which also gives the staff the conditions to provide the right support, in the right way, at the right time.
With Boet, the user can participate and influence the planning and implementation of the intervention.
The staff at recidences with special services are heroes! It is therefore important to protect the resources that are available. Boet gives the staff a tool that facilitates their important work, so that they can in turn do their best to help and support the users.