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Showing: 2662 filtered startups


Trainingpass aims to make it easier for consumers to discover new studios and activities and try them out, while also creating visibility for the studios through the platform.


Långa parkeringstider gör det möjligt att fördela fastighetens befintliga elkapacitet mellan flera fordon.Flera bilar ansluts till en laddpool och tilldelas portionsvis laddning i ett optimerat kösystem. Detta möjliggör att många parkeringsplatser kan utrustas med ladduttag, utan krav på stora investeringar i fastighetens elkapacitet.


Epishine works with product development and marketing of the third generation of solar cells; organic solar cells. The unique qualities of those includes being semitransparent, light weighted and 100% organic resulting in a very low energy payback time.

Duara Travels

Duara is a for-profit venture with a mission to make social impact. We believe travellers want to experience real life and meet local people. Our online platform connects communities in emerging economies with impact-minded travellers and brings value to both. We believe that by choosing the right alternatives travellers can empower communities and drive the development of micro-entrepreneurship. Duara is one of these choices.


FamilyLink develops digital digital aid and communication services for people that, of age and/or neurologic decline, need assistance in their day-to-day life. With the help of our services, these individuals together with their relatives and friends, will have a service that provide an easier everyday life, a better care and ha higher quality of life. Currently, we are at full pace in the development of our first service, that will be launched during 2017.

Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship

The Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship (SSES) is an interdisciplinary convergence of academic universities in Medicine (Karolinska Institute), Technology (KTH), Economics (SSE), Design (Konstfack), and the Humanities (Stockholm University). We have been elevating minds, generating ventures, and inspiring new ways of thinking. Today, we are one of the most influential institutions for entrepreneurship education in the world.


Snabbfoting is an advisor and edtech consulting company that digitizes learning using leading SaaS and on-premises platforms. We are a leader in continuous learning and digital platforms. We advise on strategy, platforms as-a-service, and do implementation. “Snabbfoting” in Swedish roughly translates to “quickfoot”, and is a reference to an agile learning development process that is at the heart of what we do. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you are curious about Snabbfoting.


Diffia is a Norwegian health tech company that creates innovative solutions to help doctors and nurses improve patient care and safety. We are working towards introducing a lightweight application to give clinicians access to the patient data they need, when they need it. A mobile-first product made with the user in mind, integrated into clinical workflow, to help healthcare professionals provide more targeted care - reacting proactively rather than reactively to clinical developments.


Scrintal is an easy-to-use web application to gather, organize & visually connect one's thoughts. So people can think clearly and share their findings—making research a breeze. We’re a super fun and close-knit team in the heart of Stockholm. We have team lunches, fika, afterworks and annual retreats!

Impact Business Modeling System™

We provide Impact Business Modeling System™. It is a startup methodology and coaching process for incubators, accelerators and investors to support their portfolio impact startups in making their sustainable impact measurable, operational, and profitable. We work with incubators, accelerators and VC funds globally, primarily in Europe, eg. Startup Wise Guys, Rockstart, Climentum Capital, Ideon Science Park, Climate Resilient Africa Fund and NEEW Ventures.


Smartwatt er et software selskap som benytter AI og skyteknologi til å optimalisere styringen og senke energiforbruket i næringsbygg. Vår teknologi identifiserer hvor og hvordan næringsbygg kan optimalisere eksisterende installasjoner for å spare maksimalt med strøm. Smartwatts software benytter maskinlæringsalgoritmer, inneklimadata, værmelding og morgendagens strømpriser til å regne ut optimale driftsparametre for næringsbygg som utveksles automatisk med byggets eksisterende styringssystem. Løsningen installeres raskt i bygget og kundene våre opplever resultater på svært kort tid. Av de 70 bygg som allerede har tatt teknologien i bruk er effekten betydelig og har ført til en besparelse på opptil 30%. Vi er fortsatt i startfasen av vår reise, men har allerede etablert oss som en seriøs aktør og utfordrer i bransjen. Asko, Elkjøp, Elektroimportøren, BI og Møller Bil, er blant kundene som har tatt i bruk Smartwatt sine løsninger, og vi har store ambisjoner. Med sterke investorer i ryggen gjennom en nylig gjennomført finansieringsrunde, ledet av Hafslund Invest og DNV, er vi klare til å fortsette veksten og la flere bedrifter dra nytte av våres løsninger. Smartwatt sitt mål er å bli markedsledende i Norge samtidig som vi vil fortsette å skalere opp i Norden


XperiTech is a fast growing travel tech company addressing a digitally lagging multi-billion travel and experience market where demand for digital services is growing fast. XperiTech currently operates the largest platform for anadromous fishing in Europe (Elveguiden) and the largest camping booking platform in Norway (Campio). Both brands are expanding their services to new markets. Through a holistic E2E offering for suppliers and end users XperiTech delivers a high value through a strong value prop for our customer base. Strong performance in 2022, increasing gross merchandise value (GMV) by 67 % and annual recurring revenue (ARR) by 40 % from previous year. Competitive adv. through own unique software that delivers on fit for purpose solutions for both suppliers and end users, synergies between brands and leading expertise in the segments. Potential to further grow organically through accelerating core business and through expanding the core to new markets, customers, and products. M&A can further accelerate strategic and financial ambitions, including accelerating international expansion Experienced management dedicated to further scaling the company

Oncogene AS

The Oncogene AS is a Norwegian startup located at Oslo Cancer Cluster incubator. We are bringing cancer precision medicine into Norwegian market by facilitating cancer gene tests in to clinics and hospitals. We are creating a digital solutions connecting Cancer patients, clinicians, hospitals and companies together. Our business model is B2B and B2C.

Spacelab AS

Spacelab AS is a Norwegian LogTech company. We are creating a SaaS platform with tools and products to optimize the space, weight, and asset utilization in logistics. From creating and visualizing packing plans for shipping containers to asset management systems designed to maximize your asset utilization grade. Assets are underutilized, of the 700 million plus TEU (Twenty Foot Equivalent) shipped globally, only 60 - 70% are utilized, and 30% are shipped empty. Spacelab is envisioning a future where optimization of space and weight, reduces both emissions and cost for a global logistics market. With the current state of the global shipping and logistics industry where prices have increased more than 10X over the past 18 months, and the huge disruptions to supply chain caused by container shortages and lack of transportation assets. We will optimize and aid the situation through digital solutions offering more control and better utilization. Spacelab started because we saw a opportunity to create something new, to aid in breaking down industry silos, and building a platform we truly love to create, with the technology we believe in.

Time to Raise

Time to Raise is a Nordic acceleration program for women-led startups with full focus on fundraising (today in partnership with Microsoft, SEB, Invest Stochkolm and WeWork). Women-led start-ups account for a very small portion of VC funding (0.7% to female-only teams and 7.3 to mixed teams in the Nordics). Despite this, investors are still eager to finance the best female-led endeavours, which is where Time to Raise comes in. We train startups to be pitch-perfect and we introduce their company profiles to investors.